Installation Prerequisites

Installation Steps

This step will be repeated for each NMIS master and slave server

cd ~
tar xvf ~/opHA-<version>.tar.gz
cd opHA/
cp install/Servers.nmis /usr/local/nmis8/conf/
cp cgi-bin/ /usr/local/nmis8/cgi-bin/ 


opHA Slave Configuration

This configuration will be done on each NMIS Slave Server.  By default, the shared community for a slave is "secret" if you want to change this to something specific you can edit the NMIS Configuration item "slave_community" using your favourite text editor, edit this line and change secret to your desired opHA community string.

'slave_community' => 'secret',

opHA Master Configuration

Adding Slaves to Servers.nmis

Once the slaves have been setup, you can configure the master with each of its slaves.  This is done by editing the file /usr/local/nmis8/conf/Servers.nmis, and adding a section for each server.

A default entry looks like this:

 'nmis2' => {
   'community' => 'secret',
   'secure' => 'false',
   'name' => 'NMIS2',
   'config' => 'Config.nmis',
   'port' => '80',
   'host' => ''

Edit the entry to look like this, in this example the hostname of the slave is "vali":

 'vali' => {
   'community' => 'YOURNAMEHERE',
   'secure' => 'false',
   'name' => 'vali',
   'config' => 'Config.nmis',
   'port' => '80',
   'host' => 'vali'

Multiple entries would look like this, note the comma between entries.

 'nmis2' => {
   'community' => 'secret',
   'secure' => 'false',
   'name' => 'NMIS2',
   'config' => 'Config.nmis',
   'port' => '80',
   'host' => ''
 'nmis3' => {
   'community' => 'secret',
   'secure' => 'false',
   'name' => 'NMIS3',
   'config' => 'Config.nmis',
   'port' => '80',
   'host' => ''

Promoting NMIS to be a Master


Access opMaps Web Page

The default URL to access opMaps is

Any authentication challenges will be the same as to login to your NMIS8 system.