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If opConfig encounters invalid plugins it will ignore these and log a message about the problem.


The global configuration option 'opconfig_plugin_timeout' (default: 20 seconds) sets the maximum execution time for any opConfig plugin function. 


Code Block
%hash = (
    'collect_with_plugin' => {
        'os_info' => {
            'os' => '/some special device/',
        # ...omitted scheduling info etc.
        'commands' => [
                'command' => "external command",
                use_collection_plugin => "SpecialDeviceHelper",
# ...


What is expected of a plugin for configuration data collection


Here is a minimal collection plugin which uses an external program and reports its output as configuration data back to opConfig: 

Code Block
sub collect_configuration
    my (%args) = @_;
    my ($node, $node_info, $command, $credential_set, $logger, $opconfig)
            = @args{qw(node node_info command credential_set logger opconfig)};
    $logger->info("Plugin ".__PACKAGE__." about to collect data for $node, command $command->{command}");
    # maybe we need to shell out to some program?
    open(P, "-|", "/usr/local/bin/complicated_operation", $command->{command}, $node_info->{host})
            or return { error => "failed to start complicated_operation: $!" };
    my $goodies = <P>;
    close P;
    return { error => "complicated_operation failed: $?" } if ($?);
    return { success => 1, configuration_data => $goodies };


The alerts response structure must be a hashref if it is present at all.
In the simplest case, the key is the alert/event name, and the value is 0 or 1. In this case opConfig raises (value 1) or closes (value 0) an event in NMIS with the given event name and for the current node.

Requires opCommon.nmis configuraiton 'opconfig_raise_alert_events' => 'true',   This is the default value as set by the installer.

As a more precise alternative, the value may be a hash with the following supported keys:


Code Block
package RaiseAlerts;
our $VERSION = "0.0.0";
use strict;
sub process_configuration
    my (%args) = @_;
    my ($node, $node_info, $command, $configuration_data, 
            $derived, $alerts, $conditions, $logger, $opconfig)
            = @args{qw(node node_info command configuration_data 
derived_info alerts conditions logger opconfig)};
    # ...insert logic that looks at context of command, configuration_data, node etc
    # to determine what alerts to raise
    return { success => 1,
             alerts => { 
               "Node Unhappy" => 1, # raise event
               "Node Unreachable" => 0, # clear event
               elsewhere => { event => "Node Not Cooperating", 
                              node => "some_other_node",
                              details => "this alert applies to another node",
                              level => "Minor", },


How to use a plugin to report conditions to opConfig


please consult the opConfig API documentation for details.