
NMIS 8.6 brings in a new mechanism for adjusting  a model's behaviour for particular nodes: the Model Policy system. In version 8.6.0G it allows you to specify flexible rules for adding or removing systemHealth model sections for specific nodes (or groups of nodes). Future releases will extend the model policy to also cover things like threshold values and the  like

The Model Policy Document

The installer will install a default model policy document in conf/Model-Policy.nmis. The original/default file  will also remain available in the install directory, and contains helpful comments.

The structure of the  policy document is quite simple but fairly flexible:

It should be noted that as Only the first matching rule is applied and therefor the default rule is not subsequently applied you should include all the relevant "false" sections from the default rules into your rule.  For example if you wanted to turn on just one mpls system health section you would set that as true in your rule and you would also include all the other "false" lines which are relevant to your model in the rule.

Example Policy

Here is a partial example policy:

%hash = (
         # rule numbers may be fractional numbers (for easy insertion)
         # first matching rule terminates the policy application
         10 => {
             # filter keys: or; node.nodeModel is the (possibly dynamic) current model
             # filter values: string, list of strings,
             # or regexp (=string with //, optional case-insensitive //i)
             IF => { '' => ['node1','node2'],
                     'node.location' => '/def.*/',
                     'config.auth_ldap_server' => '/192\./', },
             # sections to adjust, only systemHealth supported so far
             systemHealth => {
                 'fanStatus' => 'true',    # add if not present
                 'tempStatus' => 'false', # remove if present
         20 => {
             IF => { '' => 'embedded' },
             systemHealth => { 
                 diskIOTable => 'false' # this node runs off r/o flash disk
         999 => {    # the fallback/defaults, without filter
             systemHealth => { 
                 cdp => 'true',
                 lldp => 'true',
                 bgpPeer => 'true',
                 ospfNbr => 'true', } 
         } );

The first rule applies to at most two particular nodes (because of the given list of values), and only if their location property starts with "def" and only if the NMIS configuration is set up for an LDAP server in the network. For all systems that match these restrictions the fanStatus and tempStatus model sections are enabled.

The second rule disables the diskIOTable model section for a specific system that doesn't have real 'disks', just a readonly flash drive.

The last rule does not have any filtering IF clauses, therefore applies to all nodes and thus it serves to set the "default" policy. As mentioned above only the first matching rule is applied, hence the default rule will only apply to nodes where rules 10 and 20 have not matched.

Configuration GUI

As of version 8.6.0G, the Model Policy configuration page (under Setup -> Model Policy) lets you adjust only the default policy (ie. the highest numbered policy without filters).

For each of the known systemHealth section names you are given the option to enable or disable it.