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Device Troubleshooting Process

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  1. Identify the problem. The first step in troubleshooting a device issue is to identify the problem, you have to consider if the issue is in NMIS8 or NMIS9 products.
    1. Add to the support the case the product version and the servers/devices/models involved.
  2. What kind of problem are you observing. A device issue can be affected for the next reasons.
    1. Network performance, latency in the network, layer 1,2, and 3 issues.
    2. Device configuration, connectivity, SNMP configuration, and others. 
    3. Server hardware requirements, high resource utilization parameters in the server.
    4. Server configuration options, missing configuration items for server tunning.
    5. Disk performance, slow write/read times for the device collection. 
  3. Gather information, collect all the graphs, images, behaviors that can explain what the problem is.
    1. Collect support tool files The Opmantek Support Tool
      1. Execute the collect command for the support tool

        Code Block
        #General collection.
        /usr/local/nmis8/admin/ action=collect  
        #If the file is big, we can add the next parameter.
        /usr/local/nmis8/admin/ action=collect maxzipsize=900000000
        #Device collection.
        /usr/local/nmis8/admin/ action=collect node=<node_name> maxzipsize=900000000

    2. If you are using NMIS8, provide the /usr/local/nmis8/var files
      1. go to /usr/local/nmis8/var directory and collect the next files

        Code Block
        -rw-rw----   1 nmis   nmis    4292 Apr  5 18:26 <node_name>-node.json
        -rw-rw----   1 nmis   nmis    2695 Apr  5 18:26 <node_name>-view.json

      2. obtain update/collect outputs this information will upload to the support case:

        Code Block
        /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=update node=<node_name> model=true debug=9 force=true > /tmp/node_name_update_$(hostname).log
        /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=collect node=<node_name> model=true debug=9 force=true > /tmp/node_name_collect_$(hostname).log

  4. Replicate the problem. If possible you have to define, what the steps are to replicate the problem.
  5. Identify symptoms. To this point, you are able to see a specific problem and what the symptoms are.
  6. Determinate if something has changed, is important to verify with your team if something has changed, a good way to see this behavior is monitoring the performance graph for devices and server


You will be able to visualize device graphs with gaps, this is an example of how to recognize this behavior.



NMIS Polling Summary (menúmenu: System > System> Host Diagnostics> NMIS Polling Summary)

El resumen de poleo que proporciona Nmis es muy útil, ya que en el podremos ver los detalles de tiempo de colección de los nodos, nodos activos, nodos colectados, etc,. Estos valores deben de estar acorde a los numero de nodos monitoreados, asi mismo el tiempo de colección debe estar entre el rango de minutos configurados en el cron de nmisThe Polling Summary that Nmis provides is very useful, since in it we can see the details of the collection time of the nodes, active nodes, collected nodes, etc. These values must be according to the number of monitored nodes, likewise the collection time must be within the range of minutes configured in the nmis crond.

Network Metrics and Health (menúmenu: Network Status > Status> Network Metrics and Health.)

Aquí podremos validar la disponibilidad del servidor, estado de salud y alcance, estos valores debe de estar por encima de 60 para considerar que se esta trabajando bien, aquí se ven cortes por lo que indica que no se colecto información en ese lapso de tiempo.

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Configuracion de archivo Cron (nmis) y Config.nmis

Aquí se procederá a verificar la configuracion de colección de datos hacia los dispositivos, por lo que validamos los parámetros de Collect, maxthreads y mthread.

Here we can validate the availability of the server, health status and scope, these values must be above 60 to consider that it is working well, here there are cuts so it indicates that information was not collected in that period of time.

Image Added

Crond file configuration (nmis) and Config.nmis

Here we will proceed to verify the data collection configuration towards the devices, so we validate the Collect, maxthreads and mthread parameters.

In the nmis Cron file we see the followingEn el archivo Cron de nmis vemos lo siguiente:

Code Block
titleCrond NMIS
# NMIS8 Config

# Run Full Statistics Collection
*/5 * * * *     root     /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=collect maxthreads=100 mthread=true
*/5 * * * *     root     /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=services mthread=true
# ######################################################

# Optionally run a more frequent Services-only Collection
# */3 * * * *   root     /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=services mthread=true


# Run Summary Update every 2 minutes
*/2 * * * *     root     /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=summary

Procedemos a verificar que el valor del mthread este activado y que el maxthreads tenga en mismo valor en el archivo Config.nmisWe proceed to verify that the mthread value is activated and that the maxthreads has the same value in the Config.nmis file

Code Block
titleSección Config.nmis
    'nmis_group' => 'nmis',
    'nmis_host' => '',
    'nmis_host_protocol' => 'http',
    'nmis_maxthreads' => '100',
    'nmis_mthread' => 'false',
    'nmis_summary_poll_cycle' => 'false',
    'nmis_user' => 'nmis',

Podemos ver que el valor mthread esta desactivado y que el valor maxthreads si corresponde al mismo declarado en el cron de nmis, por lo que se procede a activarlo y a realizar un update y collect al nodoWe can see that the mthread value is deactivated and that the maxthreads value does correspond to the same one declared in the nmis cron, so we proceed to activate it and perform an update and collect to the node.

Code Block
/usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=update node=<Name_Node> force=true

/usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=collect node=<Name_Node> force=true

Nota: Si estos valores declarados en el cron y en el archivo Conf.nmis no funcionan se recomienda realizar lo siguienteNote: If these values ​​declared in the cron and in the Conf.nmis file do not work, it is recommended to do the following:

Code Block
titleExample Crond
# Ejemplo 1:
/usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=collect abort_after=300 mthread=true maxthreads=100 ignore_running=true

# Ejemplo 2
/usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=collect abort_after=240 mthread=true maxthreads=100 ignore_running=true

El valor del parámetro maxthreads (se recomienda probar entre The value of the maxthreads parameter (it is recommended to try between 50, 80 y and 100) debe ser el mismo en ambos archivos must be the same in both files (cron nmis y and conf.nmis)

Aplicar los comandos de Update y Collect al termino de cada prueba y verificar el comportamiento en la GUI de NMIS, esto consiste en revisar las gráficas de Apply the Update and Collect commands at the end of each test and verify the behavior in the NMIS GUI, this consists of reviewing the NMIS Runtime Graph, Network_summary y and Polling_summary.

Health Check 
