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OMK will use the configured LDAP server to perform authentication

auth_ldap_server => 'host[:port]'
auth_ldap_attr => '' # attributes to match to username, can be blank, then defaults to ('uid','cn')
auth_ldap_context => 'ou=people,dc=opmantek,dc=com', # base of context to attempt to bind to 

ldaps (secure)

OMK will use the configured LDAP server to perform authentication

auth_ldaps_server => 'host[:port]'
auth_ldap_attr => '' # attributes to match to username, can be blank, then defaults to ('uid','cn')
auth_ldap_context => 'ou=people,dc=opmantek,dc=com', # base of context to attempt to bind to 


OMK will use the configured Microsoft Active Directory (LDAP) server to perform authentication

auth_ms_ldap_server => 'host[:port]'
auth_ms_ldaps_server => 'host[:port]'
auth_ms_ldap_dn_acc => '' # the DN/account to bind with
auth_ms_ldap_dn_psw => 'password'
auth_ms_ldap_attr => 'sAMAccountName', # attribute to match to username
auth_ms_ldap_base => 'dc=corp,dc=opmantek,dc=com' # base to search from

ms-ldaps (secure)

OMK will use the configured Microsoft Active Directory (LDAP) server to perform authentication

auth_ms_ldaps_server => 'host[:port]'
auth_ms_ldap_dn_acc => '' # the DN/account to bind with
auth_ms_ldap_dn_psw => 'password'
auth_ms_ldap_attr => 'sAMAccountName', # attribute to match to username
auth_ms_ldap_base => 'dc=corp,dc=opmantek,dc=com' # base to search from


OMK will use the configured radius server (Cisco ACS or Steel Belted Radius for example)

auth_radius_server => 'host:port'
auth_radius_secret => 'secret' 


OMK will use the configured Tacacs+ server (Cisco ACS for example)

auth_tacacs_server => 'host:port'
auth_tacacs_secret => 'secret' # Also known as the "Key"

htpasswdOMK will use the users defined in the OMK Users file, by default /usr/local/omk/conf/users.dat.  Very often /usr/local/omk/conf/users.dat is a symlink pointing to /usr/local/nmis8/conf/users.dat.  The htpasswd user file may be changed by altering the auth_htpasswd_file key in the opCommon.nmis authentication hash.

Configuration of the External Authentications
