Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Request Method


URL Example

id required


GETread list /server/omk/admin/v3v2/outagesnReturns a list of Outages.
GETread one /server/omk/admin/v3v2/outages/idyReturns the details of one Outage .
POSTcreate one/server/omk/admin/v3v2/outagesnCreate an Outage for given node or element
PUTupdate one/server/omk/admin/v3v2/outages/yEdit an already existing outage data
DELETEdelete one/server/omk/admin/v3v2/outages/idyDelete an existing outage


Form data:

  • username
  • password

GET of /


v2/outages for List

GET http[s]://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3v2/outages

If your GET call provides an Accept header indicating JSON, or if you use a .json suffix, eg /v3v2/outages.json as URI, then It will look for matching Outages and return their properties in the form of a JSON object, an array of Outages.


GET http://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3v2/outages

Returns a list of outages.


Code Block
        "change_id": "ticket #1234",
        "current": "current",
        "description": "Emergency outage",
        "element": [
                "element_name": "Vlan2",
                "node_name": "Switch-1"
                "element_name": "regex:^Vlan.*?$",
                "node_name": "Switch-2"
        "end": 1684156863,
        "frequency": "once",
        "id": "0ea7644e-b6fa-4fa2-9b33-a86b79db21a4",
        "nodes": {
            "name": [
        "options": {},
        "start": 1683811263
        "change_id": "Outage_123_AT_OPTESTS",
        "current": null,
        "description": "Emergency outage",
        "end": 1683825925,
        "frequency": "once",
        "id": "ea7a3a94-f056-432f-91c5-9f39eee7c706",
        "nodes": {
            "name": [
        "options": {},
        "start": 1646918463

GET of /


v2/outages/<id> for Read

If your GET call provides an accept header indicating application/json or if you use /en/omk/admin/api/v3v2/outages/<id>.json as URI, then the Outage will be looked up and all properties will be returned in the form of a JSON object.


GET http://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3v2/outages/#ID

Ex. http://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3v2/outages/0ea7644e-b6fa-4fa2-9b33-a86b79db21a4


Code Block
    "change_id": "ticket #1234",
    "current": "current",
    "description": "Emergency outage",
    "element": [
            "element_name": "Vlan2",
            "node_name": "Switch-1"
            "element_name": "regex:^Vlan.*?$",
            "node_name": "Switch-2"
    "end": 1684156863,
    "frequency": "once",
    "id": "0ea7644e-b6fa-4fa2-9b33-a86b79db21a4",
    "nodes": {},
    "options": {},
    "start": 1683811263

POST of /


v2/outages/ for Create

Create an Outage by sending a pay-load JSON object and this will create an Outage on your system and send an appropriate response.


HTTP Status



400 Bad RequestJSON object with an error propertyThe error property contains an explanation of what went wrong
with your request, e.g. if your payload is of wrong format to create an  Outage.
401 UnauthorizedJSON object with an error propertyYou are not authenticated.
404 Not FoundJSON object with an error propertyYou are authenticated but not authorised to create an Outage.

Create Outage
POST  http://server/en/omk/admin/api/



Returns 201 if the outage was successfully created.


Code Block
    "id": "0ea7644e-b6fa-4fa2-9b33-a86b79db21a4",
    "success": 1

PUT of /


v2/outages/<id> for Update

Create an Outage by sending a pay-load JSON object and this will create an Outage on your system and receive an appropriate response.


PUT http://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3v2/outages/#ID

Returns 200 if the outage was successfully updated.


Code Block
    "id": "0ea7644e-b6fa-4fa2-9b33-a86b79db21a4",
    "success": 1

Delete of /


v2/outages/<id> for Create

Create an Outage by sending a pay-load JSON object and This will create an Outage on your system and receive an appropriate response.


DELETE http://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3v2/outages/0ea7644e-b6fa-4fa2-9b33-a86b79db21a4


Code Block