This requires MongoDB 4.2 to correctly operate please see opCharts MongoDB 4.2 Features

With opCharts 4.4.1 we have are starting to redact private values from the GUI and API and controlling this with a new access policy. This feature required MongoDB 4.2 to work.

We currently redact community "authpassword privpassword authkey privkey wmipassword" in the nodes configuration and may provide the ability for this to be configured in a future release.

In the GUI these values will show as %%%READACTED%%% if you have modified table schema trying to present for exaple, or using the API the value will not be returned and will not show in the JSON document.

In the nodes editing GUI you will see the value has been set and the string %%%REDACTED%%% is used as a placeholder, no redacted data is sent from the server to the users browser.

If you update the value and save the controller will update the node with your newly inputted data.

Controlling this policy.

The access policy Access_Redacted_Values controls this feature.

Using the Access policy in opCharts set the value to 0 if you wish for that access level to no be able to see secret values

Currently the installer allows the administrator to see redacted values and all other users to be unable.

API Only users to get redacted values