Versions Compared


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CPU Report

This report shows the average CPU utilisation for Cisco devices, for both 1-minute and 5-minute averages.

More information can be found here: CPU Report

Free Memory Report

This report shows the free memory statistics for Cisco devices.

More information can be found here: Free Memory Report


Memory Pool Report

This report shows the memory pool statistics for Cisco devices.

More information can be found here: Memory Pool Report

Traffic Usage Report

This report displays the cumulative traffic usage figures for one or more interfaces. The measurements that are displayed include the node and the interface, and total traffic inbound, outbound and combined (all in Gigabyptes), plus a shortened report period column.

More information can be found here: Traffic Usage Report

Traffic Summary Report

The traffic summary report provides a specialized report of categorized and grouped traffic figures for any number of nodes and interfaces.

This report requiresnode_intf_type input file that provides nodes, interfaces and "type" for grouping (see How to select Nodes (and Interfaces) for reporting).

The interfaces are grouped both by their "type" attribute and their average combined utilisation (into categories Low=<45%, Minor=<80%, and Major=>80%).

The  report consists of

  • A summary table, which displays for each "type" category the number of interfaces in each utilisation category (and a total)
  • And a details table for each combination of "type" and utilisation categories.
    The details table shows the node and interface, the input and output interface speeds, the average combined traffic and the average combined utilisation, plus a shortened period column.

For output formats HTML and CSV these tables are shown one after the other. For XLSX, the tables are put on separate worksheets (within a single spreadsheet file).

More information can be found here: Traffic Summary Report

Node Availability Report

New in version 3.0.8. Please note that the precise content of this report is subject to change.

This report provides an overview of nodes' reachability and down time for a given period (which may include business days and/or business hours filtering).
For each selected node the report shows the percentage of time the node was up, down, or partially reachable (i.e. up but packet loss was encountered), plus the percentage of time where NMIS couldn't collect any reachability information whatsoever, as well as the cumulative periods for up, down and periods with missing data.

From version 3.0.10 on this report offers optional embedded graphs of each node's availability. The default choice is to include graphs but you can change that using the report option embedgraphs. In the GUI this option is named "Include Embedded Graphs". The contents of the graph are not configurable, but the desired size can be set using the configuration option opreports_embedded_graph_size (default: 600 pixels wide by 150 pixels high).

More information can be found here: Node Availability Report

Interface Capacity Report

New in version 3.0.8. Please note that the precise content of this report is subject to change.

The interface capacity report displays a comparison between configured interface speeds and observed actual bandwidth figures.

For each selected interface, it shows the configured input and output speeds, the observed maxima of input and output bandwidth for the report period, and the 95th percentile of the interface utilisation.
Before version 3.0.14, the 95th percentile for combined interface utilisation was shown (Combined utilisation in this report means the set of averages of each input and output utilisation reading). From 3.0.14 onwards, you can select from three options: the 95th of combined utilisation, two separate columns for 95th of inpunt and  output utilisation, or three separate columns for 95th of input, output and combined utilisation.

In the HTML output format all interface speed and bandwidth figures are autoscaled and shown with the most appropriate unit, whereas CSV and XLSX outputs contain the unscaled data in bits per second.

From version 3.0.10 on this report offers optional embedded graphs of each interface's capacity. These graphs show the observed input and output bandwidth (input in green, output in blue), and the higher of the configured in and out speeds as a red warning line. If the configured input and output speeds are identical, the 95th percentile of the combined interface utilisation is also shown as a dotted line.

The default choice is to include graphs but you can change that using the report option embedgraphs. In the GUI this option is named "Include Embedded Graphs". The graph contents are not configurable, but the graph size can be adjusted using the configuration option opreports_embedded_graph_size (default: 600 x 150 pixels).

More information can be found here: Interface Capacity Report

Traffic Snapshot Report

New in version 3.0.14.

The snapshot report type produces a table of interface utilisation versus interface capacity for one or more groups of interfaces, with configurable coloring of the utilisation column. The utilisation data is computed and presented for each group of interfaces. Besides that, for each interface a (selectable) NMIS graph is included as well.

The groups of Interfaces are selected exclusively from opCharts Business Service definitions, hence opCharts is required to be installed on the same machine for this report type.

The report type is somewhat geared  towards XLSX outputs, and supports multiple pages where each page definition contains its own list of sources, coloring rules, measurement and graph options; each page definition results in a separate XLSX worksheet. For the CSV output type, only the utilisation tables are present. In HTML output, all the logical pages are included on one HTML page, but visually separate in their own sections.

The snapshot report produces tables of interface utilisation versus interface capacity for one or more groups of nodes and interfaces, with configurable coloring rules for each group (based on utilisation ratio). For each interface a (selectable) NMIS graph is embedded as well.


The Traffic Snapshot Report page provides an example and describes the detailed configuration options for this report type.
