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opEvents 4.3.



07 14 Aug 2023


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the file /usr/local/omk/install/EventNmisRules.json that was leading to errors being reported by the installer while checking for configuration changes. The error in the file has now been fixed.

opEvents 4.3.3

07 Aug 2023


  • opEvents now supports adding Notes to events. 
    • You can add and edit the
    opEvents now supports adding Notes to the events. 
    • You can add and edit the Note Title on the Events and Current Events pages.
    • You can add and edit the longer Note Text and the Note Title on the Event Context screen.
    • You can specify the search criteria as Note Title and search for specific text/ Title on the Events and Current Events pages.
  • Added support to edit and delete Saved filters on the Current Events page.
  • The Events and Current Events pages now support searching for priority expressions, for example >3, <=6, !5, 5-7

Bug Fixes

  • Added support for Planned Outage Open and Closed events in EventNmisRules.json

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug Fixed the bug that was causing the API calls with the event.time argument to fail.
  • Fixed multiple bugs in the opEvents filters related to -
    • Saving Filter Names with blank spaces
    • Search being truncated due to ? symbol in the filters
  • Fixed the bug that was causing the Export to CSV function on the Events page to misbehave.
  • Fixed the bug that was causing the opEvents GUI refresh function to fail to synchronize with the system time.
  • Fixed the bug that was causing the opEvents toolbar to not display the Node Context name and URL
  • .
  • Fixed the bug that was causing the opEvents GUI refresh function to fail to synchronize with the system time.
  • Fixed the bug that was causing the opEvents toolbar to not display the Node Context name and URL.


The file /usr/local/omk/install/EventNmisRules.json was updated to include rules for Planned Outage Open and Closed events, unfortunately there was an additional comma after the last rule which causes the installer to show an error message while checking for configuration changes. This has been fixed in opEvents 4.3.4. Update to the latest version of opEvents, then follow the instructions to update your EventNmisRules.json file with the changes.

opEvents 4.3.2

26 April 2023


  • Add Save Filters for Current Events so that you can save your filters and reuse them later.
  • Add a link from opEvents event context to the affected Enterprise Service.
  • Add an option to allow insecure certificates (expired, self-signed, etc) when creating remote events. Config item omk_ua_insecure. 0 (off) by default, change to 1 to enable insecure certificates.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug with filter working on the event name, but NOT applying the filter to new events coming in, so now in real-time mode, only events matching the filter are displayed. 
  • Fix subsequent synthetic events being raised as expected.
  • Fix the Pie chart and Time Series chart on the main dashboard so that the both show the top 10 nodes.


  • This release includes improvements in graph colors and various UI bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the nodes and colours mismatch between graph and pie charts.


  • This release includes improved Accessibility options, including support for Dark Mode. We have taken the opportunity while we tidied up the screens to change Opmantek to FirstWave. These are new features that are backward compatible with earlier releases.

  • Improved event actions index, when you have a high number of action logs in MongoDB there would be a slowdown in fetching these records.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where a call to custom node context links shown in a data-grid cell on Events index page would cause excessive warning logs to opData.log
  • Fixed issue where attributing a node to a newly ingested events host would not lookup other interfaces attributed to the node. We have also added configuration.host_backup to this lookup.


Support for MongoDB 4.2 please see Upgrading to MongoDB 4.2

CAVEATCaveat: EventNmisRules.json was updated to include parsing for various NMIS events, including for Enterprise Services, this was missed from the final build, the included file should be used to replace /usr/local/omk/install/EventNmisRules.json and /usr/local/omk/conf/EventNmisRules.json if you would like the new events handled automatically.


  • opevents_auto_create_nodes is now disabled by default and has to be explicitly set to "true" for nodes to be created.
  • opevents_event_copy_node_properties allows node catchall to be copied to the event, this allows event rules for example to be created
    • event.nodeinfo.catchall_data_sysLocation =~ qr{Odin}

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where an event update without real-time enabled would try and push an update over Redis. If Redis was not configured timeout errors would appear in the logs.


  • Event Context has been updated to support realtime updates over web-sockets.

