Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Move the tar archive opReports-3.4.1-standalone.tar.gz, provided by Opmantek for this purpose, to /opt/ directory on server to be deployed to; 
  • Then deploy:

    Code Block
    cd /opt/
    # sudo mv /tmp/opReports-3.4.1-standalone.tar.gz /opt/
    # uncompress to ./omk/ and set owner and group on directory structure
    sudo tar -xzvf opReports-3.4.1-standalone.tar.gz
    sudo chown -R root:nmis /opt/omk/
    # verify
    cd omk/
    ls -lah
    total 52K
    drwxr-xr-x. 9 root nmis 4.0K Mar 30 00:36 .
    drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 4.0K Mar 30 20:06 ..
    drwxrwsr-x. 3 root nmis 4.0K Mar 29 02:21 bin
    drwxr-xr-x. 3 root nmis 4.0K Mar 30 00:06 conf
    drwxr-xr-x. 4 root nmis 4.0K Mar 30 16:57 install
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root nmis  16K Mar 29 22:09 LICENSE
    drwxr-xr-x. 2 root nmis 4.0K Mar 30 00:40 log
    drwxr-xr-x. 3 root nmis 4.0K Mar 29 22:09 public
    drwxr-xr-x. 8 root nmis 4.0K Mar 29 22:42 templates
    drwxr-xr-x. 3 root nmis 4.0K Mar 30 00:40 var
    # verify bin directory
    ls -lah bin/
    total 136M
    drwxrwsr-x. 3 root nmis 4.0K Mar 29 02:21 .
    drwxr-xr-x. 9 root nmis 4.0K Mar 30 00:36 ..
    drwxr-sr-x. 2 root nmis 4.0K Mar 29 02:21 install
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root nmis   23 Mar 30 20:06 oplicense-cli-standalone.exe -> opmantek-standalone.exe
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root nmis   23 Mar 30 20:06 -> opmantek-standalone.exe
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root nmis 136M Mar 26 01:53 opmantek-standalone.exe
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root nmis   23 Mar 30 20:06 -> opmantek-standalone.exe
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root nmis   23 Mar 30 20:06 opreports-cli-standalone.exe -> opmantek-standalone.exe
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root nmis   23 Mar 30 20:06 -> opmantek-standalone.exe
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root nmis   23 Mar 30 20:06 opreports-scheduler-standalone.exe -> opmantek-standalone.exe
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root nmis   23 Mar 30 20:06 -> opmantek-standalone.exe
    # clean
    sudo rm opReports-3.4.1-standalone.tar.gz
    # copy our proxy config into position:
    #	on Debian or Ubuntu we would now:
    #		sudo cp install/05omk-standalone-proxy.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/
    #		# newer apache: different location, and use a2enmod
    #		[ -d "/etc/apache2/conf-available" ] && sudo cp /etc/apache2/conf.d/05omk-standalone-proxy.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/
    #		[ -d "/etc/apache2/conf-available" ] && sudo a2enmod proxy
    #		[ -d "/etc/apache2/conf-available" ] && sudo a2enmod proxy_http
    #		[ -d "/etc/apache2/conf-available" ] && sudo a2enmod headers
    #		[ -d "/etc/apache2/conf-available" ] && sudo a2enconf 05omk-standalone-proxy.conf
    #		sudo service apache2 restart
    # but we are on Centos, so:
    sudo cp install/05omk-standalone-proxy.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/
    sudo service httpd restart
    # set up the opReports 3.4.1 cron-jobs
    # first we verify current status:
    sudo ls -lah /etc/cron.d/
    total 36K
    drwxr-xr-x.  2 root root 4.0K Mar 30 21:04 .
    drwxr-xr-x. 75 root root 4.0K Mar 30 17:59 ..
