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Version 2.0 adds a major new feature to opConfig: Compliance Management. The compliance engine in opConfig is very flexible and capable and this document describes how to configure and use it to assess your infrastructure.

Conceptual Components

Compliance management with opConfig has the following main aspects:

  • Defining Sources: Where do we get the status and configuration information from?
  • Declaring Policy Rules: What are the rules to be used to assess your systems' compliance?
  • Evaluation and Presentation: Which systems' are or were compliant with which sets of rules? What rules are violated or conformed to? How does the assessment status change over time?

FIXME: insert conceptual diagrams from the devel pptx

Internal Sources of Information

opConfig generally deals with (sets of) commands that are run on a node and collect configuration and status information; the compliance engine fits into that environment and makes use of any command outputs that opConfig has collected.

However, as command outputs are generally unstructured plain text, it is necessary to preprocess these outputs in oder to provide both efficient mechanisms for checking compliance with an organization's rules. The section on Configuration Parses describes how this works.

Open-AudIT Enterprise as Source of Information

opConfig 2.0 also integrates with Open-AudIT Enterprise (versions 1.4.1 and newer), and can import the full set of audit information that Open-AudIT has collected. This is especially valuable in situations where one-off snapshots of large numbers of systems are involved, as Open-AudIT is especially capable for this purpose.

Configuration Parsers

Non-structured command outputs need to be condensed and transformed before opConfig can make compliance assessments in an efficient manner. This operation is performed by any number of 'configuration parsers', small components (written in Perl) that act as Subject-matter Experts and digest the textual input into one precise, unambiguous and structured document that's minimal in the sense of only containing relevant facts and properties.

For example, only small parts of the output of a Cisco's "show interfaces" command would be relevant for detecting configuration mistakes like directed broadcasts being allowed. opConfig itself cannot contain the domain-specific expert knowledge for all kinds of devices, therefore we decided to make these config parsers extensible components: anybody can provide their own parsers for a particular type of command output.

Naturally opConfig ships with a number of parsers, which can be used as examples for how to build your own. The section "Parser Interface" provides a detailed description of how to do that.

Audit data that is imported from Open-AudIT Enterprise is already in structured form and doesn't necessarily have to be transformed, but can be; for example, if your policies only check installed software then you might want to reduce the amount of material by excluding network port information (which Open-AudIT Enterprise does collect).

Configuration Status Document

The results of post-processing all of a node's command outputs with those parsers are merged into one document, the node's configuration status. This is the basis that the compliance policy rules act on.

Node configuration status documents are time-stamped, regenerated when necessary and older statuses remain in the database. It is thus possible to perform compliance checks against the historic status of a node when necessary.

The configuration status document has no prescribed structure but must be representable as a JSON document - this basically means that you can use nested lists (or arrays), hashes and the usual types of singleton scalars to express and  arrange the characteristics that you consider relevant for your  node. Naturally the structure that you choose for your parsers to produce must match up with the properties that your policy rules examine.

Compliance Policies

opConfig supports an arbitrary number of compliance policies in parallel. A compliance policy is a named sets of rules, which examine a node configuration status document and trigger exceptions or compliance assertions if a prescribed set of circumstances is encountered.

For example, your high-level policy restriction might be "No MySQL servers may have a Web server active"; this would be translated into a set of policy statements that find systems which are active MySQL servers and tests whether there is a web server software package installed and/or the ports 80 or 443 are active.

A policy rule can assert (negative or positive) compliance for a particular named compliance criterion; all such assertions (exceptions and confirmations) are saved in the database, together with a configurable amount of assertion context. For example, an assertion about a system's misconfigured DNS setup would normally identify the system but could also include the relevant DNS configuration components for further scrutiny or other system aspects.

The policy rules are structurally similar to the "Event Actions and Escalation" rules in opEvents, and the section "Policy Rule Language" below provides the necessary details.

Policy rules are named, time-stamped and versioned: whenever you instruct opConfig to import a policy document it will compare it against the most recent version of this policy and store it with a new revision if  there are differences. This is to ensure that you can compare policy behaviours over time.

Currently compliance policies are performed on a per-node basis, but future releases will extend this capability to test coporation-wide policies like "there must be at least two active NTP servers".

Compliance Status Presentation

All compliance policy management and assessment activities in opConfig version 2.0 are performed using the command-line tool opconfig-cli. Improved  GUI-based policy editing and management features are planned for the next releases.

Compliance status reporting, on the other hand, is already purely GUI-based and integrated within the normal opConfig web interface.

