Occasionally you will come across a device or a situation where collecting a single SNMP variable is insufficient, for example when two or more SNMP properties need to be combined to provide a meaningful measurement.

NMIS version 8.4.8G and later support modelling such scenarios using custom variables, or CVARs. With this mechanism you can temporarily capture up to 10 separate SNMP properties as a CVAR and define an arbitrarily complex expression (in perl) that transforms these CVARs into the one measurement that you want to collect and/or display.

Where and How to use CVARs

CVARs are supported

To use CVARs you define the required CVARs as holding a previously specified SNMP variable at the beginning of one of the supported expressions; Subsequently you can then reference the CVAR value in the part of the expression that calculates the desired value to be used by NMIS.

An example scenario

The DS3 MIB defines a variety or error counters for DS3 circuits like "dsx3CurrentLCVs" which are based on a 15 minute observation interval and reset automatically at the end of the interval. As the interval start and end is arbitrary and up to the device to set, just capturing the error counters themselves is not quite workable. However, the DS3 MIB also specifies the variable "dsx3TimeElapsed" that holds the seconds elapsed since the start of the current observation interval. Dividing the raw error counter by the number of seconds into the interval results in a normalised errors-per-second rate which works well for collection and display.

Here is an excerpt of the relevant model file:

'systemHealth' => 
	'sections' => 'ds3Errors',
	'sys' => 
		'ds3Errors' => 
			'indexed' => 'dsx3CurrentIndex',        
			'index_oid' => '', 
			'headers' => 'ds3intf,ds3linestatus',
			'snmp' => {
				'ds3intf' => {
					'oid' => '', # ifDescr
					'title' => 'DS3 Interface',
				'ds3linestatus' => {
					'oid' => '', # dsx3LineStatus
					'title' => "DS3 Line Status",
					'calculate' => 'my @x; my %triggers=(1,"No Alarm",2,"Rx Remote Alarm",4,"Tx Remote Alarm",8,"Rx AIS",16,"Tx AIS",32,"Rx LOF",64,"Rx LOS",128,"Loopback",256,"Test Pattern",512,"Unknown",1024,"Near end unavailable signal",2048,"Carrier Equip OOS"); while (my ($num,$txt)=each(%triggers)) { push (@x,$txt) if (int($r) & int($num)); }; return join(", ",@x); ',
				'ds3LCV' => {
					'oid' => '', # dsx3CurrentLCVs
					'title' => 'Line Coding Violations per second',
					'calculate' => 'CVAR1=ds3Elapsed; return ($CVAR1? $r/$CVAR1 : 0);',
	},	# sys
	'rrd' => {
		'ds3Errors' => {
			'indexed' => 'true',
			"graphtype" => "ds3Errors",
			"snmp" => {
				'ds3Elapsed' => {
					'oid' => '', # dsx3TimeElapsed
					'title' => 'elapsed seconds in current measurement interval',
					'option' => 'gauge,0:U',
				"ds3LCV" => {
					'oid' => '',
					'option' => 'gauge,0:U',
					'title' => "Line Coding Violations per second",
					'calculate' => 'CVAR1=ds3Elapsed; return ($CVAR1? $r/$CVAR1 : 0);',
	}, 	# rrd
},	# systemhealth 

In the example above, the calculate expressions are used in two ways:

In both cases the syntax is very straight-forward:

Please note that the $CVARn replacement in the expression is performed on a purely textual basis, before the expression is handed to the perl interpreter for evaluation :