
4 answers


    your positive result for 3 indicates that primary comms are ok and that the device prompts are compatible with the existing phrasebooks. not succeeding in step 4 means that none of the existing command sets have matched this device - either because it has no os-info configuration data at all, or because the properties are subtly but sufficiently different from, say, what the ios or iosxr command sets look for. if you add the debug=1 flag to the opconfig-cli invocation you'll get more detailed output about the wheres and whys of the command set selection procedure.


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      I will try the debug=1 flag today and see what I get

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        1. Have you created a Credential Set (select System -> Edit Credential Sets from the menu)
          1. The credential set has been added and is functional for a Cisco Switch on the same network.
        2. Have you added you device to opConfg (select System -> Edit Nodes from the menu), assigned the Personality,  Credential Set, and Transport to it?
          1. The node has been added and configured with all menu items set.  
        3. Does bin/opconfig-cli.pl act=test_connect nodes=node_name connect to the device properly, or is there an error? Fix this step before continuing
          1. When I run the test_connect i get a succesfull connection and when I use the debug=9 option I can see the progress for login and permission elevation with the enable command.
        4. Run a collect using bin/opconfig-cli.pl act=run_command_sets nodes=node_name This should run all the Command Sets associated with the device type and O/S.
          1. When I run this for the single node I get an error that says "Error: No commands were found to run. None of your nodes matched your criteria."
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          Hello Matt,

          A quick check -

          1. Have you created a Credential Set (select System -> Edit Credential Sets from the menu)
          2. Have you added you device to opConfg (select System -> Edit Nodes from the menu), assigned the Personality,  Credential Set, and Transport to it?
          3. Does bin/opconfig-cli.pl act=test_connect nodes=node_name connect to the device properly, or is there an error? Fix this step before continuing
          4. Run a collect using bin/opconfig-cli.pl act=run_command_sets nodes=node_name This should run all the Command Sets associated with the device type and O/S.


          Mark H

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