    -rw-r--r--.  1 root root  113 Aug 23  2016 0hourly
    -rw-r--r--.  1 root root 1.6K Mar 29 00:24 nmis
    -rw-r--r--.  1 root root  168 Mar 29 00:55 oplicense
    -rw-r--r--.  1 root root  164 Mar 29 00:55 opreports
    -rw-------.  1 root root  108 Jan 26  2017 raid-check
    -rw-------.  1 root root  235 Jun 26  2018 sysstat
    # opicense-standalone cron file
    sudo cp install/cron.d/oplicense-standalone /etc/cron.d/
    # we replace the opReports 3.2.0 cron file with the opReports 3.4.1 copy - that executes opReports 3.4.1 executable:
    sudo mv -f /etc/cron.d/opreports /usr/local/omk/install/cron.d/opreports_WAS_ACTIVE
    sudo cp -f install/cron.d/opreports /etc/cron.d/opreports
    # verify:
    sudo cat /etc/cron.d/opreports 
    # this cron schedule runs the opReports scheduler every 5 minutes
    # m h dom month dow user command
    */5 * * * *   root /opt/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler-standalone.exe
    # cleanup by disabling opReports 3.2.0 cli executable
    sudo mv /usr/local/omk/bin/opreports-cli.exe /usr/local/omk/bin/opreports-cli.exe.DISABLED
    sudo rm /usr/local/omk/bin/
    # cleanup by disabling opReports 3.2.0 schedulter executable
    sudo mv /usr/local/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler.exe /usr/local/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler.exe.DISABLED
    sudo rm /usr/local/omk/bin/
    # run the opreports 3.4.1 scheduler manually to verify all ok
    sudo /opt/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler-standalone.exe --debug=1
    # run the opreports 3.4.1 cli manually to verify all ok - note we are generating report at opReports 3.2.0 directory /usr/local/omk/var/reports/on-demand/
    sudo ./bin/opreports-cli-standalone.exe type=config start_date="now - 7 days" end_date="now" node_regex=.* format=html format=csv format=xlsx output_dir=/usr/local/omk/var/reports/on-demand/ debug=1

Food for thought: Experimental (untested) suggestions


  1. Implement the omkd-standalone service on port 8043:

    Code Block
    # set up init.d service (opReports-3.4.1-standalone.tar.gz was built on a VM with systemd
    # - hence the '.bak' in filename at this stage: install/omkd-standalone.init.d.bak)
    # - we copy to /etc/init.d and rename file to omkd-standalone
    sudo cp install/omkd-standalone.init.d.bak /etc/init.d/omkd


  1. -standalone
    # on Debian or Ubuntu we would now:
    #		sudo update-rc.d omkd-standalone defaults
    # but we are on Centos, so:
    sudo chkconfig --add omkd-standalone
    sudo chkconfig omkd-standalone on
    sudo service omkd-standalone start

  2. This suggestion requires implementation of omkd-standalone service on port 8043 as per Point 1. immediately above.
    This suggestion should integrate omkd.service and omkd-standalone service better - with opReports 3.4.1 seamlessly replacing opReports 3.2 in the GUI.
    Replaces /etc/apache2/conf.d/05omk-standalone-proxy.conf with this /etc/apache2/conf.d/03omk-standalone-proxy.conf

    Code Block
    sudo rm /etc/apache2/conf.d/05omk-standalone-proxy.conf
    # this is one copy and paste command - up to 'EOF' about 3 lines from the end of this code block:
    sudo cat > /etc/httpd/conf.d/03omk-standalone-proxy.conf <<EOF
    ## For more information on the listed Apache features please consult:
    # Don't forget to restart the daemon if you make changes to this configuration file1
    # apachectl restart
    <IfModule mod_proxy.c>
    ProxyRequests off
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    # if you are using the Opmantek applications behind an ssl-terminating apache vhost,
