
Dear Support, 


After upgrading NMIS to 8.6.2G, the node IP address is showing N/A, and if we want to view the address we have to edit node.



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    3 answers


      Dear Jose,

      Thank you for reply,

      Please note that the issue is resolved.




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        Hello Johny

        Please do the next

        Replace your NMIS.PL file with next code

        #  Copyright (C) Opmantek Limited (www.opmantek.com)
        #  This file is part of Network Management Information System ("NMIS").
        #  NMIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
        #  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
        #  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
        #  (at your option) any later version.
        #  NMIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        #  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        #  GNU General Public License for more details.
        #  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        #  along with NMIS (most likely in a file named LICENSE).
        #  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
        #  For further information on NMIS or for a license other than GPL please see
        #  www.opmantek.com or email contact@opmantek.com
        #  User group details:
        #  http://support.opmantek.com/users/
        # *****************************************************************************
        use strict;
        # local modules live in <nmis-base>/lib
        use FindBin;
        use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
        use URI::Escape;
        use Cwd qw();
        use Time::HiRes;								# also needed by nmis::timing, but bsts
        use Socket;
        use Net::SNMP qw(oid_lex_sort);
        use Proc::ProcessTable;
        use Proc::Queue ':all';
        use Data::Dumper;
        use File::Find;
        use File::Spec;
        use Statistics::Lite qw(mean);
        use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
        # this imports the LOCK_ *constants (eg. LOCK_UN, LOCK_EX), also the stat modes
        use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock :mode);
        use Errno qw(EAGAIN ESRCH EPERM);
        use NMIS;
        use NMIS::Connect;
        use NMIS::Timing;
        use NMIS::UUID;
        use csv;
        use rrdfunc; 			# main entry point is updateRRD
        use func;
        use ip;
        use sapi;
        use ping;
        use notify;
        use Mib;
        use Sys;
        use DBfunc;
        $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
        if ( @ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq "--version" )
        	print "version=$NMIS::VERSION\n";
        	exit 0;
        # Variables for command line munging
        my %nvp = getArguements(@ARGV);
        # load configuration table, memorize startup time
        my $starttime = Time::HiRes::time;
        my $C = loadConfTable(conf=>$nvp{conf},debug=>$nvp{debug},info=>$nvp{info});
        die "nmis cannot operate without config!\n" if (ref($C) ne "HASH");
        # and the status of the database dir, as reported by the selftest - 0 bad, 1 ok, undef unknown
        # this is used by rrdfunc::createRRD(), so needs to be scoped suitably.
        our $selftest_dbdir_status;
        $selftest_dbdir_status = undef;
        # check for global collection off or on
        # useful for disabling nmis poll for server maintenance, nmis upgrades etc.
        my $lockoutfile = $C->{'<nmis_conf>'}."/NMIS_IS_LOCKED";
        if (-f $lockoutfile or getbool($C->{global_collect},"invert"))
        	# if nmis is locked, run a quick nondelay selftest so that we have something for the GUI
        	my $varsysdir = $C->{'<nmis_var>'}."/nmis_system";
        	if (!-d $varsysdir)
        	my $selftest_cache = "$varsysdir/selftest";
        	my ($allok, $tests) = func::selftest(config => $C, delay_is_ok => 'false',
        																			 report_database_status => \$selftest_dbdir_status,
        																			 perms => 'false');
        	writeHashtoFile(file => $selftest_cache, json => 1,
        									data => { status => $allok, lastupdate => time, tests => $tests });
        	info("Selftest completed (status ".($allok?"ok":"FAILED!")."), cache file written");
        	if (-f $lockoutfile)
        		my $installerpresence = "/tmp/nmis_install_running";
        		# installer should not need to lock this box for more than a few minutes
        		if (-f $installerpresence && (stat($installerpresence))[9] > time - 3600)
        			logMsg("INFO NMIS is currently disabled, installer is performing upgrade, exiting.");
        			logMsg("WARNING NMIS is currently disabled! Remove the file $lockoutfile to re-enable.");
        			die "Attention: NMIS is currently disabled!\nRemove the file $lockoutfile to re-enable.\n\n";
        		die "Attention: NMIS is currently disabled!\nSet the configuration variable \"global_collect\" to \"true\" to re-enable.\n\n";
        # all arguments are now stored in nvp (name value pairs)
        my $type		= lc $nvp{type};
        my $node		= $nvp{node};
        my $rmefile		= $nvp{rmefile};
        my $runGroup	= $nvp{group};
        my $sleep	= $nvp{sleep};
        ### 2012-12-03 keiths, adding some model testing and debugging options.
        my $model		= getbool($nvp{model});
        # multiprocessing: commandline overrides config
        my $mthread	= (exists $nvp{mthread}? $nvp{mthread} : $C->{nmis_mthread}) || 0;
        my $maxThreads = (exists $nvp{maxthreads}? $nvp{maxthreads} : $C->{nmis_maxthreads}) || 1;
        my $mthreadDebug=$nvp{mthreaddebug}; # cmdline only for this debugging flag
        # park the list of collect/update plugins globally
        my @active_plugins;
        Proc::Queue::size($maxThreads); # changing limit of concurrent processes
        Proc::Queue::trace(0); # trace mode on
        Proc::Queue::debug(0); # debug is off
        # if no type given, just run the command line options
        if ( $type eq "" ) {
        	print "No runtime option type= on command line\n\n";
        print qq/
        Copyright (C) Opmantek Limited (www.opmantek.com)
        This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
        This is free software licensed under GNU GPL, and you are welcome to
        redistribute it under certain conditions; see www.opmantek.com or email
        NMIS version $NMIS::VERSION
        / if $C->{debug} or $C->{info};
        # the first thing we do is to upgrade up the event
        # data structure - it's a nop if it was already done.
        # ditto for nodeconf
        # and for outages
        if ($type =~ /^(collect|update|services)$/) {
        	runThreads(type=>$type, node=>$node, mthread=>$mthread, mthreadDebug=>$mthreadDebug);
        elsif ( $type eq "escalate") { runEscalate(); printRunTime(); } # included in type=collect
        elsif ( $type eq "config" ) { checkConfig(change => "true"); }
        elsif ( $type eq "audit" ) { checkConfig(audit => "true", change => "false"); }
        elsif ( $type eq "links" ) { runLinks(); } # included in type=update
        elsif ( $type eq "apache" ) { printApache(); }
        elsif ( $type eq "apache24" ) { printApache24(); }
        elsif ( $type eq "crontab" ) { printCrontab(); }
        elsif ( $type eq "summary" ) { nmisSummary(); printRunTime(); } # MIGHT be included in type=collect
        elsif ( $type eq "rme" ) { loadRMENodes($rmefile); }
        elsif ( $type eq "threshold" ) { runThreshold($node); printRunTime(); } # USUALLY included in type=collect
        elsif ( $type eq "master" ) { nmisMaster(); printRunTime(); } # MIGHT be included in type=collect
        elsif ( $type eq "groupsync" ) { sync_groups(); }
        elsif ( $type eq "purge" ) { my $error = purge_files(); die "$error\n" if $error; }
        else { checkArgs(); }
        # run collection-type functions, possibly spread across multiple processes
        sub	runThreads
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $type = $args{type};
        	my $node_select = $args{'node'};
        	my $mthread = getbool($args{mthread});
        	my $mthreadDebug = getbool($args{mthreadDebug});
        	dbg("Starting, operation is $type");
        	# do a selftest and cache the result, but not too often
        	# this takes about five seconds (for the process stats)
        	# however, DON'T do one if nmis is run in handle-just-this-node mode, which is usually a debugging exercise
        	# which shouldn't be delayed at all. ditto for (possibly VERY) frequent type=services
        	if (!$node_select and $type ne "services")
        		info("Ensuring correct permissions on conf and model directories...");
        		setFileProtDirectory($C->{'<nmis_conf>'}, 1); # do recurse
        		setFileProtDirectory($C->{'<nmis_models>'}, 0); # no recursion required
        		my $varsysdir = $C->{'<nmis_var>'}."/nmis_system";
        		if (!-d $varsysdir)
        		my $selftest_cache = "$varsysdir/selftest";
        		my $laststate = readFiletoHash(file => $selftest_cache, json => 1);
        		# check if a selftest is due? once every 15 minutes
        		my $wantselftestnow = 1 if (ref($laststate) ne "HASH"
        																|| !defined($laststate->{lastupdate})
        																|| ($laststate->{lastupdate} + 900 < time));
        		# check the current state, to see if a perms check is due? once every 2 hours
        		my $wantpermsnow = 1 if (ref($laststate) ne "HASH"
        														 || !defined($laststate->{lastupdate_perms})
        														 || $laststate->{lastupdate_perms} + 7200 < time);
        		if ($wantselftestnow)
        			info("Starting selftest (takes about 5 seconds)...");
        			my ($allok, $tests) = func::selftest(config => $C, delay_is_ok => 'true',
        																					 perms => $wantpermsnow,
        																					 report_database_status => \$selftest_dbdir_status);
        			# keep the old permissions state if this test did not run a permissions test
        			# hardcoded test name isn't great, though.
        			if (!$wantpermsnow)
        				$laststate ||= { tests => [] };
        				my ($oldstate) = grep($_->[0] eq "Permissions", @{$laststate->{tests}}); # there will at most one
        				if (defined $oldstate)
        					my ($targetidx) = grep($tests->[$_]->[0] eq "Permissions", (0..$#{$tests}));
        					if (defined $targetidx)
        						$tests->[$targetidx] = $oldstate;
        						push @$tests, $oldstate;
        					$allok = 0 if ($oldstate->[1]); # not ok until that's cleared
        			writeHashtoFile(file => $selftest_cache, json => 1,
        											data => { status => $allok,
        																lastupdate => time,
        																lastupdate_perms => ($wantpermsnow? time
        																										 : $laststate?  $laststate->{lastupdate_perms} : undef),
        																		tests => $tests });
        			info("Selftest completed (status ".($allok?"ok":"FAILED!")."), cache file written");
        			info("Skipping selftest, last run at ". returnDateStamp($laststate->{lastupdate}));
        	# load all the files we need here
        	loadEnterpriseTable() if $type eq 'update'; # load in cache
        	dbg("table Enterprise loaded",2);
        	my $NT = loadLocalNodeTable(); 	# only local nodes
        	dbg("table Local Node loaded",2);
        	# create uuids for all nodes that might still need them
        	# this changes the local nodes table!
        	if (my $changed_nodes = NMIS::UUID::createNodeUUID())
        		$NT = loadLocalNodeTable();
        		dbg("table Local Node reloaded after uuid updates",2);
        	my $C = loadConfTable();		# config table from cache
        	# check if the fping results look sensible
        	# compare nr of pingable active nodes against the fping results
        	if (getbool($C->{daemon_fping_active}))
        		my $pt = loadTable(dir=>'var',name=>'nmis-fping'); # load fping table in cache
        		my $cnt_pt = keys %{$pt};
        		my $active_ping = grep(getbool($_->{active}) && getbool($_->{ping}), values %{$NT});
        		# missing more then 10 nodes that should have been pinged?
        		if ($cnt_pt+10 < $active_ping)
        			logMsg("ERROR fping table missing too many entries, count fping=$cnt_pt count nodes=$active_ping");
        			$C->{daemon_fping_failed} = 'true'; # remember for runPing
        	dbg("all relevant tables loaded");
        	my $debug = $C->{debug};
        	# used for plotting major events on world map in 'Current Events' display
        	$C->{netDNS} = 0;
        	if ( getbool($C->{DNSLoc}) ) {
        		# decide if Net::DNS is available to us or not
        		if ( eval "require Net::DNS") {
        					$C->{netDNS} = 1;
        					require Net::DNS;
        		else {
        			print "Perl Module Net::DNS not found, Can't use DNS LOC records for Geo info, will try sysLocation\n" if $debug;
        	runDaemons(); # (re)start daemon processes
        	# the signal handler handles termination more-or-less gracefully,
        	# and knows about critical sections
        	$SIG{INT} =  \&catch_zap;
        	$SIG{TERM} =  \&catch_zap;
        	$SIG{HUP} = \&catch_zap;
        	$SIG{ALRM} = \&catch_zap;
        	my $nodecount = 0;
        	my $maxprocs = 1;							# this one
        	my $meth;
        	if ($type eq "update") {
        		$meth = \&doUpdate;
        	elsif ($type eq "collect")
        		$meth = \&doCollect;
        	elsif ($type eq "services")
        		$meth = \&doServices;
        		die "Unknown operation type=$type, terminating!\n";
        	logMsg("INFO start of $type process");
        	# update the operation start/stop timestamp
        	func::update_operations_stamp(type => $type, start => $starttime, stop => undef);
        	my $maxruntime = defined($C->{max_child_runtime}) && $C->{max_child_runtime} > 0 ?
        			$C->{max_child_runtime} : 0;
        	my (@list_of_handled_nodes,		# for any after_x_plugin() functions
        			@todo_nodes,							# for the actual update/polling work
        			%whichflavours);					# attempt smmp, wmi or both
        	# what to work on? one named node, or the nodes that are members of a given group or all nodes
        	# iff active and the polling policy agrees, that is...
        	@cand_nodes = $node_select? $node_select
        			: $runGroup? grep($_->{group} eq $runGroup, keys %$NT) : sort keys %$NT;
        	# get the polling policies and translate into seconds (for rrd file options)
        	my $policies = loadTable(dir => 'conf', name => "Polling-Policy") || {};
        	my %intervals = ( default => { ping=> 60, snmp => 300, wmi => 300 });
        	# translate period specs X.Ys, A.Bm, etc. into seconds
        	for my $polname (keys %$policies)
        		next if (ref($policies->{$polname}) ne "HASH");
        		for my $subtype (qw(snmp wmi ping))
        			my $interval = $policies->{$polname}->{$subtype};
        			if ($interval =~ /^\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)([smhd])$/)
        				my ($rawvalue, $unit) = ($1, $3);
        				$interval = $rawvalue * ($unit eq 'm'? 60 : $unit eq 'h'? 3600 : $unit eq 'd'? 86400 : 1);
        			$intervals{$polname}->{$subtype} = $interval; # now in seconds
        	# find all other nmis processes of the same type
        	my $otherprocesses = func::find_nmis_processes(type => $type, config => $C)
        			if ($type eq "update" or $type eq "collect"); # relevant only for these
        	my %problematic;
        	if ($type eq "update" or $type eq "services")
        		@todo_nodes = grep(getbool($NT->{$_}->{active}), @cand_nodes);
        		# find out what nodes are due as per polling policy - also honor force,
        		# and any in-progress polling that hasn't finished yet...
        		my $now = time;
        		for my $maybe (@cand_nodes)
        			next if (ref($NT->{$maybe}) ne "HASH" or !getbool($NT->{$maybe}->{active}));
        			# save it back for the xyz-node file, and cgi-bin/network...
        			my $polname = ($NT->{$maybe}->{polling_policy} ||= "default");
        			dbg("Node $maybe is using polling policy \"$polname\"");
        			# unfortunately we require the nodeinfo data to make the candidate-or-not decision...
        			my $ninfo = loadNodeInfoTable($maybe);
        			my $lastpolicy = $ninfo->{system}->{last_polling_policy};
        			my $lastsnmp = $ninfo->{system}->{last_poll_snmp};
        			my $lastwmi = $ninfo->{system}->{last_poll_wmi};
        			# that's it for completed polls - for in-progress uncompleted we need other time logic,
        			# overriding these markers from the active process' start time
        			my @isinprogress = grep($otherprocesses->{$_}->{node} &&
        															$otherprocesses->{$_}->{node} eq $maybe,
        															keys %$otherprocesses);
        			map { $problematic{$maybe} = $_; } (@isinprogress);
        			if (!getbool($nvp{force}) and @isinprogress)
        				# there should be at most one, we ignore any unexpected others
        				my $otherstart = $otherprocesses->{ $isinprogress[0] }->{start};
        				dbg("Node $maybe: collect in progress, using process start $otherstart instead of last_poll markers");
        				$lastsnmp = $lastwmi = $otherstart;
        				$lastpolicy = $polname;	# and no policy change triggering either...
        			# handle the case of a changed polling policy: move all rrd files
        			# out of the way, and poll now
        			# note that this does NOT work with non-standard common-database structures
        			if (defined($lastpolicy) && $lastpolicy ne $polname)
        				logMsg("Node $maybe is changing polling policy, from \"$lastpolicy\" to \"$polname\", due for polling at $now");
        				my $lcnode = lc($maybe);
        				my $curdir = $C->{'database_root'}."/nodes/$lcnode";
        				my $backupdir = "$curdir.policy-$lastpolicy.".time();
        				if (!-d $curdir)
        					logMsg("WARN Node $maybe doesn't have RRD files under $curdir!");
        					rename($curdir,$backupdir) or logMsg("WARN failed to mv rrd files for $maybe: $!");
        				push @todo_nodes, $maybe;
        				$whichflavours{$maybe}->{wmi} = $whichflavours{$maybe}->{snmp} = 1; # and ignore the last-xyz markers
        			elsif (getbool($nvp{force}))
        				dbg("force is enabled, Node $maybe will be polled at $now");
        				push @todo_nodes, $maybe;
        				$whichflavours{$maybe}->{wmi} = $whichflavours{$maybe}->{snmp} = 1; # and ignore the last-xyz markers
        			# nodes that have not been pollable since forever: run at most once hourly
        			elsif (!$ninfo->{system}->{nodeModel} or $ninfo->{system}->{nodeModel} eq "Model")
        				my $lasttry = $ninfo->{system}->{last_poll} // 0;
        				my $nexttry = ($lasttry && ($now - $lasttry) <= 30*86400)? ($lasttry + 3600 * 0.95) : $now;
        				dbg("Node $maybe has no valid nodeModel, never polled successfully, demoting to hourly check, last attempt $lasttry, next $nexttry");
        				if ($nexttry <= $now)
        					push @todo_nodes, $maybe;
        					$whichflavours{$maybe}->{wmi} = $whichflavours{$maybe}->{snmp} = 1;
        			# logic for collect now or later: candidate if no past successful collect whatsoever,
        			# or if either of the two worked and was done long enough ago.
        			# if no history is known for a source, then disregard it for the now-or-later logic
        			# but DO enable it for trying!
        			# note that collect=false, i.e. ping-only nodes need to be excepted,
        			elsif (!defined($lastsnmp) && !defined($lastwmi)
        						 && getbool($NT->{$maybe}->{collect}))
        				dbg("Node $maybe has neither last_poll_snmp nor last_poll_wmi, due for poll at $now");
        				push @todo_nodes, $maybe;
        				$whichflavours{$maybe}->{wmi} = $whichflavours{$maybe}->{snmp} = 1;
        				# for collect false/pingonly nodes the single 'generic' collect run counts,
        				# and the 'snmp' policy is applied
        				if (!getbool($NT->{$maybe}->{collect}))
        					$lastsnmp = $ninfo->{system}->{last_poll} // 0;
        					dbg("Node $maybe is non-collecting, applying snmp policy to last check at $lastsnmp");
        				# accept delta-previous-now interval if it's at least 95% of the configured interval
        				# strict 100% would mean that we might skip a full interval when polling takes longer
        				my $nextsnmp = ($lastsnmp // 0) + $intervals{$polname}->{snmp} * 0.95;
        				my $nextwmi = ($lastwmi // 0) + $intervals{$polname}->{wmi} * 0.95;
        				# only flavours which worked in the past contribute to the now-or-later logic
        				if ((defined($lastsnmp) && $nextsnmp <= $now )
        						|| (defined($lastwmi) && $nextwmi <= $now))
        					dbg("Node $maybe is due for poll at $now, last snmp: ".($lastsnmp//"never")
        							.", last wmi: ".($lastwmi//"never")
        							. ", next snmp: ".($lastsnmp ? (($now - $nextsnmp)."s ago"):"n/a")
        							.", next wmi: ".($lastwmi? (($now - $nextwmi)."s ago"):"n/a"));
        					push @todo_nodes, $maybe;
        					# but if we've decided on polling, then DO try flavours that have not worked in the past!
        					# nextwmi <= now also covers the case of undefined lastwmi...
        					$whichflavours{$maybe}->{wmi} = ($nextwmi <= $now);
        					$whichflavours{$maybe}->{snmp} = ($nextsnmp <= $now);
        					dbg("Node $maybe is NOT due for poll at $now, last snmp: ".($lastsnmp//"never")
        							.", last wmi: ".($lastwmi//"never")
        							. ", next snmp: ".($lastsnmp? $nextsnmp :"n/a")
        							.", next wmi: ".($lastwmi? $nextwmi :"n/a"));
        	# anything to do?
        	if (!@todo_nodes)
        		info("Found no nodes due for $type.");
        		logMsg("Found no nodes due for $type.");
        	logMsg("INFO Selected nodes for $type: ".join(" ", sort @todo_nodes));
        	$mthread = 0 if (@todo_nodes <= 1); # multiprocessing makes no sense with just one todo node
        	# now perform process safety operations
        	# test if there are any collect processes running for any of the todo nodes
        	# for updates, just test
        	### updates can run past 5 mins, BUT no two updates should run at the same time
        	### for potentially frequent type=services we don't do any of these.
        	if ( $type eq 'collect' or $type eq "update")
        		# unrelated but also for collect and update only
        		@active_plugins = &load_plugins;
        		# if this is a collect and if told to ignore running processes (ignore_running=1/t),
        		# then only warn about processes and don't shoot them.
        		if ($type eq "collect" and getbool($nvp{ignore_running}))
        			for my $pid (keys %$otherprocesses)
        				logMsg("INFO ignoring old $type process $pid that is still running: $otherprocesses->{$pid}->{node}, started at ".returnDateStamp($otherprocesses->{$pid}->{start}));
        			my $eventconfig = loadTable(dir => 'conf', name => 'Events');
        			my $event = "NMIS runtime exceeded";
        			my $thisevent_control = $eventconfig->{$event} || { Log => "true", Notify => "true", Status => "true"};
        			# if not told otherwise, shoot the others politely
        			my $needgrace;
        			for my $node (@todo_nodes)
        				my $pid = $problematic{$node};
        				next if (!$pid);
        				$needgrace = 1;
        				print STDERR "Error: killing old NMIS $type process $pid ($otherprocesses->{$pid}->{node}) which has not finished!\n"
        						if (getbool($C->{verbose_nmis_process_events}));
        				logMsg("ERROR killing old NMIS $type process $pid ($otherprocesses->{$pid}->{node}) which has not finished!");
        				# and raise an event to inform the operator - unless told NOT to
        				# ie: either disable_nmis_process_events is set to true OR the event control Log property is set to false
        				if ((!defined $C->{disable_nmis_process_events}
        						 or !getbool($C->{disable_nmis_process_events})
        						 and getbool($thisevent_control->{Log})))
        					# logging this event as the node name so it shows up as a problem with the node
        					logEvent(node => $otherprocesses->{$pid}->{node},
        									 event => $event,
        									 level => "Warning",
        									 element => $otherprocesses->{$pid}->{node},
        									 details => "Killed process $pid, $type of $otherprocesses->{$pid}->{node}, started at "
        			if ($needgrace) # give the others a moment to shut down cleanly
        				my $grace = 2;
        				logMsg("INFO sleeping for $grace seconds to let old NMIS processes clean up");
        	for my $onenode (@todo_nodes)
        		push @list_of_handled_nodes, $onenode;
        		# One process per node, until maxThreads is reached (then block and wait)
        		if ($mthread)
        			my $pid=fork;
        			if ( defined ($pid) and $pid==0)
        				# this will be run only by the child
        				print "CHILD $$-> I am a CHILD with the PID $$ processing $onenode\n"
        						if ($mthreadDebug);
        				# don't run longer than X seconds
        				alarm($maxruntime) if ($maxruntime);
        				my @methodargs = ( name => $onenode,
        													 policy => $intervals{$NT->{$onenode}->{polling_policy} || "default"} );
        				# try both flavours if force is on
        				push @methodargs, (wantsnmp => getbool($nvp{force}) ||  $whichflavours{$onenode}->{snmp},
        													 wantwmi => getbool($nvp{force}) || $whichflavours{$onenode}->{wmi})
        						if ($type eq "collect"); # flavours irrelevant for update
        				# all the work in this thread is done now this child will die.
        				print "CHILD $$-> $onenode is done, exiting\n"
        						if ($mthreadDebug);
        				exit 0;
        			} # end of child
        				# parent
        				my $others = func::find_nmis_processes(config => $C);
        				my $procs_now = 1 + scalar keys %$others; # the current process isn't returned
        				$maxprocs = $procs_now if $procs_now > $maxprocs;
        			# just one node or no multi-processing wanted -> work in this process.
        			my @methodargs = ( name => $onenode,
        												 policy => $intervals{$NT->{$onenode}->{polling_policy} || "default"} );
        			# try both flavours if force is on
        			push @methodargs, (wantsnmp => getbool($nvp{force}) ||  $whichflavours{$onenode}->{snmp},
        												 wantwmi => getbool($nvp{force}) || $whichflavours{$onenode}->{wmi},)
        					if ($type eq "collect"); # flavours irrelevant for update
        			alarm(0) if ($maxruntime);
        	# outermost parent process: collects exit codes
        	if ($mthread)
        		print "PARENT $$-> waiting for child processes to complete...\n"
        						if ($mthreadDebug);
        		# wait blockingly until all worker children are done
        		1 while wait != -1;
        	my $collecttime = Time::HiRes::time();
        	my $S;
        	# on update prime the interface summary
        	if ( $type eq "update" )
        		getNodeAllInfo(); # store node info in <nmis_var>/nmis-nodeinfo.xxxx
        		if ( !getbool($C->{disable_interfaces_summary}) )
        			getIntfAllInfo(); # concatencate all the interface info in <nmis_var>/nmis-interfaces.xxxx
        	# some collect post-processing
        	elsif ($type eq "collect")
        		$S = Sys->new;
        		my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        		delete $NI->{database};	 # remove pre-8.5.0 key as it's not used anymore
        		# do some masterly type things
        		if (!getbool($C->{'nmis_master_poll_cycle'},"invert") # if not false
        				 && getbool($C->{server_master}))
        			my $pollTimer = NMIS::Timing->new;
        			dbg("Starting nmisMaster");
        			logMsg("Poll Time: nmisMaster, ". $pollTimer->elapTime()) if ( getbool($C->{log_polling_time}));
        		# calculate and cache the summary stats
        		if (!getbool($C->{'nmis_summary_poll_cycle'},"invert") # if not false
        				&& getbool($C->{cache_summary_tables}))
        			dbg("Starting nmisSummary");
        		dbg("Starting runMetrics");
        		# thresholds can be run: independent (=t_p_n and t_p_c false), post-collect (=t_p_n false, t_p_c true),
        		# or combined with collect (t_p_n true, t_p_c ignored)
        		if (!getbool($C->{threshold_poll_node}))
        			# not false
        			if (!getbool($C->{threshold_poll_cycle},"invert") )
        				dbg("Starting runThreshold (for all selected nodes)");
        				dbg("Skipping runThreshold with configuration 'threshold_poll_cycle' = $C->{'threshold_poll_cycle'}");
        		dbg("Starting runEscalate");
        		# nmis collect runtime, process counts and save
        		my $D = {};
        		$D->{collect}{value} = $collecttime - $starttime;
        		$D->{collect}{option} = 'gauge,0:U';
        		$D->{total}{value} = Time::HiRes::time() - $starttime;
        		$D->{total}{option} = 'gauge,0:U';
        		my $nr_processes = 1+ scalar %{&func::find_nmis_processes(config => $C)}; # current one isn't returned by find_nmis_processes
        		$D->{nr_procs} = { option => "gauge,0:U",
        											 value => $nr_processes };
        		$D->{max_procs} = { option => "gauge,0:U",
        												value => $maxprocs };
        		if (( my $db = updateRRD(data=>$D, sys=>$S, type=>"nmis")))
        			$NI->{graphtype}{nmis} = 'nmis';
        			$NI->{graphtype}->{network}->{metrics} = 'metrics';
        			logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        		$S->writeNodeInfo; # var/nmis-system.xxxx, the base info system
        	if ($type eq "collect" or $type eq "update")
        		my $pollTimer = NMIS::Timing->new;
        		# now run all after_{collect,update}_plugin() functions, regardless of whether
        		# this was a one-node or all-nodes run
        		for my $plugin (@active_plugins)
        			my $funcname = $plugin->can("after_${type}_plugin");
        			next if (!$funcname);
        			# prime the global sys object, if this was an update run or a one-node collect
        			if (!$S)
        				$S = Sys->new;					# the nmis-system object
        			dbg("Running after_$type plugin $plugin");
        			logMsg("Running after_$type plugin $plugin");
        			my ($status, @errors);
        			eval { ($status, @errors) = &$funcname(sys => $S, config => $C, nodes => \@list_of_handled_nodes); };
        			if ($status >=2 or $status < 0 or $@)
        				logMsg("Error: Plugin $plugin failed to run: $@") if ($@);
        				for my $err (@errors)
        					logMsg("Error: Plugin $plugin: $err");
        			elsif ($status == 1)						# changes were made, need to re-save info file
        				dbg("Plugin $plugin indicated success, updating nmis-system file");
        			elsif ($status == 0)
        				dbg("Plugin $plugin indicated no changes");
        		logMsg("Poll Time: After $type Plugins ". $pollTimer->elapTime()) if ( defined $C->{log_polling_time} and getbool($C->{log_polling_time}));
        	logMsg("INFO end of $type process");
        	if ($C->{info} or $debug or $mthreadDebug) {
        		my $endTime = sprintf("%.2f", Time::HiRes::time() - $starttime);
        		my $stats = getUpdateStats();
        		print "\n".returnTime ." Number of Data Points: $stats->{datapoints}, Sum of Bytes: $stats->{databytes}, RRDs updated: $stats->{rrdcount}, Nodes with Updates: $stats->{nodecount}\n";
        		print "\n".returnTime ." End of $0 Processed $nodecount nodes ran for $endTime seconds.\n\n";
        	func::update_operations_stamp(type => $type, start => $starttime, stop => Time::HiRes::time());
        # generic signal handler, but with awareness of code in critical sections
        # also handles SIGALARM, which we cop if the process has run out of time
        sub catch_zap
        	my $rs = $_[0];
        	# if we've run out of our allocated run time, raise an event to inform the operator
        	# unless told NOT to... fixme: we can't check the events control table here as that might block.
        	if ($rs eq "ALRM" and (!defined $C->{disable_nmis_process_events}
        												 or !getbool($C->{disable_nmis_process_events})))
        		logEvent(node => $C->{server_name},
        						 event => "NMIS runtime exceeded",
        						 level => "Warning",
        						 element => undef,
        						 details => "Process $$, $0, has exceeded its max run time and is terminating");
        	# do a graceful shutdown if in critical, and if this is the FIRST interrupt
        	my $pending_ints = func::interrupt_pending; # scalar ref
        	if (func::in_critical_section && !$$pending_ints)
        		# do NOT lock the logfile
        		logMsg("INFO process in critical section, marking as signal $rs pending", 1);
        		# do NOT lock the logfile
        		logMsg("INFO Process $$ ($0) was killed by signal $rs", 1);
        		die "Process $$ ($0) was killed by signal $rs\n"
        				if (getbool($C->{verbose_nmis_process_events}));
        		exit 0;
        # perform update operation for ONE node
        # args: name, required
        # returns: nothing
        # note: update must not (and does not) skip nodes with collect=false; function is not run if active=false.
        sub doUpdate
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $name = $args{name};
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	my $updatetimer = NMIS::Timing->new;
        	dbg("Starting update, node $name");
        	# Check for existing update LOCK
        	if ( existsPollLock(type => "update", conf => $C->{conf}, node => $name) )
        		print STDERR "Error: update lock exists for $name which has not finished!\n";
        		logMsg("WARNING update lock exists for $name which has not finished!");
        	# create the update lock now.
        	my $lockHandle = createPollLock(type => "update", conf => $C->{conf}, node => $name);
        	# lets change our name, so a ps will report who we are
        	$0 = "nmis-".$C->{conf}."-update-$name";
        	my $S = Sys->new; # create system object
        	# loads old node info (unless force is active), and the DEFAULT(!) model (always!),
        	# and primes the sys object for snmp/wmi ops
        	if (!$S->init(name=>$name, update=>'true', force => $nvp{force}))
        		logMsg("ERROR ($name) init failed: ".$S->status->{error}); # fixme: why isn't this terminal?
        	dbg("node=$name ".join(" ",
        												 (map { "$_=".$S->ndinfo->{system}->{$_} }
        													(qw(group nodeType nodedown snmpdown wmidown))),
        												 (map { "$_=".$S->status->{$_} }
        													(qw(snmp_enabled wmi_enabled))) ));
        	# this uses the node config loaded by init, and updates the node info table
        	# (model and nodetype set only if missing)
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $NC = $S->ndcfg;
        	# look for any current outages with options.nostats set,
        	# and set a marker in nodeinfo so that updaterrd writes nothing but 'U'
        	my $outageres = NMIS::check_outages(sys => $S, time => time);
        	if (!$outageres->{success})
        		logMsg("ERROR Failed to check outage status for $name: $outageres->{error}");
        		$NI->{admin}->{outage_nostats} = ( List::Util::any { ref($_->{options}) eq "HASH"
        																														 && $_->{options}->{nostats} } @{$outageres->{current}} )? 1 : 0;
        	if (!getbool($nvp{force}))
        		$S->readNodeView; # from prev. run, but only if force isn't active
        	# prime default values, overridden if we can find anything better
        	$NI->{system}{nodeModel} ||= 'Generic';
        	$NI->{system}{nodeType} ||= 'generic';
        	# if reachable then we can update the model and get rid of the default we got from init above
        	# fixme: not true unless node is ALSO marked as collect, or getnodeinfo will not do anything model-related
        	if (runPing(sys=>$S))
        		# snmp-enabled node? then try to create a session obj
        		# (but as snmp is still predominantly udp it won't connect yet!)
        		$S->open(timeout => $C->{snmp_timeout},
        						 retries => $C->{snmp_retries},
        						 max_msg_size => $C->{snmp_max_msg_size},
        						 # how many oids/pdus per bulk request, or let net::snmp guess a value
        						 max_repetitions => $NI->{system}->{max_repetitions} || $C->{snmp_max_repetitions} || undef,
        						 # how many oids per simple get request (for getarray), or default (no guessing)
        						 oidpkt => $NI->{system}->{max_repetitions} || $C->{snmp_max_repetitions} || 10 )
        				if ($S->status->{snmp_enabled});
        		# failed already?
        		if ($S->status->{snmp_error})
        			logMsg("ERROR SNMP session open to $node failed: ".$S->status->{snmp_error});
        		# this will try all enabled sources, 0 only if none worked
        		# it also disables sys sources that don't work!
        		if (getNodeInfo(sys=>$S))
        			# getnodeinfo has deleted the interface info, need to rebuild from scratch
        			if ( getbool($NC->{node}{collect}) )
        				if (getIntfInfo(sys=>$S)) {
        					dbg("node=$S->{name} role=$NI->{system}{roleType} type=$NI->{system}{nodeType}");
        					dbg("vendor=$NI->{system}{nodeVendor} model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel} interfaces=$NI->{system}{ifNumber}");
        					if ( $model )
        						print "MODEL $S->{name}: role=$NI->{system}{roleType} type=$NI->{system}{nodeType} sysObjectID=$NI->{system}{sysObjectID} sysObjectName=$NI->{system}{sysObjectName}\n";
        						print "MODEL $S->{name}: sysDescr=$NI->{system}{sysDescr}\n";
        						print "MODEL $S->{name}: vendor=$NI->{system}{nodeVendor} model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel} interfaces=$NI->{system}{ifNumber}\n";
        				# fixme: why no error handling for getintfinfo?
        				getSystemHealthInfo(sys=>$S) if defined $S->{mdl}{systemHealth};
        				dbg("node is set to collect=false, not collecting any info");
        		$S->close; # close snmp session if one is open
        		$NI->{system}{last_update} = time();
        	my $reachdata = runReach(sys=>$S, delayupdate => 1); # don't let it make the rrd update, we want to add updatetime!
        	$S->writeNodeView;  # save node view info in file var/$NI->{name}-view.xxxx
        	$S->writeNodeInfo; # save node info in file var/$NI->{name}-node.xxxx
        	# done with the standard work, now run any plugins that offer update_plugin()
        	for my $plugin (@active_plugins)
        		my $funcname = $plugin->can("update_plugin");
        		next if (!$funcname);
        		dbg("Running update plugin $plugin with node $name");
        		my ($status, @errors);
        		eval { ($status, @errors) = &$funcname(node => $name, sys => $S, config => $C); };
        		if ($status >=2 or $status < 0 or $@)
        			logMsg("Error: Plugin $plugin failed to run: $@") if ($@);
        			for my $err (@errors)
        				logMsg("Error: Plugin $plugin: $err");
        		elsif ($status == 1)						# changes were made, need to re-save the view and info files
        			dbg("Plugin $plugin indicated success, updating node and view files");
        		elsif ($status == 0)
        			dbg("Plugin $plugin indicated no changes");
        	# fixme: deprecated, to be removed once all model-level custom plugins are converted to new plugin infrastructure
        	# and when the remaining customers using this have upgraded
        	runCustomPlugins(node => $name, sys=>$S) if (defined $S->{mdl}{custom});
        	my $updatetime = $updatetimer->elapTime();
        	info("updatetime for $name was $updatetime");
        	$reachdata->{updatetime} = { value => $updatetime, option => "gauge,0:U,".(86400*3) };
        	# parrot the previous reading's poll time
        	my $prevval = "U";
        	if (my $rrdfilename = $S->getDBName(type => "health"))
        		my $infohash =RRDs::info($rrdfilename);
        		$prevval = $infohash->{'ds[polltime].last_ds'} if (defined $infohash->{'ds[polltime].last_ds'});
        	$reachdata->{polltime} = { value => $prevval, option => "gauge,0:U," };
        	if (!updateRRD(sys=>$S, data=> $reachdata, type=>"health"))
        		logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        	releasePollLock(handle => $lockHandle, type => "update", conf => $C->{conf}, node => $name);
        	if ( defined $C->{log_polling_time} and getbool($C->{log_polling_time})) {
        		logMsg("Poll Time: $name, $NI->{system}{nodeModel}, $updatetime");
        # a function to load the available code plugins,
        # returns the list of package names that have working plugins
        sub load_plugins
        	my @activeplugins;
        	# check for plugins enabled and the dir
        	return () if (!getbool($C->{plugins_enabled})
        								or !$C->{plugin_root} or !-d $C->{plugin_root});
        	if (!opendir(PD, $C->{plugin_root}))
        		logMsg("Error: cannot open plugin dir $C->{plugin_root}: $!");
        		return ();
        	my @candidates = grep(/\.pm$/, readdir(PD));
        	for my $candidate (@candidates)
        		my $packagename = $candidate;
        		$packagename =~ s/\.pm$//;
        		# read it and check that it has precisely one matching package line
        		dbg("Checking candidate plugin $candidate");
        		if (!open(F,$C->{plugin_root}."/$candidate"))
        			logMsg("Error: cannot open plugin file $candidate: $!");
        		my @plugindata = <F>;
        		close F;
        		my @packagelines = grep(/^\s*package\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_:-]+\s*;\s*$/, @plugindata);
        		if (@packagelines > 1 or $packagelines[0] !~ /^\s*package\s+$packagename\s*;\s*$/)
        			logMsg("Plugin $candidate doesn't have correct \"package\" declaration. Ignoring.");
        		# do the actual load and eval
        		eval { require $C->{plugin_root}."/$candidate"; };
        		if ($@)
        			logMsg("Ignoring plugin $candidate as it isn't valid perl: $@");
        		# we're interested if one or more of the supported plugin functions are provided
        		push @activeplugins, $packagename
        				if ($packagename->can("update_plugin")
        						or $packagename->can("collect_plugin")
        						or $packagename->can("after_collect_plugin")
        						or $packagename->can("after_update_plugin") );
        	return sort @activeplugins;
        # this function runs ONLY NON-SNMP services!
        # args: only name (node name)
        # returns: nothing
        sub doServices
        	my (%args) = @_;
        	my $name = $args{name};
        	info("Starting services, node $name");
        	# lets change our name, so a ps will report who we are
        	$0 = "nmis-".$C->{conf}."-services-$name";
        	my $S = Sys->new;
        	$S->init(name => $name);
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	# look for any current outages with options.nostats set,
        	# and set a marker in nodeinfo so that updaterrd writes nothing but 'U'
        	my $outageres = NMIS::check_outages(sys => $S, time => time);
        	if (!$outageres->{success})
        		logMsg("ERROR Failed to check outage status for $name: $outageres->{error}");
        		$NI->{admin}->{outage_nostats} = ( List::Util::any { ref($_->{options}) eq "HASH"
        																														 && $_->{options}->{nostats} }
        																			 @{$outageres->{current}}) ? 1:0;
        	dbg("node=$name ".join(" ", map { "$_=".$S->ndinfo->{system}->{$_} } (qw(group nodeType nodedown snmpdown wmidown))));
        	$S->readNodeView;							# init does not load the node view, but runservices updates view data!
        	runServices(sys=>$S, snmp => 'false');
        	# we also have to update the node info file, or newly added service status info will be lost/missed...
        	# same argument for node view
        sub doCollect
        	my %args = @_;
        	my ($name,$wantsnmp,$wantwmi, $policy) = @args{"name","wantsnmp","wantwmi","policy"};
        	my $starttime = time;
        	my $pollTimer = NMIS::Timing->new;
        	info("Starting collect, node $name, want SNMP: ".($wantsnmp?"yes":"no")
        			 .", want WMI: ".($wantwmi?"yes":"no"));
        	# Check for both update and collect locks, but complain only for collect lock
        	# with polling frequently, an existing update lock is very very likely
        	if ( existsPollLock(type => "update", conf => $C->{conf}, node => $name) )
        		logMsg("INFO skipping collect for node $name because of active update lock");
        	if ( existsPollLock(type => "collect", conf => $C->{conf}, node => $name) )
        		print STDERR "Error: collect lock exists for $name which has not finished!\n";
        		logMsg("WARNING collect lock exists for $name which has not finished!");
        	# create the poll lock now.
        	my $lockHandle = createPollLock(type => "collect", conf => $C->{conf}, node => $name);
        	# lets change our name, so a ps will report who we are
        	$0 = "nmis-".$C->{conf}."-collect-$name";
        	my $S = Sys->new; # create system object, does next to nothing
        	# init will usually load node info data, model etc, returns 1 if _all_ is ok
        	if (! $S->init(name=>$name,
        								 snmp => $wantsnmp,
        								 wmi => $wantwmi,
        								 policy => $policy,
        								 debug => $C->{debug} ) )
        		dbg("Sys init for $name failed: ".join(", ", map { "$_=".$S->status->{$_} } (qw(error snmp_error wmi_error))));
        		info("no info available of node $name, switching to update operation instead");
        		info("Finished update instead of collect");
        		return; # collect has to wait until a next run
        	dbg("node=$name ".join(" ", map { "$_=".$S->ndinfo->{system}->{$_} } (qw(group nodeType nodedown snmpdown wmidown))));
        	# update node info data, merge in the node's configuration (which was loaded by sys' init)
        	$S->copyModelCfgInfo(type => 'all');
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $NC = $S->ndcfg;
        	$S->readNodeView;  # s->init does NOT load that, but we need it as we're overwriting some view info
        	# look for any current outages with options.nostats set,
        	# and set a marker in nodeinfo so that updaterrd writes nothing but 'U'
        	my $outageres = NMIS::check_outages(sys => $S, time => time);
        	if (!$outageres->{success})
        		logMsg("ERROR Failed to check outage status for $name: $outageres->{error}");
        		$NI->{admin}->{outage_nostats} = ( List::Util::any { ref($_->{options}) eq "HASH"
        																														 && $_->{options}->{nostats} }
        																			 @{$outageres->{current}} ) ? 1 : 0;
        	# run an update if no update poll time is known
        	if ( !exists($NI->{system}{last_update}) or !$NI->{system}{last_update})
        		info("no cached node data available, running an update now");
        		info("update done, continue with collect");
        	info("node=$NI->{system}{name} role=$NI->{system}{roleType} type=$NI->{system}{nodeType}");
        	info("vendor=$NI->{system}{nodeVendor} model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel} interfaces=$NI->{system}{ifNumber}");
        	# are we meant to and able to talk to the node?
        	if (runPing(sys=>$S) && getbool($NC->{node}{collect}))
        		# snmp-enabled node? then try to create a session obj (but as snmp is still predominantly udp it won't connect yet!)
        		$S->open(timeout => $C->{snmp_timeout},
        						 retries => $C->{snmp_retries},
        						 max_msg_size => $C->{snmp_max_msg_size},
        						 # how many oids/pdus per bulk request, or let net::snmp guess a value
        						 max_repetitions => $NI->{system}->{max_repetitions} || $C->{snmp_max_repetitions} || undef,
        						 # how many oids per simple get request for getarray, or default (no guessing)
        						 oidpkt => $NI->{system}->{max_repetitions} || $C->{snmp_max_repetitions} || 10 )
        				if ($S->status->{snmp_enabled});
        		# failed already?
        		if ($S->status->{snmp_error})
        			logMsg("ERROR SNMP session open to $node failed: ".$S->status->{snmp_error});
        		# returns 1 if one or more sources have worked, also updates snmp/wmi down states in nodeinfo
        		# and sets the relevant last_poll_xyz markers
        		my $updatewasok = updateNodeInfo(sys=>$S, time_marker => $starttime);
        		my $curstate = $S->status;	# updatenodeinfo does NOT disable faulty sources!
