Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
package ReportConditions;
our $VERSION = "0.0.0";
use strict;
sub process_configuration
    my (%args) = @_;
    my ($node, $node_info, $command, $configuration_data, 
            $derived, $alerts, $conditions, $logger, $opconfig)
            = @args{qw(node node_info command configuration_data 
derived_info alerts conditions logger opconfig)};
    # ...insert logic that looks at context of command, configuration_data, node etc
    # to determine what conditions and states these imply
    return { success => 1,
             conditions => { 
               "ReportConditions" => {
                  "node is lacking something" => 0,
                  "command implies something is in good shape" => 1,
                  "something unexpectedly couldn't be analysed" => undef,

New Report Condition Elements in opConfig 4.2.1

Showing Urls

Image Added

Code Block
push(@foundConditions, {
  message=> "Interface $interface has HIGH percentage of INPUT packets being switched by the processor.",
  url => "",
  url_label => "Knowledge Base",
  condition => 1,


Image Added

Code Block
push(@foundConditions, {
  message=>"Interface $interface has HIGH percentage of OUTPUT packets being switched by the processor.",
  tooltip => "This is a bad thing, you should release the monkeys",
  condition => 0,


Image Added

Code Block
  message=>"Interface $interface has HIGH percentage of input errors.",
  condition => 1

How to use a plugin to prepare derived information (or knowledge) for opConfig


Code Block
package DerivedInfo;
our $VERSION = "0.0.0";
use strict;
sub process_configuration
    my (%args) = @_;
    my ($node, $node_info, $command, $configuration_data, 
            $derived, $alerts, $conditions, $logger, $opconfig)
            = @args{qw(node node_info command configuration_data 
              derived_info alerts conditions logger opconfig)};
    # ...insert logic that derives knowledge from the context
    return { success => 1,
             derived_info => {
               some_reportable_thing =>
                 type => "table",
                 title => "Reported by ".__PACKAGE__,
                 labels => [ 'one col', 'another col', ],
                 rows => [ [ 'maybe key', 'maybe value', ],
                           [ 'maybe key2', 'maybe value', ],
                           [ 'last row', 'last value', ],
               my_filtered_table => {
                 type => 'table',
                 labels => [ 'first col', 'second', undef, 'and at long last' ],
                 rows => [ 
                           [ 'note that', 'there is', 'a gap', 'something that you were not meant to see' ],
                           [ 1, 2, 3, 4, ],
               ours_but_not_displayed =>
                 doesnt_display => "whatever",
                 stored =>  [ 4, 7, 29 ],
                 deep_is_ok => { other => { thing => [ 1..10 ],  } },


Plugin Input Argument Structures
