Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The next step is to ensure the host in question is providing valid data that nfdump can process.  Move to the /var/lib/nfdump directory and look for nfcapd files that end in a datestamp.  The datestamp denotes the time the capture file was started.  Select a file that is likely to contain samples from the host we with to verify and execute the following command.

Code Block
[root@poller001 nfdump]# nfdump -r nfcapd.201707111327 -o raw > ~/raw.txt

Now view the new text file with less or a text editor.  It will provide flow records such as the following.

Code Block
Flow Record: 
  Flags        =              0x00 FLOW, Unsampled
  export sysid =                 1
  size         =                76
  first        =        1499779596 [2017-07-11 22:26:36]
  last         =        1499779596 [2017-07-11 22:26:36]
  msec_first   =               447
  msec_last    =               447
  src addr     =
  dst addr     =
  src port     =             23232
  dst port     =               179
  fwd status   =                 0
  tcp flags    =              0x02 ....S.
  proto        =                 6 TCP  
  (src)tos     =               192
  (in)packets  =                 1
  (in)bytes    =                44
  input        =                 4
  output       =                 0
  src as       =                 0
  dst as       =                 0
  src mask     =                32
  dst mask     =                32
  dst tos      =                 0
  direction    =                 0
  ip next hop  = 
  ip router    =
  engine type  =                 0
  engine ID    =                 0
  received at  =     1499747221750 [2017-07-11 13:27:01.750]

Look for things are are not correct in the flow record.  The following issues have been found in past support cases.

  • input/output:  These fields should be the SNMP index number of the input or output interfaces.
  • first/last:  This is a timestamp that the router assigns.  It's important that the router time is in sync with opFlow time.  opFlow uses this time to calculate statisitcs.  For example, if the router time is an hour earlier than the server time, opFlow will not display the data until the server time catches up with the router time.



omkd Troubleshooting

If mongod is not running omkd will never start. Ever.
