Installation Prerequisites

Installation Steps


cd ~
tar xvf ~/opHA-<version>.tar.gz
cd opHA/
cp install/Servers.nmis /usr/local/nmis8/conf/
cp cgi-bin/ /usr/local/nmis8/cgi-bin/ 

opHA Slave Configuration

There are many configuration options in opReports, but the only one which must be updated to make everything work is the configuration for "report_server_prefix", this allows the emailed reports to point to the correct web server to load their configurations, this entry is in the opReports.nmis file and should be updated to be the public web prefix of the server, which the people receiving the emails would use to access the server (this might be the portal address).

'report_server_prefix' => '',

Access opMaps Web Page

The default URL to access opMaps is

Any authentication challenges will be the same as to login to your NMIS8 system.