    • Preforming event actions while in realtime mode will not refresh the page to get the new data

    • Nodes Details is rendered below the Event Context and allows full length rendering of host names which would cause overflowing before.

    • The event context panel is now rendered with a JavaScript template both in realtime and non realtime. If you prefer the old template style rendering or you have made chnages to the html template you will have to enable legacy panels

      • opevents_gui_event_context_legacy_panels : "true" , you cannot set this option if you want the GUI to work in realtime mode.

    • When an event is updated we match the changed keys to then produce the web socket event to update the GUI, some users may have custom keys in the event and may be calling updateEvent through plugins r
      • Using opevents_realtime_push_on_key you can add extra event keys to this array to make sure the GUI updates on changes.
  • Multiple outputs of a script can be saved to a an event. When a script output has been saved we have moved from storing this as a top level key eg script_<scriptname> to having an array of scripts script[{},{}]

    • The hash is stored as keyvalue pairs inside an array

      • _id is the id of the queued event action which stated this script operation

      • time is the completion time of the script

      • script is the name of the script

      • cmdoutput is the output of the script

      • exitcode is the code produced when the script terminated

    • If you have been using a script output in the gui, for example opevents_gui_event_context_summary_list we have retained the old method of asking for the script output.

      • If there are multiple script outputs saved from the script being run multiple times the last script will be used for display in the GUI.

      • In opevents_gui_event_context_summary_list using script.ping_node will get the cmdoutput for this script

        • Calling script.traceroute.time will get time of this script

    • If you have been accessing scripts in Event Plugins you will have to modify your code to accept an array from script and loop through the array till you haved matched the script output name you are interested in.

  • opevents_gui_current_events_priorities has had issues with keeping sorted when we changed to json configuration, we have introduced the config options

    • opevents_gui_current_events_priorities_lower & opevents_gui_current_events_priorities_upper which have superseded opevents_gui_current_events_priorities.

  • Event context Recent event and actions taken grids page size can be configred with
    • opevents_gui_event_context_events_pagination
    • opevents_gui_event_context_actions_pagination

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where the notes set for a node would not display in the event context.


  • You can now pause and start realtime events by using the controls in the top right of the screen.
  • New config option to change the default sort of recent events, opevents_gui_recent_events_default_sort
  • Removed the toast dialogs for realtime events and the grid now shows the websocket status and if it has connected to redis.
  • improvements in the UX from switching between server mode and real time mode when searching or sorting realtime events
  • Improved the collection handling in removing old events
  • When the realtime connection to redis connects the collection will autofresh to make sure the GUI has the latest section of events before new events are added

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where the grid total could would not reflect what was in the collection
  • Fixed issue where the realtime collection being put into server mode would not respond to the refresh button in the top right of the gui


  • New nmisx method to create events in NMIS
  • opEvents plugins now allow use of the self object inside the plugin
  • opevents_realtime_events_max_age new config option to only push events to the GUI which are younger than this value.
  • The reconnect option enables auto-reconnection mode. If we cannot connect to the Redis server, or if a network write fails, we enter retry mode. We will try a new connection every every microseconds (1 ms by default), up-to redis_reconnect seconds.
    • New options in opCommon.json for this
      • redis_reconnect
      • redis_reconnect_every

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where realtime updates would not push any data under key nodeinfo.X
  • Fixed issue where the installer could not preform migrations from opEvents to 3 on remote mongo instances.
  • opEvents EventAction.json is throwing error when using event.priority on condition field.
  • Fixed issue when looking at redis db info with the db not connected would cause a page crash


Please see opEvents Realtime Events page to learn more about this feature, current caveats and using web-sockets with HTTPS.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where Classic Auth group check was giving unexpected results.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where the installer could not preform migrations from opEvents to 3 on remote mongo instances.
  • OpEvents EventAction.json is throwing error when using event.priority on condition field.


New action in opcharts-cli setup-db, this updates oPEvents indexes in MongoDB on install and can be manually run from the cli.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue in opEvents where a large amount MongoDB connections were created and retained.