        		# was snmp ok? should we bail out? note that this is interpreted to apply to ALL sources being down simultaneously,
        		# NOT just snmp. otherwise a wmi-only node would never be polled.
        		# fixme: likely needs companion wmi_stop_polling_on_error, and both criteria would need to be satisfied for stopping
        		if ( getbool($C->{snmp_stop_polling_on_error})
        				 and getbool($NI->{system}{snmpdown})
        				 and getbool($NI->{system}{wmidown}) )
        			logMsg("Polling stopped for $NI->{system}{name} because SNMP and WMI had errors, snmpdown=$NI->{system}{snmpdown} wmidown=$NI->{system}{wmidown}");
        		elsif ($updatewasok)				# at least some info was retrieved by wmi or snmp
        			if ( $model or $C->{info})
        				print "MODEL $S->{name}: role=$NI->{system}{roleType} type=$NI->{system}{nodeType} sysObjectID=$NI->{system}{sysObjectID} sysObjectName=$NI->{system}{sysObjectName}\n";
        				print "MODEL $S->{name}: sysDescr=$NI->{system}{sysDescr}\n";
        				print "MODEL $S->{name}: vendor=$NI->{system}{nodeVendor} model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel} interfaces=$NI->{system}{ifNumber}\n";
        			# at this point we need to tell sys that dead sources are to be ignored
        			for my $source (qw(snmp wmi))
        				if ($curstate->{"${source}_error"})
        			# fixme: why no error handling for any of these?
        			# get node data and store in rrd
        			# get intf data and store in rrd
        			getIntfData(sys=>$S) if defined $S->{info}{interface};
        			# Custom Alerts
        			runAlerts(sys=>$S) if defined $S->{mdl}{alerts};
        			# remember when the collect poll last completed successfully
        			$NI->{system}{lastCollectPoll} = time();
        			my $msg = "updateNodeInfo for $name failed: ".join(", ", map { "$_=".$S->status->{$_} } (qw(error snmp_error wmi_error)));
        			logMsg("ERROR $msg");
        			info("Error: $msg");
        	# Need to poll services under all circumstances, i.e. if no ping, or node down or set to no collect
        	# but try snmp services only if snmp is actually ok
        	runServices(sys=>$S, snmp => getbool($NI->{system}->{snmpdown})? 'false':'true' );
        	# don't let runreach perform the rrd update, we want to add the polltime to it!
        	my $reachdata = runReach(sys=>$S, delayupdate => 1);
        	# compute thresholds with the node, if configured to do so
        	if (getbool($C->{threshold_poll_node}))
        		doThreshold(name => $S->{name}, sys => $S, table => {} );
        	# done with the standard work, now run any plugins that offer collect_plugin()
        	for my $plugin (@active_plugins)
        		my $funcname = $plugin->can("collect_plugin");
        		next if (!$funcname);
        		dbg("Running collect plugin $plugin with node $name");
        		my ($status, @errors);
        		eval { ($status, @errors) = &$funcname(node => $name, sys => $S, config => $C); };
        		if ($status >=2 or $status < 0 or $@)
        			logMsg("Error: Plugin $plugin failed to run: $@") if ($@);
        			for my $err (@errors)
        				logMsg("Error: Plugin $plugin: $err");
        		elsif ($status == 1)						# changes were made, need to re-save the view and info files
        			dbg("Plugin $plugin indicated success, updating node and view files");
        		elsif ($status == 0)
        			dbg("Plugin $plugin indicated no changes");
        	my $polltime = $pollTimer->elapTime();
        	info("polltime for $name was $polltime");
        	$reachdata->{polltime} = { value =>  $polltime, option => "gauge,0:U" };
        	# parrot the previous reading's update time
        	my $prevval = "U";
        	if (my $rrdfilename = $S->getDBName(type => "health"))
        		my $infohash =RRDs::info($rrdfilename);
        		$prevval = $infohash->{'ds[updatetime].last_ds'} if (defined $infohash->{'ds[updatetime].last_ds'});
        	$reachdata->{updatetime} = { value => $prevval, option => "gauge,0:U,".(86400*3) };
        	if (!updateRRD(sys=>$S, data=> $reachdata, type=>"health"))
        		logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        	releasePollLock(handle => $lockHandle, type => "collect", conf => $C->{conf}, node => $name);
        	if (getbool($C->{log_polling_time}))
        		logMsg("Poll Time: $name, $NI->{system}{nodeModel}, $polltime");
        # normaly a daemon fpingd.pl is running (if set in NMIS config) and stores the result in var/fping.xxxx
        # if node info missing then ping.pm is used
        # returns: 1 if pingable, 0 otherwise
        sub runPing
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;	# node info
        	my $V =  $S->view;		# web view
        	my $RI = $S->reach;		# reach table
        	my $NC = $S->ndcfg;		# node config
        	my ($ping_min,$ping_avg,$ping_max,$ping_loss,$pingresult);
        	# setup log filter for getNodeInfo() - fixme why is that done here?
        	$S->snmp->logFilterOut(qr/no response from/)
        			if ($S->snmp && getbool($NI->{system}{snmpdown}));
        	# preset view of node status
        	$V->{system}{status_value} = 'unknown';
        	$V->{system}{status_title} = 'Node Status';
        	$V->{system}{status_color} = '#0F0';
        	if (getbool($NC->{node}{ping}))
        		my $PT;
        		# use fastping info if its meant to be available, and actually is
        		if ( getbool($C->{daemon_fping_active})
        				 && ($PT = loadTable(dir=>'var',name=>'nmis-fping'))
        				 && exists($PT->{$NC->{node}{name}}{loss}) )
        			# copy values
        			$ping_avg = $PT->{$NC->{node}{name}}{avg};
        			$ping_loss = $PT->{$NC->{node}{name}}{loss};
        			$pingresult = ($ping_loss < 100)? 100 : 0;
        			info("INFO ($S->{name}) PING min/avg/max = $ping_min/$ping_avg/$ping_max ms loss=$ping_loss%");
        			# fallback to OLD system
        			logMsg("INFO ($S->{name}) using standard ping system, no ping info of daemon fpingd")
        					if (getbool($C->{daemon_fping_active})
        							and !getbool($C->{daemon_fping_failed})
        							and !getbool($S->{update})); # fixme: unclean access to internal property
        			my $retries = $C->{ping_retries} ? $C->{ping_retries} : 3;
        			my $timeout = $C->{ping_timeout} ? $C->{ping_timeout} : 300 ;
        			my $packet = $C->{ping_packet} ? $C->{ping_packet} : 56 ;
        			my $host = $NC->{node}{host};			# ip name/adress of node
        			info("Starting $S->{name} ($host) with timeout=$timeout retries=$retries packet=$packet");
        			( $ping_min, $ping_avg, $ping_max, $ping_loss) = ext_ping($host, $packet, $retries, $timeout );
        			$pingresult = defined $ping_min ? 100 : 0;		# ping_min is undef if unreachable.
        		# at this point ping_{min,avg,max,loss} and pingresult are all set
        		# in the fpingd case all up/down events are handled by it
        		if (!getbool($C->{daemon_fping_active}))
        			if ($pingresult)
        				# up
        				# are the nodedown status and event db out of sync?
        				if ( not getbool($NI->{system}{nodedown}) and eventExist($NI->{system}{name}, "Node Down", "") )
        					my $result = checkEvent(sys=>$S,event=>"Node Down",level=>"Normal",element=>"",details=>"Ping failed");
        					info("Fixing Event DB error: $S->{name}, Event DB says Node Down but nodedown said not.");
        					# note: up event is handled regardless of snmpdown/pingonly/snmponly, which the
        					# frontend nodeStatus() takes proper care of.
        					info("$S->{name} is PINGABLE min/avg/max = $ping_min/$ping_avg/$ping_max ms loss=$ping_loss%");
        					HandleNodeDown(sys => $S, type => "node", up => 1, details=>"Ping avg=$ping_avg loss=$ping_loss%");
        				# down - log if not already down
        				logMsg("ERROR ($S->{name}) ping failed") if (!getbool($NI->{system}{nodedown}));
        				HandleNodeDown(sys => $S, type => "node", details => "Ping failed");
        		$RI->{pingavg} = $ping_avg; # results for sub runReach
        		$RI->{pingresult} = $pingresult;
        		$RI->{pingloss} = $ping_loss;
        		# info for web page
        		$V->{system}{lastUpdate_value} = returnDateStamp();
        		$V->{system}{lastUpdate_title} = 'Last Update';
        		$NI->{system}{last_poll} = time();
        		info("$S->{name} ping not requested");
        		$RI->{pingresult} = $pingresult = 100; # results for sub runReach
        		$RI->{pingavg} = 0;
        		$RI->{pingloss} = 0;
        	if ($pingresult)
        		$V->{system}{status_value} = 'reachable' if (getbool($NC->{node}{ping}));
        		$V->{system}{status_color} = '#0F0';
        		$NI->{system}{nodedown} =  'false';
        		$V->{system}{status_value} = 'unreachable';
        		$V->{system}{status_color} = 'red';
        		$NI->{system}{nodedown} = 'true';
        		# workaround for opCharts not using right data
        		$NI->{system}{nodestatus} = 'unreachable';
        	info("Finished with exit=".($pingresult?1:0)
        			 .", nodedown=$NI->{system}{nodedown} nodestatus=$NI->{system}{nodestatus}");
        	return ($pingresult?1:0);
        # gets node info by snmp/wmi, determines node's model if it can
        # this is only run during update type ops (or if we switch to that type on the go)
        # args: sys
        # returns: 1 if _something_ worked, 0 if all a/v collection mechanisms failed
        # attention: this deletes the interface info if other steps successful
        # attention: this function disables all sys' sources that indicate any errors on loadnodeinfo()!
        # fixme: this thing is an utter mess logic-wise and urgently needs a rewrite
        sub getNodeInfo
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;	# node info table
        	my $RI = $S->reach;	# reach table
        	my $V =  $S->view;	# web view
        	my $M  = $S->mdl;	# model table
        	my $NC = $S->ndcfg;		# node config
        	my $SNMP = $S->snmp;	# snmp object
        	my $C = loadConfTable();	# system config
        	my $exit = 0; # assume failure by default
        	$RI->{snmpresult} = $RI->{wmiresult} = 0;
        	# fixme: unclean access to internal property,
        	# fixme also fails if we've switched to updating this node on the go!
        	if (getbool($S->{update})
        			and !getbool($NC->{node}{collect}))  # rebuild
        		delete $V->{interface};
        		delete $NI->{graphtype};
        	my $oldstate = $S->status;		# what did we start with for snmp_enabled, wmi_enabled?
        	my $curstate;
        	# if collect is off, only nodeconf overrides are loaded
        	if (getbool($NC->{node}{collect}))
        		# get basic node info by snmp or wmi: sysDescr, sysObjectID, sysUpTime etc. and store in $NI table
        		# this is normally with the DEFAULT model from Model.nmis
        		# fixme: not true if switched to update op on the go!
        		my $firstloadok = $S->loadNodeInfo();
        		# source that hasn't worked? disable immediately
        		$curstate = $S->status;
        		for my $source (qw(snmp wmi))
        			if ($curstate->{"${source}_error"})
        				# copy over the error so that we can figure out that this source is indeed down,
        				# not just disabled from the get-go
        				$oldstate->{"${source}_error"} =	$curstate->{"${source}_error"};
        		if ($firstloadok)
        			# snmp: continue processing if at least a couple of entries are valid.
        			if ($NI->{system}{sysDescr} and $NI->{system}{sysObjectID})
        				my $enterpriseTable = loadEnterpriseTable(); # table is already cached
        				# if the vendors product oid file is loaded, this will give product name.
        				$NI->{system}{sysObjectName} = oid2name($NI->{system}{sysObjectID});
        				info("sysObjectId=$NI->{system}{sysObjectID}, sysObjectName=$NI->{system}{sysObjectName}");
        				# Decide on vendor name.
        				my @x = split(/\./,$NI->{system}{sysObjectID});
        				my $i = $x[6];
        				# Special handling for devices with bad sysObjectID, e.g. Trango
        				if ( not $i ) {
        					$i = $NI->{system}{sysObjectID};
        				if ( $enterpriseTable->{$i}{Enterprise} ne "" )
        					$NI->{system}{nodeVendor} = $enterpriseTable->{$i}{Enterprise};
        					$NI->{system}{nodeVendor} =  "Universal";
        				dbg("oid index $i, Vendor is $NI->{system}{nodeVendor}");
        			# iff snmp is a dud, look at some wmi properties
        			elsif ($NI->{system}->{winbuild} && $NI->{system}->{winosname} && $NI->{system}->{winversion})
        				info("winosname=$NI->{system}->{winosname} winversion=$NI->{system}->{winversion}");
        				# synthesize something compatible with what win boxes spit out via snmp:
        				# i'm too lazy to also wmi-poll Manufacturer and strip off the 'corporation'
        				$NI->{system}->{nodeVendor} = "Microsoft";
        				# the winosname is not the same/enough
        				$NI->{system}->{sysDescr} =  $NI->{system}->{winosname}." Windows Version ".$NI->{system}->{winversion};
        				$NI->{system}->{sysName} = $NI->{system}->{winsysname};
        			# but if neither worked, do not continue processing anything model-related!
        			if ($NI->{system}{sysDescr} or !$NI->{system}->{nodeVendor})
        				# fixme: the auto-model decision should be made FIRST, before doing any loadinfo(),
        				# this function's logic needs a complete rewrite
        				if ($NC->{node}{model} eq 'automatic' || $NC->{node}{model} eq "")
        					# get nodeModel based on nodeVendor and sysDescr (real or synthetic)
        					$NI->{system}{nodeModel} = $S->selectNodeModel(); # select and save name in node info table
        					info("selectNodeModel returned model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel}");
        					$NI->{system}{nodeModel} ||= 'Default'; # fixme why default and not generic?
        					$NI->{system}{nodeModel} = $NC->{node}{model};
        					info("node model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel} set by node config");
        				dbg("about to loadModel model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel}");
        				# now we know more about the host, nodetype and model have been positively determined,
        				# so we'll force-overwrite those values
        				# add web page info
        				delete $V->{system} if getbool($S->{update}); # rebuild; fixme unclean access to internal property
        				$V->{system}{status_value} = 'reachable';
        				$V->{system}{status_title} = 'Node Status';
        				$V->{system}{status_color} = '#0F0';
        				$V->{system}{sysName_value} = $NI->{system}{sysName};
        				$V->{system}{sysName_title} = 'System Name';
        				$V->{system}{sysObjectName_value} = $NI->{system}{sysObjectName};
        				$V->{system}{sysObjectName_title} = 'Object Name';
        				$V->{system}{nodeVendor_value} = $NI->{system}{nodeVendor};
        				$V->{system}{nodeVendor_title} = 'Vendor';
        				$V->{system}{group_value} = $NI->{system}{group};
        				$V->{system}{group_title} = 'Group';
        				$V->{system}{customer_value} = $NI->{system}{customer};
        				$V->{system}{customer_title} = 'Customer';
        				$V->{system}{location_value} = $NI->{system}{location};
        				$V->{system}{location_title} = 'Location';
        				$V->{system}{businessService_value} = $NI->{system}{businessService};
        				$V->{system}{businessService_title} = 'Business Service';
        				$V->{system}{serviceStatus_value} = $NI->{system}{serviceStatus};
        				$V->{system}{serviceStatus_title} = 'Service Status';
        				$V->{system}{notes_value} = $NI->{system}{notes};
        				$V->{system}{notes_title} = 'Notes';
        				# make sure any required data from network_viewNode_field_list gets added.
        				my @viewNodeFields = split(",",$C->{network_viewNode_field_list});
        				foreach my $field (@viewNodeFields) {
        					if ( defined $NI->{system}{$field}
        							 and ( not defined $V->{system}{"${field}_value"} or not defined $V->{system}{"${field}_title"} )
        							) {
        						$V->{system}{"${field}_title"} = $field;
        						$V->{system}{"${field}_value"} = $NI->{system}{$field};
        				# update node info table a second time, but now with the actually desired model
        				# fixme: see logic problem above, should not have to do both
        				my $secondloadok = $S->loadNodeInfo();
        				# source that hasn't worked? disable immediately
        				$curstate = $S->status;
        				for my $source (qw(snmp wmi))
        					$S->disable_source($source) if ($curstate->{"${source}_error"});
        				if ($secondloadok)
        					# sysuptime is only a/v if snmp, with wmi we have synthesize it as wintime-winboottime
        					# it's also mangled on the go
        					$V->{system}{sysUpTime_value} = $NI->{system}{sysUpTime};
        					$NI->{system}{server} = $C->{server_name};
        					# pull / from VPN3002 system descr
        					$NI->{system}{sysDescr} =~ s/\// /g;
        					# collect DNS location info.
        					# PIX failover test
        					$exit = 1; # done
        					logMsg("ERROR loadNodeInfo with specific model failed!");
        				info("ERROR could retrieve sysDescr or winosname, cannot determine model!");
        		else # fixme unclear why this reaction to failed getnodeinfo?
        			# load the model prev found
        			$S->loadModel(model=>"Model-$NI->{system}{nodeModel}") if ($NI->{system}{nodeModel} ne '');
        		dbg("node $S->{name} is marked collect is 'false'");
        		$exit = 1; # done
        	# get and apply any nodeconf override if such exists for this node
        	my $nodename = $NI->{system}->{name};
        	my ($errmsg, $override) = get_nodeconf(node => $nodename)
        			if (has_nodeconf(node => $nodename));
        	logMsg("ERROR $errmsg") if $errmsg;
        	$override ||= {};
        	if ($override->{sysLocation})
        		$NI->{system}{sysLocation} = $V->{system}{sysLocation_value} = $override->{sysLocation};
        		$NI->{nodeconf}{sysLocation} = $NI->{system}{sysLocation};
        		info("Manual update of sysLocation by nodeConf");
        	} else {
        		$NI->{system}{sysLocation} = $NI->{system}{sysLocation};
        	if ($override->{sysContact})
        		$NI->{system}{sysContact} = $V->{system}{sysContact_value} = $override->{sysContact};
        		$NI->{nodeconf}{sysContact} = $NI->{system}{sysContact};
        		dbg("Manual update of sysContact by nodeConf");
        	} else {
        		$NI->{system}{sysContact} = $NI->{system}{sysContact};
        	if ($override->{nodeType})
        		$NI->{system}->{nodeType} = $NI->{nodeconf}->{nodeType} = $override->{nodeType};
        		delete $NI->{nodeconf}->{nodeType};
        	# process the overall results, set node states etc.
        	for my $source (qw(snmp wmi))
        		# $curstate should be state as of last loadinfo() op
        		# we can call a source ok iff we started with it enabled, still enabled,
        		# and the (second) loadnodeinfo didn't turn up any trouble for this source
        		if ($oldstate->{"${source}_enabled"}
        				&& $curstate->{"${source}_enabled"}
        				&& !$curstate->{"${source}_error"})
        			$RI->{"${source}result"} = 100;
        			my $sourcename = uc($source);
        			# happy, clear previous source down flag and event (if any)
        			HandleNodeDown(sys => $S, type => $source, up => 1, details => "$sourcename ok");
        		# or fire down event if it was enabled but didn't work
        		# ie. if it's no longer enabled and has an error saved in oldstate or a new one
        		elsif ($oldstate->{"${source}_enabled"}
        					 && !$curstate->{"${source}_enabled"}
        					 && ($oldstate->{"${source}_error"} || $curstate->{"${source}_error"}))
        			HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type => $source,
        										 details => $curstate->{"${source}_error"} || $oldstate->{"${source}_error"} );
        	if ($exit)
        		# add web page info
        		$V->{system}{timezone_value} = $NI->{system}{timezone};
        		$V->{system}{timezone_title} = 'Time Zone';
        		$V->{system}{nodeModel_value} = $NI->{system}{nodeModel};
        		$V->{system}{nodeModel_title} = 'Model';
        		$V->{system}{nodeType_value} = $NI->{system}{nodeType};
        		$V->{system}{nodeType_title} = 'Type';
        		$V->{system}{roleType_value} = $NI->{system}{roleType};
        		$V->{system}{roleType_title} = 'Role';
        		$V->{system}{netType_value} = $NI->{system}{netType};
        		$V->{system}{netType_title} = 'Net';
        		# override the sysLocation title to indicate that it is coming from SNMP sysLocation
        		$V->{system}{sysLocation_title} = 'SNMP Location';
        		# get the current ip address if the host property was a name
        		if ((my $addr = resolveDNStoAddr($NI->{system}{host})))
        			$NI->{system}{host_addr} = $addr; # cache it
        			$V->{system}{host_addr_value} = $addr;
        			$V->{system}{host_addr_value} .= " ($NI->{system}{host})" if ($addr ne $NI->{system}{host});
        			$V->{system}{host_addr_title} = 'IP Address';
        			$NI->{system}->{host_addr} = '';
        			$V->{system}{host_addr_value} = $NI->{system}{host};
        			$V->{system}{host_addr_title} = 'IP Address';
        		# node status info web page
        		$V->{system}{status_title} = 'Node Status';
        		if ( getbool($NC->{node}{ping}) ) {
        			$V->{system}{status_value} = 'degraded';
        			$V->{system}{status_color} = '#FFFF00';
        		} else {
        			$V->{system}{status_value} = 'unreachable';
        			$V->{system}{status_color} = 'red';
        	info("Finished with exit=$exit "
        			 . join(" ", map { "$_=".$S->ndinfo->{system}->{$_} } (qw(nodedown snmpdown wmidown))));
        	return $exit;
        sub getDNSloc
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys}; # node object
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo; # node info
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	# collect DNS location info. Update this info every update pass.
        	$NI->{system}{loc_DNSloc} = "unknown";
        	my $tmphostname = $NI->{system}{host};
        	if ( getbool($C->{loc_from_DNSloc}) and $C->{netDNS} ) {
        		my ($rr, $lat, $lon);
        		my $res   = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
        		if ($tmphostname =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) {
        			# find reverse lookup as this is an ip
        			my $query = $res->query("$tmphostname","PTR");
        			if ($query) {
        				foreach $rr ($query->answer) {
        					next unless $rr->type eq "PTR";
        					$tmphostname = $rr->ptrdname;
        					dbg("DNS Reverse query $tmphostname");
        			} else {
        				dbg("ERROR, DNS Reverse query failed: $res->errorstring");
        		#look up loc for hostname
        		my $query = $res->query("$tmphostname","LOC");
        		if ($query) {
        			foreach $rr ($query->answer) {
        				next unless $rr->type eq "LOC";
        				($lat, $lon) = $rr->latlon;
        				$NI->{system}{loc_DNSloc} = $lat . ",". $lon . ",". $rr->altitude;
        				dbg("Location from DNS LOC query is $NI->{system}{loc_DNSloc}");
        		} else {
        			dbg("ERROR, DNS Loc query failed: $res->errorstring");
        	} # end DNSLoc
        	# if no DNS based location information found - look at sysLocation in router.....
        	# longitude,latitude,altitude,location-text
        	if ( getbool($C->{loc_from_sysLoc}) and $NI->{system}{loc_DNSloc} eq "unknown"  ) {
        		if ($NI->{system}{sysLocation} =~ /$C->{loc_sysLoc_format}/ ) {
        			$NI->{system}{loc_DNSloc} = $NI->{system}{sysLocation};
        			dbg("Location from device sysLocation is $NI->{system}{loc_DNSloc}");
        	} # end sysLoc
        	return 1;
        # verifies a cisco ciscoEnvMonSupplyState-style power status,
        # raises/clears event if required, updates view a little
        sub checkPower
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $V =  $S->view;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;
        	my $attr = $args{attr};
        	info("Start with attribute=$attr");
        	delete $V->{system}{"${attr}_value"};
        	info("Power check attribute=$attr value=$NI->{system}{$attr}");
        	if ($NI->{system}{$attr} ne '' and $NI->{system}{$attr} !~ /noSuch/)
        		$V->{system}{"${attr}_value"} = $NI->{system}{$attr};
        		if ( $NI->{system}{$attr} =~ /normal|unknown|notPresent/ )
        								 event=>"RPS Fail",
        								 details=>"RPS failed");
        			$V->{system}{"${attr}_color"} = '#0F0';
        						 event=>"RPS Fail",
        						 details=>"RPS failed",
        						 context => { type => "rps" } );
        			$V->{system}{"${attr}_color"} = 'red';
        # try to figure out if the config of a device has been saved or not,
        # send node config change event if one detected, update the view a little
        sub checkNodeConfiguration
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $V =  $S->view;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;
        	my @updatePrevValues = qw ( configLastChanged configLastSaved bootConfigLastChanged );
        	# create previous values if they don't exist
        	for my $attr (@updatePrevValues)
        		if (defined($NI->{system}{$attr})
        				&& $NI->{system}{$attr} ne ''
        				&& !defined($NI->{system}{"${attr}_prev"}) )
        			$NI->{system}{"${attr}_prev"} = $NI->{system}{$attr};
        	my $configLastChanged = $NI->{system}{configLastChanged} if defined $NI->{system}{configLastChanged};
        	my $configLastViewed = $NI->{system}{configLastSaved} if defined $NI->{system}{configLastSaved};
        	my $bootConfigLastChanged = $NI->{system}{bootConfigLastChanged}
        	if defined $NI->{system}{bootConfigLastChanged};
        	my $configLastChanged_prev = $NI->{system}{configLastChanged_prev}
        	if defined $NI->{system}{configLastChanged_prev};
        	if ( defined $configLastViewed && defined $bootConfigLastChanged )
        		info("checkNodeConfiguration configLastChanged=$configLastChanged, configLastViewed=$configLastViewed, bootConfigLastChanged=$bootConfigLastChanged, configLastChanged_prev=$configLastChanged_prev");
        	else {
        		info("checkNodeConfiguration configLastChanged=$configLastChanged, configLastChanged_prev=$configLastChanged_prev");
        	# check if config is saved:
        	$V->{system}{configLastChanged_value} = convUpTime( $configLastChanged/100 ) if defined $configLastChanged;
        	$V->{system}{configLastSaved_value} = convUpTime( $configLastViewed/100 ) if defined $configLastViewed;
        	$V->{system}{bootConfigLastChanged_value} = convUpTime( $bootConfigLastChanged/100 ) if defined $bootConfigLastChanged;
        	### Cisco Node Configuration Change Only
        	if( defined $configLastChanged && defined $bootConfigLastChanged ) {
        		$V->{system}{configurationState_title} = 'Configuration State';
        		### when the router reboots bootConfigLastChanged = 0 and configLastChanged
        		# is about 2 seconds, which are the changes made by booting.
        		if( $configLastChanged > $bootConfigLastChanged and $configLastChanged > 5000 ) {
        			$V->{system}{"configurationState_value"} = "Config Not Saved in NVRAM";
        			$V->{system}{"configurationState_color"} = "#FFDD00";	#warning
        			info("checkNodeConfiguration, config not saved, $configLastChanged > $bootConfigLastChanged");
        		elsif( $bootConfigLastChanged == 0 and $configLastChanged <= 5000 ) {
        			$V->{system}{"configurationState_value"} = "Config Not Changed Since Boot";
        			$V->{system}{"configurationState_color"} = "#00BB00";	#normal
        			info("checkNodeConfiguration, config not changed, $configLastChanged $bootConfigLastChanged");
        		else {
        			$V->{system}{"configurationState_value"} = "Config Saved in NVRAM";
        			$V->{system}{"configurationState_color"} = "#00BB00";	#normal
        	### If it is newer, someone changed it!
        	if( $configLastChanged > $configLastChanged_prev ) {
        		$V->{system}{configChangeCount_value} = $NI->{system}{configChangeCount};
        		$V->{system}{configChangeCount_title} = "Configuration change count";
        					 event=>"Node Configuration Change",
        					 details=>"Changed at ".$V->{system}{configLastChanged_value},
        					 context => { type => "node" },
        		logMsg("checkNodeConfiguration configuration change detected on $NI->{system}{name}, creating event");
        	#update previous values to be out current values
        	for my $attr (@updatePrevValues) {
        		if (defined $NI->{system}{$attr} ne '' && $NI->{system}{$attr} ne '') {
        			$NI->{system}{"${attr}_prev"} = $NI->{system}{$attr};
        # Create the Interface configuration from SNMP Stuff
        # except on collect it is always called with a blank interface info
        # fixme: this function works ONLY if snmp is enabled for the node!
        # returns: 1 if happy, 0 otherwise
        sub getIntfInfo
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys}; # object
        	my $intf_one = $args{index}; # index for single interface update
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo; # node info table
        	if (!$S->status->{snmp_enabled})
        		info("Not performing getIntfInfo for $NI->{system}->{name}: SNMP not enabled for this node");
        		return 0;										# no interfaces collected, treat this as error
        	my $V =  $S->view;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;	# node model table
        	my $SNMP = $S->snmp;
        	my $IF = $S->ifinfo; # interface info table
        	my $NC = $S->ndcfg; # node config table
        	my $singleInterface = 0;
        	if (defined $intf_one and $intf_one ne "") {
        		$singleInterface = 1;
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	my $nodename = $NI->{system}->{name};
        	my $interface_max_number = $C->{interface_max_number} ? $C->{interface_max_number} : 5000;
        	my $nocollect_interface_down_days = $C->{global_nocollect_interface_down_days} ? $C->{global_nocollect_interface_down_days} : 30;
        	# fixme: hardcoded section name 'standard'
        	if ( defined $S->{mdl}{interface}{sys}{standard}
        			 and $NI->{system}{ifNumber} <= $interface_max_number )
        		# Check if the ifTableLastChange has changed.  If it has not changed, the
        		# interface table has had no interfaces added or removed, no need to go any further.
        		if (not $singleInterface
        				and getbool($S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{ifTableLastChange})
        				and my $result = $SNMP->get("ifTableLastChange.0")
        			$result = $result->{""};
        			if ( defined $result and not defined $NI->{system}{ifTableLastChange} ) {
        				info("$NI->{system}{name} using ifTableLastChange for interface updates");
        				$NI->{system}{ifTableLastChange} = $result;
        			elsif ( $NI->{system}{ifTableLastChange} != $result ) {
        				info("$NI->{system}{name} ifTableLastChange has changed old=$NI->{system}{ifTableLastChange} new=$result");
        				$NI->{system}{ifTableLastChange} = $result;
        			else {
        				info("$NI->{system}{name} ifTableLastChange NO change, skipping ");
        				# returning 1 as we can do the rest of the updates.
        				return 1;
        		# else node may not have this variable so keep on doing in the hard way.
        		info("Get Interface Info of node $NI->{system}{name}, model $NI->{system}{nodeModel}");
        		# lets delete what we have in memory and start from scratch.
        		# BUT only if this is for all interfaces
        		if ( not $singleInterface )
        			delete $NI->{interface};
        		# load interface types (IANA). number => name
        		my $IFT = loadifTypesTable();
        		my ($error, $override) = get_nodeconf(node => $nodename)
        				if (has_nodeconf(node => $nodename));
        		logMsg("ERROR $error") if ($error);
        		$override ||= {};
        		# get interface Index table
        		my @ifIndexNum;
        		my $ifIndexTable;
        		if ( $singleInterface ) {
        			if ($ifIndexTable = $SNMP->gettable('ifIndex'))
        				foreach my $oid ( oid_lex_sort(keys %{$ifIndexTable}))
        					# to handle stupid devices with ifIndexes which are 64 bit integers
        					if ( $ifIndexTable->{$oid} < 0 ) {
        						$ifIndexTable->{$oid} = unpack("I", pack("i", $ifIndexTable->{$oid}));
        					push @ifIndexNum,$ifIndexTable->{$oid};
        				if ( $SNMP->error =~ /is empty or does not exist/ ) {
        					info("SNMP Object Not Present ($S->{name}) on get interface index table: ".$SNMP->error);
        				# snmp failed
        					logMsg("ERROR ($S->{name}) on get interface index table: ".$SNMP->error);
        					HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type => "snmp", details => $SNMP->error);
        				return 0;
        			# remove unknown interfaces, found in previous runs, from table
        			### possible vivification
        			for my $i (keys %{$IF}) {
        				if ( (not grep { $i eq $_ } @ifIndexNum) ) {
        					delete $IF->{$i};
        					if ( defined $NI->{graphtype}{$i}{interface} ) {
        						delete $NI->{graphtype}{$i}{interface};
        					if ( defined $NI->{graphtype}{$i}{pkts} ) {
        						delete $NI->{graphtype}{$i}{pkts};
        					if ( defined $NI->{graphtype}{$i}{pkts_hc} ) {
        						delete $NI->{graphtype}{$i}{pkts_hc};
        					dbg("Interface ifIndex=$i removed from table");
        					logMsg("INFO ($S->{name}) Interface ifIndex=$i removed from table"); # test info
        			delete $V->{interface}; # rebuild interface view table
        		# Loop to get interface information, will be stored in {ifinfo} table => $IF
        		# keep the ifIndexs we care about.
        		my @ifIndexNumManage;
        		foreach my $index (@ifIndexNum) {
        			next if ($singleInterface and $intf_one ne $index); # only one interface
        			if ($S->loadInfo(class=>'interface', index=>$index,model=>$model))
        				# note: nodeconf overrides are NOT applied at this point!
        				checkIntfInfo(sys=>$S, index=>$index, iftype=>$IFT);
        				my $keepInterface = 1;
        				if ( defined $S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{skipIfType}
        					and $S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{skipIfType} ne ""
        					and $IF->{$index}{ifType} =~ /$S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{skipIfType}/
        				) {
        					$keepInterface = 0;
        					info("SKIP Interface ifType matched skipIfType ifIndex=$index ifDescr=$IF->{$index}{ifDescr} ifType=$IF->{$index}{ifType}");
        				elsif ( defined $S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{skipIfDescr}
        					and $S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{skipIfDescr} ne ""
        					and $IF->{$index}{ifDescr} =~ /$S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{skipIfDescr}/
        				) {
        					$keepInterface = 0;
        					info("SKIP Interface ifDescr matched skipIfDescr ifIndex=$index ifDescr=$IF->{$index}{ifDescr} ifType=$IF->{$index}{ifType}");
        				if ( not $keepInterface ) {
        					# not easy.
        					foreach my $key ( keys %{$IF->{$index}} ) {
        						if ( exists $V->{interface}{"${index}_${key}_title"} ) {
        							delete $V->{interface}{"${index}_${key}_title"};
        						if ( exists $V->{interface}{"${index}_${key}_value"} ) {
        							delete $V->{interface}{"${index}_${key}_value"};
        					# easy!
        					delete $IF->{$index};
        				else {
        					$IF = $S->ifinfo; # renew pointer
        					logMsg("INFO ($S->{name}) ifadminstatus is empty for index=$index") if $IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus} eq "";
        					info("ifIndex=$index ifDescr=$IF->{$index}{ifDescr} ifType=$IF->{$index}{ifType} ifAdminStatus=$IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus} ifOperStatus=$IF->{$index}{ifOperStatus} ifSpeed=$IF->{$index}{ifSpeed}");
        				# snmp failed
        				HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type => "snmp", details => $S->status->{snmp_error} );
        				if ( getbool($C->{snmp_stop_polling_on_error}) )
        					info("Finished (stop polling on error)");
        					return 0;
        		# copy the new list back.
        		@ifIndexNum = @ifIndexNumManage;
        		@ifIndexNumManage = ();
        		# port information optional
        		if ($M->{port} ne "") {
        			foreach my $index (@ifIndexNum) {
        				next if ($singleInterface and $intf_one ne $index);
        				# get the VLAN info: table is indexed by port.portnumber
        				if ( $IF->{$index}{ifDescr} =~ /\d{1,2}\/(\d{1,2})$/i ) { # FastEthernet0/1
        					my $port = '1.' . $1;
        					if ( $IF->{$index}{ifDescr} =~ /(\d{1,2})\/\d{1,2}\/(\d{1,2})$/i ) { # FastEthernet1/0/0
        						$port = $1. '.' . $2;
        					if ($S->loadInfo(class=>'port',index=>$index,port=>$port,table=>'interface',model=>$model)) {
        						last if $IF->{$index}{vlanPortVlan} eq "";	# model does not support CISCO-STACK-MIB
        						$V->{interface}{"${index}_portAdminSpeed_value"} = convertIfSpeed($IF->{$index}{portAdminSpeed});
        						dbg("get VLAN details: index=$index, ifDescr=$IF->{$index}{ifDescr}");
        						dbg("portNumber: $port, VLan: $IF->{$index}{vlanPortVlan}, AdminSpeed: $IF->{$index}{portAdminSpeed}");
        				} else {
        					my $port;
        					if ( $IF->{$index}{ifDescr} =~ /(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})$/ ) { # 0-0 Catalyst
        						$port = $1. '.' . $2;
        					if ($S->loadInfo(class=>'port',index=>$index,port=>$port,table=>'interface',model=>$model)) {
        						last if $IF->{$index}{vlanPortVlan} eq "";	# model does not support CISCO-STACK-MIB
        						$V->{interface}{"${index}_portAdminSpeed_value"} = convertIfSpeed($IF->{$index}{portAdminSpeed});
        						dbg("get VLAN details: index=$index, ifDescr=$IF->{$index}{ifDescr}");
        						dbg("portNumber: $port, VLan: $IF->{$index}{vlanPortVlan}, AdminSpeed: $IF->{$index}{portAdminSpeed}");
        		if ( $singleInterface
        			and defined $S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{skipIpAddressTableOnSingle}
        			and getbool($S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{skipIpAddressTableOnSingle})
        		) {
        			info("Skipping Device IP Address Table because skipIpAddressTableOnSingle is false");
        		else {
        			my $ifAdEntTable;
        			my $ifMaskTable;
        			my %ifCnt;
        			info("Getting Device IP Address Table");
        			if ( $ifAdEntTable = $SNMP->getindex('ipAdEntIfIndex')) {
        				if ( $ifMaskTable = $SNMP->getindex('ipAdEntNetMask')) {
        					foreach my $addr (keys %{$ifAdEntTable}) {
        						my $index = $ifAdEntTable->{$addr};
        						next if ($singleInterface and $intf_one ne $index);
        						$ifCnt{$index} += 1;
        						info("ifIndex=$ifAdEntTable->{$addr}, addr=$addr  mask=$ifMaskTable->{$addr}");
        						$IF->{$index}{"ipAdEntAddr$ifCnt{$index}"} = $addr;
        						$IF->{$index}{"ipAdEntNetMask$ifCnt{$index}"} = $ifMaskTable->{$addr};
        							$IF->{$ifAdEntTable->{$addr}}{"ipSubnetBits$ifCnt{$index}"}) = ipSubnet(address=>$addr, mask=>$ifMaskTable->{$addr});
        						$V->{interface}{"$ifAdEntTable->{$addr}_ipAdEntAddr$ifCnt{$index}_title"} = 'IP address / mask';
        						$V->{interface}{"$ifAdEntTable->{$addr}_ipAdEntAddr$ifCnt{$index}_value"} = "$addr / $ifMaskTable->{$addr}";
        				} else {
        					dbg("ERROR getting Device Ip Address table");
        			} else {
        				dbg("ERROR getting Device Ip Address table");
        		# pre compile regex
        		my $qr_no_collect_ifDescr_gen = qr/($S->{mdl}{interface}{nocollect}{ifDescr})/i;
        		my $qr_no_collect_ifType_gen = qr/($S->{mdl}{interface}{nocollect}{ifType})/i;
        		my $qr_no_collect_ifAlias_gen = qr/($S->{mdl}{interface}{nocollect}{Description})/i;
        		my $qr_no_collect_ifOperStatus_gen = qr/($S->{mdl}{interface}{nocollect}{ifOperStatus})/i;
        		### 2012-03-14 keiths, collecting override based on interface description.
        		my $qr_collect_ifAlias_gen = 0;
        		$qr_collect_ifAlias_gen = qr/($S->{mdl}{interface}{collect}{Description})/
        				if $S->{mdl}{interface}{collect}{Description};
        		my $qr_collect_ifDescr_gen = 0; # undef would be a match-always regex!