    # then you should adjust the vhost configuration to add this header but with 
    # protocol "https". 
    # The Opmantek applications are location- and protocol-independent in almost all cases.
    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "http"
    <Location "/omk/opReports">
        ProxyPass http://localhost:8043/omk/opReports retry=5
        ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8043/omk/opReports
                    ErrorDocument 503 '<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60"></head><body><h1>Temporary Service Interruption</h1>The requested OMK page should be back soon. This page will automaticall$
    <Location "/omk">
        ProxyPass http://localhost:8042/omk retry=5
        ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8042/omk
                   ErrorDocument 503 '<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60"></head><body><h1>Temporary Service Interruption</h1>The requested OMK page should be back soon. This page will automaticall$
    # the first location directive only covers /omk and /omk/something,
    # not /omk.json
    <Location "/omk.json">
        ProxyPass http://localhost:8043/omk.json retry=5
        ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8043/omk.json
    <Location "/es/omk/opReports">
        ProxyPass http://localhost:8043/es/omk/opReports retry=5
        ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8043/es/omk/opReports
    		ErrorDocument 503 '<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60"></head><body><h1>Temporary Service Interruption</h1>The requested OMK page should be back soon. This page will automatically reload in 60 seconds.</body></html>'
    <Location "/en/omk/opReports">
        ProxyPass http://localhost:8043/en/omk/opReports retry=5
        ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8043/en/omk/opReports
    		ErrorDocument 503 '<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60"></head><body><h1>Temporary Service Interruption</h1>The requested OMK page should be back soon. This page will automatically reload in 60 seconds.</body></html>'
    <Location "/pt/omk/opReports">
        ProxyPass http://localhost:8043/pt/omk/opReports retry=5
        ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8043/pt/omk/opReports
    		ErrorDocument 503 '<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60"></head><body><h1>Temporary Service Interruption</h1>The requested OMK page should be back soon. This page will automatically reload in 60 seconds.</body></html>'
    <Location "/es">
        ProxyPass http://localhost:8042/es retry=5
        ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8042/es
    		ErrorDocument 503 '<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60"></head><body><h1>Temporary Service Interruption</h1>The requested OMK page should be back soon. This page will automatically reload in 60 seconds.</body></html>'
    <Location "/en">
        ProxyPass http://localhost:8042/en retry=5
        ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8042/en
    		ErrorDocument 503 '<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60"></head><body><h1>Temporary Service Interruption</h1>The requested OMK page should be back soon. This page will automatically reload in 60 seconds.</body></html>'
    <Location "/pt">
        ProxyPass http://localhost:8042/pt retry=5
        ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8042/pt
    		ErrorDocument 503 '<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60"></head><body><h1>Temporary Service Interruption</h1>The requested OMK page should be back soon. This page will automatically reload in 60 seconds.</body></html>'
    # this is the end of the above copy and paste command - which starts with 'sudo cat > /etc/httpd/conf.d/03omk-standalone-proxy.conf <<EOF'
    # restart Apache
    sudo service httpd restart

How opReports-3.4.1-standalone.tar.gz was built


  • Install NMIS8 at /usr/local/nmis8 on a new VM with desired operating system created for the purpose of assembling opReports-3.4.1-standalone.tar.gz
  • Install the needed version of opReports at the default install directory /usr/local/omk
  • Create our custom install of opReports at /opt/omk

    Code Block
    cd /opt
    sudo cp -rf /usr/local/omk /opt
    sudo chown -R root:nmis /opt/omk
    cd /opt/omk/
    # make sure we are in /opt/omk/
    # clean up
    sudo rm -rf ./{log/*,var/*,bin,lib/,script/,manifest,install.log}
    # fetch specially built standalone binaries and uncompress to /opt/omk/bin-standalone/ directory - which we then rename to ./bin/ directory:
