
Good day,

I have been trying to create a graph for the level of reception for a team that uses 3G technology. But it has given me problems. So I describe the steps you use in case someone can help me.

1. Use the "snmpwalk" to validate that the NMIS supports the OID that I need to use.

root @ nmisslvcc1 mibs] # snmpwalk -v2c -c Public
SNMPv2-SMI :: enterprises.2007. = INTEGER: -83
SNMPv2-SMI :: enterprises.2007. = INTEGER: -83
[root @ nmisslvcc1 mibs] # snmpwalk -v2c -c Public
SNMPv2-SMI :: enterprises.2007. = INTEGER: -82
SNMPv2-SMI :: enterprises.2007. = INTEGER: -82

2. In the "nmis_mibs.oid" file, add the OIDs that are necessary.

"rxLevelTeldat" ""
"rscpTeldat" ""

3. Within the file that I have created the Teldat router model, in the "rrd" part add the following.

     'rrd' => {
       'nodehealth' => {
         'threshold' => '',
         'graphtype' => 'cpu-Teldat, rxLevel-Teldat',
         'snmp' => {
             'rxLevelTeldat' => {
             'oid' => 'rxLevelTeldat',
             'option' => 'gauge, 0: U'
           'rscpTeldat' => {
             'oid' => 'rscpTeldat',
             'option' => 'gauge, 0: U'

4. Create the graph "Graph-rxLevel-Teldat.nmis"

% hash = (
        'title' => {
                'standard' => '$ node - $ length from $ datestamp_start to $ datestamp_end',
                'short' => '$ node $ length'
        'vlabel' => {
                'standard' => 'Rx dBm TELDAT'
        'option' => {
                'standard' => [
                        'DEF: rscpTeldat = $ database: rscpTeldat: AVERAGE',
                        'DEF: rxLevelTeldat = $ database: rxLevelTeldat: AVERAGE',
                        'LINE2: rscpTeldat # 4daef6: RSCP',
                        'GPRINT: rscpTeldat: LAST: Current% 1.2lf dBm',
                        'GPRINT: rscpTeldat: AVERAGE: Avg. % 1.2lf dBm ',
                        'GPRINT: rscpTeldat: MAX: Max% 1.2lf dBm \\ n',
                        'LINE1: rxLevelTeldat # 00cc00: Rx Level',
                        'GPRINT: rxLevelTeldat: LAST: Current% 1.2lf dBm',
                        'GPRINT: rxLevelTeldat: AVERAGE: Avg. % 1.2lf dBm ',
                        'GPRINT: rxLevelTeldat: MAX: Max% 1.2lf dBm \\ n',
                'small' => [
                        'DEF: rscpTeldat = $ database: rscpTeldat: AVERAGE',
                        'DEF: rxLevelTeldat = $ database: rxLevelTeldat: AVERAGE',
                        'LINE2: rscpTeldat # 4daef6: RSCP',
                        'GPRINT: rscpTeldat: LAST: Current% 1.0lf',
                      # 'GPRINT: rscpTeldat: AVERAGE: Avg. % 1.0lf ',
                      # 'GPRINT: rscpTeldat: MAX: Max% 1.0lf \\ n',
                        'LINE1: rxLevelTeldat # 00cc00: Rx Level',
                        'GPRINT: rxLevelTeldat: LAST: Current% 1.0lf',
                      # 'GPRINT: rxLevelTeldat: AVERAGE: Avg. % 1.0lf ',
                      # 'GPRINT: rxLevelTeldat: MAX: Max% 1.0lf \\ n',

but it shows me the data in white, I would appreciate any help you can give me. I have done some

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    2 answers


      Hello Ivan,

      I commented that those links had already reviewed them and they helped me to create CPU and Memory charts. But with the graph for the levels of recption does not work for me. I even checked how the graphics for the 2G and 3G state are created but it does not work for me.


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