        		$qr_collect_ifDescr_gen = qr/($S->{mdl}->{interface}->{collect}->{ifDescr})/i
        				if ($S->{mdl}->{interface}->{collect}->{ifDescr});
        		my $qr_no_event_ifAlias_gen = qr/($S->{mdl}{interface}{noevent}{Description})/i;
        		my $qr_no_event_ifDescr_gen = qr/($S->{mdl}{interface}{noevent}{ifDescr})/i;
        		my $qr_no_event_ifType_gen = qr/($S->{mdl}{interface}{noevent}{ifType})/i;
        		my $noDescription = $M->{interface}{nocollect}{noDescription};
        		### 2013-03-05 keiths, global collect policy override from Config!
            if ( defined $C->{global_nocollect_noDescription} and $C->{global_nocollect_noDescription} ne "" ) {
            	$noDescription = $C->{global_nocollect_noDescription};
            	info("INFO Model overriden by Global Config for global_nocollect_noDescription");
            if ( defined $C->{global_collect_Description} and $C->{global_collect_Description} ne "" ) {
            	$qr_collect_ifAlias_gen = qr/($C->{global_collect_Description})/i;
            	info("INFO Model overriden by Global Config for global_collect_Description");
        		# is collection overridden globally, on or off? (on wins if both are set)
        		if ( defined $C->{global_collect_ifDescr} and $C->{global_collect_ifDescr} ne '' )
        				$qr_collect_ifDescr_gen = qr/($C->{global_collect_ifDescr})/i;
        				info("INFO Model overriden by Global Config for global_collect_ifDescr");
        		elsif ( defined $C->{global_nocollect_ifDescr} and $C->{global_nocollect_ifDescr} ne "" )
            	$qr_no_collect_ifDescr_gen = qr/($C->{global_nocollect_ifDescr})/i;
            	info("INFO Model overriden by Global Config for global_nocollect_ifDescr");
            if ( defined $C->{global_nocollect_Description} and $C->{global_nocollect_Description} ne "" ) {
            	$qr_no_collect_ifAlias_gen = qr/($C->{global_nocollect_Description})/i;
            	info("INFO Model overriden by Global Config for global_nocollect_Description");
            if ( defined $C->{global_nocollect_ifType} and $C->{global_nocollect_ifType} ne "" ) {
            	$qr_no_collect_ifType_gen = qr/($C->{global_nocollect_ifType})/i;
            	info("INFO Model overriden by Global Config for global_nocollect_ifType");
            if ( defined $C->{global_nocollect_ifOperStatus} and $C->{global_nocollect_ifOperStatus} ne "" ) {
            	$qr_no_collect_ifOperStatus_gen = qr/($C->{global_nocollect_ifOperStatus})/i;
            	info("INFO Model overriden by Global Config for global_nocollect_ifOperStatus");
            if ( defined $C->{global_noevent_ifDescr} and $C->{global_noevent_ifDescr} ne "" ) {
            	$qr_no_event_ifDescr_gen = qr/($C->{global_noevent_ifDescr})/i;
            	info("INFO Model overriden by Global Config for global_noevent_ifDescr");
            if ( defined $C->{global_noevent_Description} and $C->{global_noevent_Description} ne "" ) {
            	$qr_no_event_ifAlias_gen = qr/($C->{global_noevent_Description})/i;
            	info("INFO Model overriden by Global Config for global_noevent_Description");
            if ( defined $C->{global_noevent_ifType} and $C->{global_noevent_ifType} ne "" ) {
            	$qr_no_event_ifType_gen = qr/($C->{global_noevent_ifType})/i;
            	info("INFO Model overriden by Global Config for global_noevent_ifType");
        		my $intfTotal = 0;
        		my $intfCollect = 0; # reset counters
        		info("Checking interfaces for duplicate ifDescr");
        		my $ifDescrIndx;
        		foreach my $i (@ifIndexNum) {
        		#foreach my $i (keys %{$IF}) {
        			# ifDescr must always be filled
        			if ($IF->{$i}{ifDescr} eq "") { $IF->{$i}{ifDescr} = $i; }
        			if ( exists $ifDescrIndx->{$IF->{$i}{ifDescr}} and $ifDescrIndx->{$IF->{$i}{ifDescr}} ne "" ) {
        				# ifDescr is duplicated.
        				$IF->{$i}{ifDescr} = "$IF->{$i}{ifDescr}-$i"; # add index to string
        				$V->{interface}{"${i}_ifDescr_value"} = $IF->{$i}{ifDescr}; # update
        				info("Interface ifDescr changed to $IF->{$i}{ifDescr}");
        			else {
        				$ifDescrIndx->{$IF->{$i}{ifDescr}} = $i;
        		info("Completed duplicate ifDescr processing");
        		### 2012-10-08 keiths, updates to index node conf table by ifDescr instead of ifIndex.
        		foreach my $index (@ifIndexNum)
        			next if ($singleInterface and $intf_one ne $index);
        			my $thisintf = $IF->{$index};
        			my $ifDescr = $thisintf->{ifDescr};
        			# count total number of real interfaces
        			if ($thisintf->{ifType} !~ /$qr_no_collect_ifType_gen/ and $thisintf->{ifDescr} !~ /$qr_no_collect_ifDescr_gen/) {
        				$thisintf->{real} = 'true';
        			### add in anything we find from nodeConf - allows manual updating of interface variables
        			### warning - will overwrite what we got from the device - be warned !!!
        			if (ref($override->{$ifDescr}) eq "HASH")
        				my $thisintfover = $override->{$ifDescr};
        				if ($thisintfover->{Description})
        					$thisintf->{nc_Description} = $thisintf->{Description}; # save
        					$thisintf->{Description} = $V->{interface}{"${index}_Description_value"}
        					= $thisintfover->{Description};
        					info("Manual update of Description by nodeConf");
        				if ($thisintfover->{display_name})
        					= $V->{interface}->{"${index}_display_name_value"}
        					= $thisintfover->{display_name};
        					$V->{interface}->{"${index}_display_name_title"} = "Display Name";
        					# no log/diag msg as  this comes ONLY from nodeconf, it's not overriding anything
        				for my $speedname (qw(ifSpeed ifSpeedIn ifSpeedOut))
        					if ($thisintfover->{$speedname})
        						$thisintf->{"nc_$speedname"} = $thisintf->{$speedname}; # save
        						$thisintf->{$speedname} = $thisintfover->{$speedname};
        						### 2012-10-09 keiths, fixing ifSpeed to be shortened when using nodeConf
        						$V->{interface}{"${index}_${speedname}_value"} = convertIfSpeed($thisintf->{$speedname});
        						info("Manual update of $speedname by nodeConf");
        				if ($thisintfover->{setlimits} && $thisintfover->{setlimits} =~ /^(normal|strict|off)$/)
        					$thisintf->{setlimits} = $thisintfover->{setlimits};
        			# set default for the speed  limit enforcement
        			$thisintf->{setlimits} ||= 'normal';
        			# set default for collect, event and threshold: on, possibly overridden later
        			$thisintf->{collect} = "true";
        			$thisintf->{event} = "true";
        			$thisintf->{threshold} = "true";
        			$thisintf->{nocollect} = "Collecting: Collection Policy";
        			#Decide if the interface is one that we can do stats on or not based on Description and ifType and AdminStatus
        			# If the interface is admin down no statistics
        			### 2012-03-14 keiths, collecting override based on interface description.
        			if ($qr_collect_ifAlias_gen
        					and $thisintf->{Description} =~ /$qr_collect_ifAlias_gen/i )
        				$thisintf->{collect} = "true";
        				$thisintf->{nocollect} = "Collecting: found $1 in Description"; # reason
        			elsif ($qr_collect_ifDescr_gen
        					and $thisintf->{ifDescr} =~ /$qr_collect_ifDescr_gen/i )
        					$thisintf->{collect} = "true";
        					$thisintf->{nocollect} = "Collecting: found $1 in ifDescr";
        			elsif ($thisintf->{ifAdminStatus} =~ /down|testing|null/ ) {
        				$thisintf->{collect} = "false";
        				$thisintf->{event} = "false";
        				$thisintf->{nocollect} = "ifAdminStatus eq down|testing|null"; # reason
        				$thisintf->{noevent} = "ifAdminStatus eq down|testing|null"; # reason
        			elsif ($thisintf->{ifDescr} =~ /$qr_no_collect_ifDescr_gen/i ) {
        				$thisintf->{collect} = "false";
        				$thisintf->{nocollect} = "Not Collecting: found $1 in ifDescr"; # reason
        			elsif ($thisintf->{ifType} =~ /$qr_no_collect_ifType_gen/i ) {
        				$thisintf->{collect} = "false";
        				$thisintf->{nocollect} = "Not Collecting: found $1 in ifType"; # reason
        			elsif ($thisintf->{Description} =~ /$qr_no_collect_ifAlias_gen/i ) {
        				$thisintf->{collect} = "false";
        				$thisintf->{nocollect} = "Not Collecting: found $1 in Description"; # reason
        			elsif ($thisintf->{Description} eq "" and $noDescription eq 'true') {
        				$thisintf->{collect} = "false";
        				$thisintf->{nocollect} = "Not Collecting: no Description (ifAlias)"; # reason
        			elsif ($thisintf->{ifOperStatus} =~ /$qr_no_collect_ifOperStatus_gen/i ) {
        				$thisintf->{collect} = "false";
        				$thisintf->{nocollect} = "Not Collecting: found $1 in ifOperStatus"; # reason
        			# if the interface has been down for too many days to be in use now.
        			elsif ( $thisintf->{ifAdminStatus} =~ /up/
        				and $thisintf->{ifOperStatus} =~ /down/
        				and ($NI->{system}{sysUpTimeSec} - $thisintf->{ifLastChangeSec}) / 86400 > $nocollect_interface_down_days
        			) {
        				$thisintf->{collect} = "false";
        				$thisintf->{nocollect} = "Not Collecting: interface down for more than $nocollect_interface_down_days days"; # reason
        			# send events ?
        			if ($thisintf->{Description} =~ /$qr_no_event_ifAlias_gen/i ) {
        				$thisintf->{event} = "false";
        				$thisintf->{noevent} = "found $1 in ifAlias"; # reason
        			elsif ($thisintf->{ifType} =~ /$qr_no_event_ifType_gen/i ) {
        				$thisintf->{event} = "false";
        				$thisintf->{noevent} = "found $1 in ifType"; # reason
        			elsif ($thisintf->{ifDescr} =~ /$qr_no_event_ifDescr_gen/i ) {
        				$thisintf->{event} = "false";
        				$thisintf->{noevent} = "found $1 in ifDescr"; # reason
        			# convert interface name
        			$thisintf->{interface} = convertIfName($thisintf->{ifDescr});
        			$thisintf->{ifIndex} = $index;
        			# modify by node Config ?
        			if (ref($override->{$ifDescr}) eq "HASH")
        				my $thisintfover = $override->{$ifDescr};
        				if ($thisintfover->{collect} and $thisintfover->{ifDescr} eq $thisintf->{ifDescr})
        					$thisintf->{nc_collect} = $thisintf->{collect};
        					$thisintf->{collect} = $thisintfover->{collect};
        					info("Manual update of Collect by nodeConf");
        					### 2014-04-28 keiths, fixing info for GUI
        					if (getbool($thisintf->{collect},"invert")) {
        						$thisintf->{nocollect} = "Not Collecting: Manual update by nodeConf";
        					else {
        						$thisintf->{nocollect} = "Collecting: Manual update by nodeConf";
        				if ($thisintfover->{event} and $thisintfover->{ifDescr} eq $thisintf->{ifDescr})
        					$thisintf->{nc_event} = $thisintf->{event};
        					$thisintf->{event} = $thisintfover->{event};
        					$thisintf->{noevent} = "Manual update by nodeConf"
        							if (getbool($thisintf->{event},"invert")); # reason
        					info("Manual update of Event by nodeConf");
        				if ($thisintfover->{threshold} and $thisintfover->{ifDescr} eq $thisintf->{ifDescr})
        					$thisintf->{nc_threshold} = $thisintf->{threshold};
        					$thisintf->{threshold} = $thisintfover->{threshold};
        					$thisintf->{nothreshold} = "Manual update by nodeConf"
        							if (getbool($thisintf->{threshold},"invert")); # reason
        					info("Manual update of Threshold by nodeConf");
        			# interface now up or down, check and set or clear outstanding event.
        			if ( getbool($thisintf->{collect})
        					and $thisintf->{ifAdminStatus} =~ /up|ok/
        					and $thisintf->{ifOperStatus} !~ /up|ok|dormant/
        			) {
        				if (getbool($thisintf->{event})) {
        								 event=>"Interface Down",
        								 context => { type => "interface" },
        			} else {
        				checkEvent(sys=>$S,event=>"Interface Down",level=>"Normal",element=>$thisintf->{ifDescr},details=>$thisintf->{Description});
        			if ( getbool($thisintf->{collect},"invert") ) {
        				### 2014-10-21 keiths, get rid of bad interface graph types when ifIndexes get changed.
        				my @types = qw(pkts pkts_hc interface);
        				foreach my $type (@types) {
        					if ( exists $NI->{graphtype}{$index}{$type} ) {
        						logMsg("Interface not collecting, removing graphtype $type for interface $index");
        						delete $NI->{graphtype}{$index}{$type};
        			# number of interfaces collected with collect and event on
        			$intfCollect++ if (getbool($thisintf->{collect})
        												 && getbool($thisintf->{event}));
        			# save values only if all interfaces are updated
        			if ($intf_one eq '') {
        				$NI->{system}{intfTotal} = $intfTotal;
        				$NI->{system}{intfCollect} = $intfCollect;
        			# prepare values for web page
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_event_value"} = $thisintf->{event};
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_event_title"} = 'Event on';
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_threshold_value"} = !getbool($NC->{node}{threshold}) ? 'false': $thisintf->{threshold};
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_threshold_title"} = 'Threshold on';
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_collect_value"} = $thisintf->{collect};
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_collect_title"} = 'Collect on';
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_nocollect_value"} = $thisintf->{nocollect};
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_nocollect_title"} = 'Reason';
        			# collect status
        			if ( getbool($thisintf->{collect}) ) {
        				info("$thisintf->{ifDescr} ifIndex $index, collect=true");
        			} else {
        				info("$thisintf->{ifDescr} ifIndex $index, collect=false, $thisintf->{nocollect}");
        				# if  collect is of then disable event and threshold (clearly not applicable)
        				$thisintf->{threshold} = $V->{interface}{"${index}_threshold_value"} = 'false';
        				$thisintf->{event} = $V->{interface}{"${index}_event_value"} = 'false';
        			# get color depending of state
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_ifAdminStatus_color"} = getAdminColor(sys=>$S,index=>$index);
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_ifOperStatus_color"} = getOperColor(sys=>$S,index=>$index);
        			# index number of interface
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_ifIndex_value"} = $index;
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_ifIndex_title"} = 'ifIndex';
        			# at this point every thing is ready for the rrd speed limit enforcement
        			my $desiredlimit = $thisintf->{setlimits};
        			# no limit or dud limit or dud speed or non-collected interface?
        			if ($desiredlimit && $desiredlimit =~ /^(normal|strict|off)$/
        					&& $thisintf->{ifSpeed}
        					&& getbool($thisintf->{collect})
        				info("performing rrd speed limit tuning for $ifDescr, limit enforcement: $desiredlimit, interface speed is ".convertIfSpeed($thisintf->{ifSpeed})." ($thisintf->{ifSpeed})");
        				# speed is in bits/sec, normal limit: 2*reported speed (in bytes), strict: exactly reported speed (in bytes)
        				my $maxbytes = 	$desiredlimit eq "off"? "U": $desiredlimit eq "normal"?
        						int($thisintf->{ifSpeed}/4) : int($thisintf->{ifSpeed}/8);
        				my $maxpkts = $maxbytes eq "U"? "U" : int($maxbytes/50); # this is a dodgy heuristic
        				for (["interface", qr/(ifInOctets|ifHCInOctets|ifOutOctets|ifHCOutOctets)/],
        						 ["pkts", qr/(ifInOctets|ifHCInOctets|ifOutOctets|ifHCOutOctets|ifInUcastPkts|ifInNUcastPkts|ifInDiscards|ifInErrors|ifOutUcastPkts|ifOutNUcastPkts|ifOutDiscards|ifOutErrors)/ ],
        						 ["pkts_hc", qr/(ifInOctets|ifHCInOctets|ifOutOctets|ifHCOutOctets|ifInUcastPkts|ifInNUcastPkts|ifInDiscards|ifInErrors|ifOutUcastPkts|ifOutNUcastPkts|ifOutDiscards|ifOutErrors)/ ], )
        					my ($datatype, $dsregex) = @$_;
        					# rrd file exists and readable?
        					if (-r (my $rrdfile = $S->getDBName(graphtype => $datatype, index => $index)))
        						my $fileinfo = RRDs::info($rrdfile);
        						for my $matching (grep /^ds\[.+\]\.max$/, keys %$fileinfo)
        							# only touch relevant and known datasets
        							next if ($matching !~ /($dsregex)/);
        							my $dsname = $1;
        							my $curval = $fileinfo->{$matching};
        							$curval = "U" if (!defined $curval or $curval eq "");
        							# the pkts, discards, errors DS are packet based; the octets ones are bytes
        							my $desiredval = $dsname =~ /octets/i? $maxbytes : $maxpkts;
        							if ($curval ne $desiredval)
        								info("rrd section $datatype, ds $dsname, current limit $curval, desired limit $desiredval: adjusting limit");
        								RRDs::tune($rrdfile, "--maximum", "$dsname:$desiredval");
        								info("rrd section $datatype, ds $dsname, current limit $curval is correct");
        	elsif ( $NI->{system}{ifNumber} > $interface_max_number )
        		info("Skipping, interface count $NI->{system}{ifNumber} exceeds configured maximum $interface_max_number");
        		info("Skipping, interfaces not defined in Model");
        	return 1;
        } # end getIntfInfo
        # check and adjust/modify some values of interface
        # args: sys object, index, iftype
        # returns: nothing
        sub checkIntfInfo
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $index = $args{index};
        	my $ifTypeDefs = $args{iftype};
        	my $IF = $S->ifinfo;
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $V =  $S->view;
        	my $thisintf = $IF->{$index};
        	if ( $thisintf->{ifDescr} eq "" ) { $thisintf->{ifDescr} = "null"; }
        	# remove bad chars from interface descriptions
        	$thisintf->{ifDescr} = rmBadChars($thisintf->{ifDescr});
        	$thisintf->{Description} = rmBadChars($thisintf->{Description});
        	# Try to set the ifType to be something meaningful!!!!
        	if (exists $ifTypeDefs->{$thisintf->{ifType}}{ifType}) {
        		$thisintf->{ifType} = $ifTypeDefs->{$thisintf->{ifType}}{ifType};
        	# Just check if it is an Frame Relay sub-interface
        	if ( ( $thisintf->{ifType} eq "frameRelay" and $thisintf->{ifDescr} =~ /\./ ) ) {
        		$thisintf->{ifType} = "frameRelay-subinterface";
        	$V->{interface}{"${index}_ifType_value"} = $thisintf->{ifType};
        	# get 'ifHighSpeed' if 'ifSpeed' = 4,294,967,295 - refer RFC2863 HC interfaces.
        	# ditto if ifspeed is zero
        	if ( $thisintf->{ifSpeed} == 4294967295  or $thisintf->{ifSpeed} == 0) {
        		$thisintf->{ifSpeed} = $thisintf->{ifHighSpeed};
        		$thisintf->{ifSpeed} *= 1000000;
        	# final fallback in case SNMP agent is DODGY
        	$thisintf->{ifSpeed} ||= 1000000000;
        	$V->{interface}{"${index}_ifSpeed_value"} = convertIfSpeed($thisintf->{ifSpeed});
        	# convert time integer to time string
        	$V->{interface}{"${index}_ifLastChange_value"} =
        		$thisintf->{ifLastChange} =
        		convUpTime($thisintf->{ifLastChangeSec} = int($thisintf->{ifLastChange}/100));
        } # end checkIntfInfo
        # fixme: this function does not work for wmi-only nodes
        sub checkPIX
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	if (!$S->status->{snmp_enabled})
        		info("Not performing PIX Failover check for $NI->{system}->{name}: SNMP not enabled for this node");
        		return 1;
        	my $V =  $S->view;
        	my $SNMP = $S->snmp;
        	my $result;
        	# PIX failover test
        	# table has six values
        	# [0] primary.cfwHardwareInformation, [1] secondary.cfwHardwareInformation
        	# [2] primary.HardwareStatusValue, [3] secondary.HardwareStatusValue
        	# [4] primary.HardwareStatusDetail, [5] secondary.HardwareStatusDetail
        	# if HardwareStatusDetail is blank ( ne 'Failover Off' ) then
        	# HardwareStatusValue will have 'active' or 'standby'
        	if ( $NI->{system}{nodeModel} eq "CiscoPIX" ) {
        		dbg("checkPIX, Getting Cisco PIX Failover Status");
        		if ($result = $SNMP->get(
        			)) {
        			$result = $SNMP->keys2name($result); # convert oid in hash key to name
        			if ($result->{'cfwHardwareStatusDetail.6'} ne 'Failover Off') {
        				if ( $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.6'} == 0 ) { $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.6'} = "Failover Off"; }
        				elsif ( $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.6'} == 3 ) { $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.6'} = "Down"; }
        				elsif ( $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.6'} == 9 ) { $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.6'} = "Active"; }
        				elsif ( $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.6'} == 10 ) { $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.6'} = "Standby"; }
        				else { $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.6'} = "Unknown"; }
        				if ( $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.7'} == 0 ) { $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.7'} = "Failover Off"; }
        				elsif ( $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.7'} == 3 ) { $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.7'} = "Down"; }
        				elsif ( $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.7'} == 9 ) { $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.7'} = "Active"; }
        				elsif ( $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.7'} == 10 ) { $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.7'} = "Standby"; }
        				else { $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.7'} = "Unknown"; }
        				# fixme unclean access to internal structure
        				# fixme also fails if we've switched to updating this node on the go!
        				if (!getbool($S->{update}))
        					if ( $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.6'} ne
        							 $NI->{system}{pixPrimary} or $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.7'} ne $NI->{system}{pixSecondary} )
        						dbg("PIX failover occurred");
        						# As this is not stateful, alarm not sent to state table in sub eventAdd
        									 event=>"Node Failover",
        									 details=>"Primary now: $NI->{system}{pixPrimary}  Secondary now: $NI->{system}{pixSecondary}");
        				$NI->{system}{pixPrimary} = $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.6'}; # remember
        				$NI->{system}{pixSecondary} = $result->{'cfwHardwareStatusValue.7'};
        				$V->{system}{firewall_title} =  "Failover Status" ;
        				$V->{system}{firewall_value} = "Pri: $NI->{system}{pixPrimary} Sec: $NI->{system}{pixSecondary}";
        				if ( $NI->{system}{pixPrimary} =~ /Failover Off|Active/i and
        						$NI->{system}{pixSecondary} =~ /Failover Off|Standby/i ) {
        					$V->{system}{firewall_color} = "#00BB00";	#normal
        				} else {
        					$V->{system}{firewall_color} = "#FFDD00";	#warning
        			} else {
        				$V->{system}{firewall_title} =  "Failover Status" ;
        				$V->{system}{firewall_value} = "Failover off";
        	return 1;
        # fixme: this function does not work for wmi-only nodes, or environment sections that use wmi
        sub getEnvInfo
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys}; # object
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo; # node info table
        	if (!$S->status->{snmp_enabled})
        		info("Not performing getEnvInfo for $NI->{system}->{name}: SNMP not enabled for this node");
        		return 1;
        	my $V =  $S->view;
        	my $SNMP = $S->snmp;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;	# node model table
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	dbg("Get Environment Info of node $NI->{system}{name}, model $NI->{system}{nodeModel}");
        	if (!exists($M->{environment}))
        		dbg("No class 'environment' declared in Model");
        		return 1;
        	# fixme hardcoded model names are bad
        	my @wantsections = ('env_temp');
        	if ( $NI->{system}{nodeModel} =~ /AKCP-Sensor/i )
        		@wantsections = ('akcp_temp','akcp_hum');
        	elsif ( $NI->{system}{nodeModel} =~ /CiscoCSS/i )
        		@wantsections = ('cssgroup','csscontent');
        	for my $section (@wantsections)
        		next if (!exists($M->{environment}{sys}{$section}));
        		next if (!defined($M->{environment}->{sys}->{$section}->{snmp})); # wmi doesn't work yet
        		delete $NI->{$section};
        		# get Index table
        		my $index_var = $M->{environment}{sys}{$section}{indexed};
        		my (%envIndexNum, $envIndexTable);
        		if ($envIndexTable = $SNMP->gettable($index_var))
        			foreach my $oid ( oid_lex_sort(keys %{$envIndexTable}))
        				my $index = $oid;
        				if($section =~ /^akcp_(temp|hum)$/)
        					# check for sensor online, value 1 is online, add only online sensors
        					next if ($oid !~ /\.1\.5.\d+$/ or !$envIndexTable->{$oid});
        					dbg("sensor section=$section index=$index is online");
        				elsif ($section eq "cssgroup")
        					$oid =~ s/1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.9\.9\.368\.1\.17\.2\.1\.2\.//g;
        				elsif ($section eq "csscontent")
        					$oid =~ s/1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.9\.9\.368\.1\.16\.4\.1\.3\.//g;
        				elsif ( $oid =~ /\.(\d+)$/ )
        					$index = $1;
        		elsif ($SNMP->error =~ /is empty or does not exist/)
        			info("SNMP Object Not Present ($S->{name}) on get environment index table: ".$SNMP->error);
        			logMsg("ERROR ($S->{name}) on get environment index table: ".$SNMP->error);
        			HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type => "snmp", details => "get environment index table: ".$SNMP->error);
        		# fixme: this loadinfo run is only required for snmp
        		# Loop to get information, will be stored in {info}{$section} table
        		foreach my $index (sort keys %envIndexNum)
        			if ($S->loadInfo(class=>'environment', section=>$section, index=>$index, table=>$section, model=>$model))
        				dbg("sensor section=$section index=$index read and stored");
        				my $error = $S->status->{snmp_error};
        				HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type => "snmp", details => "get environment table index $index");
        	return 1;
        sub getEnvData
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys}; # object
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo; # node info table
        	my $V =  $S->view;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;	# node model table
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	dbg("Get Environment Data of node $NI->{system}{name}, model $NI->{system}{nodeModel}");
        	if (ref($M->{environment}) ne "HASH" or !keys %{$M->{environment}})
        		dbg("No class 'environment' declared in Model");
        		return 1;										# done
        	# fixme hardcoded model names are bad
        	my @wantsections = ('env_temp');
        	if ( $NI->{system}{nodeModel} =~ /AKCP-Sensor/i )
        		@wantsections = ('akcp_temp','akcp_hum');
        	elsif ( $NI->{system}{nodeModel} =~ /CiscoCSS/i )
        		@wantsections = ('cssgroup','csscontent');
        	for my $section (@wantsections)
        		next if (!exists($S->{info}->{$section})); # no list of indices, nothing to do
        		for my $index (sort keys %{$S->{info}{$section}})
        			my $rrdData = $S->getData(class=>'environment',
        																index=>$index, model=>$model);
        			my $howdiditgo = $S->status;
        			my $anyerror = $howdiditgo->{error} || $howdiditgo->{snmp_error} || $howdiditgo->{wmi_error};
        			# were there any errors?
        			if (!$anyerror)
        				processAlerts( S => $S );
        				foreach my $sect (keys %{$rrdData})
        					my $D = $rrdData->{$sect}{$index};
        					# RRD Database update and remember filename
        					my $db = updateRRD(sys=>$S,data=>$D,type=>$sect,index=>$index);
        					if (!$db)
        						logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        				logMsg("ERROR ($NI->{system}{name}) on getEnvData, $anyerror");
        				HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type =>"snmp", details => $howdiditgo->{snmp_error}) if ($howdiditgo->{snmp_error});
        				HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type =>"wmi", details => $howdiditgo->{wmi_error}) if ($howdiditgo->{wmi_error});
        				return 0;
        	return 1;
        # retrieve system health index data from snmp, done during update
        # args: sys (object)
        # returns: 1 if all present sections worked, 0 otherwise
        # note: raises xyz down events if snmp or wmi are down
        sub getSystemHealthInfo
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys}; # object
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo; # node info table
        	my $V =  $S->view;
        	my $SNMP = $S->snmp;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;	# node model table
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	info("Get systemHealth Info of node $NI->{system}{name}, model $NI->{system}{nodeModel}");
        	if (ref($M->{systemHealth}) ne "HASH")
        		dbg("No class 'systemHealth' declared in Model.");
        		return 0;
        	elsif (!$S->status->{snmp_enabled} && !$S->status->{wmi_enabled})
        		logMsg("ERROR: cannot get systemHealth info, neither SNMP nor WMI enabled!");
        		return 0;
        	# get the default (sub)sections from config, model can override
        	my @healthSections = split(",",
        															: $C->{model_health_sections}) );
        	for my $section (@healthSections)
        		delete $NI->{$section};
        		next if (!exists($M->{systemHealth}->{sys}->{$section})); # if the config provides list but the model doesn't
        		my $thissection = $M->{systemHealth}->{sys}->{$section};
        		# all systemhealth sections must be indexed by something
        		# this holds the name, snmp or wmi
        		my $index_var;
        		# or if you want to use a raw oid instead: use 'index_oid' => '',
        		my $index_snmp;
        		# and for obscure SNMP Indexes a more generous snmp index regex can be given:
        		# in the systemHealth section of the model 'index_regex' => '\.(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$',
        		# attention: FIRST capture group must return the index part
        		my $index_regex = '\.(\d+)$';
        		$index_var = $index_snmp = $thissection->{indexed};
        		$index_regex = $thissection->{index_regex} if ( exists($thissection->{index_regex}) );
        		$index_snmp = $thissection->{index_oid} if( exists($thissection->{index_oid}) );
        		if (!defined($index_var) or $index_var eq '')
        			dbg("No index var found for $section, skipping");
        		# determine if this is an snmp- OR wmi-backed systemhealth section
        		# combination of both cannot work, as there is only one index
        		if (exists($thissection->{wmi}) and exists($thissection->{snmp}))
        			logMsg("ERROR, systemhealth: section=$section cannot have both sources WMI and SNMP enabled!");
        			info("ERROR, systemhealth: section=$section cannot have both sources WMI and SNMP enabled!");
        			next;											# fixme: or is this completely terminal for this model?
        		if (exists($thissection->{wmi}))
        			info("systemhealth: section=$section, source WMI, index_var=$index_var");
        			my $wmiaccessor = $S->wmi;
        			if (!$wmiaccessor)
        				info("skipping section $section: source WMI but node $S->{name} not configured for WMI");
        			# model broken if it says 'indexed by X' but doesn't have a query section for 'X'
        			if (!exists($thissection->{wmi}->{$index_var}))
        				logMsg("ERROR: Model section $section is missing declaration for index_var $index_var!");
        			my $wmisection = $thissection->{wmi};					# the whole section, might contain more than just the index
        			my $indexsection = $wmisection->{$index_var}; # the subsection for the index var
        			# query can come from -common- or from the index var's own section
        			my $query = (exists($indexsection->{query})? $indexsection->{query}
        									 : (ref($wmisection->{"-common-"}) eq "HASH"
        											&& exists($wmisection->{"-common-"}->{query}))?
        									 $wmisection->{"-common-"}->{query} : undef);
        			if (!$query or !$indexsection->{field})
        				logMsg("ERROR: Model section $section is missing query or field for WMI variable  $index_var!");
        			# wmi gettable could give us both the indices and the data, but here we want only the different index values
        			my ($error, $fields, $meta) = $wmiaccessor->gettable(wql => $query,
        																													 index => $index_var,
        																													 fields => [$index_var]);
        			if ($error)
        				logMsg("ERROR ($S->{name}) failed to get index table for systemHealth $section: $error");
        				HandleNodeDown(sys => $S, type => "wmi", details => "failed to get index table for systemHealth $section: $error");
        			# fixme: meta might tell us that the indexing didn't work with the given field, if so we should bail out
        			for my $indexvalue (keys %$fields)
        				dbg("section=$section index=$index_var, found value=$indexvalue");
        				# save the seen index value
        				$NI->{$section}->{$indexvalue}->{$index_var} = $indexvalue;
        				# then get all data for this indexvalue
        				if ($S->loadInfo(class=>'systemHealth', section=>$section, index=>$indexvalue,
        												 table=>$section, model=>$model))
        					info("section=$section index=$indexvalue read and stored");
        					my $error = $S->status->{wmi_error};
        					logMsg("ERROR ($S->{name}) failed to get table for systemHealth $section: $error");
        					HandleNodeDown(sys => $S, type => "wmi", details => "failed to get table for systemHealth $section: $error");
        			info("systemHealth: section=$section, source SNMP, index_var=$index_var, index_snmp=$index_snmp");
        			my (%healthIndexNum, $healthIndexTable);
        			if ($healthIndexTable = $SNMP->gettable($index_snmp))
        				# dbg("systemHealth: table is ".Dumper($healthIndexTable) );
        				foreach my $oid ( oid_lex_sort(keys %{$healthIndexTable}))
        					my $index = $oid;
        					if ( $oid =~ /$index_regex/ ) {
        						$index = $1;
        					dbg("section=$section index=$index is found, value=$healthIndexTable->{$oid}");
        					$NI->{$section}->{$index}->{$index_var} = $healthIndexTable->{$oid};
        				if ( $SNMP->error =~ /is empty or does not exist/ )
        					info("SNMP Object Not Present ($S->{name}) on get systemHealth $section index table: ".$SNMP->error);
        					logMsg("ERROR ($S->{name}) on get systemHealth $section index table: ".$SNMP->error);
        					HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type => "snmp", details => "get systemHealth $section index table: ".$SNMP->error);
        			# Loop to get information, will be stored in {info}{$section} table
        			foreach my $index (sort keys %healthIndexNum)
        				if ($S->loadInfo(class=>'systemHealth', section=>$section,index=>$index,table=>$section,model=>$model)) {
        					info("section=$section index=$index read and stored");
        					my $error = $S->status->{snmp_error};
        					logMsg("ERROR ($S->{name}) on get systemHealth $section index $index: $error");
        					HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type => "snmp", details => "get systemHealth $section index $index: $error");
        	return 1;
        # retrieves system health rrd data, and updates relevant rrd database files
        # args: sys (object)
        # returns: 1 if all ok, 0 otherwise
        sub getSystemHealthData
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys}; # object
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo; # node info table
        	my $V =  $S->view;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;	# node model table
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	info("Get systemHealth Data of node $NI->{system}{name}, model $NI->{system}{nodeModel}");
        	if (!exists($M->{systemHealth}))
        		dbg("No class 'systemHealth' declared in Model");
        		return 1;	# nothing there means all ok
        	# config sets default sections, model overrides
        	my @healthSections = split(",",
        														 : $C->{model_health_sections});
        	for my $section (@healthSections)
        		# node doesn't have info for this section, so no indices so no fetch,
        		# may be no update yet or unsupported section for this model anyway
        		# OR only sys section but no rrd (e.g. addresstable)
        		next if (!exists($NI->{$section})
        						 or !exists($M->{systemHealth}->{rrd})
        						 or ref($M->{systemHealth}->{rrd}->{$section}) ne "HASH");
        		# that's instance index value
        		for my $index (sort keys %{$NI->{$section}})
        			# sanity-check the inputs: an indexed section must always have an index property, which must be eq hash key.
        			my $thissection = $NI->{$section}->{$index};
        			if (ref($thissection) ne "HASH" or !keys %$thissection
        					or !exists($thissection->{index})
        					or $index ne $thissection->{index})
        				logMsg("ERROR invalid data for section $section and index $index, cannot collect systemHealth data for this index!");
        				info("ERROR invalid data for section $section and index $index, cannot collect systemHealth data for this index!");
        				# clean it up as well, it's utterly broken as it is.
        				delete $NI->{$section}->{$index};
        			my $rrdData = $S->getData(class=>'systemHealth', section=>$section, index=>$index, debug=>$model);
        			my $howdiditgo = $S->status;
        			my $anyerror = $howdiditgo->{error} || $howdiditgo->{snmp_error} || $howdiditgo->{wmi_error};
        			# were there any errors?
        			if (!$anyerror)
        				my $count = 0;
        				foreach my $sect (keys %{$rrdData})
        					my $D = $rrdData->{$sect}->{$index};
        					# update retrieved values in node info, too, not just the rrd database
        					for my $item (keys %$D)
        						dbg("updating node info $section $index $item: old ".$NI->{$section}{$index}{$item}
        								." new $D->{$item}{value}");
        					# RRD Database update and remember filename;
        					# also feed in the section data for filename expansion
        					my $db = updateRRD(sys=>$S, data=>$D,
        														 type=>$sect, index=>$index,
        														 extras => $NI->{$section}->{$index} );
        					if (!$db)
        						logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        				info("section=$section index=$index read and stored $count values");
        				logMsg("ERROR ($NI->{system}{name}) on getSystemHealthData, $section, $index, $anyerror");
        				info("ERROR ($NI->{system}{name}) on getSystemHealthData, $section, $index, $anyerror");
        				HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type =>"snmp", details => $howdiditgo->{snmp_error}) if ($howdiditgo->{snmp_error});
        				HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type =>"wmi", details => $howdiditgo->{wmi_error}) if ($howdiditgo->{wmi_error});
        				return 0;
        	return 1;
        # updates the node info and node view structures with all kinds of stuff
        # this is run ONLY for collect type ops (and if runping succeeded, and if the node is marked for collect)
        # fixme: what good is this as a function? details are lost, exit 1/0 is not really enough
        # returns: 1 if node is up, and at least one source worked for retrieval; 0 if node is down/to be skipped etc.
        sub updateNodeInfo
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $V =  $S->view;
        	my $RI = $S->reach;
        	my $NC = $S->ndcfg;		# node config
        	my $M = $S->mdl;
        	my $result;
        	my $exit = 1;
        	my $time_marker = $args{time_marker} || time;
        	info("Starting Update Node Info, node $S->{name}");
        	# clear any node reset indication from the last run
        	delete $NI->{admin}->{node_was_reset};
        	# node reset marker is now under admin
        	delete $NI->{system}->{node_was_reset};
        	# save what we need now for check of this node
        	my $sysObjectID = $NI->{system}{sysObjectID};
        	my $ifNumber = $NI->{system}{ifNumber};
        	my $sysUpTimeSec = $NI->{system}{sysUpTimeSec};
        	my $sysUpTime = $NI->{system}{sysUpTime};
        	# this returns 0 iff none of the possible/configured sources worked, sets details
        	my $loadsuccess = $S->loadInfo(class=>'system', model=>$model);
        	# polling policy needs saving regardless of success/failure
        	$NI->{system}->{last_polling_policy} = $NC->{node}->{polling_policy} || 'default';
        	# handle dead sources, raise appropriate events
        	my $curstate = $S->status;
        	for my $source (qw(snmp wmi))
        		if ($curstate->{"${source}_enabled"})
        			# ok if enabled and no errors
        			if (!$curstate->{"${source}_error"})
        				my $sourcename = uc($source);
        				$RI->{"${source}result"} = 100;
        				HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type => $source, up => 1, details => "$sourcename ok");
        				# record a _successful_ collect for the different sources,
        				# the collect now-or-later logic needs that, not just attempted at time x
        				$NI->{system}->{"last_poll_$source"} = $time_marker;
        			# not ok if enabled and error
        				HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type => $source, details => $curstate->{"${source}_error"} );
        				$RI->{"${source}result"} = 0;
        		# we don't care about nonenabled sources, sys won't touch them nor set errors, RI stays whatever it was
        	if ($loadsuccess)
        		# do some checks, and perform only an update-type op if they don't work out
        		# however, ensure this is not attempted if snmp wasn't configured or didn't work anyway
        		if ($S->status->{snmp_enabled}
        				&& !$S->status->{snmp_error}
        				&& $sysObjectID ne $NI->{system}{sysObjectID})
        			# fixme: who not a complete doUpdate?
        			logMsg("INFO ($NI->{system}{name}) Device type/model changed $sysObjectID now $NI->{system}{sysObjectID}");
        			$exit = getNodeInfo(sys=>$S);
        			info("Finished with exit=$exit");
        			return $exit;
        		# if ifNumber has changed, then likely an interface has been added or removed.
        		# a new control to minimise when interfaces are added,
        		# if disabled {custom}{interface}{ifNumber} eq "false" then don't run getIntfInfo when intf changes
        		my $doIfNumberCheck = ( exists($S->{mdl}->{custom}) && exists($S->{mdl}->{custom}->{interface}) # do not autovivify
        														&& getbool($S->{mdl}->{custom}->{interface}->{ifNumber}));
        		if ($doIfNumberCheck and $ifNumber != $NI->{system}{ifNumber})
        			logMsg("INFO ($NI->{system}{name}) Number of interfaces changed from $ifNumber now $NI->{system}{ifNumber}");
        			getIntfInfo(sys=>$S); # get new interface table
        		elsif (!$doIfNumberCheck and $ifNumber != $NI->{system}{ifNumber})
        			logMsg("INFO ($NI->{system}{name}) Ignoring the number of interfaces changed from $ifNumber now $NI->{system}{ifNumber} based on custom interface modelling");
        		my $interface_max_number = $C->{interface_max_number} ? $C->{interface_max_number} : 5000;
        		if ($ifNumber > $interface_max_number ) {
        			info("INFO ($NI->{system}{name}) has $ifNumber interfaces, no interface data will be collected, to collect interface data increase the configured interface_max_number $interface_max_number, we recommend to test thoroughly");
        		# make a sysuptime from the newly loaded data for testing
        		if ( defined $NI->{system}{snmpUpTime} )
        			# add processing for SNMP Uptime- handle just like sysUpTime
        			$NI->{system}{snmpUpTimeSec} = int($NI->{system}{snmpUpTime}/100);
        			$NI->{system}{snmpUpTime} = convUpTime($NI->{system}{snmpUpTimeSec});
        			$V->{system}{snmpUpTime_value} = $NI->{system}{snmpUpTime};
        			$V->{system}{snmpUpTime_title} = 'SNMP Uptime';
        		info("sysUpTime: Old=$sysUpTime New=$NI->{system}{sysUpTime}");
        		if ($NI->{system}->{sysUpTimeSec} && $sysUpTimeSec > $NI->{system}{sysUpTimeSec})
        			info("NODE RESET: Old sysUpTime=$sysUpTimeSec New sysUpTime=$NI->{system}{sysUpTimeSec}");
        			notify(sys=>$S, event=>"Node Reset",
        						 details => "Old_sysUpTime=$sysUpTime New_sysUpTime=$NI->{system}{sysUpTime}",
        						 context => { type => "node" } );
        			# now stash this info in the node info object, to ensure we insert ONE set of U's into the rrds
        			# so that no spikes appear in the graphs
        		$V->{system}{sysUpTime_value} = $NI->{system}{sysUpTime};
        		$V->{system}{sysUpTime_title} = 'Uptime';
        		$V->{system}{lastUpdate_value} = returnDateStamp();
        		$V->{system}{lastUpdate_title} = 'Last Update';
        		$NI->{system}{last_poll} = $time_marker;
        		# get and apply any nodeconf override if such exists for this node
        		my $node = $NI->{system}{name};
        		my ($errmsg, $override) = get_nodeconf(node => $node)
        				if (has_nodeconf(node => $node));
        		logMsg("ERROR $errmsg") if $errmsg;
        		$override ||= {};
        		# anything to override?
        		if ($override->{sysLocation})
        			$NI->{nodeconf}{sysLocation} = $NI->{system}{sysLocation};
        			$NI->{system}{sysLocation} = $V->{system}{sysLocation_value} = $override->{sysLocation};
        			info("Manual update of sysLocation by nodeConf");
        		if ($override->{sysContact})
        			$NI->{nodeconf}{sysContact} = $NI->{system}{sysContact};
        			$NI->{system}{sysContact} = $V->{system}{sysContact_value} = $override->{sysContact};
        			info("Manual update of sysContact by nodeConf");
        		if ($override->{nodeType})
        			$NI->{system}->{nodeType} = $NI->{nodeconf}->{nodeType} = $override->{nodeType};
        			delete $NI->{nodeconf}->{nodeType};
        		checkPIX(sys=>$S); # check firewall if needed
        		delete $NI->{database};	 # no longer used at all
        		$V->{system}{status_value} = 'reachable'; # sort-of, at least one source worked
        		$V->{system}{status_color} = '#0F0';
        		# conditional on model section to ensure backwards compatibility with different Juniper values.
        		checkNodeConfiguration(sys=>$S) if (exists($M->{system}{sys}{nodeConfiguration})
        																				or exists($M->{system}{sys}{juniperConfiguration}));
        		$exit = 0;
        		if ( getbool($NC->{node}{ping}) )
        			# ping was ok but wmi and snmp were not
        			$V->{system}{status_value} = 'degraded';
        			$V->{system}{status_color} = '#FFFF00';
        			# ping was disabled, so sources wmi/snmp are the only thing that tells us about reachability
        			# note: ping disabled != runping failed
        			$V->{system}{status_value} = 'unreachable';
        			$V->{system}{status_color} = 'red';
        	# some model testing and debugging options.
        	if ( $model )
        		print "MODEL $S->{name}: nodedown=$NI->{system}{nodedown} sysUpTime=$NI->{system}{sysUpTime} sysObjectID=$NI->{system}{sysObjectID}\n";
        	info("Finished with exit=$exit");
        	return $exit;
        # goes through the list of 'parked' alerts in sys, and creates up or down events where applicable
        # sys::getvalues() populates the parked alerts section, this consumes them (but writes back
        # into sys' info->status)
        sub processAlerts
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{S};
        	my $alerts = $S->{alerts};
        	my $info = $S->ndinfo;
        	foreach my $alert (@{$alerts})
        		info("Processing alert: event=Alert: $alert->{event}, level=$alert->{level}, element=$alert->{ds}, details=Test $alert->{test} evaluated with $alert->{value} was $alert->{test_result}") if $alert->{test_result};
        		dbg("Processing alert ".Dumper($alert),4);
        		my $tresult = $alert->{test_result}? $alert->{level} : "Normal";
        		my $statusResult = $tresult eq "Normal"? "ok" : "error";
        		my $details = "$alert->{type} evaluated with $alert->{value} $alert->{unit} as $tresult";
        		if( $alert->{test_result} )
        						 event=>"Alert: ".$alert->{event},
        						 element=>$alert->{ds}, # vital part of context, too
        						 context => { type => "alert",
        													source => $alert->{source},
        													section => $alert->{section},
        													name => $alert->{alert},
        													index => $alert->{index},
        						 } );
        			checkEvent(sys=>$S, event=>"Alert: ".$alert->{event},
        								 level=>$alert->{level}, element=>$alert->{ds}, details=>$details);
        		### save the Alert result into the Status thingy
        		my $statusKey = "$alert->{event}--$alert->{ds}";
        		$info->{status}->{$statusKey} =
        			method => "Alert",
        			type => $alert->{type},
        			property => $alert->{test}, # fixme inconsistent! thresholds use the threshold name here...
