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Opmantek products include a sophisticated installation system which automates the installation of all dependant packages and libraries.  Using the Operating System provided patching system  (yum, apt-get, etc) is the recommended way of installing and maintaining your Opmantek server.

If your servers do not have a connection to the internet, you should have some method in place for them to access the repositories, through proxy or local mirrors.  Opmantek has documented several very easy techniques for patching linux servers, you can find the details here: Virtual Machine Maintenance: Updating Software

Table of Contents

Regarding Dependancies

This document is a list of the required modules and packages for all of our software, it may or may not be kept up to date but it is current as of 7 May 2015 AEST.Opmantek is committed to keeping this document up to date and we would welcome you let us know or any corrections or errors you might find.

Opmantek list our dependancies, each of the packages we depend on may or may not depend on other packages, e.g. we require RRDTool for NMIS and RRDTool requires many other graphics libraries to do its magic.  

Dependancies are extracted from the source in /usr/local/opmojo/bin/installer_hooks/*dependenciestocdependancies

Common Packages and Modules


Details about installation are in MongoDB installationInstallation, for Red Hat and CentOS it should be downloaded from and installed as per our documenation.


Many perl packages can be installed from YUM, the others from CPAN, the list of packages can be extracted by running /usr/local/nmis8/admin/, provide the location of NMIS source.  Many of the required libraries listed are included with Perl itself.

CGI /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 3.64 CGI::Carp /usr/local/activeperl/lib/CGI/ 2.0 CGI::Pretty /usr/local/activeperl/lib/CGI/ 3.64 Carp /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 1.06 Cwd /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 3.40 DBI /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 1.630 Data::Dumper /usr/local/activeperl/lib/Data/Dumper.p 2.145 DirHandle /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 1.04 Errno /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 1.15 Exporter /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 5.68 Fcntl /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 1.11 File::Basename /usr/local/activeperl/lib/File/Basename 2.84 File::Copy /usr/local/activeperl/lib/File/ 2.23 File::Find /usr/local/activeperl/lib/File/ 1.20 File::Path /usr/local/activeperl/lib/File/ 2.09 File::Spec /usr/local/activeperl/lib/File/ 3.40 File::Temp /usr/local/activeperl/lib/File/ 0.2304 File::stat /usr/local/activeperl/lib/File/ 1.05 FindBin /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 1.51 GD::Graph::area /usr/local/activeperl/lib/GD/Graph/area 1.17 Getopt::Std /usr/local/activeperl/lib/Getopt/ 1.07 IO::Handle /usr/local/activeperl/lib/IO/ 1.33 IO::Socket::SSL /usr/local/activeperl/lib/IO/Socket/SSL 1.962 LWP::Simple /usr/local/activeperl/lib/LWP/ 6.00 List::Util /usr/local/activeperl/lib/List/ 1.35 Net::Ping /usr/local/activeperl/lib/Net/ 2.41 Net::hostent /usr/local/activeperl/lib/Net/hostent.p 1.01 POSIX /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 1.30 Socket /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 2.013 Storable /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 2.45 Sys::Hostname /usr/local/activeperl/lib/Sys/Hostname. 1.1601 Sys::Syslog /usr/local/activeperl/lib/Sys/ 0.33 Time::HiRes /usr/local/activeperl/lib/Time/ 1.9726 Time::Local /usr/local/activeperl/lib/Time/ 1.2300 URI /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 1.60 URI::Escape /usr/local/activeperl/lib/URI/ 3.31 URI::QueryParam /usr/local/activeperl/lib/URI/QueryPara base /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 2.18 lib /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 0.63 strict /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 1.07 vars /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 1.02 version /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 0.9904 warnings /usr/local/activeperl/lib/ 1.13 Authen::Simple::RADIUS /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Authen/S 0.1 Authen::TacacsPlus /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Authen/T 0.24 Crypt::PasswdMD5 /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Crypt/Pa 1.40 JSON::XS /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/JSON/XS. 2.0 Net::DNS /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Net/DNS. 0.75 Net::LDAP /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Net/LDAP 0.62 Net::SMTPS /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Net/SMTP 0.03 Net::SNMP /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Net/SNMP 5.6.0 Net::SNPP /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Net/SNPP 1.17 Proc::ProcessTable /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Proc/Pro 0.50 Proc::Queue /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Proc/Que 1.23 SOAP::Lite /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/SOAP/Lit 1.14 Statistics::Lite /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Statisti 3.2 Test::Deep::NoTest /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Test/Dee Time::ParseDate /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/Time/Par 2013.1113 UUID::Tiny /usr/local/activeperl/site/lib/UUID/Tin 1.04 RRDs /usr/local/rrdtool/lib/perl/5.16.3/x86_ 1.4007
Code Block
Time::HiRes JSON::XS Net::DNS Net::SMTPS Net::SNMP Net::SNPP Data::Dumper UUID::Tiny Time::ParseDate Statistics::Lite Crypt::PasswdMD5 Proc::Queue Proc::ProcessTable Test::Deep::NoTest

