Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


5.- Se pregunta que si se desea iniciar la instalación o actualizacion actualización para esto respondemos que si (y)

Code Block
chmod +x 


Checking Installation Target

The standard NMIS installation target is "/usr/local/nmis8".
To install NMIS into a different directory please answer the question below
with "no" and restart the installer with the argument site=<custom_dir>,
e.g. ./ site=/opt/nmis8

OK to start installation/upgrade to /usr/local/nmis8?
Type 'y' or <Enter> to accept, or 'n' to decline:

6.- El instalador detecta una versión de NMIS y pregunta que se deseamos realizar una copia de seguridad.

Code Block
Existing NMIS8 Installation detected

It seems that you have an existing NMIS installation
in /usr/local/nmis8. The installer can upgrade the existing installation,
or remove it and install from scratch.

Do you want to take a backup of your current NMIS install?
(RRD data is NOT included!)
Type 'y' or <Enter> to accept, or 'n' to decline: y

7.- ¿Desea actualizar la instalación existente?

Code Block

Do you want to upgrade the existing installation?
If you say No here, the existing installation will be REMOVED and OVERWRITTEN!

Type 'y' or <Enter> to accept, or 'n' to decline: y

Copying NMIS files...

Copying source files from /tmp/selfgz1986821441 to /usr/local/nmis8..

8.- Enter para continuar

Code Block
You should check the NMIS Wiki for instructions on manual
model upgrades:

Hit <Enter> to continue:
Auto-upgradeable model files detected

9.- Migración de rrd

Code Block
OK to run rrd migration script?
Type 'y' or <Enter> to accept, or 'n' to decline:
Running RRD migration script in test mode first...