        			event => $alert->{event},
        			index => $alert->{index},
        			level => $tresult,
        			status => $statusResult,
        			element => $alert->{ds},	# for simple alerts (==type test) this is the sole useful context
        			value => $alert->{value},
        			updated => time(),
        			# contect for finding the originator in the model
        			source => $alert->{source}, # snmp or wmi
        			section => $alert->{section},
        			# name does not exist for simple alerts, let's synthesize it from ds
        			name => $alert->{alert} || $alert->{ds},
        # get node values by snmp and store in RRD and some values in reach table
        sub getNodeData
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	info("Starting Node get data, node $S->{name}");
        	my $rrdData = $S->getData(class=>'system', model => $model);
        	my $howdiditgo = $S->status;
        	my $anyerror = $howdiditgo->{error} || $howdiditgo->{snmp_error} || $howdiditgo->{wmi_error};
        	if (!$anyerror)
        		processAlerts( S => $S );
        		foreach my $sect (keys %{$rrdData})
        			my $D = $rrdData->{$sect};
        			checkNodeHealth(sys=>$S,data=>$D) if $sect eq "nodehealth";
        			foreach my $ds (keys %{$D})
        				dbg("rrdData, section=$sect, ds=$ds, value=$D->{$ds}{value}, option=$D->{$ds}{option}",2);
        			my $db = updateRRD(sys=>$S,data=>$D,type=>$sect);
        			if (!$db)
        					logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        		logMsg("ERROR ($NI->{system}{name}) on getNodeData, $anyerror");
        		HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type =>"snmp", details => $howdiditgo->{snmp_error}) if ($howdiditgo->{snmp_error});
        		HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type =>"wmi", details => $howdiditgo->{wmi_error}) if ($howdiditgo->{wmi_error});
        		return 0;
        	return 1;
        # copy/modify some health values collected by getNodeData
        # nmisdev 13Oct2012 - check if hash key is present before testing value, else key will 'auto vivify', and cause DS errors
        sub checkNodeHealth
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $D = $args{data};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $RI = $S->reach;
        	info("Starting, node $S->{name}");
        	# take care of negative values from 6509 MSCF
        	if ( exists $D->{bufferElHit} and $D->{bufferElHit}{value} < 0) { $D->{bufferElHit}{value} = sprintf("%u",$D->{bufferElHit}{value}); }
        	### 2012-12-13 keiths, fixed this so it would assign!
        	### 2013-04-17 keiths, fixed an autovivification problem!
        	if ( exists $D->{avgBusy5} or exists $D->{avgBusy1} ) {
        		$RI->{cpu} = ($D->{avgBusy5}{value} ne "") ? $D->{avgBusy5}{value} : $D->{avgBusy1}{value};
        	if ( exists $D->{MemoryUsedPROC} ) {
        		$RI->{memused} = $D->{MemoryUsedPROC}{value};
        	if ( exists $D->{MemoryFreePROC} ) {
        		$RI->{memfree} = $D->{MemoryFreePROC}{value};
        	return 1;
        } # end checkHealth
        # fixme: this function currently does not work for wmi-only nodes!
        sub getIntfData
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo; # node info
        	if (!$S->status->{snmp_enabled})
        		info("Not performing getIntfData for $NI->{system}->{name}: SNMP not enabled for this node");
        		return 1;
        	my $V =  $S->view;
        	my $IF = $S->ifinfo; # interface info
        	my $RI = $S->reach;
        	my $SNMP = $S->snmp;
        	my $IFCACHE;
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	# get any nodeconf overrides if such exists for this node
        	my $nodename = $NI->{system}->{name};
        	my ($errmsg, $override) = get_nodeconf(node => $nodename)
        			if (has_nodeconf(node => $nodename));
        	logMsg("ERROR $errmsg") if $errmsg;
        	$override ||= {};
        	my $createdone = "false";
        	info("Starting Interface get data, node $S->{name}");
        	$RI->{intfUp} = $RI->{intfColUp} = 0; # reset counters of interface Up and interface collected Up
        	# default for ifAdminStatus-based detection is ON. only off if explicitely set to false.
        	if ( ref($S->{mdl}->{custom}) ne "HASH" # don't autovivify
        			 or ref($S->{mdl}{custom}->{interface}) ne "HASH"
        			 or !getbool($S->{mdl}->{custom}->{interface}->{ifAdminStatus},"invert"))
        		# fixme: this cannot work for non-snmp nodes
        		info("Using ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus for Interface Change Detection");
        		my ($ifAdminTable, $ifOperTable);
        		if ($ifAdminTable = $SNMP->getindex('ifAdminStatus') )
        			$ifOperTable = $SNMP->getindex('ifOperStatus');
        			for my $index (keys %{$ifAdminTable})
        				logMsg("INFO ($S->{name}) entry ifAdminStatus for index=$index not found in interface table") if not exists $IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus};
        				if (($ifAdminTable->{$index} == 1 and $IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus} ne 'up')
        					or ($ifAdminTable->{$index} != 1 and $IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus} eq 'up') )
        					### logMsg("INFO ($S->{name}) ifIndex=$index, Admin was $IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus} now $ifAdminTable->{$index} (1=up) rebuild");
        					getIntfInfo(sys=>$S,index=>$index); # update this interface
        				# total number of interfaces up
        				$RI->{intfUp}++ if $ifOperTable->{$index} == 1
        						and getbool($IF->{$index}{real});
        	# so get the ifLastChange for each interface and see if it has changed, if it has then run an update.
        	# if an interface is added this will find it to.
        	# if it changes admin or oper state it will find it.
        	# this can be enabled on a model by model basis is false by default.
        	if (  ref($S->{mdl}{custom}) eq "HASH"
        				and ref($S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}) eq "HASH"
        				and getbool($S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{ifLastChange}) )
        		# fixme: this cannot work for non-snmp node
        		info("Using ifLastChange for Interface Change Detection");
        		my $ifLastChangeTable;
        		if ($ifLastChangeTable = $SNMP->getindex('ifLastChange'))
        			for my $index (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %{$ifLastChangeTable}))
        				logMsg("INFO ($S->{name}) entry ifLastChange for index=$index not found in interface table")
        						if not exists $IF->{$index}{ifLastChange};
        				my $ifLastChangeSec = int($ifLastChangeTable->{$index}/100);
        				if ( not exists $IF->{$index} ) {
        					# updateNodeInfo should have already run a getIntfInfo unless {custom}{interface}{ifNumber} set to false
        					info("New Interface: ifIndex=$index ifLastChangeSec=$ifLastChangeSec");
        					getIntfInfo(sys=>$S,index=>$index); # add this interface
        				elsif ($ifLastChangeSec != $IF->{$index}{ifLastChangeSec})
        					info("$IF->{$index}{ifDescr}: Changed ifLastChangeSec=$ifLastChangeSec, was=$IF->{$index}{ifLastChangeSec}");
        					getIntfInfo(sys=>$S,index=>$index); # update this interface
        					$IF->{$index}{ifLastChangeSec} = $ifLastChangeSec;
        					info("$IF->{$index}{ifDescr}: NO Change ifIndex=$index ifLastChangeSec=$ifLastChangeSec");
        		# check for deleted interfaces
        		foreach my $index ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$IF} )
        			if ( not exists $ifLastChangeTable->{$index} ) {
        				info("$IF->{$index}{ifDescr}: Interface Removed ifIndex=$index");
        				delete $IF->{$index};
        	info("Processing Interface Table");
        	foreach my $index ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$IF} )
        		# only collect on interfaces that are defined, with collection turned on globally,
        		# also don't bother with ones without ifdescr
        		if (!getbool($IF->{$index}->{collect})
        				or !defined($IF->{$index}->{ifDescr})
        				or $IF->{$index}->{ifDescr} eq "")
        			dbg("NOT Collected: $IF->{$index}{ifDescr}: ifIndex=$IF->{$index}{ifIndex}, OperStatus=$IF->{$index}{ifOperStatus}, ifAdminStatus=$IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus}, Interface Collect=$IF->{$index}{collect}");
        		info("$IF->{$index}{ifDescr}: ifIndex=$IF->{$index}{ifIndex}, was => OperStatus=$IF->{$index}{ifOperStatus}, ifAdminStatus=$IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus}, Collect=$IF->{$index}{collect}");
        		dbg("collect interface index=$index");
        		my $rrdData = $S->getData(class=>'interface',index=>$index, model=>$model);
        		my $howdiditgo = $S->status;
        		my $anyerror = $howdiditgo->{error} || $howdiditgo->{snmp_error} || $howdiditgo->{wmi_error};
        		# were there any errors?
        		if (!$anyerror)
        			processAlerts( S => $S );
        			foreach my $sect (keys %{$rrdData})
        				my $D = $rrdData->{$sect}{$index};
        				# if HC exists then copy values
        				if (exists $D->{ifHCInOctets})
        					dbg("processing HC counters");
        					for (["ifHCInOctets","ifInOctets"],
        						my ($source,$dest) = @$_;
        						if ($D->{$source}->{value} =~ /^\d+$/)
        							$D->{$dest}->{value} = $D->{$source}->{value};
        							$D->{$dest}->{option} = $D->{$source}->{option};
        						delete $D->{$source};
        				# ...and copy these over as well
        				if ($sect eq 'pkts' or $sect eq 'pkts_hc')
        					my $debugdone = 0;
        					for (["ifHCInUcastPkts","ifInUcastPkts"],
        						my ($source,$dest) = @$_;
        						if ($D->{$source}->{value} =~ /^\d+$/)
        							dbg("process HC counters of $sect") if (!$debugdone++);
        							$D->{$dest}->{value} = $D->{$source}->{value};
        							$D->{$dest}->{option} = $D->{$source}->{option};
        						delete $D->{$source};
        				if ($sect eq 'interface')
        					$D->{ifDescr}{value} = rmBadChars($D->{ifDescr}{value});
        					# Cache any data for use later.
        					$IFCACHE->{$index}{ifAdminStatus} = $D->{ifAdminStatus}{value};
        					$IFCACHE->{$index}{ifOperStatus} = $D->{ifOperStatus}{value};
        					if ( $D->{ifInOctets}{value} ne "" and $D->{ifOutOctets}{value} ne "" )
        						if ( defined $S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{ifAdminStatus}
        								 and not getbool($S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{ifAdminStatus}) )
        							### 2014-03-14 keiths, special handling for manual interface discovery which does not use getIntfInfo.
        							# interface now up or down, check and set or clear outstanding event.
        							dbg("handling up/down admin=$D->{ifAdminStatus}{value}, oper=$D->{ifOperStatus}{value} was admin=$IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus}, oper=$IF->{$index}{ifOperStatus}");
        							$IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus} = $D->{ifAdminStatus}{value};
        							$IF->{$index}{ifOperStatus} = $D->{ifOperStatus}{value};
        							if ( getbool($IF->{$index}{collect} )
        									 and $IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus} =~ /up|ok/
        									 and $IF->{$index}{ifOperStatus} !~ /up|ok|dormant/
        									) {
        								if (getbool($IF->{$index}{event})) {
        									notify(sys=>$S,event=>"Interface Down",
        												 context => { type => "interface" } );
        							} else {
        								checkEvent(sys=>$S,event=>"Interface Down",level=>"Normal",element=>$IF->{$index}{ifDescr},details=>$IF->{$index}{Description});
        							dbg("status now admin=$D->{ifAdminStatus}{value}, oper=$D->{ifOperStatus}{value} was admin=$IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus}, oper=$IF->{$index}{ifOperStatus}");
        							if ($D->{ifOperStatus}{value} eq 'down') {
        								if ($IF->{$index}{ifOperStatus} =~ /up|ok/) {
        									# going down
        									getIntfInfo(sys=>$S,index=>$index); # update this interface
        							# must be up
        								# Check if the status changed
        								if ($IF->{$index}{ifOperStatus} !~ /up|ok|dormant/) {
        									# going up
        									getIntfInfo(sys=>$S,index=>$index); # update this interface
        						# If new ifDescr is different from old ifDescr rebuild interface info table
        						# check if nodeConf modified this inteface
        						my $node = $NI->{system}{name};
        						my $ifDescr = $IF->{$index}{ifDescr};
        						# nodeconf override for the ifDescr?
        						my $have_overridden_ifdescr = 1
        								if (ref($override->{$ifDescr}) eq "HASH"
        										and $override->{$ifDescr}->{ifDescr});
        						if (!$have_overridden_ifdescr
        								and $D->{ifDescr}{value} ne ''
        								and $D->{ifDescr}{value} ne $IF->{$index}{ifDescr} ) {
        							# Reload the interface config won't get that one right but should get the next one right
        							logMsg("INFO ($S->{name}) ifIndex=$index - ifDescr has changed - old=$IF->{$index}{ifDescr} new=$D->{ifDescr}{value} - updating Interface Table");
        							getIntfInfo(sys=>$S,index=>$index); # update this interface
        						delete $D->{ifDescr}; # dont store in rrd
        						delete $D->{ifAdminStatus};
        						if (exists $D->{ifLastChange}{value}){
        							# convert time integer to time string
        							$V->{interface}{"${index}_ifLastChange_value"} =
        									$IF->{$index}{ifLastChange} =
        									convUpTime($IF->{$index}{ifLastChangeSec} = int($D->{ifLastChange}{value}/100));
        							dbg("last change time=$IF->{$index}{ifLastChange}, timesec=$IF->{$index}{ifLastChangeSec}");
        						delete $D->{ifLastChange};
        						my $operStatus;
        						# Calculate Operational Status
        						$operStatus =  ($D->{ifOperStatus}{value} =~ /up|ok|dormant/ ) ? 100 : 0;
        						$D->{ifOperStatus}{value} = $operStatus; # store real value in rrd
        						# While updating start calculating the total availability of the node, depends on events set
        						my $opstatus = getbool($IF->{$index}{event}) ? $operStatus : 100;
        						$RI->{operStatus} = $RI->{operStatus} + $opstatus;
        						$RI->{operCount} = $RI->{operCount} + 1;
        						# count total number of collected interfaces up ( if events are set on)
        						$RI->{intfColUp} += $operStatus/100
        								if getbool($IF->{$index}{event});
        					} else{
        						logMsg("ERROR ($S->{name}) ifIndex=$index, no values for ifInOctets and ifOutOctets received");
        				if ($C->{debug}) {
        					foreach my $ds (keys %{$D}) {
        						dbg("rrdData section $sect, ds $ds, value=$D->{$ds}{value}, option=$D->{$ds}{option}",2);
        				# RRD Database update and remember filename
        				info("updateRRD type$sect index=$index",2);
        				my $db = updateRRD(sys=>$S,data=>$D,type=>$sect,index=>$index);
        				if (!$db)
        					logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        			# calculate summary statistics of this interface only if intf up
        			my $period = $C->{interface_util_period} || "-6 hours"; # bsts plus backwards compat
        			my $util = getSummaryStats(sys=>$S,type=>"interface",start=> $period, end=>time,index=>$index);
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_operAvail_value"} = $util->{$index}{availability};
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_totalUtil_value"} = $util->{$index}{totalUtil};
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_operAvail_color"} = colorHighGood($util->{$index}{availability});
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_totalUtil_color"} = colorLowGood($util->{$index}{totalUtil});
        			if ( defined $S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{ifAdminStatus}
        					 and getbool($S->{mdl}{custom}{interface}{ifAdminStatus},"invert") ) {
        				dbg("Updating view with ifAdminStatus=$IFCACHE->{$index}{ifAdminStatus} and ifOperStatus=$IFCACHE->{$index}{ifOperStatus}");
        				$V->{interface}{"${index}_ifAdminStatus_color"} = getAdminColor(collect => $IF->{$index}{collect}, ifAdminStatus => $IFCACHE->{$index}{ifAdminStatus}, ifOperStatus => $IFCACHE->{$index}{ifOperStatus});
        				$V->{interface}{"${index}_ifOperStatus_color"} = getOperColor(collect => $IF->{$index}{collect}, ifAdminStatus => $IFCACHE->{$index}{ifAdminStatus}, ifOperStatus => $IFCACHE->{$index}{ifOperStatus});
        				$V->{interface}{"${index}_ifAdminStatus_value"} = $IFCACHE->{$index}{ifAdminStatus};
        				$V->{interface}{"${index}_ifOperStatus_value"} = $IFCACHE->{$index}{ifOperStatus};
        			### 2012-08-14 keiths, logic here to verify an event exists and the interface is up.
        			### this was causing events to be cleared when interfaces were collect true, oper=down, admin=up
        			if ( eventExist($node, "Interface Down", $IF->{$index}{ifDescr}) and $IF->{$index}{ifOperStatus} =~ /up|ok|dormant/ ) {
        				checkEvent(sys=>$S,event=>"Interface Down",level=>"Normal",element=>$IF->{$index}{ifDescr},details=>$IF->{$index}{Description});
        			logMsg("ERROR ($NI->{system}{name}) on getIntfData of interface=$index, $anyerror");
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_operAvail_value"} = 'N/A';
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_totalUtil_value"} = 'N/A';
        			# interface problems but no usable data, don't make an event
        			if (getbool($IF->{$index}{event}))
        				logMsg("ERROR: Interface SNMP Data: ifAdminStatus=$IF->{$index}{ifAdminStatus} ifOperStatus=$IF->{$index}{ifOperStatus} collect=$IF->{$index}{collect}");
        		# header info of web page
        		$V->{interface}{"${index}_operAvail_title"} = 'Intf. Avail.';
        		$V->{interface}{"${index}_totalUtil_title"} = $C->{interface_util_label} || 'Util. 6hrs'; # backwards compat
        		# check escalation if event is on
        		if (getbool($IF->{$index}{event}))
        			my $escalate = 'none';
        			if (my $event_exist = eventExist($S->{node}, "Interface Down", $IF->{$index}{ifDescr}))
        				my $erec = eventLoad(filename => $event_exist);
        				$escalate = $erec->{escalate} if ($erec and defined($erec->{escalate}));
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_escalate_title"} = 'Esc.';
        			$V->{interface}{"${index}_escalate_value"} = $escalate;
        ### Class Based Qos handling
        sub getCBQoS
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;
        	my $NC = $S->ndcfg;
        	if ($NC->{node}{cbqos} !~ /true|input|output|both/) {
        		info("no collecting ($NC->{node}{cbqos}) for node $NI->{system}{name}");
        	info("Starting for node $S->{name}");
        	## oke,lets go
        	if (getbool($S->{update})) 		# fixme unclean access to internal property
        		getCBQoSwalk(sys=>$S); 	# get indexes
        	} elsif (!getCBQoSdata(sys=>$S))
        		getCBQoSwalk(sys=>$S); 	# get indexes
        		getCBQoSdata(sys=>$S); 	# get data
        	return 1;
        # note that while this function could work with wmi,
        # the priming/update function getCBQoSwalk doesn't.
        sub getCBQoSdata
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $IF = $S->ifinfo;
        	my $CBQOS = $S->cbinfo;
        	my %qosIntfTable;
        	my @arrOID;
        	my %cbQosTable;
        	return 1 if (!scalar keys %{$CBQOS}); # nothing to be done
        	# oke, we have get now the PolicyIndex and ObjectsIndex directly
        	foreach my $intf (keys %{$CBQOS})
        		my $CB = $CBQOS->{$intf};
        		foreach my $direction ("in","out")
        			next if (!exists $CB->{$direction}{'PolicyMap'}{'Name'});
        			# check if Policymap name contains no collect info
        			if ($CB->{$direction}{'PolicyMap'}{'Name'} =~ /$S->{mdl}{system}{cbqos}{nocollect}/i)
        				dbg("no collect for interface $intf $direction ($CB->{$direction}{'Interface'}{'Descr'}) by control ($S->{mdl}{system}{cbqos}{nocollect}) at Policymap $CB->{$direction}{'PolicyMap'}{'Name'}");
        			my $PIndex = $CB->{$direction}{'PolicyMap'}{'Index'};
        			foreach my $key (keys %{$CB->{$direction}{'ClassMap'}})
        				my $CMName = $CB->{$direction}{'ClassMap'}{$key}{'Name'};
        				my $OIndex = $CB->{$direction}{'ClassMap'}{$key}{'Index'};
        				info("Interface $intf, ClassMap $CMName, PolicyIndex $PIndex, ObjectsIndex $OIndex");
        				# get the number of bytes/packets transfered and dropped
        				my $port = "$PIndex.$OIndex";
        				my $rrdData = $S->getData(class=>"cbqos-$direction", index=>$intf, port=>$port,model=>$model);
        				my $howdiditgo = $S->status;
        				my $anyerror = $howdiditgo->{error} || $howdiditgo->{snmp_error} || $howdiditgo->{wmi_error};
        				# were there any errors?
        				if (!$anyerror)
        					processAlerts( S => $S );
        					my $D = $rrdData->{"cbqos-$direction"}{$intf};
        					if ($D->{'PrePolicyByte'} eq "noSuchInstance")
        						logMsg("ERROR mismatch of indexes in getCBQoSdata, run walk");
        						return undef;
        					# oke, store the data
        					dbg("bytes transfered $D->{'PrePolicyByte'}{value}, bytes dropped $D->{'DropByte'}{value}");
        					dbg("packets transfered $D->{'PrePolicyPkt'}{value}, packets dropped $D->{'DropPkt'}{value}");
        					dbg("packets dropped no buffer $D->{'NoBufDropPkt'}{value}");
        					# update RRD
        					my $db = updateRRD(sys=>$S,data=>$D,type=>"cbqos-$direction",index=>$intf,item=>$CMName);
        					if (!$db)
        						logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        					logMsg("ERROR ($NI->{system}{name}) on getCBQoSdata, $anyerror");
        					HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type =>"snmp", details => $howdiditgo->{snmp_error}) if ($howdiditgo->{snmp_error});
        					HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type =>"wmi", details => $howdiditgo->{wmi_error}) if ($howdiditgo->{wmi_error});
        					return 0;
        	return 1;
        # collect cbqos overview data from snmp, for update operation
        # this is expected to run AFTER getintfinfo (because that's where overrides are transferred into NI)
        # fixme: this function does not work for wmi-only nodes
        # args: sys
        # returns: 1 if ok
        sub getCBQoSwalk
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	if (!$S->status->{snmp_enabled})
        		info("Not performing getCBQoSwalk for $NI->{system}->{name}: SNMP not enabled for this node");
        		return 1;
        	my $IF = $S->ifinfo;
        	my $NC = $S->ndcfg;
        	my $SNMP = $S->snmp;
        	my $message;
        	my %qosIntfTable;
        	my @arrOID;
        	my %cbQosTable;
        	my $ifIndexTable;
        	# get the qos interface indexes and objects from the snmp table
        	info("start table scanning");
        	# read qos interface table
        	if ( $ifIndexTable = $SNMP->getindex('cbQosIfIndex'))
        		foreach my $PIndex (keys %{$ifIndexTable}) {
        			my $intf = $ifIndexTable->{$PIndex}; # the interface number from the snmp qos table
        			info("CBQoS, scan interface $intf");
        			# is this an active interface
        			if ( exists $IF->{$intf}) {
        				### 2014-03-27 keiths, skipping CBQoS if not collecting data
        				if ( getbool($IF->{$intf}{collect},"invert")) {
        					dbg("Skipping CBQoS, No collect on interface $IF->{$intf}{ifDescr} ifIndex=$intf");
        				# oke, go
        				my $answer;
        				my %CMValues;
        				my $direction;
        				# check direction of qos with node table
        				($answer->{'cbQosPolicyDirection'}) = $SNMP->getarray("cbQosPolicyDirection.$PIndex") ;
        				dbg("direction of policy is $answer->{'cbQosPolicyDirection'}, Node table $NC->{node}{cbqos}");
        				if( ($answer->{'cbQosPolicyDirection'} == 1 and $NC->{node}{cbqos} =~ /input|both/) or
        						($answer->{'cbQosPolicyDirection'} == 2 and $NC->{node}{cbqos} =~ /output|true|both/) ) {
        					# interface found with QoS input or output configured
        					$direction = ($answer->{'cbQosPolicyDirection'} == 1) ? "in" : "out";
        					info("Interface $intf found, direction $direction, PolicyIndex $PIndex");
        					my $ifSpeedIn = $IF->{$intf}{ifSpeedIn} ? $IF->{$intf}{ifSpeedIn} : $IF->{$intf}{ifSpeed};
        					my $ifSpeedOut = $IF->{$intf}{ifSpeedOut} ? $IF->{$intf}{ifSpeedOut} : $IF->{$intf}{ifSpeed};
        					my $inoutIfSpeed = $direction eq "in" ? $ifSpeedIn : $ifSpeedOut;
        					# get the policy config table for this interface
        					my $qosIndexTable = $SNMP->getindex("cbQosConfigIndex.$PIndex");
        					if ( $C->{debug} > 5 ) {
        						print Dumper ( $qosIndexTable );
        					# the OID will be$PIndex.$OIndex = Gauge
        					foreach my $OIndex (keys %{$qosIndexTable}) {
        						# look for the Object type for each
        						($answer->{'cbQosObjectsType'}) = $SNMP->getarray("cbQosObjectsType.$PIndex.$OIndex");
        						dbg("look for object at $PIndex.$OIndex, type $answer->{'cbQosObjectsType'}");
        						if($answer->{'cbQosObjectsType'} eq 1) {
        							# it's a policy-map object, is it the primairy
        							($answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'}) =
        							if ($answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'} eq 0){
        								# this is the primairy policy-map object, get the name
        								($answer->{'cbQosPolicyMapName'}) =
        								dbg("policymap - name is $answer->{'cbQosPolicyMapName'}, parent ID $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'}");
        						} elsif ($answer->{'cbQosObjectsType'} eq 2) {
        							# it's a classmap, ask the name and the parent ID
        							($answer->{'cbQosCMName'},$answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'}) =
        							dbg("classmap - name is $answer->{'cbQosCMName'}, parent ID $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'}");
        							$answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex2'} = $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'} ;
        							my $cnt = 0;
        							#KS 2011-10-27 Redundant model object not in use: getbool($M->{system}{cbqos}{collect_all_cm})
        							while ( !getbool($C->{'cbqos_cm_collect_all'},"invert")
        											and $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex2'} ne 0
        											and $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex2'} ne $PIndex
        											and $cnt++ lt 5) {
        								($answer->{'cbQosConfigIndex'}) = $SNMP->getarray("cbQosConfigIndex.$PIndex.$answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex2'}");
        								if ( $C->{debug} > 5 ) {
        									print "Dumping cbQosConfigIndex\n";
        									print Dumper ( $answer->{'cbQosConfigIndex'} );
        								# it is not the first level, get the parent names
        								($answer->{'cbQosObjectsType2'}) = $SNMP->getarray("cbQosObjectsType.$PIndex.$answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex2'}");
        								if ( $C->{debug} > 5 ) {
        									print "Dumping cbQosObjectsType2\n";
        									print Dumper ( $answer->{'cbQosObjectsType2'} );
        								dbg("look for parent of ObjectsType $answer->{'cbQosObjectsType2'}");
        								if ($answer->{'cbQosObjectsType2'} eq 1) {
        									# it is a policymap name
        									($answer->{'cbQosName'},$answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex2'}) =
        									dbg("parent policymap - name is $answer->{'cbQosName'}, parent ID $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex2'}");
        									if ( $C->{debug} > 5 ) {
        										print "Dumping cbQosName\n";
        										print Dumper ( $answer->{'cbQosName'} );
        										print "Dumping cbQosParentObjectsIndex2\n";
        										print Dumper ( $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex2'} );
        								} elsif ($answer->{'cbQosObjectsType2'} eq 2) {
        									# it is a classmap name
        									($answer->{'cbQosName'},$answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex2'}) =
        									dbg("parent classmap - name is $answer->{'cbQosName'}, parent ID $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex2'}");
        									if ( $C->{debug} > 5 ) {
        										print "Dumping cbQosName\n";
        										print Dumper ( $answer->{'cbQosName'} );
        										print "Dumping cbQosParentObjectsIndex2\n";
        										print Dumper ( $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex2'} );
        								} elsif ($answer->{'cbQosObjectsType2'} eq 3) {
        									dbg("skip - this class-map is part of a match statement");
        									next BLOCK2; # skip this class-map, is part of a match statement
        								# concatenate names
        								if ($answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex2'} ne 0) {
        									$answer->{'cbQosCMName'} = "$answer->{'cbQosName'}--$answer->{'cbQosCMName'}";
        							# collect all levels of classmaps or only the first level
        							# KS 2011-10-27: by default collect hierarchical QoS
        							if ( !getbool($C->{'cbqos_cm_collect_all'},"invert")
        									 or $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'} eq $PIndex)
        								$CMValues{"H".$OIndex}{'CMName'} = $answer->{'cbQosCMName'} ;
        								$CMValues{"H".$OIndex}{'CMIndex'} = $OIndex ;
        						} elsif ($answer->{'cbQosObjectsType'} eq 4) {
        							my $CMRate;
        							# it's a queueing object, look for the bandwidth
        									= $SNMP->getarray("cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidth.$qosIndexTable->{$OIndex}","cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidthUnits.$qosIndexTable->{$OIndex}",
        							if ($answer->{'cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidthUnits'} eq 1) {
        								$CMRate = $answer->{'cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidth'}*1000;
        							elsif ($answer->{'cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidthUnits'} eq 2 or $answer->{'cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidthUnits'} eq 3 ) {
        								$CMRate = $answer->{'cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidth'} * $inoutIfSpeed/100;
        							if ($CMRate eq 0) { $CMRate = "undef"; }
        							dbg("queueing - bandwidth $answer->{'cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidth'}, units $answer->{'cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidthUnits'},".
        									"rate $CMRate, parent ID $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'}");
        							$CMValues{"H".$answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'}}{'CMCfgRate'} = $CMRate ;
        						} elsif ($answer->{'cbQosObjectsType'} eq 6) {
        							# traffic shaping
        									= $SNMP->getarray("cbQosTSCfgRate.$qosIndexTable->{$OIndex}","cbQosParentObjectsIndex.$PIndex.$OIndex");
        							dbg("shaping - rate $answer->{'cbQosTSCfgRate'}, parent ID $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'}");
        							$CMValues{"H".$answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'}}{'CMTSCfgRate'} = $answer->{'cbQosPoliceCfgRate'};
        						} elsif ($answer->{'cbQosObjectsType'} eq 7) {
        							# police
        									= $SNMP->getarray("cbQosPoliceCfgRate.$qosIndexTable->{$OIndex}","cbQosParentObjectsIndex.$PIndex.$OIndex");
        							dbg("police - rate $answer->{'cbQosPoliceCfgRate'}, parent ID $answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'}");
        							$CMValues{"H".$answer->{'cbQosParentObjectsIndex'}}{'CMPoliceCfgRate'} = $answer->{'cbQosPoliceCfgRate'};
        						if ( $C->{debug} > 5 ) {
        							print Dumper ( $answer );
        					if ( $answer->{'cbQosPolicyMapName'} eq "" ) {
        						$answer->{'cbQosPolicyMapName'} = 'default';
        						dbg("policymap - name is blank, so setting to default");
        					$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'Interface'}{'Descr'} = $IF->{$intf}{'ifDescr'} ;
        					$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'PolicyMap'}{'Name'} = $answer->{'cbQosPolicyMapName'} ;
        					$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'PolicyMap'}{'Index'} = $PIndex ;
        					# combine CM name and bandwidth
        					foreach my $index (keys %CMValues ) {
        						# check if CM name does exist
        						if (exists $CMValues{$index}{'CMName'}) {
        							$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'ClassMap'}{$index}{'Name'} = $CMValues{$index}{'CMName'};
        							$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'ClassMap'}{$index}{'Index'} = $CMValues{$index}{'CMIndex'};
        							# lets print the just type
        							if (exists $CMValues{$index}{'CMCfgRate'}) {
        								$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'ClassMap'}{$index}{'BW'}{'Descr'} = "Bandwidth" ;
        								$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'ClassMap'}{$index}{'BW'}{'Value'} = $CMValues{$index}{'CMCfgRate'} ;
        							} elsif (exists $CMValues{$index}{'CMTSCfgRate'}) {
        								$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'ClassMap'}{$index}{'BW'}{'Descr'} = "Traffic shaping" ;
        								$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'ClassMap'}{$index}{'BW'}{'Value'} = $CMValues{$index}{'CMTSCfgRate'} ;
        							} elsif (exists $CMValues{$index}{'CMPoliceCfgRate'}) {
        								$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'ClassMap'}{$index}{'BW'}{'Descr'} = "Police" ;
        								$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'ClassMap'}{$index}{'BW'}{'Value'} = $CMValues{$index}{'CMPoliceCfgRate'} ;
        							} else {
        								$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'ClassMap'}{$index}{'BW'}{'Descr'} = "Bandwidth" ;
        								$cbQosTable{$intf}{$direction}{'ClassMap'}{$index}{'BW'}{'Value'} = "undef" ;
        				} else {
        					dbg("No collect requested in Node table");
        			} else {
        				dbg("Interface $intf does not exist");
        		delete $S->{info}{cbqos}; # remove old info
        		if (scalar (keys %{$ifIndexTable}) )
        			# Finished with SNMP QoS, store object index values for the next run and CM names for WWW
        			$S->{info}{cbqos} = \%cbQosTable;
        			# cbqos info structure is a tad different from interfaces, but the rrds also need tuning
        			# that's an ifindex
        			for my $index (keys %cbQosTable)
        				my $thisqosinfo = $cbQosTable{$index};
        				next if (ref($IF->{$index}) ne "HASH"
        								 or !$IF->{$index}->{ifSpeed}
        								 or $IF->{$index}->{setlimits} !~ /^(normal|strict|off)$/
        								 or !getbool($IF->{$index}{collect})); # don't care about interfaces w/o descr or no speed or uncollected or invalid limit config
        				my $thisintf = $IF->{$index};
        				my $desiredlimit = $thisintf->{setlimits};
        				info("performing rrd speed limit tuning for cbqos on $thisintf->{ifDescr}, limit enforcement: $desiredlimit, interface speed is ".convertIfSpeed($thisintf->{ifSpeed})." ($thisintf->{ifSpeed})");
        				# speed is in bits/sec, normal limit: 2*reported speed (in bytes), strict: exactly reported speed (in bytes)
        				my $maxbytes = 	$desiredlimit eq "off"? "U": $desiredlimit eq "normal"?
        						int($thisintf->{ifSpeed}/4) : int($thisintf->{ifSpeed}/8);
        				my $maxpkts = $maxbytes eq "U"? "U" : int($maxbytes/50); # this is a dodgy heuristic
        				for my $direction (qw(in out))
        					foreach my $class (keys %{$thisqosinfo->{$direction}->{ClassMap}})
        						# rrd file exists and readable?
        						if (-r (my $rrdfile = $S->getDBName(graphtype => "cbqos-$direction",
        																								index => $index,
        																								item => $thisqosinfo->{$direction}->{ClassMap}->{$class}->{Name})))
        							my $fileinfo = RRDs::info($rrdfile);
        							for my $matching (grep /^ds\[.+\]\.max$/, keys %$fileinfo)
        								next if ($matching !~ /ds\[(PrePolicyByte|DropByte|PostPolicyByte|PrePolicyPkt|DropPkt|NoBufDropPkt)\]\.max/ );
        								my $dsname = $1;
        								my $curval = $fileinfo->{$matching};
        								# all DS but the byte ones are packet based
        								my $desiredval = $dsname =~ /byte/i? $maxbytes : $maxpkts;
        								if ($curval ne $desiredval)
        									info("rrd cbqos-$direction-$class, ds $dsname, current limit $curval, desired limit $desiredval: adjusting limit");
        									RRDs::tune($rrdfile, "--maximum", "$dsname:$desiredval");
        									info("rrd cbqos-$direction-$class, ds $dsname, current limit $curval is correct");
        			dbg("no entries found in QoS table of node $NI->{name}");
        	return 1;
        sub getCalls
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;
        	my $NC = $S->ndcfg;
        	if (!getbool($NC->{node}{calls})) {
        		dbg("no collecting for node $NI->{system}{name}");
        	dbg("Starting Calls for node $NI->{system}{name}");
        	## oke,lets go
        	if (getbool($S->{update})) 		# fixme unclean access to internal property
        		getCallswalk(sys=>$S); # get indexes
        	elsif (!getCallsdata(sys=>$S))
        		getCallswalk(sys=>$S); # get indexes
        		getCallsdata(sys=>$S); # get data
        sub getCallsdata
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $IF = $S->ifinfo;
        	my $CALLS = $S->callsinfo;
        	my %totalsTable;
        	return 1 if (!keys %{$CALLS});
        	# get the old index values
        	# the layout of the record is: channel intf intfDescr intfindex parentintfDescr parentintfindex port slot
        	foreach my $index (keys %{$CALLS})
        		my $port = $CALLS->{$index}{intfoid};
        		my $rrdData = $S->getData(class=>'calls',index=>$CALLS->{$index}{parentintfIndex},port=>$port,model=>$model);
        		my $howdiditgo = $S->status;
        		my $anyerror = $howdiditgo->{error} || $howdiditgo->{snmp_error} || $howdiditgo->{wmi_error};
        		# were there any errors?
        		if (!$anyerror)
        			processAlerts( S => $S );
        			my $parentIndex = $CALLS->{$index}{parentintfIndex};
        			my $D = $rrdData->{calls}{$parentIndex};
        			# check indexes
        			if ($D->{'cpmDS0CallType'}{value} eq "noSuchInstance") {
        				logMsg("invalid index in getCallsdata, run walk");
        				return 0;
        			if ( $D->{'cpmCallCount'}{value} eq "" ) { $D->{'cpmCallCount'}{value} = 0 ;}
        			# calculate totals for physical interfaces and dump them into totalsTable hash
        			if ( $D->{'cpmDS0CallType'}{value} != "" )
        				#	$D->{'cpmAvailableCallCount'}{value} = 1;	# calculate individual available DS0 ports no matter what their current state
        				$totalsTable{$parentIndex}{'TotalDS0'} += 1 ;	# calculate total available DS0 ports no matter what their current state
        			$totalsTable{$parentIndex}{'TotalCallCount'} += $D->{'cpmCallCount'}{value};
        			$totalsTable{$parentIndex}{'parentintfIndex'} = $parentIndex;
        			$totalsTable{$parentIndex}{'parentintfDescr'} = $CALLS->{$index}{'parentintfDescr'};
        			# populate totals for DS0 call types
        			# total idle ports
        			if ( $D->{'cpmDS0CallType'}{value} eq "1" ) {
        				$totalsTable{$parentIndex}{'totalIdle'} += 1 ;
        			# total unknown ports
        			if ( $D->{'cpmDS0CallType'}{value} eq "2" ) {
        				$totalsTable{$parentIndex}{'totalUnknown'} += 1;
        			# total analog ports
        			if ( $D->{'cpmDS0CallType'}{value} eq "3" ) {
        				$totalsTable{$parentIndex}{'totalAnalog'} += 1 ;
        			# total digital ports
        			if ( $D->{'cpmDS0CallType'}{value} eq "4" ) {
        				$totalsTable{$parentIndex}{'totalDigital'} += 1 ;
        			# total v110 ports
        			if ( $D->{'cpmDS0CallType'}{value} eq "5" ) {
        				$totalsTable{$parentIndex}{'totalV110'} += 1 ;
        			# total v120 ports
        			if ( $D->{'cpmDS0CallType'}{value} eq "6" ) {
        				$totalsTable{$parentIndex}{'totalV120'} += 1 ;
        			# total voice ports
        			if ( $D->{'cpmDS0CallType'}{value} eq "7" ) {
        				$totalsTable{$parentIndex}{'totalVoice'} += 1 ;
        			if ( $D->{'cpmAvailableCallCount'}{value} eq "" ) { $D->{'cpmAvailableCallCount'} = 0 ;}
        			if ( $D->{'cpmCallCount'} eq "" ) { $D->{'cpmCallCount'} = 0 ;}
        			logMsg("ERROR ($NI->{system}{name}) on getCallsdata, $anyerror");
        			HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type =>"snmp", details => $howdiditgo->{snmp_error}) if ($howdiditgo->{snmp_error});
        			HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type =>"wmi", details => $howdiditgo->{wmi_error}) if ($howdiditgo->{wmi_error});
        			return 0;
        	# Second loop to populate RRD tables for totals
        	foreach my $intfindex (keys %totalsTable)
        		dbg("Total intf $intfindex, PortName $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'parentintfDescr'}");
        		if ( $totalsTable{'TotalCallCount'} eq "" ) { $totalsTable{'TotalCallCount'} = 0 ;}
        		dbg("Total idle DS0 ports  $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalIdle'}");
        		dbg("Total unknown DS0 ports  $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalUnknown'}");
        		dbg("Total analog DS0 ports  $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalAnalog'}");
        		dbg("Total digital DS0 ports  $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalDigital'}");
        		dbg("Total v110 DS0 ports  $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalV110'}");
        		dbg("Total v120 DS0 ports  $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalV120'}");
        		dbg("Total voice DS0 ports  $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalVoice'}");
        		dbg("Total DS0 ports available  $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'TotalDS0'}");
        		dbg("Total DS0 calls  $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'TotalCallCount'}");
        		my %snmpVal;
        		$snmpVal{'totalIdle'}{value} = $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalIdle'};
        		$snmpVal{'totalUnknown'}{value} = $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalUnknown'};
        		$snmpVal{'totalAnalog'}{value} = $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalAnalog'};
        		$snmpVal{'totalDigital'}{value} = $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalDigital'};
        		$snmpVal{'totalV110'}{value} = $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalV110'};
        		$snmpVal{'totalV120'}{value} = $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalV120'};
        		$snmpVal{'totalVoice'}{value} = $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'totalVoice'};
        		$snmpVal{'AvailableCallCount'}{value} = $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'TotalDS0'};
        		$snmpVal{'CallCount'}{value} = $totalsTable{$intfindex}{'TotalCallCount'};
        		# Store data
        		my $db = updateRRD(data=>\%snmpVal,sys=>$S,type=>"calls",index=>$intfindex);
        		if (!$db)
        			logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        	return 1;
        # figure out the calls indices etc
        # fixme: this function does not work for wmi-only nodes
        # returns: 1 if ok, 0 otherwise
        sub getCallswalk
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	if (!$S->status->{snmp_enabled})
        		info("Not performing getCallswalk for $NI->{system}->{name}: SNMP not enabled for this node");
        		return 1;
        	my $IF = $S->ifinfo;
        	my $SNMP = $S->snmp;
        	my (%seen, %callsTable, %mappingTable, $intfindex,$parentintfIndex,
        			$IntfIndexTable, $IntfStatusTable);
        	dbg("Starting Calls ports collection");
        	# double check if any call interfaces on this node.
        	# cycle thru each ifindex and check the ifType, and save the ifIndex for matching later
        	# only collect on interfaces that are defined and that are Admin UP
        	foreach ( keys %{$IF} )
        		if ( $IF->{$_}{ifAdminStatus} eq "up"	)
        			$seen{$_} = $_;
        	if ( ! %seen )
        		dbg("$NI->{system}{name} does not have any call ports or no collect or port down - Call ports collection aborted");
        		return;											# fixme: is that an error or not? i think not, so return 1
        	# should now be good to go....
        	# only use the Cisco private mib for cisco routers
        	# add in the walk root for the cisco interface table entry for port to intf mapping
        	# getindex the cpmDS0InterfaceIndex oid to populate $callsTable hash with such as interface indexes, ports, slots
        	if ($IntfIndexTable = $SNMP->getindex("cpmDS0InterfaceIndex"))
        		foreach my $index (keys %{$IntfIndexTable})
        				$intfindex = $IntfIndexTable->{$index};
        				my ($slot,$port,$channel) = split /\./,$index,3;
        				$callsTable{$intfindex}{'intfoid'} = $index;
        				$callsTable{$intfindex}{'intfindex'} = $intfindex;
        				$callsTable{$intfindex}{'slot'} = $slot;
        				$callsTable{$intfindex}{'port'} = $port;
        				$callsTable{$intfindex}{'channel'} = $channel;
        		if ($IntfStatusTable = $SNMP->getindex("ifStackStatus"))
        			foreach my $index (keys %{$IntfStatusTable})
        				($intfindex,$parentintfIndex) = split /\./,$index,2;
        				$mappingTable{$intfindex}{'parentintfIndex'} = $parentintfIndex;
        			# traverse the callsTable and mappingTable hashes to match call ports with their physical parent ports
        			foreach my $callsintf (sort keys %callsTable )
        				foreach my $mapintf (sort keys %mappingTable )
        					if ( $callsintf == $mapintf )
        						dbg("parent interface $mappingTable{$mapintf}{'parentintfIndex'} found for interface $callsintf",2);
        						# if parent interface has been reached stop
        						if ( $mappingTable{$mappingTable{$mapintf}{'parentintfIndex'}}{'parentintfIndex'} eq "0" )
        							$callsTable{$callsintf}{'parentintfIndex'} = $mappingTable{$mapintf}{'parentintfIndex'};
        						# assume only one level of nesting in physical interfaces
        						# (may need to increase for larger Cisco chassis)
        							$callsTable{$callsintf}{'parentintfIndex'} = $mappingTable{$mappingTable{$mapintf}{'parentintfIndex'}}{'parentintfIndex'};
        				# check if parent interface is also up
        				if ( $IF->{$callsTable{$callsintf}{'parentintfIndex'}}{ifAdminStatus} ne "up" )
        					##	print returnTime." Calls: parent interface $IF->{$callsTable{$callsintf}{'parentintfIndex'}}{ifDescr} is not up\n" if $debug;
        					delete $callsTable{$callsintf} ;
        			# traverse the callsTable hash one last time and populate descriptive fields; also count total voice ports
        			my $InstalledVoice;
        			foreach my $callsintf ( keys %callsTable )
        				 $callsTable{$callsintf}{'parentintfDescr'}) = $SNMP->getarray(
        			# create $nodes-calls.xxxx file which contains interface mapping and descirption data
        			delete $S->{info}{calls};
        			if ( %callsTable)
        				# callsTable has some values, so write it out
        				$S->{info}{calls} = \%callsTable;
        				$NI->{system}{InstalledVoice} = "$InstalledVoice";
        	return 1;
        # figure out frame relay interfaces, perform collection of pvc information
        # note that this does everything from start to finish, there's no separate
        # index getter function for type update ops.
        # fixme: this function does not work for wmi-only nodes
        # returns: 1 if ok, 0 otherwise
        sub getPVC
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	if (!$S->status->{snmp_enabled})
        		info("Not performing getPVC for $NI->{system}->{name}: SNMP not enabled for this node");
        		return 1;
        	my $IF = $S->ifinfo;
        	my $SNMP = $S->snmp;
        	my $PVC = $S->pvcinfo;
        	my %pvcTable;
        	my $port;
        	my $pvc;
        	my $mibname;
        	my %seen;
        	my @ret;
        	my %pvcStats;		# start this new every time
        	my %snmpTable;
        	dbg("Starting frame relay PVC collection");
        	# double check if any frame relay interfaces on this node.
        	# cycle thru each ifindex and check the ifType, and save the ifIndex for matching later
        	# only collect on interfaces that are defined, with collection turned on globally
        	# and for that interface and that are Admin UP
        	foreach ( keys %{$IF} )
        		if ( $IF->{$_}{ifType} =~ /framerelay/i
        				 and $IF->{$_}{ifAdminStatus} eq "up" and
        			$seen{$_} = $_;
        	if ( ! %seen ) {	# nothing to do
        		dbg("$NI->{system}{name} does not have any frame ports or no collect or port down");
        		return;											# fixme error or not? i think not, return 1 instead
        	my $cnt = keys %seen;
        	dbg("found $cnt framerelay channel(s)");
        	# should now be good to go....
        	# only use the Cisco private mib for cisco routers
        	# add in the walk root for the cisco interface table entry for pvc to intf mapping
        	my $frCircEntryTable;
        	my $cfrExtCircIfNameTable;
        	if ( $frCircEntryTable = $SNMP->getindex('frCircuitEntry'))
        		foreach my $index (keys %{$frCircEntryTable})
        			my ($oid,$port,$pvc) = split /\./,$index,3;
        			my $textoid = oid2name("$oid");
        			$pvcStats{$port}{$pvc}{$textoid} = $frCircEntryTable->{$index};
        			if ($textoid =~ /ReceivedBECNs|ReceivedFECNs|ReceivedFrames|ReceivedOctets|SentFrames|SentOctets|State/) {
        				$snmpTable{$port}{$pvc}{$textoid}{value} = $frCircEntryTable->{$index};
        		# fixme hardcoded model name is bad
        		if ( $NI->{system}{nodeModel} =~ /CiscoRouter/ )
        			if ( $cfrExtCircIfNameTable = $SNMP->getindex('cfrExtCircuitIfName'))
        				foreach my $index (keys %{$cfrExtCircIfNameTable}) {
        					my ($port,$pvc) = split /\./,$index;
        					$pvcStats{$port}{$pvc}{'cfrExtCircuitIfName'} = $cfrExtCircIfNameTable->{$index};
        		# we now have a hash of port:pvc:mibname=value - or an empty hash if no reply....
        		# put away to a rrd.
        		foreach $port ( keys %pvcStats )
        			# check if parent port was seen before and OK to collect on.
        			if ( !exists $seen{$port} ) {
        				dbg("snmp frame port $port is not collected or down - skipping");
        			foreach $pvc ( keys %{$pvcStats{$port}} )
        				# massage some values
        				# frCircuitState = 2 for active
        				# could set an alarm here on PVC down ??
        				if ( $pvcStats{$port}{$pvc}{'frCircuitState'} eq 2 ) {
        					$pvcStats{$port}{$pvc}{'frCircuitState'} = 100;
        				else {
        					$pvcStats{$port}{$pvc}{'frCircuitState'} = 0;
        				# RRD options
        				$snmpTable{$port}{$pvc}{ReceivedBECNs}{option} = "counter,0:U";
        				$snmpTable{$port}{$pvc}{ReceivedFECNs}{option} = "counter,0:U";
        				$snmpTable{$port}{$pvc}{ReceivedFrames}{option} = "counter,0:U";
        				$snmpTable{$port}{$pvc}{ReceivedOctets}{option} = "counter,0:U";
        				$snmpTable{$port}{$pvc}{SentFrames}{option} = "counter,0:U";
        				$snmpTable{$port}{$pvc}{SentOctets}{option} = "counter,0:U";
        				$snmpTable{$port}{$pvc}{State}{option} = "gauge,0:U";
        				my $key = "${port}-${pvc}";
        				if ((my $db = updateRRD(data=>\%{$snmpTable{$port}{$pvc}},sys=>$S,type=>"pvc",item=>$key)) ne "")
        					$NI->{graphtype}{$key}{pvc} = 'pvc';
        					logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        		# save a list of PVC numbers to an interface style file, with ifindex mappings, so we
        		# can use this to read and graph the rrd via the web ui.
        		# save the cisco interface ifDescr if we have it.
        		foreach $port ( keys %pvcStats )
        			foreach $pvc (keys %{$pvcStats{$port}})
        				my $key = "${port}-${pvc}";
        				$pvcTable{$key}{subifDescr} = rmBadChars($pvcStats{$port}{$pvc}{cfrExtCircuitIfName});		# if not cisco, will not exist.
