Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


NOTE - As of 2017-01-05 (at 1400 hours Brisbane, Australia time) an updated 1.12.10 has been released that contains the below fixes. The filename for this contains, but the version displayed in the application itself remains at 1.12.10.

Provide drop down org selection on device details screen.

A file has been patched since the release of Open-AudIT 1.12.10. These files will be incorporated into the next release but are available immediately for those affected.

To apply the filespatch, backup your current file (rename it .bak) and copy these files this file into place.

The default installation directory for Open-AudIT is:


Linux /usr/local/open-audit


Provide drop down org selection on device details screen.

Copy the below file to /open-audit/code_igniter/application/views/theme-bootstrap/v_devices_read.php





Name Match / IP Match invalid value in Enterprise


Code Block
							% if (!%$oac_config or ($oac_config->{discovery_name_match} ne "y" and $oac_config->{discovery_name_match} ne "n")) {
							<li>Name Match invalid value. <a style="color:#729FCF;" href="<%= url_for("index_oae") %>/oaconfig/advanced">Fix</a>.</li>
							% }
							% if (!%$oac_config or ($oac_config->{discovery_ip_match} ne "y" and $oac_config->{discovery_ip_match} ne "n")) {
							<li>IP Match invalid value. <a style="color:#729FCF;" href="<%= url_for("index_oae") %>/oaconfig/advanced">Fix</a>.</li>
							% }




Fix for missing data in oa_user_org


Code Block
mysql -u openaudit -popenauditpassword -e "DELETE FROM openaudit.oa_user_org; INSERT INTO openaudit.oa_user_org (id, user_id, org_id, access_level, permissions) SELECT NULL, id, 0, 10, '' FROM openaudit.oa_user;"



Delete Devices not Seen for 30 Days
