Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The examples above specify that the node in question must have an os_info property set, with sub-properties  properties os and version in the first example and just os in the second.


More information on Command Sets can be found HERE

Step 2: Create your Quick Action

Quick Actions

Quick actions are templates for new Virtual Operator jobs, we have shipped four sample jobs but you can create your own. Clicking the quick action button will take you too a new virtual operator screen and fill out the specified fields. The default four jobs are defined in the file: /usr/local/omk/lib/json/opConfig/table_schemas/opConfig_action-elements.json


You can create your own Quick Actions by copying the /usr/local/omk/lib/json/opConfig/table_schemas/opConfig_action-elements.json file to /usr/local/omk/conf/table_schemas/ (you may need to create the table_schemas folder if it does not exist) and then editing it. Available field options are described below.

Code Block






 "Check Disc Space",
   "command_sets": ["






   "buttonLabel": "


Check Space",


   "buttonClass": "btn-primary"



namestringName which is shown at the top of the quick action element
descriptionstringText shown under the quick action name, useful to describe what the action does
command_setsarray of stringsCommand set keys which you wish to be run
nodesarray of stringsNames of nodes which you wish the command sets to be run against
buttonLabelstringText of the run button

Css class applied to the button to colour it.

  • btn-default
  • btn-primary (default, blue)
  • btn-success (green)
  • btn-warning (orange)
  • btn-danger (red)