    sudo tar -xzvf opReports-3.4.1-bin-standalone.tar.gz
    sudo rm opReports-3.4.1-bin-standalone.tar.gz
    sudo mv bin-standalone bin
    # verify the files we are going to edit (change direcvtorydirectory from /usr/local/omk to /opt/omk)
    sudo grep -arRnF "/usr/local/omk" /opt/omk/
    /opt/omk/install/cron.d/opreports:4:*/5 * * * *   root /usr/local/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler.exe
    /opt/omk/install/cron.d/oplicense:4:8 5 * * *	root	/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=refresh_bundle_licenses quiet=1
    /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis:27:    '<omk_base>' => '/usr/local/omk',
    /opt/omk/install/omkd.service:20:ExecStart=/usr/local/omk/script/ -f -p /var/run/ -r
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/example_snapshot.json:6:	"outputdir" : "/usr/local/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/health-businesshours.json:10:  "outputdir" : "/usr/local/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/monthly_qos.json:11:  "outputdir" : "/usr/local/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/weekend.json:11:  "outputdir" : "/usr/local/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/daily.json:16:  "outputdir" : "/usr/local/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/util_oneoff.json:12:  "outputdir" : "/usr/local/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis:35:    '<omk_base>' => '/usr/local/omk',
    /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis.prepatch:27:    '<omk_base>' => '/usr/local/omk',
    /opt/omk/conf/omkd.service:20:ExecStart=/usr/local/omk/script/ -f -p /var/run/ -r
    /opt/omk/conf/schedule/example_snapshot.json:84:   "outputdir" : "/usr/local/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/conf/schedule/health-businesshours.json:13:   "outputdir" : "/usr/local/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/conf/schedule/monthly_qos.json:2:   "outputdir" : "/usr/local/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/conf/schedule/weekend.json:25:   "outputdir" : "/usr/local/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/conf/schedule/daily.json:28:   "outputdir" : "/usr/local/omk/var/reports"
    /opt/omk/conf/schedule/util_oneoff.json:10:   "outputdir" : "/usr/local/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/templates/unauthorised.html.ep:37:% my $log_dir = $self->config->{'<omk_logs>'} || "/usr/local/omk/logs/";
    /opt/omk/templates/unauthorised.html.ep:38:% my $conf_dir = $self->config->{'<omk_conf>'} || "/usr/local/omk/conf";
    /opt/omk/templates/unauthorised.html.ep:39:% my $base_dir = $self->config->{'<omk_base>'} || "/usr/local/omk/";
    /opt/omk/templates/exception.html.ep:38:% my $log_dir = $self->config->{'<omk_logs>'} || "/usr/local/omk/logs/";
    /opt/omk/templates/exception.html.ep:39:% my $conf_dir = $self->config->{'<omk_conf>'} || "/usr/local/omk/conf";
    /opt/omk/templates/exception.html.ep:40:% my $base_dir = $self->config->{'<omk_base>'} || "/usr/local/omk/";
    /opt/omk/templates/not_found.production.html.ep:38:% my $log_dir = $self->config->{'<omk_logs>'} || "/usr/local/omk/logs/";
    /opt/omk/templates/not_found.production.html.ep:39:% my $conf_dir = $self->config->{'<omk_conf>'} || "/usr/local/omk/conf";
    /opt/omk/templates/not_found.production.html.ep:40:% my $base_dir = $self->config->{'<omk_base>'} || "/usr/local/omk/";
    # edit the above files:
    sudo sh -c 'grep -arRnFl "/usr/local/omk" /opt/omk/|while read LINE; do sed -i "s!/usr/local/omk!/opt/omk!g" "${LINE}";done;'
    # verify all files have been edited - returns nothing if all references to /usr/local/omk have been corrected to /opt/omk
    sudo grep -arRnF "/usr/local/omk" /opt/omk/
    # edit executasble names in /opt/omk/install directory - our executables are all changed from to and old.exe to old-standalone.exe:
    # verify the files that may need editing:sudo grep -arRnF "/opt/omk" /opt/omk/install/
    /opt/omk/install/cron.d/opreports:4:*/5 * * * *   root /opt/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler.exe
    /opt/omk/install/cron.d/oplicense:4:8 5 * * *	root	/opt/omk/bin/ act=refresh_bundle_licenses quiet=1
    /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis:27:    '<omk_base>' => '/opt/omk/',
    /opt/omk/install/omkd.service:20:ExecStart=/opt/omk/script/ -f -p /var/run/ -r
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/example_snapshot.json:6:	"outputdir" : "/opt/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/health-businesshours.json:10:  "outputdir" : "/opt/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/monthly_qos.json:11:  "outputdir" : "/opt/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/weekend.json:11:  "outputdir" : "/opt/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/daily.json:16:  "outputdir" : "/opt/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/util_oneoff.json:12:  "outputdir" : "/opt/omk/var/reports",
