Installation Prerequisites

Installation Steps

This step will be repeated for each NMIS master and slave server

cd ~
tar xvf ~/opHA-<version>.tar.gz
cd opHA/
cp install/Servers.nmis /usr/local/nmis8/conf/
cp cgi-bin/ /usr/local/nmis8/cgi-bin/ 
cp lib/NMIS/ /usr/local/nmis8/lib/NMIS



opHA Slave Configuration

This configuration will be done on each NMIS Slave Server.  By default, the shared community for a slave is "secret" if you want to change this to something specific you can edit the NMIS Configuration item "slave_community" using your favourite text editor, edit this line and change secret to your desired opHA community string.

'slave_community' => 'secret',
'auth_src_ip' => '', 

Verify that the Apache user has been configured for master functions.  The default userid is "nmismst" and the file /usr/local/nmis8/conf/users.dat should include an entry like



opHA Master Configuration

Adding Slaves to Servers.nmis

Once the slaves have been setup, you can configure the master with each of its slaves.  This is done by editing the file /usr/local/nmis8/conf/Servers.nmis, and adding a section for each server.

The default entries look like this:

'nmis1' => {
   'community' => 'secret',
   'name' => 'nmis1',
   'config' => 'Config.nmis',
   'protocol' => 'https',
   'port' => '443',
   'host' => '',
   'portal_protocol' => 'http',
   'portal_port' => '80',
   'portal_host' => '',
   'cgi_url_base' => '/cgi-nmis8',
   'url_base' => '/nmis8',
   'user' => 'nmismst',
   'passwd' => 'C00kb00k'
 'nmis2' => {
   'community' => 'secret',
   'name' => 'nmis2',
   'config' => 'Config.nmis',
   'protocol' => 'http',
   'port' => '80',
   'host' => '',
   'portal_protocol' => 'http',
   'portal_port' => '80',
   'portal_host' => 'nmis2',
   'cgi_url_base' => '/cgi-nmis8',
   'url_base' => '/nmis8',
   'user' => 'nmismst',
   'passwd' => 'C00kb00k'  

Edit the entry to look like this, in this example the hostname of the slave is "vali":

 'vali' => {
   'community' => 'YOURNAMEHERE',
   'name' => 'vali',
   'config' => 'Config.nmis',
   'protocol' => 'http',
   'port' => '80',
   'host' => 'vali',
   'portal_protocol' => 'http',
   'portal_port' => '80',
   'portal_host' => 'vali',
   'cgi_url_base' => '/cgi-nmis8',
   'url_base' => '/nmis8',
   'user' => 'nmismst',
   'passwd' => 'C00kb00k' 

There are many options in this configuration but unless you are wanting to change the defaults considerably most of them will not matter.  If you wanted to use HTTPS to connect between the master and the slave, you could use https as the protocol and update the port accordingly.  You can use different user and passwd permissions here.

If you were presenting the Slave and needed to use an alternate connection, e.g. through a reverse proxy for presenting a portal, you would modify the portal_protocol, portal_port and portal_host accordingly.

Promoting NMIS to be a Master

By default, an NMIS server operates in standalone mode (which is also slave mode), to have NMIS behave in a masterly fashion, you will need to modify the configuration, so you can edit the NMIS Configuration item "sever_master" using your favourite text editor, edit this line and change from "false" to "true".

'server_master' => 'true', 
'auth_src_ip' => '', 

Access opMaps Web Page

The default URL to access opMaps is

Any authentication challenges will be the same as to login to your NMIS8 system.