Versions Compared


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This  document explains the most essential installer features.

Table of Contents

Starting the installer

The installer needs to run with root privileges.


  • If you want to perform a simulation run of the installation, use the -n option - the installer will only print what it would do, what files it would copy and so on, but will not perform any of these steps.
  • By default the installer is interactive and will prompt you for decisions and confirmations; If you want to run it in automatic batch mode, use the -y option. In this case all dialogs and prompts are automatically answered 'y'.

Logs and Backups

The installer saves a log of all actions taken, files copied etc. in the installation directory as install.log, ie. normally it'll be in /usr/local/omk/install.log. Subsequent upgrades or installations of other Opmantek products will add to that logfile, so you may very well want to remove or clear the install.log file before upgrading or adding extra software.


  • all the directories that the installer will later copy files to,
  • the conf directory,
  • the old software manifest,
  • and the old install.log.

Software Dependencies

Wherever possible the installer will help you with the installation of any missing software dependencies, using yum or apt-get depending on your operating system platform.


In other cases where the dependency is a "soft" one or where automatic installation isn't an option you will be shown a warning dialog about the missing dependency and the installer will wait until you confirm before continuing.

Product Coexistence, Migration and  Upgrades

Before installing any Opmantek software components, a thorough check of the existing state of your system will be made to ensure that the new product does integrate correctly with other already existing Opmantek products. This check relies on the software manifests stored in the installation directory (default /usr/local/omk) and the product tarball, and thus won't be fully precise if no manifests exist.


For product upgrades the installer will perform the same check and upgrade only the files and modules that are required, taking great care to not damage the function of any other existing Opmantek products. In that case the installer will also recommend a shut down of any Opmantek daemons before the installation commences, so that all files can be copied safely and without negatively affecting running daemons.

Integration and Initial Configuration

After all necessary files have been installed in their appropriate locations the installer will take care of integrating your product with the operating system, web servers and so on.


Code Block
opEvents is Ready for Configuration

This initial installation of opEvents is now complete.

However, to configure and fine-tune the application suitably for
your environment you will need to make certain configuration adjustments.

We highly recommend that you visit the documentation site for opEvents at

The next step is to determine what configuration changes
will be required for your environment.

If you have started the Opmantek and the opEvents daemons,
then your new opEvents dashboard should now be accessible at

If your browser is running on the same machine as opEvents was 
installed onto, this would be http://localhost/omk/opEvents/

installation complete.


  • What's this warning about "incorrect checksum detected"?
    This can happen very infrequently,  if you are installing an older Opmantek application on top of newer ones, or if you've made extensive changes to your system's Opmantek files.
    We strive hard to line up our releases properly so that everything meshes cleanly, but every now and then there are minor changes to files that older installer versions aren't quite aware of.

    In general this warning dialog is safe to answer with 'yes' and the installer will leave your system in a consistent working state (by replacing the unrecognizable/mismatching file with a known good version from the shipped product).
