NMIS code plugins are meant to augment and extend the update and collect functionality, if and when classic modelling doesn't suffice to handle a
particular scenario.

Each plugin must be valid perl, be named X.pm, must have a 'package X;' line, and its package name must not clash with the other NMIS components. the plugin MUST NOT use Exporter to export anything from its namespace.

It's recommended that the plugin have a version declaration right after the package line, i.e. 'our $VERSION = "1.2.3";'

The plugin may load extra perl modules with use or require, but it must not use any package-level global variables. all its variables and any objects that it might create must have local scope.

A plugin can offer one or more of the functions update_plugin(), collect_plugin() after_update_plugin() or after_collect_plugin().

They work pretty much the same as in NMIS 8, but the API calls change. 

collect_plugin and update_plugin

These functions will be called for each node in sequence, independently (and possibly in separate processes), at the end of the collect/update operation. all existing valid plugins will be loaded, and all available update_plugin()/collect_plugin() functions will be applied to every node regardless of the plugins success or failure indications.

The calling interface is the same for both functions:

The plugin can modify any node attributes via sys where required. it may call other nmis code (but care needs to be taken of nmmis config/table caching if that is done). neither the local config object nor the global nmis config must be modified by a plugin.

return values:

after_update_plugin() and after_collect_plugin()

These functions will be called ONCE at the end of the respective operation, after all the nodes were handled. there is thus no node context for these
plugin functions.

Just like with the per-node functions, all existing valid plugins will be loaded and all available after_update_plugin()/after_collect_plugin() functions will be run in sequence.

The calling interface is the same for both functions:

The sys object is the 'global' one used for calculating system-wide metrics and so on. the plugin can modify any attributes via sys where required. it may call other nmis code (but care needs to be taken of nmis config/table caching if that is done). neither the local config object nor the global nmis config must be modified by a plugin.

return values:

How to access the information in NMIS9

The following all assumes the following function initialization

my (%args) = @_;
my ($node, $S, $C, $NG) = @args{qw(node sys config nmisng)};


We can access the node object using the object sys: 

my $node_obj = $S->nmisng_node

Collected Data - As Interfaces

We All the collected data is saved in a new structure called inventory. We can use as many filters that we need:

my $host_ids = $node_obj->get_inventory_ids(
		concept => "Host_Storage",
		filter => { historic => 0 });


We can log any message by using the NMISNG object: 

$NG->log->info("Working on $node Host Memory Calculations");


Just place the plugin into /usr/local/nmis9/conf/plugins and make sure it has the right permissions. 

To fix permissions you can just run: 

/usr/local/nmis9/bin/nmis-cli act=fixperms

You can test the plugin by running an update/collect for a node and check the log files (/usr/local/nmis9/logs/nmis.log). 

You will see an info message like this:

[Mon May 24 16:12:09 2020] [info] Host_Resources[8027] Running Host Resources plugin for node::test


You can see a complete example of a collect plugin in the Host_Resources plugin (Released in 9.1.2). There are many more plugins added to the NMIS9 project.

Porting Plugins from NMIS8 to NMIS9

Existing plugins in NMIS8 were ported to NMIS9, so there are many good examples on the changes to the API calls required.  You can find all the ported and any new plugins in GitHub here: https://github.com/Opmantek/nmis9/tree/nmis9_dev/conf-default/plugins

Review the NMIS8 Host_Resources and NMIS9 Host_Resources plugin as a way to see how to easily port one.

If you have a support contract and need some assistance to port your plugin, you can open a support case: FirstWave Support