
How can this be solved?

As example:





every audit on those systems will overwrite the others, which makes a big mess on all attributes - and the audit not possible anymore. Any advise how this can be solved? i tried to make hostname -f mandatory, but the 2nd run overwrites the FQDN - and the same mess begins.




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    4 answers


      Hi guys 

      Can you please explain on which config are you refering to?


      Many thanks!

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        Yes, this works. 

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          I guess I have the solution. Per config:


          discovery_ip_match => y (I suspect the systems will be sorted per IP)

          discovery_name_match => n (then the hostname wont be the primary parameter)

          I test this and report back.

          1. Mark Unwin

            discovery_name_match is what you want to turn off. discovery_ip_match is the same basic idea, but it matches a device based on it's ip address. Not that useful when you think about DHCP devices, but for statically assigned ip's it's OK. I'd set both to 'n'. Sorting has nothing to do with these config items. That's all handled by the GUI.

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          Hi team

          First off a big thank you to Mark and Opmantek for the great job.

          I was about to post the same issue with 4 of our workstations.

          Things I have tried are deleting the PCs from the console and then clear the DB off the deleted PCs.

          In that case the PCs did take a diferent ID but they all took the same etc

          The version Im running at the moment is "Version 1.4.1 Community Edition"

          I would really appreciate any feedback from the devs or user with experience on the issue.

          Best regards!

          1. Mark Unwin

            As Alex said, use the config! In Open-AudIT Community go to menu -> Admin -> Config. 1.4.1 is a very old version though, so it may not exist back that far. If it sis exist it would have been called "name_match". You should upgrade to 1.10 though, it's so much better :-)

          2. Drossery Michopoulou

            Hi Mark Appreciate your help. It is in my plans to upgrade to the latest the soonest possible. Thei hostnames of the workstations Im refering to have nothing in common. Three of them are HP branded and the last one is a DYI from a local reseller. While I have already hit that swich in the config (yeap it is there even in 1.4.1...) do you think it will make a diference in my case (I have to wait till the end of day for the workstations to report)? In any way thank you again for your help!

          3. Mark Unwin

            If you can run a two offline audits on two devices that are overwriting each other and email me the result, I can take a look. Email me at open-audit@opmantek.com with the XML files attached. cscript audit_windows.vbs strcomputer=TARGET_COMPUTER_NAME submit_online=n create_file=y

          4. Mark Unwin

            I can see the issue. You have VMware installed on these PCs. VMware helpfully (not) assigns an identical MAC address to its adapters, across different machines. That's one of the items Open-AudIT matches devices on. This is a known issue for us, as per OA-212 https://support.opmantek.com/browse/OA-212.

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