    # edit the daemons at /opt/omk/install/*.service*
    sudo sh -c "echo \"$(for DAEMON in 'opchartsd' 'opconfigd' 'opeventsd' 'opflowd'; do sudo sed -i 's!/'"${DAEMON}"'\.!/'"${DAEMON}"'-standalone.!g' "/opt/omk/install/${DAEMON}.service"*;done;)\";"
    sudo sed -i -e 's!/script/!/bin/!g' -e 's!opmantek\.pl!!g' -e 's!opmantek\.exe!opmantek-standalone.exe!g' /opt/omk/install/omkd.service;
    sudo sed -i -e 's!/script/!/bin/!g' -e 's!opmantek\.pl!!g' -e 's!opmantek\.exe!opmantek-standalone.exe!g' /opt/omk/install/omkd.init*;
    # edit cronjobs
    sudo sed -i -e 's!/opt/omk/bin/!/opt/omk/bin/!g' -e 's!/opt/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler.exe!/opt/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler-standalone.exe!g' /opt/omk/install/cron.d/opreports;
    sudo sed -i -e 's!/opt/omk/bin/!/opt/omk/bin/!g' -e 's!/opt/omk/bin/oplicense-cli.exe!/opt/omk/bin/oplicense-cli-standalone.exe!g' /opt/omk/install/cron.d/oplicense;
    # prevent a clash on filenames where we can have two systemd services:
    sudo mv /opt/omk/install/omkd.service /opt/omk/install/omkd-standalone.service
    # prevent a clash on filenames where we can have two initd services:
    sudo mv /opt/omk/install/omkd.init.d.bak /opt/omk/install/omkd-standalone.init.d.bak
    # prevent a clash on filenames where we can have two cron files:
    sudo mv /opt/omk/install/cron.d/oplicense /opt/omk/install/cron.d/oplicense-standalone
    # verify our edits are complete:
    sudo grep -arRnF "/opt/omk" /opt/omk/install/
    /opt/omk/install/cron.d/opreports:4:*/5 * * * *   root /opt/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler-standalone.exe
    /opt/omk/install/cron.d/oplicense-standalone:4:8 5 * * *	root	/opt/omk/bin/ act=refresh_bundle_licenses quiet=1
    /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis:27:    '<omk_base>' => '/opt/omk/',
    /opt/omk/install/omkd-standalone.service:20:ExecStart=/opt/omk/bin/ -f -p /var/run/ -r
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/example_snapshot.json:6:	"outputdir" : "/opt/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/health-businesshours.json:10:  "outputdir" : "/opt/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/monthly_qos.json:11:  "outputdir" : "/opt/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/weekend.json:11:  "outputdir" : "/opt/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/daily.json:16:  "outputdir" : "/opt/omk/var/reports",
    /opt/omk/install/schedule/util_oneoff.json:12:  "outputdir" : "/opt/omk/var/reports",
    # yes, they are
    # now some final fine tuning
    # we want opCommon.nmis configurations to point at '/usr/local/omk/var/reports'
    # so that opreports-cli-standalone.exe and opreports-scheduler-standalone.exe generated reports are placed at this location:
    sudo /usr/local/omk/bin/patch_config.exe -f /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis /directories/'<omk_reports>'='/usr/local/omk/var/reports'
    Operating on config file: /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis
    Patching values for keys /directories/<omk_reports>
    Patching element /directories/<omk_reports>, patch /directories/<omk_reports>
    sudo /usr/local/omk/bin/patch_config.exe -f /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis /directories/'<omk_reports>'='/usr/local/omk/var/reports'
    Operating on config file: /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis
    Patching values for keys /directories/<omk_reports>
    Patching element /directories/<omk_reports>, patch /directories/<omk_reports>
    sudo /usr/local/omk/bin/patch_config.exe -f /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis /directories/'<omk_reports_ondemand>'='/usr/local/omk/var/reports/on-demand'
    Operating on config file: /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis
    Patching values for keys /directories/<omk_reports_ondemand>
    Patching element /directories/<omk_reports_ondemand>, patch /directories/<omk_reports_ondemand>
    sudo /usr/local/omk/bin/patch_config.exe -f /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis /directories/'<omk_reports_ondemand>'='/usr/local/omk/var/reports/on-demand'
    Operating on config file: /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis
    Patching values for keys /directories/<omk_reports_ondemand>
