Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • New Business Services resource, view specific node/interface status' in a single page
  • Fine-grained role-based authorization system
  • Resource data now stored in DB, all data can be exported/imported via CLI tool


  • Map icons in IE 10/11
  • Map custom link text being lost on edit

opCharts 2.6.4


  • Authentication expiry timeout now configurable,  auth_expire_seconds
  • Dashboard editor now loads faster when chart/map files have many definitions


  • Custom chart colours fixed, no longer uses same colour for all datasets
  • Node info panel: node status link now links to same location as the name
  • Node view page: Node status now found in more uniform way
  • Monitored services back button no longer shows JSON


  • Custom Link type for Maps
  • Chart components now show period being displayed in title
  • Starting point of empty geological map now configurable 


  • Show only known Monitored Services when not in master mode
  • Fixed issue with deleting entities on map
  • Network maps no longer have bottom 20px of background clipped
  • Loading and no data found notifications for charts fixed
  • Consistently show % in TopN tables


  • Monitored Services
  • Zoom lock added to maps that support zooming
  • Single Sign On (SSO) with other omkd's, when configured and using FQDN
  • Edit/Delete nodes in Geographical maps, delete links
  • Links to view node in other Opmantek apps if installed


  • Viewing interface graphs on their own now ensure the correct node is being displayed
  • Better map background placement in Network Maps
  • Long node names now shorten better in node list


  • Node search performance on large NMIS installs significantly improved
  • Node selector panel only shows selections in top section, hides the single option below
  • Node list number of rows/columns now configurable ('opcharts_node_list_rows_per_page','opcharts_node_list_cols_per_page')
  • Node search on slave node now redirects directly to slave node info


  • Node search suggestion drop-down box now appears in a more appropriate spot
  • omkd restart/shutdown now properly shuts down when event viewer visible in GUI

opCharts 2.4.10


  • Issue with node list where selected filters are lost when a different page is selected.


  • Spanish translation update
  • Automatic language detection can now be disabled in config (omkd_auto_detect_language)
  • Service data now available in chart creator
  • Automatically uses NMIS users.dat file if it exists, installer backs up current and sym-links to NMIS file


  • Can now select EN as language in GUI when default language was not EN
  • Pages with partial translations fixed 
  • Dataset edit button in chart creator fixed
  • Customer Chart/Dashboard files holding old stock definitions are now replaced on install preventing potential odd behaviour in GUI
  • Maps with blank placeholders now work with links/interface links


  • Maps can now hold nodes from slaves
  • TopN only considers data from the last 15 minutes (so old data will be ignored), time period is configurable
  • Maps holding nodes a user is not authorised for appear grey (but are still on map)
  • More uniform support for master/slave nodes 


  • Users no longer see nodes in node search that they cannot access
  • Better at handling blank nodes in NMIS
  • TopN report only runs once every 5 minutes (configurable) no matter how many times it is called (force option available)
  • Dashboard viewing now verifies a user has rights before displaying anything
  • Pressing new button on auto-generated charts fixed
  • Verified whole system to ensure nodes only visible to users who have rights to see them

opCharts 2.4.2


  • Issue with LDAP and MS Active Directory authentication
  • Permissions on maps refresh was only accessible to admin


  • CBQoS graphs now available for nodes that are collecting it
  • Indexed datasets now more generally supported (including ipsla/rttMonLatestRtt,storage,cpu,etc)
  • Updated GUI
  • REST API also supports more indexed datasets, as well as CBQoS datasets
  • Node selection GUI element now has more tokens to search by


  • Node selection GUI element displays properly
