opEvents uses its own set of numeric priorities for events. As events generally originate from external sources with their own priority concepts, a bit of translation is required. The following table describes the mappings between event priorities in opEvents and related services: how syslog and email messages sent by opEvents are marked, and how events sourced from NMIS are classified.


PriorityPriority NameSyslogNMIS LevelEmail Priority
0debugdebug (7)n/alow
1infoinfo (6)n/alog
2normalnotice (5)Normallow
3warningwarning (4)


4 n/a n/anormal
5minorerror (3)


6majorcritical (2)Majorhigh
7criticalalert (1)Criticalhigh
8fatalemergency (0)Fatalhigh
9 emergency (0)n/ahigh
10catastrophicemergency (0)n/ahigh

opEvents' standard parser rules will only generate event priority numbers in the range of 0 to 10 (inclusive), but it's generally ok to use numbers above 10. From version 2.0.8 onwards opEvents replaces negative priority numbers by priority 0.