Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


Request MethodIDActionResulting FunctionURL ExampleNotesExample Response
GETn collection/scriptsReturns a list of scripts.script_collection.json
GETy read/scripts/{id}Returns a scripts details.script_read.json
PATCHy update/scripts/{id}Update an attribute of a scripts entry.script_patch.json
POSTn create/scriptsInsert a new scripts entry. 
DELETEy delete/scripts/{id}Delete a script entry. 

Web Application Routes

Request MethodIDActionResulting FunctionURL ExampleNotes
GETncreatecreate_form/scripts/createDisplays a standard web form for submission to POST /scripts.
GETyupdateupdate_form/scripts/{id}/updateShow the script details with the option to update attributes using PATCH to /scripts/{id}
GETydownloaddownload/scripts/{id}/downloadDownload a complete audit script based on the script entry.
