Versions Compared


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Comment: typo


Validation TypeArgumentsDescriptionExample
int[ min, max ] The property value must be an integer.
If min is set, the property must be equal to or  greater than the min.
If max is set, the property must be less than or equal to the max.
If min or max is set to undef, then no limiting is enforced
between 0 and 50, incl:  'int' =>  [ 0, 50 ] 
non-negative integer: 'int' => [ 0, undef ]
float[ min, max, above, below ]

The property value must be a floating point number
min and max work the same as for int.
above sets an exclusive lower limit: the property must be strictly greater than above.
below sets an exclusive upper limit.

Any criteria set to undef are skipped.
between 0 and 1, incl: 'float' =>  [ 0, 1, undef, undef ]
greater than 0.1: [ undef, undef, 0.1, undef ]
regexka Perl regular expression
given in qr/..../ format
The property value must be matched by the regular expression.a blank string or a +HH:MM/-HH:MM timezone:
'regex' => qr/^([+-]?\d{1,2}(:\d{1,2})?)?$/
ip[ acceptable IP versions ]The property must be a valid IP address.
The rule argument sets which IP versions are acceptable; it can contain 4, 6 or both.
any IP address: 'ip' => [ 4, 6 ]
an IP V4 address: 'ip' => [ 4 ]
resolvable[ acceptabe IP versions ]The property must be either a valid IP address, or it must be resolvable to a valid IP address (at the time of validation).
Resolving is performed using the normal system mechanisms, ie. whatever combination of DNS and /etc/hosts is setup using nsswitch.
something with an IP V4 address:
'resolvable' => [ 4 ]
something that resolves to an IP address:
'resolvable' =>  [ 4, 6 ]
onefromlist[ list of acceptable values ]
or undef
The property value must be one of the given explicit values, or one of the default display values if no values are given in this rule.exactly one of the values that was presented visually using value: 'onefromlist' => undef
one of these: 'onefromlist' => [ 'yes', 'no', 'maybe' ]
multifromlist[ list of acceptable values ]
or undef
Like onefromlist, but  accepts multiple values from the accepted list. No values whatsoever does satisfy this validation or more of the presented values:
'multifromlist' => undef
zero or  more of these values:
'multifromlist' => [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 'OMGitsfulllofstars' ]