        				$pvcTable{$key}{pvc} = $pvc;
        				$pvcTable{$key}{port} = $port;			# should be ifIndex of parent frame relay interface
        				$pvcTable{$key}{LastTimeChange} = $pvcStats{$port}{$pvc}{frCircuitLastTimeChange};
        				$pvcTable{$key}{rrd} = $key;		# save this for filename lookups
        				$pvcTable{$key}{CIR} = $pvcStats{$port}{$pvc}{frCircuitCommittedBurst};
        				$pvcTable{$key}{EIR} = $pvcStats{$port}{$pvc}{frCircuitExcessBurst};
        				$pvcTable{$key}{subifIndex} = $pvcStats{$port}{$pvc}{frCircuitLogicalIfIndex}; # non-cisco may support this - to be verified.
        		if ( %pvcTable)
        			# pvcTable has some values, so write it out
        			$S->{info}{pvc} = \%pvcTable;
        			dbg("pvc values stored");
        		} else {
        			delete $S->{info}{pvc};
        # fixme: this function does not work for wmi-only nodes
        sub runServer
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	if (!$S->status->{snmp_enabled})
        		info("Not performing server collection for $NI->{system}->{name}: SNMP not enabled for this node");
        		return 1;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;
        	my $SNMP = $S->snmp;
        	my ($result, %Val, %ValMeM, $hrCpuLoad);
        	info("Starting server device/storage collection, node $NI->{system}{name}");
        	# get cpu info
        	delete $NI->{device};
        	if (ref($M->{device}) eq "HASH" && keys %{$M->{device}})
        		my $deviceIndex = $SNMP->getindex('hrDeviceIndex');
        		$S->loadInfo(class=>'device',model=>$model); # get cpu load without index
        		foreach my $index (keys %{$deviceIndex}) {
        			if ($S->loadInfo(class=>'device',index=>$index,model=>$model)) {
        				my $D = $NI->{device}{$index};
        				info("device Descr=$D->{hrDeviceDescr}, Type=$D->{hrDeviceType}");
        				if ($D->{hrDeviceType} eq '') { # hrDeviceProcessor
        					($hrCpuLoad,$D->{hrDeviceDescr}) = $SNMP->getarray("hrProcessorLoad.${index}","hrDeviceDescr.${index}");
        					dbg("CPU $index hrProcessorLoad=$hrCpuLoad hrDeviceDescr=$D->{hrDeviceDescr}");
        					### 2012-12-20 keiths, adding Server CPU load to Health Calculations.
        					$NI->{device}{$index}{hrCpuLoad} = ($hrCpuLoad =~ /noSuch/i) ? $NI->{device}{hrCpuLoad} : $hrCpuLoad ;
        					info("cpu Load=$NI->{device}{hrCpuLoad}, Descr=$D->{hrDeviceDescr}");
        					undef %Val;
        					$Val{hrCpuLoad}{value} = $NI->{device}{$index}{hrCpuLoad} || 0;
        					if ((my $db = updateRRD(sys=>$S,data=>\%Val,type=>"hrsmpcpu",index=>$index)))
        						$NI->{graphtype}{$index}{hrsmpcpu} = "hrsmpcpu";
        						logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        					delete $NI->{device}{$index};
        	} else {
        		dbg("Class=device not defined in model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel}");
        	### 2012-12-20 keiths, adding Server CPU load to Health Calculations.
        	if ( ref($S->{reach}{cpuList}) and @{$S->{reach}{cpuList}} ) {
        		$S->{reach}{cpu} = mean(@{$S->{reach}{cpuList}});
        	# keep the old storage data around a bit longer, as fallback if loadinfo fails
        	my $oldstorage = $NI->{storage};
        	delete $NI->{storage};
        	if ($M->{storage} ne '')
        		my $disk_cnt = 1;
        		my $storageIndex = $SNMP->getindex('hrStorageIndex');
        		my $hrFSMountPoint = undef;
        		my $hrFSRemoteMountPoint = undef;
        		my $fileSystemTable = undef;
        		foreach my $index (keys %{$storageIndex})
        			# this saves any retrieved info under ni->{storage}
        			my $wasloadable = $S->loadInfo(class=>'storage',index=>$index,model=>$model);
        			if (!$wasloadable)
        				logMsg("ERROR failed to retrieve storage info for index=$index, continuing with OLD data!");
        				$NI->{storage}->{$index} ||= $oldstorage->{$index}; # and restore the old data, better than nothing
        				my $D = $NI->{storage}{$index}; # new data
        				### 2017-02-13 keiths, handling larger disk sizes by converting to an unsigned integer
        				$D->{hrStorageSize} = unpack("I", pack("i", $D->{hrStorageSize}));
        				$D->{hrStorageUsed} = unpack("I", pack("i", $D->{hrStorageUsed}));
        				info("storage $D->{hrStorageDescr} Type=$D->{hrStorageType}, Size=$D->{hrStorageSize}, Used=$D->{hrStorageUsed}, Units=$D->{hrStorageUnits}");
        				if (($M->{storage}{nocollect}{Description} ne ''
        						 and $D->{hrStorageDescr} =~ /$M->{storage}{nocollect}{Description}/ )
        						or $D->{hrStorageSize} <= 0)
        					delete $NI->{storage}{$index};
        					if (
        						$D->{hrStorageType} eq '' # hrStorageFixedDisk
        						or $D->{hrStorageType} eq '' # hrStorageNetworkDisk
        						my %Val;
        						my $hrStorageType = $D->{hrStorageType};
        						$Val{hrDiskSize}{value} = $D->{hrStorageUnits} * $D->{hrStorageSize};
        						$Val{hrDiskUsed}{value} = $D->{hrStorageUnits} * $D->{hrStorageUsed};
        						### 2012-12-20 keiths, adding Server Disk to Health Calculations.
        						my $diskUtil = $Val{hrDiskUsed}{value} / $Val{hrDiskSize}{value} * 100;
        						dbg("Disk List updated with Util=$diskUtil Size=$Val{hrDiskSize}{value} Used=$Val{hrDiskUsed}{value}",1);
        						$D->{hrStorageDescr} =~ s/,/ /g;	# lose any commas.
        						if ((my $db = updateRRD(sys=>$S,data=>\%Val,type=>"hrdisk",index=>$index)))
        							$NI->{graphtype}{$index}{hrdisk} = "hrdisk";
        							$D->{hrStorageType} = 'Fixed Disk';
        							$D->{hrStorageIndex} = $index;
        							$D->{hrStorageGraph} = "hrdisk";
        							logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        						if ( $hrStorageType eq '' )
        							# only get this snmp once if we need to, and created an named index.
        							if ( not defined $fileSystemTable ) {
        								$hrFSMountPoint = $SNMP->getindex('hrFSMountPoint');
        								$hrFSRemoteMountPoint = $SNMP->getindex('hrFSRemoteMountPoint');
        								foreach my $fsIndex ( keys %$hrFSMountPoint ) {
        									my $mp = $hrFSMountPoint->{$fsIndex};
        									$fileSystemTable->{$mp} = $hrFSRemoteMountPoint->{$fsIndex};
        							$D->{hrStorageType} = 'Network Disk';
        							$D->{hrFSRemoteMountPoint} = $fileSystemTable->{$D->{hrStorageDescr}};
        					### 2014-08-28 keiths, fix for VMware Real Memory as HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageType.7 = OID: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageTypes.20
        					elsif ( $D->{hrStorageType} eq '' or $D->{hrStorageType} eq '') { # Memory
        						my %Val;
        						$Val{hrMemSize}{value} = $D->{hrStorageUnits} * $D->{hrStorageSize};
        						$Val{hrMemUsed}{value} = $D->{hrStorageUnits} * $D->{hrStorageUsed};
        						### 2012-12-20 keiths, adding Server Memory to Health Calculations.
        						$S->{reach}{memfree} = $Val{hrMemSize}{value} - $Val{hrMemUsed}{value};
        						$S->{reach}{memused} = $Val{hrMemUsed}{value};
        						if ((my $db = updateRRD(sys=>$S,data=>\%Val,type=>"hrmem"))) {
        							$NI->{graphtype}{hrmem} = "hrmem";
        							$D->{hrStorageType} = 'Memory';
        							$D->{hrStorageGraph} = "hrmem";
        							logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        					# in net-snmp, virtualmemory is used as type for both swap and 'virtual memory' (=phys + swap)
        					elsif ( $D->{hrStorageType} eq '') { # VirtualMemory
        						my %Val;
        						my ($itemname,$typename)= ($D->{hrStorageDescr} =~ /Swap/i)?
        								(qw(hrSwapMem hrswapmem)):(qw(hrVMem hrvmem));
        						$Val{$itemname."Size"}{value} = $D->{hrStorageUnits} * $D->{hrStorageSize};
        						$Val{$itemname."Used"}{value} = $D->{hrStorageUnits} * $D->{hrStorageUsed};
        						### 2014-08-07 keiths, adding Other Memory to Health Calculations.
        						$S->{reach}{$itemname."Free"} = $Val{$itemname."Size"}{value} - $Val{$itemname."Used"}{value};
        						$S->{reach}{$itemname."Used"} = $Val{$itemname."Used"}{value};
        						#print Dumper $S->{reach};
        						if (my $db = updateRRD(sys=>$S, data=>\%Val, type=>$typename))
        							$NI->{graphtype}{$typename} = $typename;
        							$D->{hrStorageType} = $D->{hrStorageDescr}; # i.e. virtual memory or swap space
        							$D->{hrStorageGraph} = $typename;
        							logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        					# also collect mem buffers and cached mem if present
        					# these are marked as storagetype hrStorageOther but the descr is usable
        					elsif ( $D->{hrStorageType} eq ''  # StorageOther
        									and $D->{hrStorageDescr} =~ /^(Memory buffers|Cached memory)$/i)
        							my %Val;
        							my ($itemname,$typename) = ($D->{hrStorageDescr} =~ /^Memory buffers$/i)?
        									(qw(hrBufMem hrbufmem)) : (qw(hrCacheMem hrcachemem));
        							# for buffers the total size isn't overly useful (net-snmp reports total phsymem),
        							# for cached mem net-snmp reports total size == used cache mem
        							$Val{$itemname."Size"}{value} = $D->{hrStorageUnits} * $D->{hrStorageSize};
        							$Val{$itemname."Used"}{value} = $D->{hrStorageUnits} * $D->{hrStorageUsed};
        							if (my $db = updateRRD(sys=>$S, data=>\%Val, type=>$typename))
        									$NI->{graphtype}{$typename} = $typename;
        									$D->{hrStorageType} = 'Other Memory';
        									$D->{hrStorageGraph} = $typename;
        								logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        					# storage type not recognized?
        						delete $NI->{storage}{$index};
        	} else {
        		dbg("Class=storage not defined in Model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel}");
        	### 2012-12-20 keiths, adding Server Disk Usage to Health Calculations.
        	if ( defined $S->{reach}{diskList} and @{$S->{reach}{diskList}} ) {
        		#print Dumper $S->{reach}{diskList};
        		$S->{reach}{disk} = mean(@{$S->{reach}{diskList}});
        } # end runServer
        # converts date value to readable string
        sub snmp2date
        	my @tt = unpack("C*", shift );
        	return (($tt[0] *256) + $tt[1]) ."-".$tt[2]."-".$tt[3].",".$tt[4].":".$tt[5].":".$tt[6].".".$tt[7];
        # this function runs all services that are directly associated with a given node
        # args: live sys object for the node in question, and optional snmp (true/false) arg
        # attention: when run with snmp false then snmp-based services are NOT checked!
        # fixme: this function does not support service definitions from wmi!
        sub runServices
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $V =  $S->view;
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	my $NT = loadLocalNodeTable();
        	my $SNMP = $S->snmp;
        	# don't attempt anything silly if this is a wmi-only node
        	my $snmp_allowed = getbool($args{snmp}) && $S->status->{snmp_enabled};
        	my $node = $NI->{system}{name};
        	info("Starting Services stats, node=$NI->{system}{name}, nodeType=$NI->{system}{nodeType}");
        	my $cpu;
        	my $memory;
        	my %services;		# hash to hold snmp gathered service status.
        	my %status;			# hash to collect generic/non-snmp service status
        	my $ST = loadServicesTable();
        	my $timer = NMIS::Timing->new;
        	# do an snmp service poll first, regardless of whether any specific services being enabled or not
        	my %snmpTable;
        	my $timeout = 3;
        	my ($snmpcmd,@ret, $var, $i, $key);
        	my $write=0;
        	# do we have snmp-based services and are we allowed to check them? ie node active and collect on
        	if ($snmp_allowed
        			and getbool($NT->{$node}{active})
        			and getbool($NT->{$node}{collect})
        			and grep(ref($ST->{$_}) eq "HASH" && $ST->{$_}->{Service_Type} eq "service",
        							 split(/,/, $NT->{ $NI->{system}{name} }->{services})) )
        		info("node has SNMP services to check");
        		dbg("get index of hrSWRunName by snmp, then get some data");
        		my $hrIndextable;
        		# get the process parameters by column, allowing efficient bulk requests
        		# but possibly running into bad agents at times, which gettable/getindex
        		# compensates for by backing off and retrying.
        		for my $var (qw(hrSWRunName hrSWRunPath hrSWRunParameters hrSWRunStatus
        hrSWRunType hrSWRunPerfCPU hrSWRunPerfMem))
        			if ( $hrIndextable = $SNMP->getindex($var))
        				foreach my $inst (keys %{$hrIndextable})
        					my $value = $hrIndextable->{$inst};
        					my $textoid = oid2name(name2oid($var).".".$inst);
        					$value = snmp2date($value) if ($textoid =~ /date\./i);
        					( $textoid, $inst ) = split /\./, $textoid, 2;
        					$snmpTable{$textoid}{$inst} = $value;
        					dbg("Indextable=$inst textoid=$textoid value=$value",2);
        			# SNMP failed, so mark SNMP down so code below handles results properly
        				logMsg("$node SNMP failed while collecting SNMP Service Data");
        				HandleNodeDown(sys=>$S, type => "snmp", details => "get SNMP Service Data: ".$SNMP->error);
        				$snmp_allowed = 0;
        		# are we still good to continue?
        		# don't do anything with the (incomplete and unusable) snmp data if snmp failed just now
        		if ($snmp_allowed)
        			# prepare service list for all observed services
        			foreach (sort keys %{$snmpTable{hrSWRunName}} )
        				# key services by name_pid
        				$key = $snmpTable{hrSWRunName}{$_}.':'.$_;
        				$services{$key}{hrSWRunName} = $key;
        				$services{$key}{hrSWRunPath} = $snmpTable{hrSWRunPath}{$_};
        				$services{$key}{hrSWRunParameters} = $snmpTable{hrSWRunParameters}{$_};
        				$services{$key}{hrSWRunType} = ( '', 'unknown', 'operatingSystem', 'deviceDriver', 'application' )[$snmpTable{hrSWRunType}{$_}];
        				$services{$key}{hrSWRunStatus} = ( '', 'running', 'runnable', 'notRunnable', 'invalid' )[$snmpTable{hrSWRunStatus}{$_}];
        				$services{$key}{hrSWRunPerfCPU} = $snmpTable{hrSWRunPerfCPU}{$_};
        				$services{$key}{hrSWRunPerfMem} = $snmpTable{hrSWRunPerfMem}{$_};
        				dbg("$services{$key}{hrSWRunName} type=$services{$key}{hrSWRunType} status=$services{$key}{hrSWRunStatus} cpu=$services{$key}{hrSWRunPerfCPU} memory=$services{$key}{hrSWRunPerfMem}",2);
        			# keep all services for display (not rrd!)
        			$NI->{services} = \%services;
        			# now clear events that applied to processes that no longer exist
        			my %nodeevents = loadAllEvents(node => $NI->{system}->{name});
        			for my $eventkey (keys %nodeevents)
        				my $thisevent = $nodeevents{$eventkey};
        				# fixme NMIS-73: this should be tied to both the element format and a to-be-added 'service' field of the event
        				# until then we trigger on the element format plus event name
        				if ($thisevent->{element} =~ /^\S+:\d+$/
        						&& $thisevent->{event} =~ /process memory/i
        						&& !exists $services{$thisevent->{element}})
        					dbg("clearing event $thisevent->{event} for node $thisevent->{node} as process "
        							.$thisevent->{element}." no longer exists");
        					checkEvent(sys => $S, event => $thisevent->{event}, level => $thisevent->{level},
        										 element => $thisevent->{element},
        	# specific services to be tested are saved in a list - these are rrd-collected, too.
        	# note that this also covers the snmp-based services
        	my $didRunServices = 0;
        	for my $service ( split /,/ , $NT->{ $NI->{system}{name} }->{services} )
        		my $thisservice = $ST->{$service};
        		# check for invalid service table data
        		next if (!$service
        						 or $service =~ m!^n/a$!i
        						 or ref($thisservice) ne "HASH"
        						 or $thisservice->{Service_Type} =~ m!^n/a$!i);
        		my ($name, $servicename, $servicetype)
        				= @{$thisservice}{"Name","Service_Name","Service_Type"};
        		# are we supposed to run this service now?
        		# load the service status and check the last run time
        		my %previous = loadServiceStatus(node => $node, service => $service);
        		my $lastrun =  ($previous{$C->{server_name}}->{$service}
        										&& $previous{$C->{server_name}}->{$service}->{$node})?
        				$previous{$C->{server_name}}->{$service}->{$node}->{last_run} : 0;
        		my $serviceinterval = $thisservice->{Poll_Interval} || 300;
        		my $msg = "Service $name on $node (interval \"$serviceinterval\") last ran at "
        				. returnDateStamp($lastrun).", ";
        		if ($serviceinterval =~ /^\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)([mhd])$/)
        			my ($rawvalue, $unit) = ($1, $3);
        			$serviceinterval = $rawvalue * ($unit eq 'm'? 60 : $unit eq 'h'? 3600 : 86400);
        		# we don't run the service exactly at the same time in the collect cycle,
        		# so allow up to 10% underrun
        		if ($lastrun && ((time - $lastrun) < $serviceinterval * 0.9))
        			$msg .= "skipping this time.";
        			if ($C->{info} or $C->{debug})
        				info($msg); logMsg("INFO: $msg");
        			$msg .= "must be checked this time.";
        			if ($C->{info} or $C->{debug})
        				info($msg); logMsg("INFO: $msg");
        		# make sure that the rrd heartbeat is suitable for the service interval!
        		my $serviceheartbeat = ($serviceinterval * 3) || 300*3;
        		$didRunServices = 1;
        		# make sure this gets reinitialized for every service!
          	my $gotMemCpu = 0;
        		my %Val;
        		info("Checking service name=$name type=$servicetype service_name=$servicename");
        		# clear global hash each time around as this is used to pass results to rrd update
        		my $ret = 0;
        		my $snmpdown = 0;
        		# record the service response time, more precisely the time it takes us testing the service
        		my $responsetime;						# blank the responsetime
        		# DNS: lookup whatever Service_name contains (fqdn or ip address),
        		# nameserver being the host in question
        		if ( $servicetype eq "dns" )
        			use Net::DNS;
        			my $lookfor = $servicename;
        			if (!$lookfor) {
        				dbg("Service_Name for service $service must be a FQDN or IP address");
        				logMsg("ERROR, ($NI->{system}{name}) Service_name for service=$service must be a FQDN or IP address");
        			my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
        			$res->udp_timeout(10);						# don't waste more than 10s on dud dns
        			$res->usevc(0);										# force to udp (default)
        			$res->debug(1) if $C->{debug} >3;	# set this to 1 for debug
        			my $packet = $res->search($lookfor); # resolver figures out what to look for
        			if (!defined $packet)
        					$ret = 0;
        					dbg("ERROR Unable to lookup $lookfor on DNS server $NI->{system}{host}");
        					$ret = 1;
        					dbg("DNS data for $lookfor from $NI->{system}{host} was ".$packet->string);
        		} # end DNS
        		# now the 'port' service checks, which rely on nmap
        		# - tcp would be easy enough to do with a plain connect, but udp accessible-or-closed needs extra smarts
        		elsif ( $servicetype eq "port" )
        			my ( $scan, $port) = split ':' , $thisservice->{Port};
        			my $nmap = ( $scan =~ /^udp$/i ? "nmap -sU --host_timeout 3000 -p $port -oG - $NI->{system}{host}"
        									 : "nmap -sT --host_timeout 3000 -p $port -oG - $NI->{system}{host}" );
        			# fork and read from pipe
        			my $pid = open(NMAP, "$nmap 2>&1 |");
        			if (!defined $pid)
        				my $errmsg = "ERROR, Cannot fork to execute nmap: $!";
        			my $nmap_out = join("", <NMAP>);
        			my $exitcode = $?;
        			# if the pipe close doesn't wait until the child is gone (which it may do...)
        			# then wait and collect explicitely
        			if (waitpid($pid,0) == $pid)
        				$exitcode = $?;
        			if ($exitcode)
        				logMsg("ERROR, NMAP ($nmap) returned exitcode ".($exitcode >> 8). " (raw $exitcode)");
        				info("$nmap returned exitcode ".($exitcode >> 8). " (raw $exitcode)");
        			if ($nmap_out =~ /Ports: $port\/open/)
        				$ret = 1;
        				info("NMAP reported success for port $port: $nmap_out");
        				logMsg("INFO, NMAP reported success for port $port: $nmap_out") if ($C->{debug} or $C->{info});
        				$ret = 0;
        				info("NMAP reported failure for port $port: $nmap_out");
        				logMsg("INFO, NMAP reported failure for port $port: $nmap_out") if ($C->{debug} or $C->{info});
        		# now the snmp services - but only if snmp is on
        		elsif ( $servicetype eq "service"
        						and getbool($NT->{$node}{collect}))
        			# only do the SNMP checking if and when you are supposed to!
        			# snmp not allowed also includes the case of snmp having failed just now
        			next if (!$snmp_allowed);
        			dbg("snmp_stop_polling_on_error=$C->{snmp_stop_polling_on_error} snmpdown=$NI->{system}{snmpdown} nodedown=$NI->{system}{nodedown}");
        			if ( getbool($C->{snmp_stop_polling_on_error},"invert")
        					 or ( getbool($C->{snmp_stop_polling_on_error})
        								and !getbool($NI->{system}{snmpdown})
        								and !getbool($NI->{system}{nodedown}) ) )
        				my $wantedprocname = $servicename;
        				my $parametercheck = $thisservice->{Service_Parameters};
        				if (!$wantedprocname and !$parametercheck)
        					dbg("ERROR, Both Service_Name and Service_Parameters are empty");
        					logMsg("ERROR, ($NI->{system}{name}) service=$service Service_Name and Service_Parameters are empty!");
        				# one of the two blank is ok
        				$wantedprocname ||= ".*";
        				$parametercheck ||= ".*";
        				# lets check the service status from snmp for matching process(es)
        				# it's common to have multiple processes with the same name on a system,
        				# heuristic: one or more living processes -> service is ok,
        				# no living ones -> down.
        				# living in terms of host-resources mib = runnable or running;
        				# interpretation of notrunnable is not clear.
        				# invalid is for (short-lived) zombies, which should be ignored.
        				# we check: the process name, against regex from Service_Name definition,
        				# AND the process path + parameters, against regex from Service_Parameters
        				# services list is keyed by "name:pid"
        				my @matchingpids = grep((/^$wantedprocname:\d+$/
        																 && ($services{$_}->{hrSWRunPath}." ".
        																		 $services{$_}->{hrSWRunParameters}) =~ /$parametercheck/), keys %services);
        				my @livingpids = grep ($services{$_}->{hrSWRunStatus} =~ /^(running|runnable)$/i,
        				dbg("runServices: found ".scalar(@matchingpids)." total and "
        						.scalar(@livingpids). " live processes for process '$wantedprocname', parameters '$parametercheck', live processes: " .join(" ", map { /^$wantedprocname:(\d+)/ && $1 } (@livingpids)));
        				if (!@livingpids)
        					$ret = 0;
        					$cpu = 0;
        					$memory = 0;
        					$gotMemCpu = 1;
        					logMsg("INFO, service $name is down, "
        								 .(@matchingpids? "only non-running processes"
        									 : "no matching processes"));
        					# return the average values for cpu and mem
        					$ret = 1;
        					$gotMemCpu = 1;
        					# cpu is in centiseconds, and a running counter. rrdtool wants integers for counters.
        					# memory is in kb, and a gauge.
        					$cpu = int(mean( map { $services{$_}->{hrSWRunPerfCPU} } (@livingpids) ));
        					$memory = mean( map { $services{$_}->{hrSWRunPerfMem} } (@livingpids) );
        #					dbg("cpu: ".join(" + ",map { $services{$_}->{hrSWRunPerfCPU} } (@livingpids)) ." = $cpu");
        #					dbg("memory: ".join(" + ",map { $services{$_}->{hrSWRunPerfMem} } (@livingpids)) ." = $memory");
        					info("INFO, service $name is up, ".scalar(@livingpids)." running process(es)");
        			else {
        				# is the service already down?
        				$snmpdown = 1;
        		# now the sapi 'scripts' (similar to expect scripts)
        		elsif ( $servicetype eq "script" )
        			# OMK-3237, use sensible and non-clashing config source:
        			# now service_name sets the script file name, temporarily falling back to $service
        			my $scriptfn = "$C->{script_root}/". $servicename || $service;
        			if (!open(F, $scriptfn))
        				dbg("ERROR, can't open script file for $service: $!");
        				my $scripttext=join("",<F>);
        				my $timeout = ($thisservice->{Max_Runtime} > 0)?
        						$thisservice->{Max_Runtime} : 3;
        				($ret,my $sapi_out) = sapi($NI->{system}{host},
        				# the sapi thing can pass back raw protocol data...
        				dbg("Results of service $name ($servicetype, $servicename) is $ret, msg is '$sapi_out'");
        		# 'real' scripts, or more precisely external programs
        		# which also covers nagios plugins - https://nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html
        		elsif ( $servicetype =~ /^(program|nagios-plugin)$/ )
        			$ret = 0;
        			if (!$thisservice->{Program} or !-x $thisservice->{Program})
        				info("ERROR, service $service defined with no working Program to run!");
        				logMsg("ERROR service $service defined with no working Program to run!");
        			# exit codes and output handling differ
        			my $flavour_nagios = ($servicetype eq "nagios-plugin");
        			# check the arguments (if given), substitute node.XYZ values
        			my $finalargs;
        			if ($thisservice->{Args})
        				$finalargs = $thisservice->{Args};
        				# don't touch anything AFTER a node.xyz, and only subst if node.xyz is the first/only thing,
        				# or if there's a nonword char before node.xyz.
        				$finalargs =~ s/(^|\W)(node\.([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))/$1$NI->{system}{$3}/g;
        				dbg("external program args were $thisservice->{Args}, now $finalargs");
        			my $programexit = 0;
        			# save and restore any previously running alarm,
        			# but don't bother subtracting the time spent here
        			my $remaining = alarm(0);
        			dbg("saving running alarm, $remaining seconds remaining");
        			my $pid;
        				my @responses;
        				my $svcruntime = defined($thisservice->{Max_Runtime}) && $thisservice->{Max_Runtime} > 0?
        						$thisservice->{Max_Runtime} : 0;
        				local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n"; };
        				alarm($svcruntime) if ($svcruntime); # setup execution timeout
        				# run given program with given arguments and possibly read from it
        				# program is disconnected from stdin; stderr goes into a tmpfile
        				# and is collected separately for diagnostics
        				my $stderrsink = POSIX::tmpnam(); # good enough, no atomic open required
        				dbg("running external program '$thisservice->{Program} $finalargs', "
        						.(getbool($thisservice->{Collect_Output})? "collecting":"ignoring")." output");
        				$pid = open(PRG,"$thisservice->{Program} $finalargs </dev/null 2>$stderrsink |");
        				if (!$pid)
        					alarm(0) if ($svcruntime); # cancel any timeout
        					info("ERROR, cannot start service program $thisservice->{Program}: $!");
        					logMsg("ERROR: cannot start service program $thisservice->{Program}: $!");
        					@responses = <PRG>; # always check for output but discard it if not required
        					close PRG;
        					$programexit = $?;
        					alarm(0) if ($svcruntime); # cancel any timeout
        					dbg("service exit code is ". ($programexit>>8));
        					# consume and warn about any stderr-output
        					if (-f $stderrsink && -s $stderrsink)
        						open(UNWANTED, $stderrsink);
        						my $badstuff = join("", <UNWANTED>);
        						logMsg("WARNING: Service program $thisservice->{Program} returned unexpected error output: \"$badstuff\"");
        						info("Service program $thisservice->{Program} returned unexpected error output: \"$badstuff\"");
        					if (getbool($thisservice->{Collect_Output}))
        						# nagios has two modes of output *sigh*, |-as-newline separator and real newlines
        						# https://nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#PLUGOUTPUT
        						if ($flavour_nagios)
        							# ditch any whitespace around the |
        							my @expandedresponses = map { split /\s*\|\s*/ } (@responses);
        							@responses = ($expandedresponses[0]); # start with the first line, as is
        							# in addition to the | mode, any subsequent lines can carry any number of
        							# 'performance measurements', which are hard to parse out thanks to a fairly lousy format
        							for my $perfline (@expandedresponses[1..$#expandedresponses])
        								while ($perfline =~ /([^=]+=\S+)\s*/g)
        									push @responses, $1;
        						# now determine how to save the values in question
        						for my $idx (0..$#responses)
        							my $response = $responses[$idx];
        							chomp $response;
        							# the first line is special; it sets the textual status
        							if ($idx == 0)
        								dbg("service status text is \"$response\"");
        								$status{$service}->{status_text} = $response;
        							# normal expectation: values reported are unit-less, ready for final use
        							# expectation not guaranteed by nagios
        							my ($k,$v) = split(/=/,$response,2);
        							my $rescaledv;
        							if ($flavour_nagios)
        								# some nagios plugins report multiple metrics, e.g. the check_disk one
        								# but the format for passing performance data is pretty ugly
        								# https://nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#AEN200
        								$k = $1 if ($k =~ /^'(.+)'$/); # nagios wants single quotes if a key has spaces
        								# a plugin can report levels for warning and crit thresholds
        								# and also optionally report possible min and max values;
        								my ($value_with_unit, $lwarn, $lcrit, $lmin, $lmax) = split(/;/, $v, 5);
        								# any of those could be set to zero
        								if (defined $lwarn or defined $lcrit or defined $lmin or defined $lmax)
        									$status{$service}->{limits}->{$k} = { warning => $lwarn, critical => $lcrit,
        																												min => $lmin, max => $lmax };
        								# units: s,us,ms = seconds, % percentage, B,KB,MB,TB bytes, c a counter
        								# negative values are possible, e.g. ntp offset...
        								if ($value_with_unit =~ /^([0-9\.-]+)(s|ms|us|%|B|KB|MB|GB|TB|c)$/)
        									my ($numericval,$unit) = ($1,$2);
        									dbg("performance data for label '$k': raw value '$value_with_unit'");
        									$status{$service}->{units}->{$k} = $unit; # keep track of the input unit
        									$v = $numericval;
        									# massage the value into a number for rrd
        									my %factors = ( 'ms' => 1e-3, 'us' => 1e-6,
        																	'KB' => 1e3, 'MB' => 1e6, 'GB' => 1e9, 'TB' => 1e12); # decimal here
        									$rescaledv = $v * $factors{$unit} if (defined $factors{$unit});
         							dbg("collected response '$k' value '$v'".(defined $rescaledv? " rescaled '$rescaledv'":""));
        							# for rrd storage, but only numeric values can be stored!
        							# k needs sanitizing for rrd: only a-z0-9_ allowed
        							my $rrdsafekey = $k;
        							$rrdsafekey =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g;
        							$rrdsafekey = substr($rrdsafekey,0,19);
        							$Val{$rrdsafekey} = { value => defined($rescaledv)? $rescaledv : $v,
        																		option => "GAUGE,U:U,$serviceheartbeat" };
        							# record the relationship between extra readings and the DS names they're stored under
        							$status{$service}->{ds}->{$k} = $rrdsafekey;
        							if ($k eq "responsetime") # response time is handled specially
        								$responsetime = $v;
        								$status{$service}->{extra}->{$k} = $v;
        			if ($@ and $@ eq "alarm\n")
        				kill('TERM', $pid);							# get rid of the service tester, it ran over time...
        				info("ERROR, service program $thisservice->{Program} exceeded Max_Runtime of $thisservice->{Max_Runtime}s, terminated.");
        				logMsg("ERROR: service program $thisservice->{Program} exceeded Max_Runtime of $thisservice->{Max_Runtime}s, terminated.");
        				# now translate the exit code into a service value (0 dead .. 100 perfect)
        				# if the external program died abnormally we treat this as 0=dead.
        				if (WIFEXITED($programexit))
        					$programexit = WEXITSTATUS($programexit);
        					dbg("external program terminated with exit code $programexit");
        					# nagios knows four states: 0 ok, 1 warning, 2 critical, 3 unknown
        					# we'll map those to 100, 50 and 0 for everything else.
        					if ($flavour_nagios)
        						$ret = $programexit == 0? 100: $programexit == 1? 50: 0;
        						$ret = $programexit > 100? 100: $programexit;
        					logMsg("WARNING: service program $thisservice->{Program} terminated abnormally!");
        					$ret = 0;
        			alarm($remaining) if ($remaining); # restore previously running alarm
        			dbg("restored alarm, $remaining seconds remaining");
        		}														# end of program/nagios-plugin service type
        			# no service type found
        			logMsg("ERROR: skipping service $service, invalid service type!");
        			next;			# just do the next one - no alarms
        		# let external programs set the responsetime if so desired
        		$responsetime = $timer->elapTime if (!defined $responsetime);
        		$status{$service}->{responsetime} = $responsetime;
        		$status{$service}->{name} = $name; # normally the same as $service
        		# external programs return 0..100 directly, rest has 0..1
        		my $serviceValue = ( $servicetype =~ /^(program|nagios-plugin)$/ )?
        				$ret : $ret*100;
        		$status{$service}->{status} = $serviceValue;
        		$V->{system}{"${service}_title"} = "Service $name";
        		$V->{system}{"${service}_value"} = $serviceValue == 100 ? 'running' : $serviceValue > 0? "degraded" : 'down';
        		$V->{system}{"${service}_color"} =  $serviceValue == 100 ? 'white' : $serviceValue > 0? "orange" : 'red';
        		$V->{system}{"${service}_responsetime"} = $responsetime;
        		$V->{system}{"${service}_cpumem"} = $gotMemCpu ? 'true' : 'false';
        		# now points to the per-service detail view. note: no widget info a/v at this time!
        		delete $V->{system}->{"${service}_gurl"};
        		$V->{system}{"${service}_url"} = "$C->{'<cgi_url_base>'}/services.pl?conf=$C->{conf}&act=details&node="
        		# let's raise or clear service events based on the status
        		if ( $snmpdown ) # only set IFF this is an snmp-based service AND snmp is broken/down.
        			dbg("service $service ($servicename) not checked: snmp is down");
        			$V->{system}{"${service}_value"} = 'unknown';
        			$V->{system}{"${service}_color"} = 'gray';
        			$serviceValue = '';
        		elsif ( $serviceValue == 100 ) # service is fully up
        			dbg("service $service ($servicename) is available ($serviceValue)");
        			# all perfect, so we need to clear both degraded and down events
        			checkEvent(sys=>$S, event=>"Service Down", level=>"Normal",
        								 element => $name,
        								 details=> ($status{$service}->{status_text}||"") );
        			checkEvent(sys=>$S, event=>"Service Degraded", level=>"Warning",
        								 element => $name,
        								 details=> ($status{$service}->{status_text}||"") );
        		elsif ($serviceValue > 0)		# service is up but degraded
        			dbg("service $service ($servicename) is degraded ($serviceValue)");
        			# is this change towards the better or the worse?
        			# we clear the down (if one exists) as it's not totally dead anymore...
        			checkEvent(sys=>$S, event=>"Service Down", level=>"Fatal",
        								 element => $name,
        								 details=> ($status{$service}->{status_text}||"") );
        			# ...and create a degraded
        			notify(sys => $S, event => "Service Degraded",
        						 level => "Warning",
        						 element => $name,
        						 details=> ($status{$service}->{status_text}||""),
        						 context => { type => "service" } );
        		else 			# Service is down
        			dbg("service $service ($servicename) is down");
        			# clear the degraded event
        			# but don't just eventDelete, so that no state engines downstream of nmis get confused!
        			checkEvent(sys=>$S, event=>"Service Degraded", level=>"Warning",
        								 element => $name,
        								 details=> ($status{$service}->{status_text}||"") );
        			# and now create a down event
        			notify(sys=>$S, event=>"Service Down", level => "Fatal",
        						 element => $name,
        						 details=> ($status{$service}->{status_text}||""),
        						 context => { type => "service" } );
        		# figure out which graphs to offer
        		# every service has these; cpu+mem optional, and totally custom extra are possible, too.
        		my @servicegraphs = (qw(service service-response));
        		# save result for availability history - one rrd file per service per node
        		$Val{service} = { value => $serviceValue,
        											option => "GAUGE,0:100,$serviceheartbeat" };
        		$cpu = -$cpu 	if ( $cpu < 0 );
        		$Val{responsetime} = { value  => $responsetime, # might be a NOP
        													 option => "GAUGE,0:U,$serviceheartbeat"};
        		if ($gotMemCpu)
        			$Val{cpu} = {value => $cpu,
        									 option => "COUNTER,U:U,$serviceheartbeat" };
        			$Val{memory} = {value => $memory,
        											option => "GAUGE,U:U,$serviceheartbeat" };
        			# cpu is a counter, need to get the delta(counters)/period from rrd
        			$status{$service}->{memory} = $memory;
        			# fixme: should we omit the responsetime graph for snmp-based services??
        			# it doesn't say too much about the service itself...
        			push @servicegraphs, (qw(service-mem service-cpu));
        		if ((my $db = updateRRD(data=>\%Val, sys=>$S, type=>"service", item=>$service)))
        			# check what custom graphs exist for this service
        			# file naming scheme: Graph-service-custom-<servicename>-<sometag>.nmis,
        			# and servicename gets lowercased and reduced to [a-z0-9\._]
        			# note: this schema is known here, and in cgi-bin/services.pl
        			my $safeservice = lc($service);
        			$safeservice =~ s/[^a-z0-9\._]//g;
        			opendir(D, $C->{'<nmis_models>'}) or die "cannot open models dir: $!\n";
        			my @cands = grep(/^Graph-service-custom-$safeservice-[a-z0-9\._-]+\.nmis$/, readdir(D));
        			map { s/^Graph-(service-custom-[a-z0-9\._]+-[a-z0-9\._-]+)\.nmis$/$1/; } (@cands);
        			dbg("found custom graphs for service $service: ".join(" ",  @cands)) if (@cands);
        			$status{$service}->{customgraphs} = \@cands;
        			push @servicegraphs, @cands;
        			# and now set up the resulting graph list
        			$NI->{graphtype}{$service}{service} = join(",", @servicegraphs);
        			if ($gotMemCpu)
        				# pull the newest cpu value from rrd - as it's a counter we need somebody to compute the delta(counters)/period
        				# rrd stores delta * (interval last update - aggregation time) as .value
        				# http://serverfault.com/questions/476925/rrd-pdp-status-value
        				my $infohash =RRDs::info($db);
        				if (defined(my $cpuval = $infohash->{'ds[cpu].value'}))
        					my $stepsize = $infohash->{step};
        					my $lastupdate = $infohash->{last_update};
        					$status{$service}->{cpu} = $cpuval / ($lastupdate % $stepsize) if ($lastupdate % $stepsize);
        			logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        		# now update the per-service status file
        		$status{$service}->{service} ||= $service; # service and node are part of the fn, but possibly mangled...