    Patching element /directories/<omk_reports_ondemand>, patch /directories/<omk_reports_ondemand>
    # verify these changes to opCommon.nmis:
    sudo grep -arRnF "/var/reports" /opt/omk/{install,conf}/opCommon.nmis
    /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis:48:    '<omk_reports>' => '/usr/local/omk/var/reports',
    /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis:49:    '<omk_reports_ondemand>' => '/usr/local/omk/var/reports/on-demand',
    /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis:48:    '<omk_reports>' => '/usr/local/omk/var/reports',
    /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis:49:    '<omk_reports_ondemand>' => '/usr/local/omk/var/reports/on-demand',
    # we want opCommon.nmis configurations to point at '/usr/local/omk/var/reports'
    sudo /usr/local/omk/bin/patch_config.exe -f /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis /directories/'<omk_schedule>'='/usr/local/omk/conf/schedule'
    Operating on config file: /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis
    Patching values for keys /directories/<omk_schedule>
    Patching element /directories/<omk_schedule>, patch /directories/<omk_schedule>
    sudo /usr/local/omk/bin/patch_config.exe -f /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis /directories/'<omk_schedule>'='/usr/local/omk/conf/schedule'
    Operating on config file: /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis
    Patching values for keys /directories/<omk_schedule>
    Patching element /directories/<omk_schedule>, patch /directories/<omk_schedule>
    # verify this change to opCommon.nmis:
    sudo grep -arRnF "/conf/schedule" /opt/omk/{install,conf}/opCommon.nmis
    /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis:50:    '<omk_schedule>' => '/usr/local/omk/conf/schedule',
    /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis:50:    '<omk_schedule>' => '/usr/local/omk/conf/schedule',
    # finally change our listen port for the omkd-standalone service|daemon from default 8042 to another available port, here 8043:
    sudo /usr/local/omk/bin/patch_config.exe -f /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis /omkd/omkd_listen_port=8043
    Operating on config file: /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis
    Patching values for keys /omkd/omkd_listen_port
    Patching element /omkd/omkd_listen_port, patch /omkd/omkd_listen_port
    sudo /usr/local/omk/bin/patch_config.exe -f /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis /omkd/omkd_listen_port=8043
    Operating on config file: /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis
    Patching values for keys /omkd/omkd_listen_port
    Patching element /omkd/omkd_listen_port, patch /omkd/omkd_listen_port
    # verify these changes to opCommon.nmis:
    sudo grep -arRnF "omkd_listen_port" /opt/omk/{install,conf}/opCommon.nmis
    /opt/omk/install/opCommon.nmis:118:    'omkd_listen_port' => '8043',
    /opt/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis:123:    'omkd_listen_port' => '8043',
    # rename install/04omk-proxy.conf and change port to 8043:
    sudo mv -f install/04omk-proxy.conf install/05omk-standalone-proxy.conf
    sudo sed -i 's~localhost:8042/~localhost:8043/~g' install/05omk-standalone-proxy.conf
    # confirm:cat install/05omk-standalone-proxy.conf
    # ensure groups are still correct on omk directory structure
    cd /opt/omk/
    sudo chown -R root:nmis /opt/omk
    # confirm
    ls -lah ./omk/
    total 52K
    drwxr-xr-x 9 root nmis  4.0K Mar 30 07:36 .
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root staff 4.0K Mar 30 07:48 ..
    drwxrwsr-x 3 root nmis  4.0K Mar 29 09:21 bin
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root nmis  4.0K Mar 30 07:06 conf
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root nmis  4.0K Mar 30 23:57 install
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root nmis   16K Mar 30 05:09 LICENSE
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root nmis  4.0K Mar 30 07:40 log
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root nmis  4.0K Mar 30 05:09 public
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root nmis  4.0K Mar 30 05:42 templates
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root nmis  4.0K Mar 30 07:40 var
    # final clean:
    sudo rm -rf /opt/omk/var/reports/*
    sudo rm -rf /opt/omk/var/opreports/*
    # create the tar archive:
    sudo tar -czvf opReports-3.4.1-standalone.tar.gz omk
    # confirm
    ls -lah opReports-3.4.1-standalone.tar.gz 
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 72M Mar 30 07:49 opReports-3.4.1-standalone.tar.gz