Related Documentation 

Nodes API 

We can also manage nodes using the API. 

Get NodesGEThttp://host/en/omk/admin/api/v2/nodes.json
Get NodeGEThttp://host/en/omk/admin/api/v2/nodes/{node_uuid}.json
Create NodePOST


To create a remote node in an opHA cluster see below.

The node in json from the recently created node, including the UUID

"NMIS": "1",
"opConfig": "0",
"opEvents": "1"
"active": null, "authkey": "", "authpassword": "", "authprotocol": null, "businessService": null,
"collect": 1, "community": "", "context": "", "customer": null, "group": "NMIS9",
"host": "", "host_backup": "", "location": null,
"netType": "default", "nettype": null, "node_context_name": "", "node_context_url": "", "notes": "",
"ping": 1, "polling_policy": "default", "port": "161", "privkey": "", "privpassword": "",
"privprotocol": null, "remote_connection_name": "", "remote_connection_url": "", "roleType": "default",
"roletype": null, "serviceStatus": null, "threshold": 1, "username": "", "wmipassword": "", "wmiusername": ""
"delete": true,
"update": true
"friendly_addresses": "",
"friendly_aliases": "",
"name": "test",
"uuid": null

Update NodePUT


To update a remote node in an opHA cluster see below.

        "NMIS": "1",
        "opConfig": "0",
        "opEvents": "1"
    "cluster_id": "a515c63a-0d11-4bcb-a402-39a4600aebb9",
        "active": 1, "addresses": [ "" ], "aliases": [],
        "authkey": "", "authpassword": "", "authprotocol": "md5", "businessService": null, "cbqos": "none",
        "collect": 1, "community": "OMKRead", "context": "", "customer": "Opmantek", "depend": [],
        "display_name": "", "group": "EXSI", "host": "", "host_backup": "", "ip_protocol": "IPv4",
        "location": "Cloud", "max_msg_size": 1472, "max_repetitions": 0, "model": "automatic",
        "netType": "default", "nettype": null, "node_context_name": "Node Context",
        "node_context_url": "", "notes": "", "ping": 1,
        "polling_policy": "1_minute", "port": "161", "privkey": "", "privpassword": "",
        "privprotocol": "des", "remote_connection_name": "SSH to Node", "remote_connection_url": "ssh://$host",
        "roleType": "access", "roletype": null, "serviceStatus": "Testing", "services": [],
        "sysDescr": "VMware ESXi 6.7.0 build-17167734 VMware, Inc. x86_64", "threshold": 1, "timezone": 0,
        "username": "", "version": "snmpv2c", "webserver": 0, "wmipassword": "", "wmiusername": ""
        "delete": 0,
        "update": 0
    "friendly_addresses": "",
    "friendly_aliases": "",
    "name": "Castor",
    "node_local": "Remote",
    "server_name": "fulla",
    "uuid": "b56ba595-69e7-4702-9fe5-49512e1340b0"

Delete NodeDELETEhttp://host/en/omk/admin/api/v2/nodes/{node_uuid}.json


Important: All these methods are authenticated. 


{"username": "username",
"password": "password"}

We should receive a 200 response and a cookie, that we can reuse for next API calls. 

Create a remote Node

If we want to create a node in a remote cluster, we should indicate the remote cluster id in configuration.pollers: cluster_id

cluster_id is the uuid of which opHA server the node belongs to.


Create RemotePOSThttp://host/en/omk/admin/api/v2/nodes.jsonIt will return the json node, the same structure that the CREATE.

It will return the same output as for a local node: 

    "activated": {
        "NMIS": 1,
        "opConfig": "0",
        "opEvents": "1"
    "cluster_id": "a515c63a-0d11-4bcb-a402-39a4600aebb9",
    "configuration": {
        "active": 1,
        "aliases": [],
        "authkey": "",
        "authpassword": "",
        "authprotocol": null,
        "businessService": null,
        "collect": 1,
        "community": "",
        "context": "",
        "customer": null,
        "group": "NMIS9",
        "host": "",
        "host_backup": "",
        "location": null,
        "max_msg_size": 65535,
        "max_repetitions": 0,
        "netType": "default",
        "nettype": null,
        "node_context_name": "",
        "node_context_url": "",
        "notes": "",
        "ping": 1,
        "pollers": "a515c63a-0d11-4bcb-a402-39a4600aebb9",
        "polling_policy": "default",
        "port": "161",
        "privkey": "",
        "privpassword": "",
        "privprotocol": null,
        "remote_connection_name": "",
        "remote_connection_url": "",
        "roleType": "default",
        "roletype": null,
        "serviceStatus": null,
        "threshold": 1,
        "username": "",
        "wmipassword": "",
        "wmiusername": ""
    "friendly_addresses": "",
    "friendly_aliases": "",
    "name": "test",
    "uuid": "6ce5fd5c-d703-4d03-b36c-b8e01439a9f2"

Update a remote Node

If we want to update a node in a remote cluster, we should indicate the remote cluster id in configuration.pollers: cluster_id

cluster_id is the uuid of which opHA server the node belongs to.


Update RemotePUThttp://host/en/omk/admin/api/v2/nodes/node_uuid.jsonIt will return the json node, the same structure that the CREATE.

    "cluster_id": "a515c63a-0d11-4bcb-a402-39a4600aebb9",
    "configuration": {
        "netType": "default",
        "polling_policy": "default",
        "port": "161",
        "collect": 1,
        "threshold": 1,
        "roleType": "default",
        "ping": 1,
        "group": "NMIS9",
        "host": "",
        "location": null,
        "customer": null,
        "businessService": null,
        "notes": "",
        "host_backup": "",
        "active": null,
        "community": "",
        "wmiusername": "",
        "wmipassword": "",
        "username": "",
        "context": "",
        "authpassword": "",
        "authkey": "",
        "authprotocol": null,
        "privpassword": "",
        "privkey": "",
        "privprotocol": null,
        "serviceStatus": null,
        "nettype": null,
        "roletype": null,
        "node_context_name": "",
        "node_context_url": "",
        "remote_connection_name": "",
        "remote_connection_url": ""
    "activated": {
        "opEvents": "1",
        "opConfig": "0",
        "NMIS": "1"
    "uuid": null,
    "current_user_privileges": {
        "update": true,
        "delete": true
    "name": "test",
    "friendly_addresses": "",
    "friendly_aliases": ""

Remote Nodes Error

If any operation has a remote cluster id, the API will try to edit in the remote server. If this operation is not possible, it will fail. 

In order to succeed: 

If we should want to edit the remote node locally for some reason, we should use node_admin cli tool.