        		$status{$service}->{node} ||= $node;
        		$status{$service}->{name} ||= $name; # generally the same as $service
        		# save our server name with the service status, for distributed setups
        		$status{$service}->{server} = $C->{server_name};
        		# AND ensure the service has a uuid, a recreatable V5 one from config'd
        		# namespace+server+service+node's uuid
        		$status{$service}->{uuid} = NMIS::UUID::getComponentUUID($C->{server_name},
        																														 $service, $NI->{system}->{uuid});
        		$status{$service}->{description} ||= $thisservice->{Description}; # but that's free-form
        		$status{$service}->{last_run} ||= time;
        		my $error = saveServiceStatus(service => $status{$service});
        		logMsg("ERROR: service status saving failed: $error") if ($error);
        	# we ran one or more (but not necessarily all!) services
        	# so we must update, not overwrite the service_status node info...
        	if ( $didRunServices )
        		for my $newinfo (keys %status)
        			$S->{info}{service_status}->{$newinfo} = $status{$newinfo};
        		$NI->{system}{lastServicesPoll} = time();
        } # end runServices
        # fixme: the CVARn evaluation function should be integrated into and handled by sys::parseString
        # fixme: this function works ONLY for indexed/systemhealth sections!
        sub runAlerts
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;
        	my $CA = $S->alerts;
        	my $result;
        	my %Val;
        	my %ValMeM;
        	my $hrCpuLoad;
        	info("Running Custom Alerts for node $NI->{system}{name}");
        	foreach my $sect (keys %{$CA}) {
        		if ( defined $NI->{$sect} and keys %{$NI->{$sect}} ) {
        			info("Custom Alerts for $sect");
        			foreach my $index ( keys %{$NI->{$sect}} ) {
        				foreach my $alrt ( keys %{$CA->{$sect}} ) {
        					if ( defined($CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{control}) and $CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{control} ne '' ) {
        						my $control_result = $S->parseString(string=>"($CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{control}) ? 1:0",
        																								 index=>$index, type=>$sect, sect=>$sect);
        						dbg("control_result sect=$sect index=$index control_result=$control_result");
        						next if not $control_result;
        					# perform CVARn substitution for these two types of ops
        					if ( $CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{type} =~ /^(test$|threshold)/ )
        							my ($test, $value, $alert, $test_value, $test_result);
        							# do this for test and value
        							for my $thingie (['test',\$test_result],['value',\$test_value])
        									my ($key, $target) = @$thingie;
        									my $origexpr = $CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{$key};
        									my ($rebuilt,@CVAR);
        									# rip apart expression, rebuild it with var substitutions
        									while ($origexpr =~ s/^(.*?)(CVAR(\d)=(\w+);|\$CVAR(\d))//)
        											$rebuilt.=$1;					 # the unmatched, non-cvar stuff at the begin
        											my ($varnum,$decl,$varuse)=($3,$4,$5); # $2 is the whole |-group
        											if (defined $varnum) # cvar declaration
        													$CVAR[$varnum] = $NI->{$sect}->{$index}->{$decl};
        													logMsg("ERROR: CVAR$varnum references unknown object \"$decl\" in \""
        															if (!exists $NI->{$sect}->{$index}->{$decl});
        											elsif (defined $varuse) # cvar use
        													logMsg("ERROR: CVAR$varuse used but not defined in test \""
        															if (!exists $CVAR[$varuse]);
        													$rebuilt .= $CVAR[$varuse]; # sub in the actual value
        											else 						# shouldn't be reached, ever
        													logMsg("ERROR: CVAR parsing failure for \"".$CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{$key}.'"');
        									$rebuilt.=$origexpr; # and the non-CVAR-containing remainder.
        									$$target = eval { eval $rebuilt; };
        									dbg("substituted $key sect=$sect index=$index, orig=\"".$CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{$key}
        											."\", expr=\"$rebuilt\", result=$$target",2);
        							if ( $test_value =~ /^[\+-]?\d+\.\d+$/ ) {
        									$test_value = sprintf("%.2f",$test_value);
        							my $level=$CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{level};
        							# check the thresholds, in appropriate order
        							# report normal if below level for warning (for threshold-rising, or above for threshold-falling)
        							# debug-warn and ignore a level definition for 'Normal' - overdefined and buggy!
        							if ( $CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{type} =~ /^threshold/ )
        								dbg("Warning: ignoring deprecated threshold level Normal for alert \"$alrt\"!")
        										if (defined($CA->{$sect}->{$alrt}->{threshold}->{'Normal'}));
        								my @matches;
        								# to disable particular levels, set their value to the same as the desired one
        								# comparison code looks for all matches and picks the worst/highest severity match
        								if ( $CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{type} eq "threshold-rising" )
        									# from not-bad to very-bad, for skipping skippable levels
        									@matches = grep( $test_value >= $CA->{$sect}->{$alrt}->{threshold}->{$_},
        																	 (qw(Warning Minor Major Critical Fatal)));
        								elsif ( $CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{type} eq "threshold-falling" )
        									# from not-bad to very bad, again, same rationale
        									@matches = grep($test_value <= $CA->{$sect}->{$alrt}->{threshold}->{$_},
        																	(qw(Warning Minor Major Critical Fatal)));
        									logMsg("ERROR: skipping unknown alert type \"$CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{type}\"!");
        								# no matches for above threshold (for rising)? then "Normal"
        								# ditto for matches below threshold (for falling)
        								if (!@matches)
        									$level = "Normal";
        									$test_result = 0;
        									$level = $matches[-1]; # we want the highest severity/worst matching one
        									$test_result = 1;
        								info("alert result: test_value=$test_value test_result=$test_result level=$level",2);
        							# and now save the result, for both tests and thresholds (source of level is the only difference)
        							$alert->{type} = $CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{type}; # threshold or test or whatever
        							$alert->{test} = $CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{value};
        							$alert->{name} = $S->{name}; # node name, not much good here
        							$alert->{unit} = $CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{unit};
        							$alert->{event} = $CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{event};
        							$alert->{level} = $level;
        							$alert->{ds} = $NI->{$sect}{$index}{ $CA->{$sect}{$alrt}{element} };
        							$alert->{test_result} = $test_result;
        							$alert->{value} = $test_value;
        							# also ensure that section, index and alertkey are known for the event context
        							$alert->{section} = $sect;
        							$alert->{alert} = $alrt; # the key, good enough
        							$alert->{index} = $index;
        							push( @{$S->{alerts}}, $alert );
        	processAlerts( S => $S );
        } # end runAlerts
        # check model sections (but only under sys!), look for 'check' properties,
        # and if a known check type is seen, run the appropriate function
        # args: sys
        # returns: nothing
        sub runCheckValues
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	if (getbool($NI->{system}{nodedown})) #  don't bother with dead nodes
        #			 and !getbool($NI->{system}{snmpdown}) # snmp not dead
        #			 and $S->status->{snmp_enabled} )			 # snmp still known to be enabled
        		dbg("Node $S->{name} is down, not looking for check values");
        	for my $sect (keys %{$M->{system}->{sys}})
        		if (my $control = $M->{system}{sys}{$sect}{control}) 	# check if skipped by control
        			dbg("control=$control found for section=$sect",2);
        			if (!$S->parseString(string=>"($control) ? 1:0", sect => $sect))
        				dbg("checkvalues of section $sect skipped by control=$control");
        			my $thissection = $M->{system}->{sys}->{$sect};
        			for my $source (qw(wmi snmp))
        				next if (ref($thissection->{$source}) ne "HASH");
        				for my $attr (keys %{$thissection->{$source}} )
        					my $thisattr = $thissection->{$source}->{$attr};
        					if (my $checktype = $thisattr->{check})
        						if ($checktype eq 'checkPower')
        							checkPower(sys=>$S, attr=>$attr);
        							logMsg("ERROR ($S->{name}) unknown check method=$checktype in section $sect, source $source");
        # create event: node has <something> down, or clear said event (and state)
        # args: sys, type (both required), details (optional),
        # up (optional, set to clear event, default is create)
        # currently understands snmp, wmi, node (=the whole node)
        # also updates <something>down flag in node info
        # returns: nothing
        sub HandleNodeDown
        	my %args = @_;
        	my ($S, $typeofdown, $details, $goingup) = @args{"sys","type","details","up"};
        	return if (ref($S) ne "Sys" or $typeofdown !~ /^(snmp|wmi|node)$/);
        	$goingup = getbool($goingup);
        	my %eventnames = ( 'snmp' => "SNMP Down",
        										 'wmi' => "WMI Down",
        										 'node' => "Node Down" );
        	my $eventname = $eventnames{$typeofdown};
        	$details ||= "$typeofdown error";
        	my $eventfunc = ($goingup? \&checkEvent: \&notify);
        	&$eventfunc(sys => $S,
        							event => $eventname,
        							element => '',
        							details => $details,
        							level => ($goingup? 'Normal': undef),
        							context =>  { type => "node" } );
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	$NI->{system}{"${typeofdown}down"} = $goingup?'false':'true';
        # performs various node health status checks
        # optionally! updates rrd
        # args: sys, delayupdate (default: 0),
        # if delayupdate is set, this DOES NOT update the type 'health' rrd (to be done later, with total polltime)
        # returns: reachability data (hashref)
        sub runReach
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};	# system object
        	my $donotupdaterrd = getbool($args{delayupdate});
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;	# node info
        	my $IF = $S->ifinfo;	# interface info
        	my $RI = $S->reach;	# reach info
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	my $cpuWeight;
        	my $diskWeight;
        	my $memWeight;
        	my $swapWeight = 0;
        	my $responseWeight;
        	my $interfaceWeight;
        	my $intf;
        	my $inputUtil;
        	my $outputUtil;
        	my $totalUtil;
        	my $reportStats;
        	my @tmparray;
        	my @tmpsplit;
        	my %util;
        	my $intcount;
        	my $intsummary;
        	my $intWeight;
        	my $index;
        	my $reachabilityHealth = 0;
        	my $availabilityHealth = 0;
        	my $responseHealth = 0;
        	my $cpuHealth = 0;
        	my $memHealth = 0;
        	my $intHealth = 0;
        	my $swapHealth = 0;
        	my $diskHealth = 0;
        	my $reachabilityMax = 100 * $C->{weight_reachability};
        	my $availabilityMax = 100 * $C->{weight_availability};
        	my $responseMax = 100 * $C->{weight_response};
        	my $cpuMax = 100 * $C->{weight_cpu};
        	my $memMax = 100 * $C->{weight_mem};
        	my $intMax = 100 * $C->{weight_int};
        	my $swapMax = 0;
        	my $diskMax = 0;
        	my %reach;
        	info("Starting node $NI->{system}{name}, type=$NI->{system}{nodeType}");
        	# Math hackery to convert Foundry CPU memory usage into appropriate values
        	$RI->{memused} = ($RI->{memused} - $RI->{memfree}) if $NI->{nodeModel} =~ /FoundrySwitch/;
        	if ( $NI->{nodeModel} =~ /Riverstone/ ) {
        		# Math hackery to convert Riverstone CPU memory usage into appropriate values
        		$RI->{memfree} = ($RI->{memfree} - $RI->{memused});
        		$RI->{memused} = $RI->{memused} * 16;
        		$RI->{memfree} = $RI->{memfree} * 16;
        	if ( $RI->{memfree} == 0 or $RI->{memused} == 0 ) {
        		$RI->{mem} = 100;
        	} else {
        		#'hrSwapMemFree' => 4074844160,
          	#'hrSwapMemUsed' => 220114944,
          	my $mainMemWeight = 1;
          	my $extraMem = 0;
          	if ( defined $RI->{hrSwapMemFree} and defined $RI->{hrSwapMemUsed} and $RI->{hrSwapMemFree} and $RI->{hrSwapMemUsed} ) {
        			$RI->{swap} = ( $RI->{hrSwapMemFree} * 100 ) / ($RI->{hrSwapMemUsed} + $RI->{hrSwapMemFree});
        		else {
        			$RI->{swap} = 0;
        		# calculate mem
        		if ( $RI->{memfree} > 0 and $RI->{memused} > 0 ) {
        			$RI->{mem} = ( $RI->{memfree} * 100 ) / ($RI->{memused} + $RI->{memfree});
        		else {
        			$RI->{mem} = "U";
        	# copy stashed results (produced by runPing and getnodeinfo)
        	my $pingresult = $RI->{pingresult};
        	$reach{responsetime} = $RI->{pingavg};
        	$reach{loss} = $RI->{pingloss};
        	my $snmpresult = $RI->{snmpresult};
        	$reach{cpu} = $RI->{cpu};
        	$reach{mem} = $RI->{mem};
        	if ( $RI->{swap} ) {
        		$reach{swap} = $RI->{swap};
        	$reach{disk} = 0;
        	if ( defined $RI->{disk} and $RI->{disk} > 0 ) {
        		$reach{disk} = $RI->{disk};
        	$reach{operStatus} = $RI->{operStatus};
        	$reach{operCount} = $RI->{operCount};
        	# number of interfaces
        	$reach{intfTotal} = $NI->{system}{intfTotal} eq 0 ? 'U' : $NI->{system}{intfTotal}; # from run update
        	$reach{intfCollect} = $NI->{system}{intfCollect}; # from run update
        	$reach{intfUp} = $RI->{intfUp} ne '' ? $RI->{intfUp} : 0; # from run collect
        	$reach{intfColUp} = $RI->{intfColUp}; # from run collect
        	# new option to set the interface availability to 0 (zero) when node is Down, default is "U" config interface_availability_value_when_down
        	my $intAvailValueWhenDown = defined $C->{interface_availability_value_when_down} ? $C->{interface_availability_value_when_down} : "U";
        	dbg("availability using interface_availability_value_when_down=$C->{interface_availability_value_when_down} intAvailValueWhenDown=$intAvailValueWhenDown");
        	# Things which don't do collect get 100 for availability
        	if ( $reach{availability} eq "" and !getbool($NI->{system}{collect}) ) {
        		$reach{availability} = "100";
        	elsif ( $reach{availability} eq "" ) { $reach{availability} = $intAvailValueWhenDown; }
        	# the REAL node name is required, NOT the lowercased variant!
        	my ($outage,undef) = outageCheck(node => $S->{name}, time=>time());
        	dbg("Outage status for $S->{name} is ". ($outage || "<none>"));
        	$reach{outage} = $outage eq "current"? 1 : 0;
        	# raise a planned outage event, or close it
        	if ($outage eq "current")
        					 event=> "Planned Outage Open",
        					 level => "Warning",
        					 element => "",
        					 details=> "",				# filled in by notify
        					 context => { type => "node" }, );
        		checkEvent(sys=>$S, event=>"Planned Outage Open",
        							 level=> "Normal",
        							 element=> "",
        							 details=> "" );
        	# Health should actually reflect a combination of these values
        	# ie if response time is high health should be decremented.
        	if ( $pingresult == 100 and $snmpresult == 100 ) {
        		$reach{reachability} = 100;
        		if ( $reach{operCount} > 0 ) {
        			$reach{availability} =  sprintf("%.2f", $reach{operStatus} / $reach{operCount});
        		if ($reach{reachability} > 100) { $reach{reachability} = 100; }
        		($reach{responsetime},$responseWeight) = weightResponseTime($reach{responsetime});
        		if ( getbool($NI->{system}{collect}) and $reach{cpu} ne "" ) {
        			if    ( $reach{cpu} <= 10 ) { $cpuWeight = 100; }
        			elsif ( $reach{cpu} <= 20 ) { $cpuWeight = 90; }
        			elsif ( $reach{cpu} <= 30 ) { $cpuWeight = 80; }
        			elsif ( $reach{cpu} <= 40 ) { $cpuWeight = 70; }
        			elsif ( $reach{cpu} <= 50 ) { $cpuWeight = 60; }
        			elsif ( $reach{cpu} <= 60 ) { $cpuWeight = 50; }
        			elsif ( $reach{cpu} <= 70 ) { $cpuWeight = 35; }
        			elsif ( $reach{cpu} <= 80 ) { $cpuWeight = 20; }
        			elsif ( $reach{cpu} <= 90 ) { $cpuWeight = 10; }
        			elsif ( $reach{cpu} <= 100 ) { $cpuWeight = 1; }
        			if ( $reach{disk} ) {
        				if    ( $reach{disk} <= 10 ) { $diskWeight = 100; }
        				elsif ( $reach{disk} <= 20 ) { $diskWeight = 90; }
        				elsif ( $reach{disk} <= 30 ) { $diskWeight = 80; }
        				elsif ( $reach{disk} <= 40 ) { $diskWeight = 70; }
        				elsif ( $reach{disk} <= 50 ) { $diskWeight = 60; }
        				elsif ( $reach{disk} <= 60 ) { $diskWeight = 50; }
        				elsif ( $reach{disk} <= 70 ) { $diskWeight = 35; }
        				elsif ( $reach{disk} <= 80 ) { $diskWeight = 20; }
        				elsif ( $reach{disk} <= 90 ) { $diskWeight = 10; }
        				elsif ( $reach{disk} <= 100 ) { $diskWeight = 1; }
        				dbg("Reach for Disk disk=$reach{disk} diskWeight=$diskWeight");
        			# Very aggressive swap weighting, 11% swap is pretty healthy.
        			if ( $reach{swap} ) {
        				if    ( $reach{swap} >= 95 ) { $swapWeight = 100; }
        				elsif ( $reach{swap} >= 89 ) { $swapWeight = 95; }
        				elsif ( $reach{swap} >= 70 ) { $swapWeight = 90; }
        				elsif ( $reach{swap} >= 50 ) { $swapWeight = 70; }
        				elsif ( $reach{swap} >= 30 ) { $swapWeight = 50; }
        				elsif ( $reach{swap} >= 10 ) { $swapWeight = 30; }
        				elsif ( $reach{swap} >= 0 ) { $swapWeight = 1; }
        				dbg("Reach for Swap swap=$reach{swap} swapWeight=$swapWeight");
        			if    ( $reach{mem} >= 40 ) { $memWeight = 100; }
        			elsif ( $reach{mem} >= 35 ) { $memWeight = 90; }
        			elsif ( $reach{mem} >= 30 ) { $memWeight = 80; }
        			elsif ( $reach{mem} >= 25 ) { $memWeight = 70; }
        			elsif ( $reach{mem} >= 20 ) { $memWeight = 60; }
        			elsif ( $reach{mem} >= 15 ) { $memWeight = 50; }
        			elsif ( $reach{mem} >= 10 ) { $memWeight = 40; }
        			elsif ( $reach{mem} >= 5 )  { $memWeight = 25; }
        			elsif ( $reach{mem} >= 0 )  { $memWeight = 1; }
        		elsif ( getbool($NI->{system}{collect}) and $NI->{system}{nodeModel} eq "Generic" ) {
        			$cpuWeight = 100;
        			$memWeight = 100;
        			### ehg 16 sep 2002 also make interface aavilability 100% - I dont care about generic switches interface health !
        			$reach{availability} = 100;
        		else {
        			$cpuWeight = 100;
        			$memWeight = 100;
        			### 2012-12-13 keiths, removed this stoopid line as availability was allways 100%
        			### $reach{availability} = 100;
        		# Added little fix for when no interfaces are collected.
        		if ( $reach{availability} !~ /\d+/ ) {
        			$reach{availability} = "100";
        		# Makes 3Com memory health weighting always 100, and CPU, and Interface availibility
        		if ( $NI->{system}{nodeModel} =~ /SSII 3Com/i ) {
        			$cpuWeight = 100;
        			$memWeight = 100;
        			$reach{availability} = 100;
        		# Makes CatalystIOS memory health weighting always 100.
        		# Add Baystack and Accelar
        		if ( $NI->{system}{nodeModel} =~ /CatalystIOS|Accelar|BayStack|Redback|FoundrySwitch|Riverstone/i ) {
        			$memWeight = 100;
        		info("REACH Values: reachability=$reach{reachability} availability=$reach{availability} responsetime=$reach{responsetime}");
        		info("REACH Values: CPU reach=$reach{cpu} weight=$cpuWeight, MEM reach=$reach{mem} weight=$memWeight");
        		if ( getbool($NI->{system}{collect}) and defined $S->{mdl}{interface}{nocollect}{ifDescr} ) {
        			dbg("Getting Interface Utilisation Health");
        			$intcount = 0;
        			$intsummary = 0;
        			# check if interface file exists - node may not be updated as yet....
        			foreach my $index (keys %{$IF}) {
        				# Don't do any stats cause the interface is not one we collect
        				if ( getbool($IF->{$index}{collect}) ) {
        					# Get the link availability from the local node!!!
        					my $util = getSummaryStats(sys=>$S,type=>"interface",start=>"-15 minutes",end=>time(),index=>$index);
        					if ($util->{$index}{inputUtil} eq 'NaN' or $util->{$index}{outputUtil} eq 'NaN') {
        						dbg("SummaryStats for interface=$index of node $NI->{system}{name} skipped because value is NaN");
        					# lets make the interface metric the largest of input or output
        					my $intUtil = $util->{$index}{inputUtil};
        					if ( $intUtil < $util->{$index}{outputUtil} ) {
        						$intUtil = $util->{$index}{outputUtil};
        					# only add interfaces with utilisation above metric_int_utilisation_above configuration option
        					if ( $intUtil > $C->{'metric_int_utilisation_above'} or $C->{'metric_int_utilisation_above'} eq "" ) {
        						$intsummary = $intsummary + ( 100 - $intUtil );
        						info("Intf Summary util=$intUtil in=$util->{$index}{inputUtil} out=$util->{$index}{outputUtil} intsumm=$intsummary count=$intcount");
        			} # FOR LOOP
        			if ( $intsummary != 0 ) {
        				$intWeight = sprintf( "%.2f", $intsummary / $intcount);
        			} else {
        				$intWeight = "NaN"
        		else {
        			$intWeight = 100;
        		# if the interfaces are unhealthy and lost stats, whack a 100 in there
        		if ( $intWeight eq "NaN" or $intWeight > 100 ) { $intWeight = 100; }
        		# Would be cool to collect some interface utilisation bits here.
        		# Maybe thresholds are the best way to handle that though.  That
        		# would pickup the peaks better.
        		# keeping the health values for storing in the RRD
        		$reachabilityHealth = ($reach{reachability} * $C->{weight_reachability});
        		$availabilityHealth = ($reach{availability} * $C->{weight_availability});
        		$responseHealth = ($responseWeight * $C->{weight_response});
        		$cpuHealth = ($cpuWeight * $C->{weight_cpu});
        		$memHealth = ($memWeight * $C->{weight_mem});
        		$intHealth = ($intWeight * $C->{weight_int});
        		$swapHealth = 0;
        		$diskHealth = 0;
        		# the minimum value for health should always be 1
        		$reachabilityHealth = 1 if $reachabilityHealth < 1;
        		$availabilityHealth = 1 if $availabilityHealth < 1;
        		$responseHealth = 1 if $responseHealth < 1;
        		$cpuHealth = 1 if $cpuHealth < 1;
        		# overload the int and mem with swap and disk
        		if ( $reach{swap} ) {
        			$memHealth = ($memWeight * $C->{weight_mem}) / 2;
        			$swapHealth =  ($swapWeight * $C->{weight_mem}) / 2;
        			$memMax = 100 * $C->{weight_mem} / 2;
        			$swapMax = 100 * $C->{weight_mem} / 2;;
        			# the minimum value for health should always be 1
        			$memHealth = 1 if $memHealth < 1;
        			$swapHealth = 1 if $swapHealth < 1;
        		if ( $reach{disk} ) {
        			$intHealth = ($intWeight * ($C->{weight_int} / 2));
        			$diskHealth = ($diskWeight * ($C->{weight_int} / 2));
        			$intMax = 100 * $C->{weight_int} / 2;
        			$diskMax = 100 * $C->{weight_int} / 2;
        			# the minimum value for health should always be 1
        			$intHealth = 1 if $intHealth < 1;
        			$diskHealth = 1 if $diskHealth < 1;
        		# Health is made up of a weighted values:
        		### AS 16 Mar 02, implemented weights in nmis.conf
        		$reach{health} = 	(
        						$reachabilityHealth +
        						$availabilityHealth +
        						$responseHealth +
        						$cpuHealth +
        						$memHealth +
        						$intHealth +
        						$diskHealth +
        		info("Calculation of health=$reach{health}");
        		if (lc $reach{health} eq 'nan') {
        			dbg("Values Calc. reachability=$reach{reachability} * $C->{weight_reachability}");
        			dbg("Values Calc. intWeight=$intWeight * $C->{weight_int}");
        			dbg("Values Calc. responseWeight=$responseWeight * $C->{weight_response}");
        			dbg("Values Calc. availability=$reach{availability} * $C->{weight_availability}");
        			dbg("Values Calc. cpuWeight=$cpuWeight * $C->{weight_cpu}");
        			dbg("Values Calc. memWeight=$memWeight * $C->{weight_mem}");
        			dbg("Values Calc. swapWeight=$swapWeight * $C->{weight_mem}");
        	# the node is collect=false and was pingable
        	elsif ( !getbool($NI->{system}{collect}) and $pingresult == 100 ) {
        		$reach{reachability} = 100;
        		$reach{availability} = 100;
        		$reach{intfTotal} = 'U';
        		($reach{responsetime},$responseWeight) = weightResponseTime($reach{responsetime});
        		$reach{health} = ($reach{reachability} * 0.9) + ( $responseWeight * 0.1);
        	# there is a current outage for this node
        	elsif ( ($pingresult == 0 or $snmpresult == 0) and $outage eq 'current') {
        		$reach{reachability} = "U";
        		$reach{availability} = "U";
        		$reach{intfTotal} = 'U';
        		$reach{responsetime} = "U";
        		$reach{health} = "U";
        		$reach{loss} = "U";
        	# ping is working but SNMP is Down
        	elsif ( $pingresult == 100 and $snmpresult == 0 ) {
        		$reach{reachability} = 80; # correct ? is up and degraded
        		$reach{availability} = $intAvailValueWhenDown;
        		$reach{intfTotal} = 'U';
        		$reach{health} = "U";
        	# node is Down
        	else {
        		dbg("Node is Down using availability=$intAvailValueWhenDown");
        		$reach{reachability} = 0;
        		$reach{availability} = $intAvailValueWhenDown;
        		$reach{responsetime} = "U";
        		$reach{intfTotal} = 'U';
        		$reach{health} = 0;
        	dbg("Reachability and Metric Stats Summary");
        	dbg("collect=$NI->{system}{collect} (Node table)");
        	dbg("ping=$pingresult (normalised)");
        	dbg("cpuWeight=$cpuWeight (normalised)");
        	dbg("memWeight=$memWeight (normalised)");
        	dbg("swapWeight=$swapWeight (normalised)") if $swapWeight;
        	dbg("intWeight=$intWeight (100 less the actual total interface utilisation)");
        	dbg("responseWeight=$responseWeight (normalised)");
        	info("Reachability KPI=$reachabilityHealth/$reachabilityMax");
        	info("Availability KPI=$availabilityHealth/$availabilityMax");
        	info("Response KPI=$responseHealth/$responseMax");
        	info("CPU KPI=$cpuHealth/$cpuMax");
        	info("MEM KPI=$memHealth/$memMax");
        	info("Int KPI=$intHealth/$intMax");
        	info("Disk KPI=$diskHealth/$diskMax") if $diskHealth;
        	info("SWAP KPI=$swapHealth/$swapMax") if $swapHealth;
        	info("total number of interfaces=$reach{intfTotal}");
        	info("total number of interfaces up=$reach{intfUp}");
        	info("total number of interfaces collected=$reach{intfCollect}");
        	info("total number of interfaces coll. up=$reach{intfColUp}");
        	for $index ( sort keys %reach ) {
        	$reach{health} = ($reach{health} > 100) ? 100 : $reach{health};
        	# massaged result with rrd metadata
        	my %reachVal;
        	$reachVal{outage} =  { value => $reach{outage},
        												 option => "gauge,0:1" };
        	$reachVal{reachability}{value} = $reach{reachability};
        	$reachVal{availability}{value} = $reach{availability};
        	$reachVal{responsetime}{value} = $reach{responsetime};
        	$reachVal{health}{value} = $reach{health};
        	$reachVal{reachabilityHealth}{value} = $reachabilityHealth;
        	$reachVal{availabilityHealth}{value} = $availabilityHealth;
        	$reachVal{responseHealth}{value} = $responseHealth;
        	$reachVal{cpuHealth}{value} = $cpuHealth;
        	$reachVal{memHealth}{value} = $memHealth;
        	$reachVal{intHealth}{value} = $intHealth;
        	$reachVal{diskHealth}{value} = $diskHealth;
        	$reachVal{swapHealth}{value} = $swapHealth;
        	$reachVal{loss}{value} = $reach{loss};
        	$reachVal{intfTotal}{value} = $reach{intfTotal};
        	$reachVal{intfUp}{value} = $reach{intfTotal} eq 'U' ? 'U' : $reach{intfUp};
        	$reachVal{intfCollect}{value} = $reach{intfTotal} eq 'U' ? 'U' : $reach{intfCollect};
        	$reachVal{intfColUp}{value} = $reach{intfTotal} eq 'U' ? 'U' : $reach{intfColUp};
        	$reachVal{reachability}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$reachVal{availability}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	### 2014-03-18 keiths, setting maximum responsetime to 30 seconds.
        	$reachVal{responsetime}{option} = "gauge,0:30000";
        	$reachVal{health}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$reachVal{reachabilityHealth}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$reachVal{availabilityHealth}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$reachVal{responseHealth}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$reachVal{cpuHealth}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$reachVal{memHealth}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$reachVal{intHealth}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$reachVal{diskHealth}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$reachVal{swapHealth}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$reachVal{loss}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$reachVal{intfTotal}{option} = "gauge,0:U";
        	$reachVal{intfUp}{option} = "gauge,0:U";
        	$reachVal{intfCollect}{option} = "gauge,0:U";
        	$reachVal{intfColUp}{option} = "gauge,0:U";
        	# update the rrd or leave it to a caller?
        	if (!$donotupdaterrd)
        		my $db = updateRRD(sys=>$S, data=>\%reachVal, type=>"health"); # database name is normally 'reach'
        		if (!$db)
        			logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        	if ( $NI->{system}{nodeModel} eq 'PingOnly' ) {
        		$NI->{graphtype}{health} = "health-ping,response";
        	elsif ( $NI->{system}{nodeModel} eq 'ServiceOnly' ) {
        		$NI->{graphtype}{health} = "";
        	else {
        		$NI->{graphtype}{health} = "health,kpi,response,numintf,polltime";
        	return \%reachVal;
        sub getIntfAllInfo
        	my $index;
        	my $tmpDesc;
        	my $intHash;
        	my %interfaceInfo;
        	### 2013-08-30 keiths, restructured to avoid creating and loading large Interface summaries
        	if ( getbool($C->{disable_interfaces_summary}) ) {
        		logMsg("getIntfAllInfo disabled with disable_interfaces_summary=$C->{disable_interfaces_summary}");
        	dbg("Getting Interface Info from all nodes");
        	my $NT = loadLocalNodeTable();
        	# Write a node entry for each node
        	foreach my $node (sort keys %{$NT}) {
        		if ( getbool($NT->{$node}{active}) and getbool($NT->{$node}{collect})) {
        			my $info = loadNodeInfoTable($node);
        			dbg("ADD node=$node",3);
        			if (exists $info->{interface}) {
        				foreach my $intf (keys %{$info->{interface}}) {
        					$tmpDesc = &convertIfName($info->{interface}{$intf}{ifDescr});
        					$intHash = "$node-$tmpDesc";
        					dbg("$node $tmpDesc hash=$intHash $info->{$intf}{ifDescr}",3);
        					if ( $info->{interface}{$intf}{ifDescr} ne "" )
        						dbg("Add node=$node interface=$info->{interface}{$intf}{ifDescr}",2);
        						my $source = $info->{interface}->{$intf};
        						my $dest = $interfaceInfo{$intHash} ||= {};
        						$dest->{node} = $node;
        						$dest->{sysName} = $info->{system}->{sysName};
        						for my $copyme (qw(ifIndex ifDescr collect real ifType ifSpeed ifAdminStatus
        ifOperStatus ifLastChange Description display_name portModuleIndex portIndex portDuplex portIfIndex
        portSpantreeFastStart vlanPortVlan portAdminSpeed))
        							$dest->{$copyme} = $source->{$copyme};
        						my $cnt = 1;
        						while (defined($source->{"ipAdEntAddr$cnt"}))
        							for my $copymeprefix (qw(ipAdEntAddr ipAdEntNetMask ipSubnet ipSubnetBits))
        								my $copyme = $copymeprefix.$cnt;
        								$dest->{$copyme} = $source->{$copyme};
        			} else {
        				logMsg("INFO empty interface info file of node $node");
        	} # foreach $linkname
        	# Write the interface table out.
        	dbg("Writing Interface Info from all nodes");
        ### create very rough outline hash of node information for caching
        sub getNodeAllInfo
        	my %Info;
        	dbg("Getting Info from all nodes");
        	my $NT = loadLocalNodeTable();
        	# Write a node entry for each  node
        	foreach my $node (sort keys %{$NT})
        		if ( getbool($NT->{$node}{active}) )
        			my $nodeInfo = loadNodeInfoTable($node);
        			$Info{$node}{nodeVendor} = $nodeInfo->{system}{nodeVendor};
        			$Info{$node}{nodeModel} = $nodeInfo->{system}{nodeModel};
        			$Info{$node}{nodeType} = $nodeInfo->{system}{nodeType};
        	# write to disk
        	writeTable(dir=>'var',name=>"nmis-nodeinfo",data=>\%Info) ;
        # fixme: deprecated, will be removed once the last customers who're using models
        # with this feature have upgraded to 8.5.6.
        sub runCustomPlugins
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $node = $args{node};
        	dbg("Starting, node $node");
        	foreach my $custom ( keys %{$S->{mdl}{custom}} ) {
        		if ( defined $S->{mdl}{custom}{$custom}{script} and $S->{mdl}{custom}{$custom}{script} ne "" ) {
        			dbg("Found Custom Script $S->{mdl}{custom}{$custom}{script}");
        			#Only scripts in /usr/local/nmis8/admin can be run.
        			my $exec = "$C->{'<nmis_base>'}/$S->{mdl}{custom}{$custom}{script} node=$node debug=$C->{debug}";
        			my $out = `$exec 2>&1`;
        			if ( $out and $C->{debug} ) {
        			elsif ( $out ) {
        sub weightResponseTime
        	my $rt = shift;
        	my $responseWeight = 0;
        	if ( $rt eq "" ) {
        		$rt = "U";
        		$responseWeight = 0;
        	elsif ( $rt !~ /^[0-9]/ ) {
        		$rt = "U";
        		$responseWeight = 0;
        	elsif ( $rt == 0 ) {
        		$rt = 1;
        		$responseWeight = 100;
        	elsif ( $rt >= 1500 ) { $responseWeight = 0; }
        	elsif ( $rt >= 1000 ) { $responseWeight = 10; }
        	elsif ( $rt >= 900 ) { $responseWeight = 20; }
        	elsif ( $rt >= 800 ) { $responseWeight = 30; }
        	elsif ( $rt >= 700 ) { $responseWeight = 40; }
        	elsif ( $rt >= 600 ) { $responseWeight = 50; }
        	elsif ( $rt >= 500 ) { $responseWeight = 60; }
        	elsif ( $rt >= 400 ) { $responseWeight = 70; }
        	elsif ( $rt >= 300 ) { $responseWeight = 80; }
        	elsif ( $rt >= 200 ) { $responseWeight = 90; }
        	elsif ( $rt >= 0 ) { $responseWeight = 100; }
        	return ($rt,$responseWeight);
        ### 2011-12-29 keiths, centralising the copy of the remote files from slaves, so others can just load them.
        sub nmisMaster
        	my %args = @_;
        	$C->{master_sleep} = 15 if $C->{master_sleep} eq "";
        	if (getbool($C->{server_master})) {
        		info("Running NMIS Master Functions");
        		if ( $C->{master_sleep} or $sleep ) {
        			my $sleepNow = $C->{master_sleep};
        			$sleepNow = $sleep if $sleep;
        			info("Master is sleeping $sleepNow seconds (waiting for summary updates on slaves)");
        			sleep $sleepNow;
        		my $ST = loadServersTable();
        		for my $srv (keys %{$ST}) {
        			## don't process server localhost for opHA2
        			next if $srv eq "localhost";
        			info("Master, processing Slave Server $srv, $ST->{$srv}{host}");
        			dbg("Get loadnodedetails from $srv");
        			getFileFromRemote(server => $srv, func => "loadnodedetails", group => $ST->{$srv}{group}, format => "text", file => getFileName(file => "$C->{'<nmis_var>'}/nmis-${srv}-Nodes"));
        			dbg("Get sumnodetable from $srv");
        			getFileFromRemote(server => $srv, func => "sumnodetable", group => $ST->{$srv}{group}, format => "text", file => getFileName(file => "$C->{'<nmis_var>'}/nmis-${srv}-nodesum"));
        			my @hours = qw(8 16);
        			foreach my $hour (@hours) {
        				my $function = "summary". $hour ."h";
        				dbg("get summary$hour from $srv");
        				getFileFromRemote(server => $srv, func => "summary$hour", group => $ST->{$srv}{group}, format => "text", file => getFileName(file => "$C->{'<nmis_var>'}/nmis-$srv-$function"));
        # preload all summary stats - for metric update and dashboard display.
        sub nmisSummary
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $pollTimer = NMIS::Timing->new;
        	dbg("Calculating NMIS network stats for cgi cache");
        	func::update_operations_stamp(type => "summary", start => $starttime, stop => undef)
        			if ($type eq "summary");	# not if part of collect
        	my $S = Sys->new;
        	### 2014-08-28 keiths, configurable metric periods
        	my $metricsFirstPeriod = defined $C->{'metric_comparison_first_period'} ?
        			$C->{'metric_comparison_first_period'} : "-8 hours";
        	my $metricsSecondPeriod = defined $C->{'metric_comparison_second_period'} ?
        			$C->{'metric_comparison_second_period'} : "-16 hours";
        	summaryCache(sys=>$S,file=>'nmis-summary8h',start=>$metricsFirstPeriod,end=>time() );
        	my $k = summaryCache(sys=>$S,file=>'nmis-summary16h',
        											 start=>$metricsSecondPeriod, end=>$metricsFirstPeriod );
        	my $NS = getNodeSummary(C => $C);
        	my $file = "nmis-nodesum";
        	dbg("Finished calculating NMIS network stats for cgi cache - wrote $k nodes");
        	func::update_operations_stamp(type => "summary", start => $starttime, stop => Time::HiRes::time())
        			if ($type eq "summary");	# not if part of collect
        	if ( defined $C->{log_polling_time} and getbool($C->{log_polling_time})) {
        		my $polltime = $pollTimer->elapTime();
        		logMsg("Poll Time: $polltime");
        sub summaryCache
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $file = $args{file};
        	my $start = $args{start};
        	my $end = $args{end};
        	my %summaryHash = ();
        	my $NT = loadLocalNodeTable();
        	my $NI;
        	foreach my $node ( keys %{$NT})
        		if ( getbool($NT->{$node}{active}) )
        			$NI = $S->ndinfo;
        			$summaryHash{$node}{reachable} = 'NaN';
        			$summaryHash{$node}{response} = 'NaN';
        			$summaryHash{$node}{loss} = 'NaN';
        			$summaryHash{$node}{health} = 'NaN';
        			$summaryHash{$node}{available} = 'NaN';
        			$summaryHash{$node}{intfCollect} = 0;
        			$summaryHash{$node}{intfColUp} = 0;
        			my $stats;
        			if (($stats = getSummaryStats(sys=>$S,type=>"health",start=>$start,end=>$end,index=>$node)))
        				%summaryHash = (%summaryHash,%{$stats});
        			if ( getbool($NI->{system}{nodedown}) ) {
        				$summaryHash{$node}{nodedown} = 'true';
        			else {
        				$summaryHash{$node}{nodedown} = 'false';
        	writeTable(dir=>'var',name=>$file,data=>\%summaryHash );
        	return (scalar keys %summaryHash);
        ### Added escalate 0, to allow fast escalation and to implement
        ### consistent policies for notification.  This also helps to get rid of flapping
        ### things, ie if escalate0 = 5 then an interface goes down, no alert sent, next
        ### poll interface goes up and event cancelled!  Downside is a little longer before
        ### receiving first notification, so it depends on what the support SLA is.
        ### 11-Nov-11, keiths, update to this, changed the escalation so that through policy you can
        ### wait for 5 mins or just notify now, so Ecalation0 is 0 seconds, Escalation1 is 300 seconds
        ### then in Ecalations.xxxx, core devices might notify at Escalation0 while others at Escalation1
        sub runEscalate
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $pollTimer = NMIS::Timing->new;
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	my $NT = loadLocalNodeTable();
        	my $outage_time;
        	my $planned_outage;
        	my $event_hash;
        	my %location_data;
        	my $time;
        	my $escalate;
        	my $event_age;
        	my $esc_key;
        	my $event;
        	my $index;
        	my $group;
        	my $role;
        	my $type;
        	my $details;
        	my @x;
        	my $k;
        	my $level;
        	my $contact;
        	my $target;
        	my $field;
        	my %keyhash;
        	my $ifDescr;
        	my %msgTable;
        	my $serial = 0;
        	my $serial_ns = 0;
        	my %seen;
        	func::update_operations_stamp(type => "escalate", start => $starttime, stop => undef)
        			if ($type eq "escalate");	# not if part of collect
        	# load Contacts table
        	my $CT = loadContactsTable();
        	# load the escalation policy table
        	my $EST = loadEscalationsTable();
        	### 2013-08-07 keiths, taking to long when MANY interfaces e.g. > 200,000
        	# load the interface file to later check interface collect status.
        	#my $II = loadInterfaceInfo();
        	my $LocationsTable = loadLocationsTable();
        	### keiths, work around for extra tables.
        	my $ServiceStatusTable;
        	my $useServiceStatusTable = 0;
        	if ( tableExists('ServiceStatus') ) {
        		$ServiceStatusTable = loadGenericTable('ServiceStatus');
        		$useServiceStatusTable = 1;
        	my $BusinessServicesTable;
        	my $useBusinessServicesTable = 0;
        	if ( tableExists('BusinessServices') ) {
        		$BusinessServicesTable = loadGenericTable('BusinessServices');
        		$useBusinessServicesTable = 1;
        	# the events configuration table, controls active/notify/logging for each known event
        	my $events_config = loadTable(dir => 'conf', name => 'Events'); # cannot use loadGenericTable as that checks and clashes with db_events_sql
        	# add a full format time string for emails and message notifications
        	# pull the system timezone and then the local time
        	my $msgtime = get_localtime();
        	# first load all non-historic events for all nodes
        	my %allevents = loadAllEvents;
        	# then send UP events to all those contacts to be notified as part of the escalation procedure
        	# this loop skips ALL marked-as-current events!
          # current flag in event means: DO NOT TOUCH IN ESCALATE, STILL ALIVE AND ACTIVE
        	# we might rename that transition t/f, and have this function handle only the ones with transition true.
        	my @mustupnotify = grep(!getbool($allevents{$_}->{current}), keys %allevents);
        	for my $eventkey (@mustupnotify)
        		my $thisevent = $allevents{$eventkey};
        		# if the event is configured for no notify, do nothing
        		my $thisevent_control = $events_config->{$thisevent->{event}}
        		|| { Log => "true", Notify => "true", Status => "true"};
        		# in case of Notify being off for this event, we don't have to check/walk/handle any notify fields at all
        		# as we're deleting the record after the loop anyway.
        		if (getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify}))
        			foreach my $field ( split(',', $thisevent->{notify}) ) # field = type:contact
        				$target = "";
        				my @x = split /:/ , $field;
        				my $type = shift @x;			# netsend, email, or pager ?
        				dbg("Escalation type=$type contact=$contact");
        				if ( $type =~ /email|ccopy|pager/ ) {
        					foreach $contact (@x) {
        						if ( exists $CT->{$contact} ) {
        							if ( dutyTime($CT, $contact) ) {	# do we have a valid dutytime ??
        								if ($type eq "pager") {
        									$target = $target ? $target.",".$CT->{$contact}{Pager} : $CT->{$contact}{Pager};
        								} else {
        									$target = $target ? $target.",".$CT->{$contact}{Email} : $CT->{$contact}{Email};
        						else {
        							dbg("Contact $contact not found in Contacts table");
        					} #foreach
        					# no email targets found, and if default contact not found, assume we are not covering 24hr dutytime in this slot, so no mail.
