We have an asset management system for government units.
It has its own asset tag ID.

But the asset system can't audit automatically. (Open-Audit can audit automatically, very cool !)

So we want to use Open-Audit as the base system and integrate our asset management system.

Which attribute value in Opne-Audit is appropriate for storing the asset tag ID?

Please help us to solve the problem.
Thanks for your advice.

  1. LMJH-OA-User

    We have added a "additional field".

    The Name of the additional filed is "Asset_Tag_ID", and the type of the additional filed is "varchar".

    We will continue to test and report whether this field is appropriate.

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1 answer


    I've been /afk as it (was) Christmas. I would have replied with "What's wrong with the asset_number attribute?". Asset Number appears on the device details under the Purchase section. It is badly named though. It's actually a 50 character string, not a number.

    1. LMJH-OA-User

      We will use "asset_number" attribute to store "asset tag ID" (I am looking for ways to get the asset tag ID from our asset management system).

      Thanks for your advice.

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