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opHA can send syslogs using escalation or send syslogs at the same time as the events are logged to the local file, which is basically realtime, this bypasses using the escalation system.


Primary Configuration

We need to make sure the Master Primary is setup to receive logs, the following documentation is for rsyslog. 
Edit the rsyslog config /etc/rsyslog.conf, make sure it is willing to accept logs, and that the facility used above is going into the slavepoller_event_log

Code Block
# Provides UDP syslog reception
$UDPServerRun 514

# Provides TCP syslog reception
$InputTCPServerRun 514

#slave#poller NMIS servers use local1 by default, capture that into slavepoller_event.log
local1.*                                                /usr/local/nmis8/logs/slavepoller_event.log


Now make sure rsyslog is running. 
Code Block
service rsyslog restart


Poller Configuration

Now configure NMIS slaves pollers to send their logs through syslog to your master primary server. To run events through syslog check this config setting:
'syslog_events' => 'true'

Then make sure the config has the correct settings for the Master primary syslog service, specifically make sure the syslog_server points to the correct host, proto and port: 

Code Block
'syslog' => {
    'syslog_events' => 'true',
    'syslog_facility' => 'local1',
    'syslog_server' => 'master.ip.address:udp:514',
    'syslog_use_escalation' => 'false'

To run Escalations on events before syslog:

To run events through escalations before putting them into syslog:
'syslog_use_escalation' => 'true'

No Escalations on events before syslog:

To have events go directly into syslog without escalations
'syslog_use_escalation' => 'false'

This will use the Common-events model to determine which events should be sent as syslogs, by default all events will be sent, except for some of those events for deleted interfaces, etc.


On the slave poller run: 

Code Block
[root@slaveroot@poller nmis8]#/usr/local/nmis8/admin/

If using the NMIS9 version of applications, use this command to test syslog:

Code Block
./usr/local/nmis9/admin/ act=syslog

On the master primary you should see the event (in the GUI as well if you refresh) 

Code Block
[root@master logs]# tail -f /usr/local/nmis8/logs/slavepoller_event.log
Jan  5 10:24:42 demo[20840]: NMIS_Event::demo::1420417479,demo,Test Event,Normal,,