        					# maybe the next levelx escalation field will fill in the gap
        					if ( !$target ) {
        						if ( $type eq "pager" ) {
        							$target = $CT->{default}{Pager};
        						} else {
        							$target = $CT->{default}{Email};
        						dbg("No $type contact matched (maybe check DutyTime and TimeZone?) - looking for default contact $target");
        					if ( $target)
        						foreach my $trgt ( split /,/, $target ) {
        							my $message;
        							my $priority;
        							if ( $type eq "pager" )
        								$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial_ns}{message} =
        										"NMIS: UP Notify $thisevent->{node} Normal $thisevent->{event} $thisevent->{element}";
        								$serial_ns++ ;
        								if ($type eq "ccopy") {
        									$message = "FOR INFORMATION ONLY\n";
        									$priority = &eventToSMTPPri("Normal");
        								} else {
        									$priority = &eventToSMTPPri($thisevent->{level}) ;
        								$event_age = convertSecsHours(time - $thisevent->{startdate});
        								$message .= "Node:\t$thisevent->{node}\nUP Event Notification\nEvent Elapsed Time:\t$event_age\nEvent:\t$thisevent->{event}\nElement:\t$thisevent->{element}\nDetails:\t$thisevent->{details}\n\n";
        								if ( getbool($C->{mail_combine}) )
        									$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{subject} = "NMIS Escalation Message, contains $msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{count} message(s), $msgtime";
        									$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{message} .= $message ;
        									if ( $priority gt $msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{priority} ) {
        										$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{priority} = $priority ;
        									$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{subject} = "$thisevent->{node} $thisevent->{event} - $thisevent->{element} - $thisevent->{details} at $msgtime" ;
        									$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{message} = $message ;
        									$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{priority} = $priority ;
        									$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{count} = 1;
        						# log the meta event, ONLY if both Log (and Notify) are enabled
        						logEvent(node => $thisevent->{node}, event => "$type to $target UP Notify",
        										 level => "Normal", element => $thisevent->{element},
        										 details => $thisevent->{details})
        								if (getbool($thisevent_control->{Log}));
        						dbg("Escalation $type UP Notification node=$thisevent->{node} target=$target level=$thisevent->{level} event=$thisevent->{event} element=$thisevent->{element} details=$thisevent->{details} group=$NT->{$thisevent->{node}}{group}");
        				} # end email,ccopy,pager
        				# now the netsends
        				elsif ( $type eq "netsend" )
        					my $message = "UP Event Notification $thisevent->{node} Normal $thisevent->{event} $thisevent->{element} $thisevent->{details} at $msgtime";
        					foreach my $trgt ( @x )
        						$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial_ns}{message} = $message ;
        						dbg("NetSend $message to $trgt");
        						# log the meta event, ONLY if both Log (and Notify) are enabled
        						logEvent(node => $thisevent->{node}, event => "NetSend $message to $trgt UP Notify", level => "Normal", element => $thisevent->{element}, details => $thisevent->{details})
        								if (getbool($thisevent_control->{Log}));
        					} #foreach
        				} # end netsend
        				elsif ( $type eq "syslog" )
        					if (getbool($C->{syslog_use_escalation})) # syslog action
        						my $timenow = time();
        						my $message = "NMIS_Event::$C->{server_name}::$timenow,$thisevent->{node},$thisevent->{event},$thisevent->{level},$thisevent->{element},$thisevent->{details}";
        						my $priority = eventToSyslog($thisevent->{level});
        						foreach my $trgt ( @x ) {
        							$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial_ns}{message} = $message;
        							$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial_ns}{priority} = $priority;
        							dbg("syslog $message");
        						} #foreach
        				} # end syslog
        				elsif ( $type eq "json" )
        					# log the event as json file, AND save those updated bits back into the
        					# soon-to-be-deleted/archived event record.
        					my $node = $NT->{$thisevent->{node}};
        					$thisevent->{nmis_server} = $C->{server_name};
        					$thisevent->{customer} = $node->{customer};
        					$thisevent->{location} = $LocationsTable->{$node->{location}}{Location};
        					$thisevent->{geocode} = $LocationsTable->{$node->{location}}{Geocode};
        					if ( $useServiceStatusTable ) {
        						$thisevent->{serviceStatus} = $ServiceStatusTable->{$node->{serviceStatus}}{serviceStatus};
        						$thisevent->{statusPriority} = $ServiceStatusTable->{$node->{serviceStatus}}{statusPriority};
        					if ( $useBusinessServicesTable ) {
        						$thisevent->{businessService} = $BusinessServicesTable->{$node->{businessService}}{businessService};
        						$thisevent->{businessPriority} = $BusinessServicesTable->{$node->{businessService}}{businessPriority};
        					# Copy the fields from nodes to the event
        					my @nodeFields = split(",",$C->{'json_node_fields'});
        					foreach my $field (@nodeFields) {
        						$thisevent->{$field} = $node->{$field};
        					logJsonEvent(event => $thisevent, dir => $C->{'json_logs'});
        					# may sound silly to update-then-archive but i'd rather have the historic event record contain
        					# the full story
        					if (my $err = eventUpdate(event => $thisevent))
        						logMsg("ERROR $err");
        				} # end json
        				# any custom notification methods?
        					if ( checkPerlLib("Notify::$type") )
        						dbg("Notify::$type $contact");
        						my $timenow = time();
        						my $datenow = returnDateStamp();
        						my $message = "$datenow: $thisevent->{node}, $thisevent->{event}, $thisevent->{level}, $thisevent->{element}, $thisevent->{details}";
        						foreach $contact (@x) {
        							if ( exists $CT->{$contact} ) {
        								if ( dutyTime($CT, $contact) ) {	# do we have a valid dutytime ??
        									# check if UpNotify is true, and save with this event
        									# and send all the up event notifies when the event is cleared.
        									if ( getbool($EST->{$esc_key}{UpNotify})
        											 and $thisevent->{event} =~ /$C->{upnotify_stateful_events}/i
        										) {
        										my $ct = "$type:$contact";
        										my @l = split(',',$thisevent->{notify});
        										if (not grep { $_ eq $ct } @l ) {
        											push @l, $ct;
        											$thisevent->{notify} = join(',',@l); # note: updated only for msgtable below, NOT saved!
        									$msgTable{$type}{$contact}{$serial_ns}{message} = $message;
        									$msgTable{$type}{$contact}{$serial_ns}{contact} = $CT->{$contact};
        									$msgTable{$type}{$contact}{$serial_ns}{event} = $thisevent;
        							else {
        								dbg("Contact $contact not found in Contacts table");
        					else {
        						dbg("ERROR runEscalate problem with escalation target unknown at level$thisevent->{escalate} $level type=$type");
        		# now remove this event
        		if (my $err = eventDelete(event => $thisevent))
        			logMsg("ERROR $err");
        		delete $allevents{$eventkey}; # ditch the removed event in the in-mem snapshot, too.
        	my $stateless_event_dampening =  $C->{stateless_event_dampening} || 900;
        	# now handle the actual escalations; only events marked-as-current are left now.
        	for my $eventkey (keys %allevents)
        		my $thisevent = $allevents{$eventkey};
        		my $mustupdate = undef;			# live changes to thisevent are ok, but saved back ONLY if this is set
        		dbg("processing event $eventkey");
        		# checking if event is stateless and dampen time has passed.
        		if ( getbool($thisevent->{stateless}) and time() > $thisevent->{startdate} + $stateless_event_dampening ) {
        			# yep, remove the event completely.
        			dbg("stateless event $thisevent->{event} has exceeded dampening time of $stateless_event_dampening seconds.");
        			eventDelete(event => $thisevent);
        		# set event control to policy or default=enabled.
        		my $thisevent_control = $events_config->{$thisevent->{event}}
        		|| { Log => "true", Notify => "true", Status => "true"};
        		my $nd = $thisevent->{node};
        		# lets start with checking that we have a valid node - the node may have been deleted.
        		# note: loadAllEvents() doesn't return events for vanished nodes (but for inactive ones it does)
        		if (!$NT->{$nd} or getbool($NT->{$nd}{active},"invert"))
        			if (getbool($thisevent_control->{Log})
        					and getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify})) # meta-events are subject to both Notify and Log
        				logEvent(node => $nd, event => "Deleted Event: $thisevent->{event}", level => $thisevent->{level},
        								 element => $thisevent->{element}, details => $thisevent->{details});
        				my $timenow = time();
        				my $message = "NMIS_Event::$C->{server_name}::$timenow,$thisevent->{node},Deleted Event: $thisevent->{event},$thisevent->{level},$thisevent->{element},$thisevent->{details}";
        				my $priority = eventToSyslog($thisevent->{level});
        					server_string => $C->{syslog_server},
        					facility => $C->{syslog_facility},
        					message => $message,
        					priority => $priority
        			logMsg("INFO ($nd) Node not active, deleted Event=$thisevent->{event} Element=$thisevent->{element}");
        			eventDelete(event => $thisevent);
        			next LABEL_ESC;
        		### 2013-08-07 keiths, taking too long when MANY interfaces e.g. > 200,000
        		if ( $thisevent->{event} =~ /interface/i
        				 and $thisevent->{event} !~ /proactive/i )
        			### load the interface information and check the collect status.
        			my $S = Sys->new; # node object
        			if (($S->init(name=>$nd, snmp=>'false'))) { # get cached info of node only
        				my $IFD = $S->ifDescrInfo(); # interface info indexed by ifDescr
        				if ( !getbool($IFD->{$thisevent->{element}}{collect}) )
        					# meta events are subject to both Log and Notify controls
        					if (getbool($thisevent_control->{Log}) and getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify}))
        						logEvent(node => $thisevent->{node}, event => "Deleted Event: $thisevent->{event}",
        										 level => $thisevent->{level},
        										 element => " no matching interface or no collect Element=$thisevent->{element}");
        					logMsg("INFO ($thisevent->{node}) Interface not active, deleted Event=$thisevent->{event} Element=$thisevent->{element}");
        					eventDelete(event => $thisevent);
        					next LABEL_ESC;
        		# if an planned outage is in force, keep writing the start time of any unack event to the current start time
        		# so when the outage expires, and the event is still current, we escalate as if the event had just occured
        		my ($outage,undef) = outageCheck(node=>$thisevent->{node},time=>time());
        		dbg("Outage status for $thisevent->{node} is ". ($outage || "<none>"));
        		if ( $outage eq "current" and getbool($thisevent->{ack},"invert") )
        			$thisevent->{startdate} = time();
        			if (my $err = eventUpdate(event => $thisevent))
        				logMsg("ERROR $err");
        		# set the current outage time
        		$outage_time = time() - $thisevent->{startdate};
        		# if we are to escalate, this event must not be part of a planned outage and un-ack.
        		if ( $outage ne "current" and getbool($thisevent->{ack},"invert"))
        			# we have list of nodes that this node depends on in $NT->{$runnode}{depend}
        			# if any of those have a current Node Down alarm, then lets just move on with a debug message
        			# should we log that we have done this - maybe not....
        			if ( $NT->{$thisevent->{node}}{depend} ne '') {
        				foreach my $node_depend ( split /,/ , $NT->{$thisevent->{node}}{depend} ) {
        					next if $node_depend eq "N/A" ;		# default setting
        					next if $node_depend eq $thisevent->{node};	# remove the catch22 of self dependancy.
        					#only do dependancy if node is active.
        					if (defined $NT->{$node_depend}{active} and getbool($NT->{$node_depend}{active}))
        						if (my $event_exists = eventExist($node_depend, "Node Down", undef))
        							my $erec = eventLoad(filename => $event_exists) if ($event_exists);
        							if (ref($erec) eq "HASH" and $erec->{current})
        								dbg("NOT escalating $thisevent->{node} $thisevent->{event} as dependant $node_depend is reported as down");
        								next LABEL_ESC;
        			undef %keyhash;		# clear this every loop
        			$escalate = $thisevent->{escalate};	# save this as a flag
        			# now depending on the event escalate the event up a level or so depending on how long it has been active
        			# now would be the time to notify as to the event. node down every 15 minutes, interface down every 4 hours?
        			# maybe a deccreasing run 15,30,60,2,4,etc
        			# proactive events would be escalated daily
        			# when escalation hits 10 they could auto delete?
        			# core, distrib and access could escalate at different rates.
        			# note - all sent to lowercase here to get a match
        			my $NI = loadNodeInfoTable($thisevent->{node}, suppress_errors => 1);
        			$group = lc($NI->{system}{group});
        			$role = lc($NI->{system}{roleType});
        			$type = lc($NI->{system}{nodeType});
        			$event = lc($thisevent->{event});
        			dbg("looking for Event to Escalation Table match for Event[ Node:$thisevent->{node} Event:$event Element:$thisevent->{element} ]");
        			dbg("and node values node=$NI->{system}{name} group=$group role=$role type=$type");
        			# Escalation_Key=Group:Role:Type:Event
        			my @keylist = (
        				$group."_".$role."_".$type."_".$event ,
        				$group."_".$role."_"."default"."_".$event ,
        				$group."_"."default"."_".$type."_".$event ,
        				$group."_"."default"."_"."default"."_".$event ,
        				"default"."_".$role."_".$type."_".$event ,
        				"default"."_".$role."_"."default"."_".$event ,
        				"default"."_"."default"."_".$type."_".$event ,
        				"default"."_"."default"."_"."default"."_".$event ,
        			# lets allow all possible keys to match !
        			# so one event could match two or more escalation rules
        			# can have specific notifies to one group, and a 'catch all' to manager for example.
        			foreach my $klst( @keylist ) {
        				foreach my $esc (keys %{$EST}) {
        					my $esc_short = lc "$EST->{$esc}{Group}_$EST->{$esc}{Role}_$EST->{$esc}{Type}_$EST->{$esc}{Event}";
        					$EST->{$esc}{Event_Node} = ($EST->{$esc}{Event_Node} eq '') ? '.*' : $EST->{$esc}{Event_Node};
        					$EST->{$esc}{Event_Element} = ($EST->{$esc}{Event_Element} eq '') ? '.*' : $EST->{$esc}{Event_Element};
        					$EST->{$esc}{Event_Node} =~ s;/;;g;
        					$EST->{$esc}{Event_Element} =~ s;/;\\/;g;
        					if ($klst eq $esc_short
        							and $thisevent->{node} =~ /$EST->{$esc}{Event_Node}/i
        							and $thisevent->{element} =~ /$EST->{$esc}{Event_Element}/i
        							) {
        						$keyhash{$esc} = $klst;
        						dbg("match found for escalation key=$esc");
        					else {
        						#dbg("no match found for escalation key=$esc, esc_short=$esc_short");
        			my $cnt_hash = keys %keyhash;
        			dbg("$cnt_hash match(es) found for $thisevent->{node}");
        			foreach $esc_key ( keys %keyhash )
        				dbg("Matched Escalation Table Group:$EST->{$esc_key}{Group} Role:$EST->{$esc_key}{Role} Type:$EST->{$esc_key}{Type} Event:$EST->{$esc_key}{Event} Event_Node:$EST->{$esc_key}{Event_Node} Event_Element:$EST->{$esc_key}{Event_Element}");
        				dbg("Pre Escalation : $thisevent->{node} Event $thisevent->{event} is $outage_time seconds old escalation is $thisevent->{escalate}");
        				# default escalation for events
        				# 28 apr 2003 moved times to nmis.conf
        				for my $esclevel (reverse(0..10))
        					if ($outage_time >= $C->{"escalate$esclevel"})
        						$mustupdate = 1 if ($thisevent->{escalate} != $esclevel); # if level has changed
        						$thisevent->{escalate} = $esclevel;
        				dbg("Post Escalation: $thisevent->{node} Event $thisevent->{event} is $outage_time seconds old, escalation is $thisevent->{escalate}");
        				if ($C->{debug} and $escalate == $thisevent->{escalate}) {
        					my $level= "Level".($thisevent->{escalate} + 1);
        					dbg("Next Notification Target would be $level");
        					dbg("Contact: ".$EST->{$esc_key}{$level});
        				# send a new email message as the escalation again.
        				# ehg 25oct02 added win32 netsend message type (requires SAMBA on this host)
        				if ( $escalate != $thisevent->{escalate} ) {
        					$event_age = convertSecsHours(time - $thisevent->{startdate});
        					$time = &returnDateStamp;
        					# get the string of type email:contact1:contact2,netsend:contact1:contact2,\
        					# pager:contact1:contact2,email:sysContact
        					$level = lc($EST->{$esc_key}{'Level'.$thisevent->{escalate}});
        					if ( $level ne "")
        						# Now we have a string, check for multiple notify types
        						foreach $field ( split "," , $level ) {
        							$target = "";
        							@x = split /:/ , lc $field;
        							$type = shift @x;			# first entry is email, ccopy, netsend or pager
        							dbg("Escalation type=$type");
        							if ( $type =~ /email|ccopy|pager/ )
        								foreach $contact (@x) {
        									my $contactLevelSend = 0;
        									my $contactDutyTime = 0;
        									# if sysContact, use device syscontact as key into the contacts table hash
        									if ( $contact eq "syscontact") {
        										if ($NI->{sysContact} ne '') {
        											$contact = lc $NI->{sysContact};
        											dbg("Using node $thisevent->{node} sysContact $NI->{sysContact}");
        										} else {
        											$contact = 'default';
        									### better handling of upnotify for certain notification types.
        									if ( $type !~ /email|pager/ ) {
        										# check if UpNotify is true, and save with this event
        										# and send all the up event notifies when the event is cleared.
        										if ( getbool($EST->{$esc_key}{UpNotify})
        												 and $thisevent->{event} =~ /$C->{upnotify_stateful_events}/i
        												 and getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify})
        										 ) {
        											my $ct = "$type:$contact";
        											my @l = split(',',$thisevent->{notify});
        											if (not grep { $_ eq $ct } @l ) {
        												push @l, $ct;
        												$thisevent->{notify} = join(',',@l);
        												$mustupdate = 1;
        									if ( exists $CT->{$contact} ) {
        										if ( dutyTime($CT, $contact) ) {	# do we have a valid dutytime ??
        											$contactDutyTime = 1;
        											# Duty Time is OK check level match
        											if ( $CT->{$contact}{Level} eq "" ) {
        												dbg("SEND Contact $contact no filtering by Level defined");
        												$contactLevelSend = 1;
        											elsif ( $thisevent->{level} =~ /$CT->{$contact}{Level}/i ) {
        												dbg("SEND Contact $contact filtering by Level: $CT->{$contact}{Level}, event level is $thisevent->{level}");
        												$contactLevelSend = 1;
        											elsif ( $thisevent->{level} !~ /$CT->{$contact}{Level}/i ) {
        												dbg("STOP Contact $contact filtering by Level: $CT->{$contact}{Level}, event level is $thisevent->{level}");
        												$contactLevelSend = 0;
        										if ( $contactDutyTime and $contactLevelSend ) {
        											if ($type eq "pager") {
        												$target = $target ? $target.",".$CT->{$contact}{Pager} : $CT->{$contact}{Pager};
        											} else {
        												$target = $target ? $target.",".$CT->{$contact}{Email} : $CT->{$contact}{Email};
        											# check if UpNotify is true, and save with this event
        											# and send all the up event notifies when the event is cleared.
        											if ( getbool($EST->{$esc_key}{UpNotify})
        													 and $thisevent->{event} =~ /$C->{upnotify_stateful_events}/i
        													 and getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify})
        												) {
        												my $ct = "$type:$contact";
        												my @l = split(',',$thisevent->{notify});
        												if (not grep { $_ eq $ct } @l ) {
        													push @l, $ct;
        													$thisevent->{notify} = join(',',@l);
        													$mustupdate = 1;
        										else {
        											dbg("STOP Contact duty time: $contactDutyTime, contact level: $contactLevelSend");
        									else {
        										dbg("Contact $contact not found in Contacts table");
        								} #foreach
        								# no email targets found, and if default contact not found, assume we are not
        								# covering 24hr dutytime in this slot, so no mail.
        								# maybe the next levelx escalation field will fill in the gap
        								if ( !$target )
        									if ( $type eq "pager" ) {
        										$target = $CT->{default}{Pager};
        									} else {
        										$target = $CT->{default}{Email};
        									dbg("No $type contact matched (maybe check DutyTime and TimeZone?) - looking for default contact $target");
        								else						# have target
        									foreach my $trgt ( split /,/, $target ) {
        										my $message;
        										my $priority;
        										if ( $type eq "pager" )
        											if (getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify}))
        												$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial_ns}{message} = "NMIS: Esc. $thisevent->{escalate} $event_age $thisevent->{node} $thisevent->{level} $thisevent->{event} $thisevent->{details}";
        												$serial_ns++ ;
        											if ($type eq "ccopy") {
        												$message = "FOR INFORMATION ONLY\n";
        												$priority = &eventToSMTPPri("Normal");
        											} else {
        												$priority = &eventToSMTPPri($thisevent->{level}) ;
        											###2013-10-08 arturom, keiths, Added link to interface name if interface event.
        											$C->{nmis_host_protocol} = "http" if $C->{nmis_host_protocol} eq "";
        											$message .= "Node:\t$thisevent->{node}\nNotification at Level$thisevent->{escalate}\nEvent Elapsed Time:\t$event_age\nSeverity:\t$thisevent->{level}\nEvent:\t$thisevent->{event}\nElement:\t$thisevent->{element}\nDetails:\t$thisevent->{details}\nLink to Node: $C->{nmis_host_protocol}://$C->{nmis_host}$C->{network}?act=network_node_view&widget=false&node=$thisevent->{node}\n";
        											if ( $thisevent->{event} =~ /Interface/ ) {
        												my $ifIndex = undef;
        												my $S = Sys->new; # node object
        												if (($S->init(name=>$thisevent->{node},snmp=>'false'))) { # get cached info of node only
        													my $IFD = $S->ifDescrInfo(); # interface info indexed by ifDescr
        													if ( getbool($IFD->{$thisevent->{element}}{collect}) ) {
        														$ifIndex = $IFD->{$thisevent->{element}}{ifIndex};
        														$message .= "Link to Interface:\t$C->{nmis_host_protocol}://$C->{nmis_host}$C->{network}?act=network_interface_view&widget=false&node=$thisevent->{node}&intf=$ifIndex\n";
        											$message .= "\n";
        											if (getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify}))
        												if ( getbool($C->{mail_combine}) ) {
        													$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{subject} = "NMIS Escalation Message, contains $msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{count} message(s), $msgtime";
        													$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{message} .= $message ;
        													if ( $priority gt $msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{priority} ){
        														$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{priority} = $priority ;
        												} else {
        													$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{subject} = "$thisevent->{node} $thisevent->{event} - $thisevent->{element} - $thisevent->{details} at $msgtime" ;
        													$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{message} = $message ;
        													$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{priority} = $priority ;
        													$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{count} = 1;
        									# meta-events are subject to Notify and Log
        									logEvent(node => $thisevent->{node},
        													 event => "$type to $target Esc$thisevent->{escalate} $thisevent->{event}",
        													 level => $thisevent->{level}, element => $thisevent->{element}, details => $thisevent->{details})
        											if (getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify}) and getbool($thisevent_control->{Log}));
        										dbg("Escalation $type Notification node=$thisevent->{node} target=$target level=$thisevent->{level} event=$thisevent->{event} element=$thisevent->{element} details=$thisevent->{details} group=$NT->{$thisevent->{node}}{group}");
        								} # if $target
        							} # end email,ccopy,pager
        							# now the netsends
        							elsif ( $type eq "netsend" )
        								if (getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify}))
        									my $message = "Escalation $thisevent->{escalate} $thisevent->{node} $thisevent->{level} $thisevent->{event} $thisevent->{element} $thisevent->{details} at $msgtime";
        									foreach my $trgt ( @x ) {
        										$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial_ns}{message} = $message ;
        										dbg("NetSend $message to $trgt");
        										# meta-events are subject to both
        										logEvent(node => $thisevent->{node},
        														 event => "NetSend $message to $trgt $thisevent->{event}",
        														 level => $thisevent->{level}, element => $thisevent->{element},
        														 details => $thisevent->{details})
        												if (getbool($thisevent_control->{Log}));
        									} #foreach
        							} # end netsend
        							elsif ( $type eq "syslog" )
        								# check if UpNotify is true, and save with this event
        								# and send all the up event notifies when the event is cleared.
        								if ( getbool($EST->{$esc_key}{UpNotify})
        										 and $thisevent->{event} =~ /$C->{upnotify_stateful_events}/i
        										 and getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify})
        								 ) {
        									my $ct = "$type:server";
        									my @l = split(',',$thisevent->{notify});
        									if (not grep { $_ eq $ct } @l ) {
        										push @l, $ct;
        										$thisevent->{notify} = join(',',@l);
        										$mustupdate = 1;
        								if (getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify}))
        									my $timenow = time();
        									my $message = "NMIS_Event::$C->{server_name}::$timenow,$thisevent->{node},$thisevent->{event},$thisevent->{level},$thisevent->{element},$thisevent->{details}";
        									my $priority = eventToSyslog($thisevent->{level});
        									if ( getbool($C->{syslog_use_escalation}) ) {
        										foreach my $trgt ( @x ) {
        											$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial_ns}{message} = $message;
        											$msgTable{$type}{$trgt}{$serial}{priority} = $priority;
        											dbg("syslog $message");
        										} #foreach
        							} # end syslog
        							elsif ( $type eq "json" )
        								if ( getbool($EST->{$esc_key}{UpNotify})
        										 and $thisevent->{event} =~ /$C->{upnotify_stateful_events}/i
        										 and getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify})
        								 ) {
        									my $ct = "$type:server";
        									my @l = split(',',$thisevent->{notify});
        									if (not grep { $_ eq $ct } @l ) {
        										push @l, $ct;
        										$thisevent->{notify} = join(',',@l);
        										$mustupdate = 1;
        								# amend the event - attention: this changes the live event,
        								# and will be saved back!
        								$mustupdate = 1;
        								my $node = $NT->{$thisevent->{node}};
        								$thisevent->{nmis_server} = $C->{server_name};
        								$thisevent->{customer} = $node->{customer};
        								$thisevent->{location} = $LocationsTable->{$node->{location}}{Location};
        								$thisevent->{geocode} = $LocationsTable->{$node->{location}}{Geocode};
        								if ( $useServiceStatusTable ) {
        									$thisevent->{serviceStatus} = $ServiceStatusTable->{$node->{serviceStatus}}{serviceStatus};
        									$thisevent->{statusPriority} = $ServiceStatusTable->{$node->{serviceStatus}}{statusPriority};
        								if ( $useBusinessServicesTable ) {
        									$thisevent->{businessService} = $BusinessServicesTable->{$node->{businessService}}{businessService};
        									$thisevent->{businessPriority} = $BusinessServicesTable->{$node->{businessService}}{businessPriority};
        								# Copy the fields from nodes to the event
        								my @nodeFields = split(",",$C->{'json_node_fields'});
        								foreach my $field (@nodeFields) {
        									$thisevent->{$field} = $node->{$field};
        								logJsonEvent(event => $thisevent, dir => $C->{'json_logs'})
        										if (getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify}));
        							} # end json
        							elsif (getbool($thisevent_control->{Notify}))
        								if ( checkPerlLib("Notify::$type") ) {
        									dbg("Notify::$type $contact");
        									my $timenow = time();
        									my $datenow = returnDateStamp();
        									my $message = "$datenow: $thisevent->{node}, $thisevent->{event}, $thisevent->{level}, $thisevent->{element}, $thisevent->{details}";
        									foreach $contact (@x) {
        										if ( exists $CT->{$contact} ) {
        											if ( dutyTime($CT, $contact) ) {	# do we have a valid dutytime ??
        												# check if UpNotify is true, and save with this event
        												# and send all the up event notifies when the event is cleared.
        												if ( getbool($EST->{$esc_key}{UpNotify})
        														 and $thisevent->{event} =~ /$C->{upnotify_stateful_events}/i
        												 ) {
        													my $ct = "$type:$contact";
        													my @l = split(',',$thisevent->{notify});
        													if (not grep { $_ eq $ct } @l ) {
        														push @l, $ct;
        														$thisevent->{notify} = join(',',@l); # fudged up
        														$mustupdate = 1;
        												$msgTable{$type}{$contact}{$serial_ns}{message} = $message;
        												$msgTable{$type}{$contact}{$serial_ns}{contact} = $CT->{$contact};
        												$msgTable{$type}{$contact}{$serial_ns}{event} = $thisevent;
        										else {
        											dbg("Contact $contact not found in Contacts table");
        								else {
        									dbg("ERROR runEscalate problem with escalation target unknown at level$thisevent->{escalate} $level type=$type");
        						} # foreach field
        					} # endif $level
        				} # if escalate
        			} # foreach esc_key
        		} # end of outage check
        		# now we're done with this event, let's update it if we have to - and if nobody has deleted the event since the start of this update run (as we're not locking this globally) - eventkey is the full filename
        		if ($mustupdate && -f $eventkey)
        			if (my $err = eventUpdate(event => $thisevent))
        				logMsg("ERROR $err");
        	# Cologne, send the messages now
        	if ( defined $C->{log_polling_time} and getbool($C->{log_polling_time})) {
        		my $polltime = $pollTimer->elapTime();
        		logMsg("Poll Time: $polltime");
        	func::update_operations_stamp(type => "escalate",
        																start => $starttime,
        																stop => Time::HiRes::time())
        			if ($type eq "escalate");	# not if part of collect
        } # end runEscalate
        # structure of the hash:
        # device name => email, ccopy, netsend, pager
        #	target
        #  		serial
        #			subject
        #			message
        #			priority
        # Cologne.
        sub sendMSG
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $msgTable = $args{data};
        	my $C = loadConfTable(); # get ref
        	my $target;
        	my $serial;
        	foreach my $method (keys %$msgTable) {
        		dbg("Method $method");
        		if ($method eq "email") {
        			# fixme: this is slightly inefficient as the new sendEmail can send to multiple targets in one go
        			foreach $target (keys %{$msgTable->{$method}}) {
        				foreach $serial (keys %{$msgTable->{$method}{$target}})
        					next if $C->{mail_server} eq '';
        					my ($status, $code, $errmsg) = sendEmail(
        					  # params for connection and sending
        						sender => $C->{mail_from},
        						recipients => [$target],
        						mailserver => $C->{mail_server},
        						serverport => $C->{mail_server_port},
        						hello => $C->{mail_domain},
        						usetls => $C->{mail_use_tls},
        						ipproto => $C->{mail_server_ipproto},
        						username => $C->{mail_user},
        						password => $C->{mail_password},
        						# and params for making the message on the go
        						to => $target,
        						from => $C->{mail_from},
        						subject => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{subject},
        						body => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{message},
        						priority => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{priority},
        					if (!$status)
        						logMsg("Error: Sending email to $target failed: $code $errmsg");
        						dbg("Escalation Email Notification sent to $target");
        		} # end email
        		### Carbon copy notifications - no action required - FYI only.
        		elsif ( $method eq "ccopy" ) {
        			# fixme: this is slightly inefficient as the new sendEmail can send to multiple targets in one go
        			foreach $target (keys %{$msgTable->{$method}}) {
        				foreach $serial (keys %{$msgTable->{$method}{$target}}) {
        					next if $C->{mail_server} eq '';
        					my ($status, $code, $errmsg) = sendEmail(
        					  # params for connection and sending
        						sender => $C->{mail_from},
        						recipients => [$target],
        						mailserver => $C->{mail_server},
        						serverport => $C->{mail_server_port},
        						hello => $C->{mail_domain},
        						usetls => $C->{mail_use_tls},
        						ipproto => $C->{mail_server_ipproto},
        						username => $C->{mail_user},
        						password => $C->{mail_password},
        						# and params for making the message on the go
        						to => $target,
        						from => $C->{mail_from},
        						subject => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{subject},
        						body => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{message},
        						priority => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{priority},
        					if (!$status)
        						logMsg("Error: Sending email to $target failed: $code $errmsg");
        						dbg("Escalation CC Email Notification sent to $target");
        		} # end ccopy
        		elsif ( $method eq "netsend" ) {
        			foreach $target (keys %{$msgTable->{$method}}) {
        				foreach $serial (keys %{$msgTable->{$method}{$target}}) {
        					dbg("netsend $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{message} to $target");
        					# read any stdout messages and throw them away
        					if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {
        						# win32 platform
        						my $dump=`net send $target $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{message}`;
        					else {
        						# Linux box
        						my $dump=`echo $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{message}|smbclient -M $target`;
        				} # end netsend
        		# now the syslog
        		elsif ( $method eq "syslog" ) {
        			foreach $target (keys %{$msgTable->{$method}}) {
        				foreach $serial (keys %{$msgTable->{$method}{$target}}) {
        					dbg(" sendSyslog to $target");
        						server_string => $C->{syslog_server},
        						facility => $C->{syslog_facility},
        						message => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{message},
        						priority => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{priority}
        				} # end syslog
        		# now the pagers
        		elsif ( $method eq "pager" ) {
        			foreach $target (keys %{$msgTable->{$method}}) {
        				foreach $serial (keys %{$msgTable->{$method}{$target}}) {
        					next if $C->{snpp_server} eq '';
        					dbg(" SendSNPP to $target");
        						server => $C->{snpp_server},
        						pagerno => $target,
        						message => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{message}
        			} # end pager
        		# now the extensible stuff.......
        		else {
        			my $class = "Notify::$method";
        			my $classMethod = $class."::sendNotification";
        			if ( checkPerlLib($class) ) {
        				eval "require $class";
        				logMsg($@) if $@;
        				dbg("Using $classMethod to send notification to $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{contact}->{Contact}");
        				my $function = \&{$classMethod};
        				foreach $target (keys %{$msgTable->{$method}}) {
        					foreach $serial (keys %{$msgTable->{$method}{$target}}) {
        						dbg("Notify method=$method, target=$target, serial=$serial message=". $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{message});
        						if ( $target and $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{message} ) {
        								message => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{message},
        								event => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{event},
        								contact => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{contact},
        								priority => $$msgTable{$method}{$target}{$serial}{priority},
        								C => $C
        			else {
        				dbg("ERROR unknown device $method");
        		} # end sms
        ### Adding overall network metrics collection and updates
        sub runMetrics
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $GT = loadGroupTable();
        	my %groupSummary;
        	my $data;
        	my $group;
        	my $status;
        	my $pollTimer = NMIS::Timing->new;
        	# Doing the whole network - this defaults to -8 hours span
        	my $groupSummary = getGroupSummary();
        	$status = overallNodeStatus;
        	$status = statusNumber($status);
        	$data->{reachability}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{reachable};
        	$data->{availability}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{available};
        	$data->{responsetime}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{response};
        	$data->{health}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{health};
        	$data->{status}{value} = $status;
        	$data->{intfCollect}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{intfCollect};
        	$data->{intfColUp}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{intfColUp};
        	$data->{intfAvail}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{intfAvail};
        	# RRD options
        	$data->{reachability}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$data->{availability}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	### 2014-03-18 keiths, setting maximum responsetime to 30 seconds.
        	$data->{responsetime}{option} = "gauge,0:30000";
        	$data->{health}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$data->{status}{option} = "gauge,0:100";
        	$data->{intfCollect}{option} = "gauge,0:U";
        	$data->{intfColUp}{option} = "gauge,0:U";
        	$data->{intfAvail}{option} = "gauge,0:U";
        	dbg("Doing Network Metrics database reach=$data->{reachability}{value} avail=$data->{availability}{value} resp=$data->{responsetime}{value} health=$data->{health}{value} status=$data->{status}{value}");
        	my $db = updateRRD(data=>$data,sys=>$S,type=>"metrics",item=>'network');
        	if (!$db)
        		logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        	foreach $group (sort keys %{$GT}) {
        		$groupSummary = getGroupSummary(group=>$group);
        		$status = overallNodeStatus(group=>$group);
        		$status = statusNumber($status);
        		$data->{reachability}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{reachable};
        		$data->{availability}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{available};
        		$data->{responsetime}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{response};
        		$data->{health}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{health};
        		$data->{status}{value} = $status;
        		$data->{intfCollect}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{intfCollect};
        		$data->{intfColUp}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{intfColUp};
        		$data->{intfAvail}{value} = $groupSummary->{average}{intfAvail};
        		dbg("Doing group=$group Metrics database reach=$data->{reachability}{value} avail=$data->{availability}{value} resp=$data->{responsetime}{value} health=$data->{health}{value} status=$data->{status}{value}");
        		$db = updateRRD(data=>$data,sys=>$S,type=>"metrics",item=>$group);
        		if (!$db)
        			logMsg("ERROR updateRRD failed: ".getRRDerror());
        	logMsg("Poll Time: ". $pollTimer->elapTime()) if ( defined $C->{log_polling_time} and getbool($C->{log_polling_time}));
        } # end runMetrics
        sub runLinks
        	my %subnets;
        	my $links;
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	my $II;
        	my $ipAddr;
        	my $subnet;
        	my $cnt;
        	### 2013-08-30 keiths, restructured to avoid creating and loading large Interface summaries
        	if ( getbool($C->{disable_interfaces_summary}) ) {
        		logMsg("runLinks disabled with disable_interfaces_summary=$C->{disable_interfaces_summary}");
        	if (!($II = loadInterfaceInfo())) {
        		logMsg("ERROR reading all interface info");
        	if ( getbool($C->{db_links_sql}) ) {
        		$links = DBfunc::->select(table=>'Links');
        	} else {
        		$links = loadTable(dir=>'conf',name=>'Links');
        	my $link_ifTypes = $C->{link_ifTypes} ne '' ? $C->{link_ifTypes} : '.';
        	my $qr_link_ifTypes = qr/$link_ifTypes/i;
        	dbg("Auto Generating Links file");
        	foreach my $intHash (sort keys %{$II}) {
        		$cnt = 1;
        		while (defined $II->{$intHash}{"ipSubnet$cnt"}) {
        			$ipAddr = $II->{$intHash}{"ipAdEntAddr$cnt"};
        			$subnet = $II->{$intHash}{"ipSubnet$cnt"};
        			if ( $ipAddr ne "" and $ipAddr ne "" and	$ipAddr !~ /^127/ and
        					 getbool($II->{$intHash}{collect}) and $II->{$intHash}{ifType} =~ /$qr_link_ifTypes/) {
        				if ( ! exists $subnets{$subnet}{subnet} ) {
        					my $NI = loadNodeInfoTable($II->{$intHash}{node});
        					$subnets{$subnet}{subnet} = $subnet;
        					$subnets{$subnet}{address1} = $ipAddr;
        					$subnets{$subnet}{count} = 1;
        					$subnets{$subnet}{description} = $II->{$intHash}{Description};
        					$subnets{$subnet}{mask} = $II->{$intHash}{"ipAdEntNetMask$cnt"};
        					$subnets{$subnet}{ifSpeed} = $II->{$intHash}{ifSpeed};
        					$subnets{$subnet}{ifType} = $II->{$intHash}{ifType};
        					$subnets{$subnet}{net1} = $NI->{system}{netType};
        					$subnets{$subnet}{role1} = $NI->{system}{roleType};
        					$subnets{$subnet}{node1} = $II->{$intHash}{node};
        					$subnets{$subnet}{ifDescr1} = $II->{$intHash}{ifDescr};
        					$subnets{$subnet}{ifIndex1} = $II->{$intHash}{ifIndex};
        				} else {
        					if ( ! defined $subnets{$subnet}{description} ) {	# use node2 description if node1 description did not exist.
        						$subnets{$subnet}{description} = $II->{$intHash}{Description};
        					my $NI = loadNodeInfoTable($II->{$intHash}{node});
        					$subnets{$subnet}{net2} = $NI->{system}{netType};
        					$subnets{$subnet}{role2} = $NI->{system}{roleType};
        					$subnets{$subnet}{node2} = $II->{$intHash}{node};
        					$subnets{$subnet}{ifDescr2} = $II->{$intHash}{ifDescr};
        					$subnets{$subnet}{ifIndex2} = $II->{$intHash}{ifIndex};
        			if ( $C->{debug}>2 ) {
        				for my $i ( keys %{ $subnets{$subnet} } ) {
        					dbg("subnets $i=$subnets{$subnet}{$i}");
        	} # foreach
        	foreach my $subnet (sort keys %subnets ) {
        		if ( $subnets{$subnet}{count} == 2 ) {
        			# skip subnet for same node-interface in link table
        			next if grep { $links->{$_}{node1} eq $subnets{$subnet}{node1} and
        							$links->{$_}{ifIndex1} eq $subnets{$subnet}{ifIndex1} } keys %{$links};
        			# insert entry in db if not exists
        			if ( getbool($C->{db_links_sql}) ) {
        				if (not exists $links->{$subnet}{subnet}) {
        			# form a key - use subnet as the unique key, same as read in, so will update any links with new information
        			if ( defined $subnets{$subnet}{description} and  $subnets{$subnet}{description} ne 'noSuchObject'
        				and $subnets{$subnet}{description} ne ""
        				) {
        				$links->{$subnet}{link} = $subnets{$subnet}{description};
        			} else {
        				# label the link as the subnet if no description
        				$links->{$subnet}{link} = $subnet;
        			$links->{$subnet}{subnet} = $subnets{$subnet}{subnet};
        			$links->{$subnet}{mask} = $subnets{$subnet}{mask};
        			$links->{$subnet}{ifSpeed} = $subnets{$subnet}{ifSpeed};
        			$links->{$subnet}{ifType} = $subnets{$subnet}{ifType};
        			# define direction based on wan-lan and core-distribution-access
        			# selection weights cover the most well-known types
        			# fixme: this is pretty ugly and doesn't use $C->{severity_by_roletype}
        			my %netweight = ( wan => 1, lan => 2, _ =>  3, );
        			my %roleweight = ( core =>  1, distribution => 2, _ => 3, access => 4);
        			my $netweight1 = defined($netweight{ $subnets{$subnet}->{net1} })?
        					$netweight{ $subnets{$subnet}->{net1} } : $netweight{"_"};
        			my $netweight2 = defined($netweight{ $subnets{$subnet}->{net2} })?
        					$netweight{ $subnets{$subnet}->{net2} } : $netweight{"_"};
        			my $roleweight1 = defined($roleweight{ $subnets{$subnet}->{role1} })?
        					$roleweight{ $subnets{$subnet}->{role1} } : $roleweight{"_"};
        			my $roleweight2 = defined($roleweight{ $subnets{$subnet}->{role2} })?