Technical Details

The following sections provide the technical details necessary for configuring and using opConfig's compliance features effectively.

Parser Interface

opConfig's configuration parsers are more than just parsers and we might have called them "knowledge extractors" instead. The purpose of such a config parser is to consume a particular type of command output and transform (relevant parts of) it into a tree structure.

Parsers are installed in the directory /conf/config_parsers under your opConfig installation dir.

All config parsers must be valid Perl scripts, and we made this choice for efficiency reasons: a language flexible enough to parse and extract information from arbitrary configuration or status command outputs would have been almost as complicated as perl but much less robust.

There is no need to worry about these being Perl, however - simple Perl is very simple indeed, and we've made sure that your parsers don't have to follow too many rules for successful integration.

  • All parser modules must consist of valid perl code, but don't need to be 'complete' perl Packages or Modules, or even use function definitions: the code is executed as given, sequentially, in a sandbox with a few variables and functions predefined.
  • Parser modules may not contain "use Some::Other::Module;" constructs at this point.
  • The  variable "$input" always corresponds to the textual input of the command to analyze. The parser may consume and destroy the contents.
  • The variable "$input_structure" contains a hash reference to the structural  representation of the command output, IF and Only IF that command output was detected as tree-structured.
    Otherwise $input_structure is undef(ined). At this time only Open-AudIT Enterprise imports provide structured command outputs.
  • The variable "$node" contains the node name in question, and "$command" is the name of the command that produced this output. This  can be handy if you want to use one parser for two or more command types with similar outputs.
  • The function '&logger("severity","some message")' can be used to create diagnostic messages for the opConfig log files. Severity must be one of "debug", "info", "warn", "error" or "fatal".
  • If the parser detects an non-recoverable problem with the input then it must return a single string, containing an error message.
  • If the parser has successfully analyzed an input text, it must build a tree representation of the collected  properties (a deep hash in Perl terms) and return a reference to that tree structure.

Here is an excerpt from one of the parsers that ship with opConfig, called

my (%iface,$ifctx,$linectx);
for my $line (split(/\r?\n/,$input))
	if ($line =~ /^(\S+) is (.+), line protocol is (.+)$/)
		my ($admstatus,$linestatus) = ($2,$3);

		$iface{$ifctx}->{shutdown} = $admstatus eq "administratively down" || 0;
		$iface{$ifctx}->{up} = $admstatus eq "up" && $linestatus eq "up" || 0;
# .... some more if/thens removed ....

return { config_features => { interface => \%iface } };

This parser creates a tree structure with a top-level key config_features, which contains a sub-object interface which in turn holds one record per detected interface. All parsers that are available for a node's commands will be run and their results will be merged into one structure.

Parser Caveats and Limitations

  • Parsers currently cannot receive structured document representations for XML or HTML command outputs, only for JSON-formatted material. As a parser isn't allowed to make use of external Perl modules (e.g. an XML parser), this limits acceptable inputs to plain text or JSON. This limitation will likely be removed in a future version of opConfig.
  • The output structure of a parser MAY overlap with other parsers' output hashes wrt. to the hash keys; thus a parser MAY amend another's config structure by filling in new material - but you need to note the following restrictions:
    • Overwriting of hash structure with a scalar is not  supported - the scalar value is ignored.
    • Overwriting of a scalar is not supported - the earlier value remains set and the new value is discarded. This affects only entries that have been set explicitely.
    • all other cases are merged sensibly (ie. scalars are added to arrays, arrays and hashes are merged, etc.)
  • Because of this order dependency, parsers must be configured in order of priority.
    If you do use overlapping structures, the most specific parsers need to run first, and establish correct values, while other parsers can later only fill in the blanks. If all your parsers are written so as to create separate (sub)structures this is not an issue.

Parser and Import Configuration

To activate a particular config parser, you have to add an entry for it to conf/opCommon.nmis in the opconfig_parsers section. The entry must consist of a regular expression (which identifies which commands this parser handles), and of a path pointing to the  parser file. Here is an example excerpt:

'opconfig_parsers' => [
	# regexp (for command) => parser file name (relative to <omk_conf>)
	[ '^show version$' => 'config_parsers/' ],
	[ '^show ip interface$' => 'config_parsers/' ],

It's recommended that you test your parser for syntax errors with perl: "perl -cw ./conf/config_parsers/" will report gross syntactical problems.


fixme: oae import config settings, how to call opconfig-cli for import, how to call opconfig-cli for update-config-status, export-config status

The Policy Language

Policy Caveats and Limitations and

Policy Configuration and Evaluation

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