The following Perl Modules are Optional depending on what Authentiction features people require.

Code Block
Net::LDAP Net::LDAPS IO::Socket::SSL Crypt::UnixCrypt Authen::TacacsPlus Authen::Simple::RADIUS

Installing RRDTool as per the installation guide will result in the RRDs perl library being created.

The perl libraries SNMP_util and SNMP_Session are included in the NMIS install folder /usr/local/nmis8/install/SNMP_Session-1.12.tar.gz


Code Block
mysql mysql-server httpd php php-cli php-mysql php-ldap php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-process php-snmp php-xml nmap zip curl wget sshpass screen samba-client logrotate perl-Time-modules

Debian/Ubuntu Packages

Code Block
mysql-server apache2 apache2-utils libapache2-mod-proxy-html libapache2-mod-php5 openssh-client php5 php5-ldap php5-mcrypt php5-mysql php5-snmp nmap zip wget curl sshpass screen smbclient logrotate libtime-modules-perl

Opmantek Modules

The following are the merged list of modules required for all Opmantek Applications, as many are common.  If NMIS is installed on this server, then with the exception of MongoDB and MySQL, all these packages should already be present.


Code Block
httpd httpd-tools rrdtool logrotate fping

Debian/Ubuntu Packages

Code Block
apache2 rrdtool apache2-utils logrotate fping


Code Block
httpd httpd-tools freetds unixODBC rrdtool logrotate

Debian/Ubuntu Packages

Code Block
apache2 rrdtool apache2-utils unixodbc odbcinst tdsodbc logrotate


Code Block
httpd httpd-tools logrotate ntp

Debian/Ubuntu Packages

Code Block
apache2 apache2-utils logrotate ntp


Code Block
httpd httpd-tools logrotate ntp

Debian/Ubuntu Packages

Code Block
apache2 apache2-utils logrotate ntp


Code Block
httpd httpd-tools logrotate

Debian/Ubuntu Packages

Code Block
apache2 apache2-utils logrotate


opFlow Installation Guide

MongoDB is required.

You will need to compile the NetFlow Daemon flowd, the source code is included with opFlow.

CentOS/Red Hat YUM Packages

Code Block

Debian/Ubuntu Packages

Code Block


CentOS/Red Hat YUM Packages

Code Block
httpd httpd-tools rrdtool logrotate

Debian/Ubuntu Packages

Code Block
apache2 rrdtool apache2-utils logrotate


MySQL is required.

CentOS/Red Hat YUM Packages

Code Block
mysql mysql-server


MongoDB is required.

CentOS/Red Hat YUM Packages

Code Block
httpd httpd-tools rrdtool logrotate

Debian/Ubuntu Packages

Code Block
apache2 rrdtool apache2-utils logrotate

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