        					$roleweight{ $subnets{$subnet}->{role2} } : $roleweight{"_"};
        			my $k = (($netweight1 == $netweight2 && $roleweight1 > $roleweight2) || $netweight1 > $netweight2)? 2 : 1;
        			$links->{$subnet}{net} = $subnets{$subnet}{"net$k"};
        			$links->{$subnet}{role} = $subnets{$subnet}{"role$k"};
        			$links->{$subnet}{node1} = $subnets{$subnet}{"node$k"};
        			$links->{$subnet}{interface1} = $subnets{$subnet}{"ifDescr$k"};
        			$links->{$subnet}{ifIndex1} = $subnets{$subnet}{"ifIndex$k"};
        			$k = $k == 1 ? 2 : 1;
        			$links->{$subnet}{node2} = $subnets{$subnet}{"node$k"};
        			$links->{$subnet}{interface2} = $subnets{$subnet}{"ifDescr$k"};
        			$links->{$subnet}{ifIndex2} = $subnets{$subnet}{"ifIndex$k"};
        			# dont overwrite any manually configured dependancies.
        			if ( !exists $links->{$subnet}{depend} ) { $links->{$subnet}{depend} = "N/A" }
        			# reformat the name
        		##	$links->{$subnet}{link} =~ s/ /_/g;
        			if ( getbool($C->{db_links_sql}) ) {
        				if (not exists $links->{$subnet}{subnet}) {
        			dbg("Adding link $links->{$subnet}{link} for $subnet to links");
        	$links = {} if !$links;
        	if ( !getbool($C->{db_links_sql}) ) {
        	logMsg("Check table Links and update link names and other entries");
        # starts up fpingd and/or opslad
        sub runDaemons
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	# get process table of OS
        	my @p_names;
        	my $pt = new Proc::ProcessTable();
        	my %pnames;
        	foreach my $p (@{$pt->table}) {
        		$pnames{$p->fname} = 1;
        	# start fast ping daemon
        	if ( getbool($C->{daemon_fping_active}) ) {
        		if ( ! exists $pnames{$C->{daemon_fping_filename}}) {
        			if ( -x "$C->{'<nmis_bin>'}/$C->{daemon_fping_filename}" )
        				logMsg("INFO launched $C->{daemon_fping_filename} as daemon");
        				logMsg("ERROR cannot run daemon $C->{'<nmis_bin>'}/$C->{daemon_fping_filename},$!");
        	# start ipsla daemon
        	if ( getbool($C->{daemon_ipsla_active}) )
        		if ( ! exists $pnames{$C->{daemon_ipsla_filename}}) {
        			if ( -x "$C->{'<nmis_bin>'}/$C->{daemon_ipsla_filename}" )
        				logMsg("INFO launched $C->{daemon_ipsla_filename} as daemon");
        				logMsg("ERROR cannot run daemon $C->{'<nmis_bin>'}/$C->{daemon_ipsla_filename},$!");
        sub checkConfig
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $change = $args{change};
        	my $audit = $args{audit};
        	my $ext = getExtension(dir=>'conf');
        	# depending on our job, create dirs with correct perms
        	# or just check and report them.
        	if (getbool($change))
        		my $checkFunc = sub { my ($dirname) = @_; createDir($dirname); setFileProtDirectory($dirname, 1); };
        		my $checkType = "Checking and Fixing";
        		# Do the var directories exist? if not make them and fix the perms!
        		info("Config $checkType - Checking var directories, $C->{'<nmis_var>'}");
        		if ($C->{'<nmis_var>'} ne '') {
        		# Do the log directories exist, if not make them?
        		info("Config $checkType - Checking log directories, $C->{'<nmis_logs>'}");
        		if ($C->{'<nmis_logs>'} ne '') {
        		# Do the conf directories exist if not make them?
        		info("Config $checkType - Checking conf directories, $C->{'<nmis_conf>'}");
        		if ($C->{'<nmis_conf>'} ne '') {
        		# Does the database directory exist? if not make it.
        		info("Config $checkType - Checking database directories");
        		if ($C->{database_root} ne '')
        			print "\n Cannot create directories because database_root is not defined in NMIS config\n";
        		# create files
        		if ( not existFile(dir=>'logs',name=>'nmis.log')) {
        			close LOG;
        		if ( not existFile(dir=>'logs',name=>'auth.log')) {
        			close LOG;
        		if ( not existFile(dir=>'var',name=>'nmis-system'))
        			my ($hsh,$handle) = loadTable(dir=>'var',name=>'nmis-system');
        			$hsh->{startup} = time();
        		# now perform exactly the same permission fixing operations as admin/fixperms.pl
        		# single depth directories
        		my %done;
        		for my $location ($C->{'<nmis_data>'}, # commonly same as base
        											$C->{'<nmis_admin>'}, $C->{'<nmis_bin>'}, $C->{'<nmis_cgi>'},
        											$C->{'log_root'}, # should be the same as nmis_logs
        											$C->{'script_root'}, # commonly under nmis_conf
        											$C->{'plugin_root'}, ) # ditto
        			setFileProtDirectory($location, "false") 	if (!$done{$location});
        			$done{$location} = 1;
        		# deeper dirs with recursion
        		%done = ();
        		for my $location ($C->{'<nmis_base>'}."/lib",
        											$C->{'web_root'}, )
        			setFileProtDirectory($location, "true") 	if (!$done{$location});
        			$done{$location} = 1;
        	if ( getbool($audit) )
        		my $overallstatus = 1;
        		my @problems;
        		# flat dirs first
        		my %done;
        		for my $location ($C->{'<nmis_data>'}, # commonly same as base
        											$C->{'<nmis_admin>'}, $C->{'<nmis_bin>'}, $C->{'<nmis_cgi>'},
        											$C->{'log_root'}, # should be the same as nmis_logs
        											$C->{'script_root'}, # commonly under nmis_conf
        											$C->{'plugin_root'}, ) # ditto
        			my $where = Cwd::abs_path($location);
        			next if ($done{$where});
        			my ($result, @newmsgs) = checkDirectoryFiles($location, recurse => "false");
        			$overallstatus = 0 if (!$result);
        			push @problems, @newmsgs;
        			$done{$where} = 1;
        		# deeper dirs with recursion
        		%done = ();
        		for my $location ($C->{'<nmis_base>'}."/lib",
        											$C->{'web_root'}, )
        			my $where = Cwd::abs_path($location);
        			next if ($done{$where});
        			my ($result, @newmsgs) = checkDirectoryFiles($location, recurse => "true");
        			$overallstatus = 0 if (!$result);
        			push @problems, @newmsgs;
        			$done{$where} = 1;
        		if (@problems && $overallstatus)
        			print "Informational messages:\n", join("\n", @problems), "\n";
        		elsif (@problems)
        			print "Detected problems:\n", join("\n", @problems), "\n";
        	# convert ancient config .csv to .xxxx (hash) file format
        	info(" Continue with bin/nmis.pl type=apache for configuration rules of the Apache web server\n");
        # two modes: default, for the root user's personal crontab
        # if system=true is given, then a crontab for /etc/cron.d/XXX is printed
        # (= with the extra 'root' user column)
        sub printCrontab
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	dbg(" Crontab Config for NMIS for config file=$nvp{conf}",3);
        	my $usercol = getbool($nvp{system})? "\troot\t" : '';
        	print qq|
        # if you DON'T want any NMIS cron mails to go to root,
        # uncomment and adjust the next line
        # MAILTO=WhoeverYouAre\@yourdomain.tld
        # some tools like fping reside outside the minimal path
        # Run (selective) Statistics and Service Status Collection often
        * * * * * $usercol $C->{'<nmis_base>'}/bin/nmis.pl type=collect mthread=true ; $C->{'<nmis_base>'}/bin/nmis.pl type=services mthread=true
        # Run Summary Update every 5 minutes
        */5 * * * * $usercol $C->{'<nmis_base>'}/bin/nmis.pl type=summary
        # Run the update once a day
        30 20 * * * $usercol nice $C->{'<nmis_base>'}/bin/nmis.pl type=update mthread=true
        # Run the thresholding four times an hour
        # only necessary if threshold_poll_cycle is set to false
        #*/15 * * * * $usercol nice $C->{'<nmis_base>'}/bin/nmis.pl type=threshold
        # backup configuration, models and crontabs once a day, and keep 30 backups
        22 8 * * * $usercol $C->{'<nmis_base>'}/admin/config_backup.pl $C->{'<nmis_backups>'} 30
        # purge old files every few days
        2 2 */3 * * $usercol $C->{'<nmis_base>'}/bin/nmis.pl type=purge
        # Save the Reports, Daily Monthly Weekly
        9 0 * * * $usercol $C->{'<nmis_base>'}/bin/run-reports.pl day all
        9 1 * * 0  $usercol $C->{'<nmis_base>'}/bin/run-reports.pl week all
        9 2 1 * *  $usercol $C->{'<nmis_base>'}/bin/run-reports.pl month all
        # apache 2.4 needs a different configuration layout
        sub printApache24
        	my $C = loadConfTable;
        	print qq|
        # Apache configuration snippet for NMIS
        # this should either be made part of your preferred VirtualHost,
        # or saved in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled as <somefile>.conf
        # Further documentation about Apache: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/
        # NMIS Aliases for static files:
        Alias $C->{'<url_base>'} "$C->{web_root}"
        <Directory "$C->{web_root}">
          Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        	AllowOverride None
          Require all granted
        Alias $C->{'<menu_url_base>'}/ "$C->{'<nmis_menu>'}/"
        <Directory "$C->{'<nmis_menu>'}">
          Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
          AllowOverride None
          Require all granted
        # Alias and Activation for the CGI scripts
        ScriptAlias $C->{'<cgi_url_base>'}/ "$C->{'<nmis_cgi>'}/"
        <Directory "$C->{'<nmis_cgi>'}">
          Options +ExecCGI
          Require all granted
        # This is now optional, if using internal NMIS Authentication
        <Location "$C->{'<url_base>'}/">
        #  # For IP address based permissions
        #  <RequireAny>
        #  Require ip
        #  Require ip
        #  Require ip
        #  Require host .opmantek.com
        #  Require all denied
        #  # For Username based authentication
        #  AuthType Basic
        #  AuthName "NMIS8"
        #  AuthUserFile $C->{'auth_htpasswd_file'}
        #  Require valid-user
        <Location "$C->{'<cgi_url_base>'}/">
        #  # For IP address based permissions
        #  <RequireAny>
        #  Require ip
        #  Require ip
        #  Require ip
        #  Require host .opmantek.com
        #  Require all denied
        #  # For Username based authentication
        #  AuthType Basic
        #  AuthName "NMIS8"
        #  AuthUserFile $C->{'auth_htpasswd_file'}
        #  Require valid-user
        sub printApache
        	my $C = loadConfTable();
        	dbg(" Apache HTTPD Config for NMIS for config file=$nvp{conf}",3);
        	print <<EO_TEXT;
        ## For more information on the listed Apache features read:
        ## Alias directive:        http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_alias.html#alias
        ## ScriptAlias directive:  http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias
        ## Order directive:        http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_access.html#order
        ## Allow directive:        http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_access.html#allow
        ## Deny directive:         http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_access.html#deny
        ## AuthType directive:     http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/core.html#authtype
        ## AuthName directive:     http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/core.html#authname
        ## AuthUserFile directive: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_auth.html#authuserfile
        ## Require directive:      http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/core.html#require
        # Usual Apache Config File!
        # add a password to the users.dat file!
        #<apache_root>/bin/htpasswd $C->{'<nmis_base>'}/conf/users.dat nmis
        # restart the daemon!
        #<apache_root>/bin/apachectl restart
        # NOTE:
        # <apache_root> is normally /usr/local/apache
        # the "bin" directory might be "sbin"
        # the "conf" directory might be "etc"
        # the httpd.conf might be split across httpd.conf, access.conf and srm.conf
        # NMIS Aliases
        Alias $C->{'<url_base>'} "$C->{web_root}"
        <Directory "$C->{web_root}">
        		Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        		AllowOverride None
        		Order allow,deny
        		Allow from all
        Alias $C->{'<menu_url_base>'}/ "$C->{'<nmis_menu>'}/"
        <Directory "$C->{'<nmis_menu>'}">
        		Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        		AllowOverride None
        		Order allow,deny
        		Allow from all
        ScriptAlias $C->{'<cgi_url_base>'}/ "$C->{'<nmis_cgi>'}/"
        <Directory "$C->{'<nmis_cgi>'}">
        		Options +ExecCGI
        		Order allow,deny
        		Allow from all
        # This is now optional if using internal NMIS Authentication
        <Location "$C->{'<url_base>'}/">
        				## For IP address based permissions
        				#Order deny,allow
        				#deny from all
        				#allow from .opmantek.com
        				## For Username based authentication
        				#AuthType Basic
        				#AuthName "NMIS8"
        				#AuthUserFile $C->{'auth_htpasswd_file'}
        				#Require valid-user
        # This is now optional if using internal NMIS Authentication
        <Location "$C->{'<cgi_url_base>'}/">
        				## For IP address based permissions
        				#Order deny,allow
        				#deny from all
        				#allow from .opmantek.com
        				## For Username based authentication
        				#AuthType Basic
        				#AuthName "NMIS8"
        				#AuthUserFile $C->{'auth_htpasswd_file'}
        				#Require valid-user
        #*** URL required in browser ***
        #If host address is not correct change this in NMIS config.
        sub checkArgs
        	print qq!
        NMIS Polling Engine - Network Management Information System
        Copyright (C) Opmantek Limited (www.opmantek.com)
        This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
        This is free software licensed under GNU GPL, and you are welcome to
        redistribute it under certain conditions; see www.opmantek.com or email
        NMIS version $NMIS::VERSION
        Usage: $0 <type=action> [option=value...]
        command line options are:
            Where <option> is one of the following:
              collect   NMIS will collect all statistics (incl. Services)
              update    Update all the dynamic NMIS configuration
              threshold Calculate thresholds
              services  Run Services data collection only
              master    Run NMIS Master Functions
              escalate  Run the escalation routine only ( debug use only)
              config    Validate the chosen configuration file
              audit     Audit the configuration without changes
              apache    Produce Apache 2.0/2.2 configuration for NMIS
              apache24  Produce Apache 2.4 configuration for NMIS
              crontab   Produce Crontab configuration for NMIS
                        (add system=true for /etc/cron.d snippet)
              links     Generate the links.csv file.
              rme       Read and generate a node.csv file from a Ciscoworks RME file
              groupsync Check all nodes and add any missing groups to the configuration
              purge     Remove old files, or print them if simulate=true
          [conf=<file name>]     Optional alternate configuation file in conf directory
          [node=<node name>]     Run operations on a single node;
          [group=<group name>]   Run operations on all nodes in the named group;
          [force=true|false]     Makes operations run from scratch, ignoring interval policies
          [debug=true|false|0-9] default=false - Show debugging information
          [rmefile=<file name>]  RME file to import.
          [mthread=true|false]   default=$C->{nmis_mthread} - Enable Multithreading or not;
          [mthreaddebug=true|false] default=false - Extra debug for Multithreading code;
          [maxthreads=<1..XX>]  default=$C->{nmis_maxthreads} - How many threads should nmis use, at most\n
        # run threshold calculation operation on all or one node, in a single loop
        # args: node (optional)
        # returns: nothing
        sub runThreshold
        	my $node = shift;
        	# check global_threshold not explicitely set to false
        	if (!getbool($C->{global_threshold},"invert"))
        		my $node_select;
        		if ($node)
        			die "Invalid node=$node: No node of that name\n"
        					if (!($node_select = checkNodeName($node)));
        		doThreshold(name=>$node_select, table => doSummaryBuild(name => $node_select));
        		dbg("Skipping runThreshold with configuration 'global_threshold' = $C->{'global_threshold'}");
        # collects (using getSummaryStats) and returns summary stats
        # for one or all nodes, also writes two debug files.
        # args: name (optional), sys (optional, only if name is given)
        # returns: summary stats hash
        sub doSummaryBuild
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $node = $args{name};
        	my $S = $node && $args{sys}? $args{sys} : undef; # use given sys object only with this node
        	dbg("Start of Summary Build");
        	my $NT = loadLocalNodeTable();
        	my %stshlth;
        	my %stats;
        	my %stsintf;
        	foreach my $nd (sort keys %{$NT})
        		next if $node ne "" and $node ne $nd;
        		if ( getbool($NT->{$nd}{active}) and getbool($NT->{$nd}{collect}))
        			if (!$S)
        				# get cached info of node, iff required
        				$S = Sys->new;
        				next if (!$S->init(name=>$nd,snmp=>'false'));
        			my $M = $S->mdl; # model ref
        			my $NI = $S->ndinfo; # node info
        			my $IF = $S->ifinfo; # interface info
        			next if getbool($NI->{system}{nodedown});
        			# oke, look for requests in summary of Model
        			foreach my $tp (keys %{$M->{summary}{statstype}})
        				next if (!exists $M->{system}->{rrd}->{$tp}->{threshold});
        				my $threshold_period = $C->{"threshold_period-default"} || "-15 minutes";
        				if ( exists $C->{"threshold_period-$tp"} and $C->{"threshold_period-$tp"} ne "" )
        						$threshold_period = $C->{"threshold_period-$tp"};
        						dbg("Found Configured Threshold for $tp, changing to \"$threshold_period\"");
        				# check whether this is an indexed section, ie. whether there are multiple instances with
        				# their own indices
        				my @instances = $S->getTypeInstances(graphtype => $tp, section => $tp);
        				if (@instances)
        					foreach my $i (@instances)
        						my $sts = getSummaryStats(sys=>$S,type=>$tp,start=>$threshold_period,end=>'now',index=>$i);
        						# save all info from %sts for threshold run
        						foreach (keys %{$sts->{$i}}) { $stats{$nd}{$tp}{$i}{$_} = $sts->{$i}{$_}; }
        						foreach my $nm (keys %{$M->{summary}{statstype}{$tp}{sumname}})
        							$stshlth{$NI->{system}{nodeType}}{$nd}{$nm}{$i}{Description} = $NI->{label}{$tp}{$i}; # descr
        							# check if threshold level available, thresholdname must be equal to type
        							if (exists $M->{threshold}{name}{$tp})
        								# fixme: errors are ignored...
        								my $goodies = getThresholdLevel(sys=>$S,thrname=>$tp,stats=>$sts,index=>$i);
        								$stshlth{$NI->{system}{nodeType}}{$nd}{$nm}{$i}{level} = $goodies->{level};
        							# save values
        							foreach my $stsname (@{$M->{summary}{statstype}{$tp}{sumname}{$nm}{stsname}}) {
        								$stshlth{$NI->{system}{nodeType}}{$nd}{$nm}{$i}{$stsname} = $sts->{$i}{$stsname};
        								dbg("stored summary health node=$nd type=$tp name=$stsname index=$i value=$sts->{$i}{$stsname}");
        				# non-indexed
        					my $dbname = $S->getDBName(graphtype => $tp);
        					if ($dbname && -r $dbname)
        						my $sts = getSummaryStats(sys=>$S,type=>$tp,start=>$threshold_period,end=>'now');
        						# save all info from %sts for threshold run
        						foreach (keys %{$sts}) { $stats{$nd}{$tp}{$_} = $sts->{$_}; }
        						# check if threshold level available, thresholdname must be equal to type
        						if (exists $M->{threshold}{name}{$tp})
        							# fixme errors are ignored
        							my $goodies = getThresholdLevel(sys=>$S,thrname=>$tp,stats=>$sts,index=>'');
        							$stshlth{$NI->{system}{nodeType}}{$nd}{"${tp}_level"} = $goodies->{level};
        						foreach my $nm (keys %{$M->{summary}{statstype}{$tp}{sumname}})
        							foreach my $stsname (@{$M->{summary}{statstype}{$tp}{sumname}{$nm}{stsname}}) {
        								$stshlth{$NI->{system}{nodeType}}{$nd}{$stsname} = $sts->{$stsname};
        								dbg("stored summary health node=$nd type=$tp name=$stsname value=$sts->{$stsname}");
        				# reset the threshold period, may have been changed to threshold_period-<something>
        				$threshold_period = $C->{"threshold_period-default"} || "-15 minutes";
        				my $tp = "interface";
        				if ( exists $C->{"threshold_period-$tp"} and $C->{"threshold_period-$tp"} ne "" )
        					$threshold_period = $C->{"threshold_period-$tp"};
        					dbg("Found Configured Threshold for $tp, changing to \"$threshold_period\"");
        				# get all collected interfaces
        				foreach my $index (keys %{$IF})
        					next unless getbool($IF->{$index}{collect});
        					my $sts = getSummaryStats(sys=>$S, type=>$tp,
        																		start=>$threshold_period, end=>time(), index=>$index);
        					foreach (keys %{$sts->{$index}}) { $stats{$nd}{interface}{$index}{$_} = $sts->{$index}{$_}; } # save for threshold
        					# copy all stats into the stsintf info.
        					foreach (keys %{$sts->{$index}}) { $stsintf{"${index}.$S->{name}"}{$_} = $sts->{$index}{$_}; }
        		# use a new sys object for every node
        		undef $S;
        	# these two tables are produced ONLY for debugging, they're not used by nmis
        	writeTable(dir=>'var', name=>"nmis-summaryintf15m", data=>\%stsintf);
        	writeTable(dir=>'var', name=>"nmis-summaryhealth15m", data=>\%stshlth);
        	return \%stats; # input for threshold process
        # figures out which threshold alerts need to be run for one (or all) nodes, based on model
        # delegates the evaluation work to runThrHld, then updates info structures.
        # args: name (optional), table (required, must be hash ref but may be empty),
        # sys (optional, only used if name is given)
        # note: writes node info file if run as part of type=threshold
        # returns: nothing
        sub doThreshold
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $name = $args{name};
        	my $sts = $args{table}; # pointer to data built up by doSummaryBuild
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	func::update_operations_stamp(type => "threshold", start => $starttime, stop => undef)
        			if ($type eq "threshold");	# not if part of collect
        	my $pollTimer = NMIS::Timing->new;
        	my $events_config = loadTable(dir => 'conf', name => 'Events');
        	my $NT = loadLocalNodeTable();
        	my @cand = ($name && $NT->{$name}? $name :  keys %$NT);
        	for my $onenode (@cand)
        		next if (!getbool($NT->{$onenode}{active}) or !getbool($NT->{$onenode}{threshold}));
        		if (@cand > 1 || !$S)
        			$S = Sys->new;
        			next if (! $S->init(name=>$onenode, snmp=>'false'));
        		my $NI = $S->ndinfo; # pointer to node info table
        		my $M  = $S->mdl;	# pointer to Model table
        		my $IF = $S->ifinfo;
        		# skip if node down
        		if ( getbool($NI->{system}{nodedown}) )
        			info("Node down, skipping thresholding for $S->{name}");
        		info("Starting Thresholding node=$S->{name}");
        		# first the standard thresholds
        		my $thrname = 'response,reachable,available';
        		runThrHld(sys=>$S, table=>$sts, type=>'health', thrname=>$thrname);
        		# search for threshold names in Model of this node
        		foreach my $s (keys %{$M}) # section name
        			# thresholds live ONLY under rrd, other 'types of store' don't interest us here
        			my $ts = 'rrd';
        			foreach my $type (keys %{$M->{$s}{$ts}}) # name/type of subsection
        				my $thissection = $M->{$s}->{$ts}->{$type};
        				dbg("section $s, type $type ". ($thissection->{threshold}? "has a": "has no")." threshold");
        				next if (!$thissection->{threshold}); # nothing to do
        				# attention: control expressions for indexed section must be run per instance,
        				# and no more getbool possible (see below for reason)
        				my $control = $thissection->{control};
        				if ($control and (!defined($thissection->{indexed})
        													or $thissection->{indexed} eq ""
        													or $thissection->{indexed} eq "false") )
        					dbg("control found:$control for section=$s type=$type, non-indexed", 1);
        					if (!$S->parseString(string=>"($control) ? 1:0", sect => $type))
        						dbg("threshold of type $type skipped by control=$control");
        				$thrname = $thissection->{threshold};	# get commasep string of threshold name(s)
        				dbg("threshold=$thrname found in section=$s type=$type indexed=$thissection->{indexed}");
        				# getbool of this is not valid anymore, for WMI indexed must be named,
        				# so getbool 'indexed' => 'Name' evaluates to false. changing now to be not false.
        				if (not ( $thissection->{indexed} ne ""
        									and $thissection->{indexed} ne "false" ))	# if indexed then all instances must be checked individually
        					runThrHld(sys=>$S, table=>$sts, type=>$type, thrname=>$thrname); # single
        					# this can be misleading, b/c not everything updates the instance index -> graphtype association reliably,
        					# so you could get an instance index that's long gone...
        					my @instances = $S->getTypeInstances(graphtype => $type, section => $type);
        					dbg("threshold instances=".(join(", ",@instances)||"none"));
        					for my $index (@instances)
        						# instances that don't have a valid nodeinfo section mustn't be touched
        						# however logic only works in some cases: some model source sections don't have nodeinfo sections associated.
        						if ($s eq "systemHealth"
        								and ( ref($NI->{$type}) ne "HASH" or (!keys %{$NI->{$type}})
        											or ref($NI->{$type}->{$index}) ne "HASH" or $index ne $NI->{$type}->{$index}->{index}))
        							logMsg("ERROR invalid data for section $type and index $index, cannot run threshold for this index!");
        							info("ERROR invalid data for section $type and index $index, cannot run threshold for this index!");
        						# control must be checked individually, too!
        						if ($control)
        							dbg("control found:$control for s=$s type=$type, index=$index", 1);
        							if (!$S->parseString(string=>"($control) ? 1:0", sect => $type, index => $index))
        								dbg("threshold of type $type, index $index skipped by control=$control");
        						# thresholds can be selectively disabled for individual interfaces
        						if ( $type =~ /interface|pkts|pkts_hc/ )
        							# look for interfaces; pkts and pkts_hc are not contained in nodeinfo
        							if (ref($NI->{"interface"}) eq "HASH" and ref( $NI->{"interface"}{$index}) eq "HASH"
        									and exists($NI->{"interface"}{$index}{threshold}))
        								if (getbool($NI->{"interface"}{$index}{threshold}))
        									dbg("skipping disabled threshold type $type for index $index");
        						elsif ( $type =~ /cbqos/
        										and defined $NI->{'interface'}
        										and defined $NI->{'interface'}{$index}
        										and defined $NI->{'interface'}{$index}{threshold}
        										and $NI->{'interface'}{$index}{threshold} eq "true"
        							my ($cbqos,$direction) = split(/\-/,$type);
        							dbg("CBQOS cbqos=$cbqos direction=$direction index=$index");
        							foreach my $class ( keys %{$NI->{$cbqos}{$index}{$direction}{ClassMap}} )
        								dbg("  CBQOS class=$class $NI->{$cbqos}{$index}{$direction}{ClassMap}{$class}{Name}");
        		## process each status and have it decay the overall node status......
        		#"High TCP Connection Count--tcpCurrEstab" : {
        		#   "status" : "ok",
        		#   "value" : "1",
        		#   "event" : "High TCP Connection Count",
        		#   "element" : "tcpCurrEstab",
        		#   "index" : null,
        		#   "level" : "Normal",
        		#   "type" : "test",
        		#   "updated" : 1423619108,
        		#   "method" : "Alert",
        		#   "property" : "$r > 250"
        		my $count = 0;
        		my $countOk = 0;
        		foreach my $statusKey (sort keys %{$S->{info}{status}})
        			my $eventKey = $S->{info}{status}{$statusKey}{event};
        			$eventKey = "Alert: $S->{info}{status}{$statusKey}{event}"
        					if $S->{info}{status}{$statusKey}{method} eq "Alert";
        			# event control is as configured or all true.
        			my $thisevent_control = $events_config->{$eventKey} || { Log => "true", Notify => "true", Status => "true"};
        			# if this is an alert and it is older than 1 full poll cycle, delete it from status.
        			# fixme: this logic is broken with variable polling
        			if ( $S->{info}{status}{$statusKey}{updated} < time - 500) {
        				delete $S->{info}{status}{$statusKey};
        			# in case of Status being off for this event, we don't have to include it in the calculations
        			elsif (not getbool($thisevent_control->{Status}) ) {
        				dbg("Status Summary Ignoring: event=$S->{info}{status}{$statusKey}{event}, Status=$thisevent_control->{Status}",1);
        				$S->{info}{status}{$statusKey}{status} = "ignored";
        			else {
        				if ( $S->{info}{status}{$statusKey}{status} eq "ok" ) {
        		if ( $count and $countOk ) {
        			my $perOk = sprintf("%.2f",$countOk/$count * 100);
        			info("Status Summary = $perOk, $count, $countOk\n");
        			$NI->{system}{status_summary} = $perOk;
        			$NI->{system}{status_updated} = time();
        			# cache the current nodestatus for use in the dash
        			my $nodestatus = nodeStatus(NI => $NI);
        			if ( not $nodestatus ) {
        				$NI->{system}{nodestatus} = "unreachable";
        			elsif ( $nodestatus == -1 ) {
        				$NI->{system}{nodestatus} = "degraded";
        			else {
        				$NI->{system}{nodestatus} = "reachable";
        		# Save the new status results, but only if run standalone
        		$S->writeNodeInfo() if ($type eq "threshold");
        	if ( defined $C->{log_polling_time} and getbool($C->{log_polling_time}))
        		my $polltime = $pollTimer->elapTime();
        		if ( $name ) {
        			logMsg("Poll Time: $name, $polltime");
        		else {
        			logMsg("Poll Time: $polltime");
        	func::update_operations_stamp(type => "threshold", start => $starttime, stop => Time::HiRes::time())
        			if ($type eq "threshold");	# not if part of collect
        # performs the threshold value checking and event raising for
        # one or more threshold configurations
        # args: sys, type, thrname, index, item, class (all required),
        # table (required hashref but may be empty),
        # returns: nothing but raises/clears events (via thresholdProcess) and updates table
        sub runThrHld
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $M = $S->mdl;
        	my $IF = $S->ifinfo;
        	my $ET = $S->{info}{env_temp};
        	my $DISK = $S->{info}{storage};
        	my $sts = $args{table};
        	my $type = $args{type};
        	my $thrname = $args{thrname};
        	my $index = $args{index};
        	my $item = $args{item};
        	my $class = $args{class};
        	my $stats;
        	my $element;
        	dbg("WORKING ON Threshold for thrname=$thrname type=$type item=$item");
        	my $threshold_period = "-15 minutes";
        	if ( $C->{"threshold_period-default"} ne "" ) {
        		$threshold_period = $C->{"threshold_period-default"};
        	### 2013-09-16 keiths, User defined threshold periods.
        	if ( exists $C->{"threshold_period-$type"} and $C->{"threshold_period-$type"} ne "" )
        		$threshold_period = $C->{"threshold_period-$type"};
        		dbg("Found Configured Threshold for $type, changing to \"$threshold_period\"");
        	#	check if values are already in table (done by doSummaryBuild)
        	if (exists $sts->{$S->{name}}{$type})
        		$stats = $sts->{$S->{name}}{$type};
        		$stats = getSummaryStats(sys=>$S, type=>$type,
        														 start=>$threshold_period, end=>'now',
        														 index=>$index, item=>$item);
        	# get name of element
        	if ($index eq '')
        		$element = '';
        	elsif ($index ne '' and $thrname eq "env_temp" )
        		$element = $ET->{$index}{tempDescr};
        	elsif ($index ne '' and $thrname =~ /^hrsmpcpu/ )
        		$element = "CPU $index";
        	elsif ($index ne '' and $thrname =~ /^hrdisk/ )
        		$element = "$DISK->{$index}{hrStorageDescr}";
        	elsif ($type =~ /cbqos/
        				 and defined $IF->{$index}{ifDescr} and $IF->{$index}{ifDescr} ne "" )
        		$element = "$IF->{$index}{ifDescr}: $item";
        	elsif ( defined $IF->{$index}{ifDescr} and $IF->{$index}{ifDescr} ne "" )
        		$element = $IF->{$index}{ifDescr};
        	elsif ( defined $M->{systemHealth}{sys}{$type}{indexed}
        					and $M->{systemHealth}{sys}{$type}{indexed} ne "true" )
        		my $elementVar = $M->{systemHealth}{sys}{$type}{indexed};
        		if ( ref($NI->{$type}) eq "HASH" && ref($NI->{$type}->{$index}) eq "HASH"
        				 and defined ($NI->{$type}->{$index}->{$elementVar}) and $NI->{$type}{$index}{$elementVar} ne "" )
        			$element = $NI->{$type}{$index}{$elementVar};
        	if ( $element eq "" ) {
        		$element = $index;
        	# walk through threshold names
        	$thrname = stripSpaces($thrname);
        	my @nm_list = split(/,/,$thrname);
        	foreach my $nm (@nm_list)
        		dbg("processing threshold $nm");
        		# check for control_regex
        		if ( defined $M->{threshold}{name}{$nm}
        			and $M->{threshold}{name}{$nm}{control_regex} ne ""
        			and $item ne "" )
        			if ( $item =~ /$M->{threshold}{name}{$nm}{control_regex}/ )
        				dbg("MATCHED threshold $nm control_regex MATCHED $item");
        				dbg("SKIPPING threshold $nm: $item did not match control_regex");
        		my $goodies = getThresholdLevel(sys=>$S,
        		# get 'Proactive ....' string of Model
        		my $event = $S->parseString(string=>$M->{threshold}{name}{$nm}{event}, index=>$index);
        		my $details = "";
        		my $spacer = "";
        		if ( $type =~ /interface|pkts/ and $IF->{$index}{Description} ne "" )
        			$details = $IF->{$index}{Description};
        			$spacer = " ";
        		### 2014-08-27 keiths, display human speed and handle ifSpeedIn and ifSpeedOut
        		if ( getbool($C->{global_events_bandwidth})
        				 and $type =~ /interface|pkts/ and $IF->{$index}{ifSpeed} ne "")
        			my $ifSpeed = $IF->{$index}->{ifSpeed};
        			if ( $event =~ /Input/ and exists $IF->{$index}{ifSpeedIn} and $IF->{$index}{ifSpeedIn} ) {
        				$ifSpeed = $IF->{$index}->{ifSpeedIn};
        			elsif ( $event =~ /Output/ and exists $IF->{$index}{ifSpeedOut} and $IF->{$index}{ifSpeedOut} ) {
        				$ifSpeed = $IF->{$index}->{ifSpeedOut};
        			$details .= $spacer."Bandwidth=".convertIfSpeed($ifSpeed);
        										 type=>$type, # crucial for context
        										 level => $goodies->{level},
        										 element=>$element, # crucial for context
        										 value => $goodies->{level_value},
        										 thrvalue => $goodies->{level_threshold},
        										 reset=> $goodies->{reset},
        										 thrname=>$nm, # crucial for context
        										 index=>$index,	 # crucial for context
        										 class=>$class, # crucial for context
        										 level_select => $goodies->{level_select},
        # args: sys, thrname, stats, index, item; pretty much all required
        # returns hashref with keys:
        # level (=textual level),
        # level_value (= numeric value)
        # level_threshold (=comparison value that caused this level to be chosen),
        # level_select (=default or key of the threshold level set that was chosen),
        # reset (=?),
        # error (n/a if things work).
        sub getThresholdLevel
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	my $NI = $S->ndinfo;
        	my $M  = $S->mdl;
        	my $thrname = $args{thrname};
        	my $stats = $args{stats}; # value of items
        	my $index = $args{index};
        	my $item = $args{item};
        	my $val;											# hash of level cutoffs to compare against
        	my $level;										# text
        	my $thrvalue;									# numeric value
        	my $level_select;
        	dbg("Start threshold=$thrname, index=$index item=$item");
        	# look for applicable level selection set in model
        	return  { error => "no threshold=$thrname entry found in Model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel}" }
        	if (ref($M->{threshold}{name}{$thrname}) ne "HASH"
        			or ref($M->{threshold}{name}{$thrname}{select}) ne "HASH"
        			or !keys %{$M->{threshold}{name}{$thrname}{select}}); # at least ONE level must be there
        	# which level selector works for this thing? check in order of the level_select keys
        	my $T = $M->{threshold}{name}{$thrname}{select};
        	foreach my $thr (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$T})
        		next if $thr eq 'default'; # skip now the default values
        		if (($S->parseString(string=>"($T->{$thr}{control})?1:0",index=>$index,item=>$item)))
        			$val = $T->{$thr}{value};
        			$level_select = $thr;
        			dbg("found threshold=$thrname entry=$thr");
        	# if nothing found and there are default values available, use these
        	if (!defined($val) and $T->{default}{value} ne "")
        		$val = $T->{default}{value};
        		$level_select = "default";
        		dbg("found threshold=$thrname entry=default");
        	# still no luck? eror out
        	if (!defined($val))
        		logMsg("ERROR, $thrname in Model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel} has no select!");
        		return  { error => "$thrname in Model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel} has no select!" };
        	my $value; # numeric value of doSummary()
        	my $reset = 0;
        	# item is the attribute name of summary stats of Model
        	$value = $stats->{$M->{threshold}{name}{$thrname}{item}} if $index eq "";
        	$value = $stats->{$index}{$M->{threshold}{name}{$thrname}{item}} if $index ne "";
        	dbg("threshold=$thrname, item=$M->{threshold}{name}{$thrname}{item}, value=$value");
        	# check unknown/nonnumeric value, treat it as normal
        	if ($value =~ /NaN/i) {
        		dbg("INFO, illegal value $value, skipped.");
        		return { level => "Normal",
        						 reset => $reset,
        						 level_select => $level_select,
        						 level_value => $value };
        	### all zeros policy to disable thresholding - match and return 'normal'
        	if ( $val->{warning} == 0
        			and $val->{minor} == 0
        			and $val->{major} == 0
        			and $val->{critical} == 0
        			and $val->{fatal} == 0
        			and defined $val->{warning}
        			and defined $val->{minor}
        			and defined $val->{major}
        			and defined $val->{critical}
        			and defined $val->{fatal}) {
        		return { level => "Normal", level_value => $value,
        						 level_select => $level_select,
        						 reset => $reset };
        	# Thresholds for higher being good and lower bad
        	if ( $val->{warning} > $val->{fatal}
        			and defined $val->{warning}
        			and defined $val->{minor}
        			and defined $val->{major}
        			and defined $val->{critical}
        			and defined $val->{fatal} ) {
        		if ( $value <= $val->{fatal} ) { $level = "Fatal"; $thrvalue = $val->{fatal};}
        		elsif ( $value <= $val->{critical} and $value > $val->{fatal} ) { $level = "Critical"; $thrvalue = $val->{critical};}
        		elsif ( $value <= $val->{major} and $value > $val->{critical} ) { $level = "Major"; $thrvalue = $val->{major}; }
        		elsif ( $value <= $val->{minor} and $value > $val->{major} ) { $level = "Minor"; $thrvalue = $val->{minor}; }
        		elsif ( $value <= $val->{warning} and $value > $val->{minor} ) { $level = "Warning"; $thrvalue = $val->{warning}; }
        		elsif ( $value > $val->{warning} ) { $level = "Normal"; $reset = $val->{warning}; $thrvalue = $val->{warning}; }
        	# Thresholds for lower being good and higher being bad
        	elsif ( $val->{warning} < $val->{fatal}
        			and defined $val->{warning}
        			and defined $val->{minor}
        			and defined $val->{major}
        			and defined $val->{critical}
        			and defined $val->{fatal} ) {
        		if ( $value < $val->{warning} ) { $level = "Normal"; $reset = $val->{warning}; $thrvalue = $val->{warning}; }
        		elsif ( $value >= $val->{warning} and $value < $val->{minor} ) { $level = "Warning"; $thrvalue = $val->{warning}; }
        		elsif ( $value >= $val->{minor} and $value < $val->{major} ) { $level = "Minor"; $thrvalue = $val->{minor}; }
        		elsif ( $value >= $val->{major} and $value < $val->{critical} ) { $level = "Major"; $thrvalue = $val->{major}; }
        		elsif ( $value >= $val->{critical} and $value < $val->{fatal} ) { $level = "Critical"; $thrvalue = $val->{critical}; }
        		elsif ( $value >= $val->{fatal} ) { $level = "Fatal"; $thrvalue = $val->{fatal}; }
        	# fixme: why is level normal returned if the threshold config is broken??
        	if (!defined $level)
        		logMsg("ERROR no policy found, threshold=$thrname, value=$value, node=$S->{name}, model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel} section threshold");
        		return { error => "no policy found, threshold=$thrname, value=$value, node=$S->{name}, model=$NI->{system}{nodeModel} section threshold",
        						 level => "Normal",
        						 level_value => $value,
        						 level_select => $level_select,
        						 reset => $reset };
        	dbg("result threshold=$thrname, level=$level, value=$value, thrvalue=$thrvalue, reset=$reset");
        	return { level => $level,
        					 level_value => $value,
        					 level_threshold => $thrvalue,
        					 reset => $reset,
        					 level_select => $level_select };
        sub thresholdProcess
        	my %args = @_;
        	my $S = $args{sys};
        	# fixme why no error checking? what about negative or floating point values like 1.3e5?
        	if ( $args{value} =~ /^\d+$|^\d+\.\d+$/ )
        		info("$args{event}, $args{level}, $args{element}, value=$args{value} reset=$args{reset}");
        		my $details = "Value=$args{value} Threshold=$args{thrvalue}";
        		if ( defined $args{details} and $args{details} ne "" )
        			$details = "$args{details}: Value=$args{value} Threshold=$args{thrvalue}";
        		my $statusResult = "ok";
        		if ( $args{level} =~ /Normal/i )
        						 event=>$args{event}, # this is cooked at this point and no good for context
        						 context => { type => "threshold",
        													source => "snmp", # fixme needs extension to support wmi as source
        													name => $args{thrname},
        													thresholdtype => $args{type},
        													index =>  $args{index},
        													class => $args{class},
        						 } );
        			$statusResult = "error";
        		my $index = $args{index};
        		if ( $index eq "" )
        			$index = 0;
        		my $statusKey = "$args{thrname}--$index";
        		$statusKey = "$args{thrname}--$index--$args{class}" if defined $args{class} and $args{class};
        		# save the threshold in the status thingy
        		$S->{info}{status}{$statusKey} = {
        			method => "Threshold",
        			type => $args{type},			# context
        			property => $args{thrname}, # context, but  fixme: why called property?
        			event => $args{event},
        			index => $args{index},
        			level => $args{level},
        			level_select => $args{level_select}, # for context: which level select set was used
        			status => $statusResult,
        			element => $args{element},
        			value => $args{value},
        			updated => time(),
        sub printRunTime
        	my $endTime = sprintf("%.2f", Time::HiRes::time() - $starttime);
        	info("End of $0, type=$type ran for $endTime seconds.\n");
        # iterate over nodes and add any new groups to the configuration
        # this is normally NOT automated, as groups are an administrative feature
        # for maintenance (as nodes in unlisted groups are active but not
        # shown in the gui)
        # args: none
        # returns: undef if ok, error message otherwise
        sub sync_groups
        	my $NT = loadLocalNodeTable(); 	# only local nodes
        	dbg("table Local Node loaded",2);
        	# reread the config with a lock and unflattened
        	my $fn = $C->{'<nmis_conf>'}."/".($nvp{conf}||"Config").".nmis";
        	my ($rawC,$fh) = readFiletoHash(file => $fn, lock => 'true');
        	return "Error: failed to read config $fn!" if (!$rawC or !keys %$rawC);
        	my %oldgroups = map { $_ => 1 } (split(/\s*,\s*/, $rawC->{system}->{group_list}));
        	my %newgroups;
        	for my $node (keys %$NT)
        		my $thisgroup = $NT->{$node}->{group};
        		next if ($oldgroups{$thisgroup});
        	print "Existing groups:\n\t", (%oldgroups? join("\n\t",keys %oldgroups) : "<None>"),
        	"\n\nNew groups to add:\n\t", (%newgroups? join("\n\t", keys %newgroups) : "<None>"),
        	if (%newgroups)
        		$rawC->{system}->{group_list} = join(",", sort(keys %oldgroups, keys %newgroups));
        		writeHashtoFile(file => $fn, handle => $fh, data => $rawC);
        		close $fh;
        	return undef;
        # this is a maintenance command for removing old, broken or unwanted files,
        # replaces and extends the old admin/nmis_file_cleanup.sh
        # args: none, but checks nvp simulate (default: false, if true only prints
        # what it would do)
        # returns: undef if ok, error message otherwise
        sub purge_files
        	my %nukem;
        	info("Starting to look for purgable files");
        	# config option, extension, where to look...
        	my @purgatory = (
        		{ ext => qr/\.rrd$/,
        			minage => $C->{purge_rrd_after} || 30*86400,
        			location => $C->{database_root},
        			also_empties => 1,
        			description => "Old RRD files",
        			ext => qr/\.(tgz|tar\.gz)$/,
        			minage => $C->{purge_backup_after} || 30*86400,
        			location => $C->{'<nmis_backups>'},
        			also_empties => 1,
        			description => "Old Backup files",
        			# old nmis state files - legacy .nmis under var
        			minage => $C->{purge_state_after} || 30*86400,
        			ext => qr/\.nmis$/,
        			location => $C->{'<nmis_var>'},
        			also_empties =>  1,
        			description => "Legacy .nmis files",
        			# old nmis state files - json files but only directly in var,
        			# or in network or in service_status
        			minage => $C->{purge_state_after} || 30*86400,
        			location => $C->{'<nmis_var>'},
        			path => qr!^$C->{'<nmis_var>'}/*(network|service_status)?/*[^/]+\.json$!,
        			also_empties =>  1,
        			description => "Old JSON state files",
        			# old nmis state files - json files under nmis_system,
        			# except auth_failure files
        			minage => $C->{purge_state_after} || 30*86400,
        			location => $C->{'<nmis_var>'}."/nmis_system",
        			notpath => qr!^$C->{'<nmis_var>'}/nmis_system/auth_failures/!,
        			ext => qr/\.json$/,
        			also_empties =>  1,
        			description => "Old internal JSON state files",
        			# broken empty json files - don't nuke them immediately, they may be tempfiles!
        			minage => 3600,						# 60 minutes seems a safe upper limit for tempfiles
        			ext => qr/\.json$/,
        			location => $C->{'<nmis_var>'},
        			only_empties => 1,
        			description => "Empty JSON state files",
        			minage => $C->{purge_event_after} || 30*86400,
        			path => qr!events/.+?/history/.+\.json$!,
        			also_empties => 1,
        			location => $C->{'<nmis_var>'}."/events",
        			description => "Old event history files",
        			minage => $C->{purge_jsonlog_after} || 30*86400,
        			also_empties => 1,
        			ext => qr/\.json/,
        			location => $C->{json_logs},
        			description => "Old JSON log files",
        	my $simulate = getbool($nvp{simulate});
        	for my $rule (@purgatory)
        		my $olderthan = time - $rule->{minage};
        		next if (! $rule->{location});
        		info("checking dir $rule->{location} for $rule->{description}");
        		File::Find::find( {
        			wanted => sub
        				my $localname = $_;
        				# don't need it at the moment my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
        				my $fn = $File::Find::name;
        				my @stat = stat($fn);
        				next if (!S_ISREG($stat[2]) # not a file
        								 or ($rule->{ext} and $localname !~ $rule->{ext}) # not a matching ext
        								 or ($rule->{path} and $fn !~ $rule->{path}) # not a matching path
        								 or ($rule->{notpath} and $fn =~ $rule->{notpath})); # or an excluded path
        				# also_empties: purge by age or empty, versus only_empties: only purge empties
        				if ($rule->{only_empties})
        					next if ($stat[7]);		# size
        					next if ( ($stat[7] or !$rule->{also_empties}) # zero size allowed if empties is off
        										and ($stat[9] >= $olderthan) );			# younger than the cutoff?
        				$nukem{$fn} = $rule->{description};
        			follow => 1, }, $rule->{location});
        	for my $fn (sort keys %nukem)
        		my $shortfn = File::Spec->abs2rel($fn, $C->{'<nmis_base>'});
        		if ($simulate)
        			print "purge: rule '$nukem{$fn}' matches $shortfn\n";
        			info("removing $shortfn (rule '$nukem{$fn}')");
        			unlink($fn) or return "Failed to unlink $fn: $!";
        	info("Purging complete");
        	return undef;
        # sysUpTime under nodeinfo is a mess: not only is nmis overwriting it with
        # in nonreversible format on the go,
        # it's also used by and scribbled over in various places, and needs synthesizing
        # from two separate properties in case of a wmi-only node.
        # this helper takes in a sys object and attempts to make sysUpTime and sysUpTimeSec
        # from whatever sys' nodeinfo structure contains.
        sub makesysuptime
        	my ($sys) = @_;
        	my $info = $sys->ndinfo->{system};
        	return if (ref($info) ne "HASH" or !keys %$info);
        	# if this is wmi, we need to make a sysuptime first. these are seconds
        	# who should own sysUpTime, this needs to only happen if SNMP not available OMK-3223
        	#if ($info->{wintime} && $info->{winboottime})
        	#	$info->{sysUpTime} = 100 * ($info->{wintime}-$info->{winboottime});
        	# pre-mangling it's a number, maybe fractional, in 1/100s ticks
        	# post-manging it is text, and we can't do a damn thing anymore
        	if (defined($info->{sysUpTime}) && $info->{sysUpTime} =~ /^\d+(\.\d*)?$/)
        		$info->{sysUpTimeSec} = int($info->{sysUpTime}/100); # save away
        		$info->{sysUpTime} = func::convUpTime($info->{sysUpTimeSec}); # seconds into text
        # *****************************************************************************
        # Copyright (C) Opmantek Limited (www.opmantek.com)
        # This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
        # This is free software licensed under GNU GPL, and you are welcome to
        # redistribute it under certain conditions; see www.opmantek.com or email
        # contact@opmantek.com
        # *****************************************************************************




        /usr/local/nmis8/bin/nmis.pl type=update mthread=true maxthreads=25

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