Versions Compared


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*Should Debian 10 install fail with this error, 
'The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY',
please run the following commands to install the needed GPG Keys and reinstall:

Code Block
sudo -i
apt-get install dirmngr||apt-get install dirmngr||:;
NEED_KEYS=$(apt-get update -qq 2>&1|sed 's!\s\(NO_PUBKEY\s\+[A-Z0-9]\+\)\+!\n\1!g'|grep NO_PUBKEY|tr ' ' '\n'|grep -v NO_PUBKEY)
for KEY in ${NEED_KEYS}; do apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys "${KEY}"||:;done;type wget >/dev/null 2>&1 && GIMMEKEY="wget -q -T 20 -O -" || GIMMEKEY="curl -L -s -m 20"
$GIMMEKEY | apt-key add -

**CentOS 8 support has been withdrawn due to CentOS 8 being end of maintenance in 31 Dec 2021, your CentOS target should be CentOS 7


*Should Debian 10 install fail with this error, 
'The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY',
please run the following commands to install the needed GPG Keys and reinstall:

Code Block
sudo -i
apt-get install dirmngr||apt-get install dirmngr||:;
NEED_KEYS=$(apt-get update -qq 2>&1|sed 's!\s\(NO_PUBKEY\s\+[A-Z0-9]\+\)\+!\n\1!g'|grep NO_PUBKEY|tr ' ' '\n'|grep -v NO_PUBKEY)
for KEY in ${NEED_KEYS}; do apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys "${KEY}"||:;done;type wget >/dev/null 2>&1 && GIMMEKEY="wget -q -T 20 -O -" || GIMMEKEY="curl -L -s -m 20"
$GIMMEKEY | apt-key add -

**CentOS 8 is not supported due to CentOS 8 being end of maintenance in 31 Dec 2021, your CentOS target should be CentOS 7
