Versions Compared


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If you can't access the NMIS web site check that there is no firewall keeping you from accessing your NMIS system (NMIS needs access to TCP port 80), that the apache web server on your NMIS server is running, and that there is no SELinux throwing a spanner in the works.
You may need  to check iptables -L on your NMIS server, as well as /etc/selinux/config and the exit code of selinuxenabled.

SNMPD, Net-SNMP and collecting stats of the NMIS server itself


NMIS8 ships with one default node configured for collection, primarily to prove it is all working. This node is called localhost and NMIS will collect statistics from your NMIS server using SNMP - if an SNMP agent is available, or just Ping statistics if not.

However, the installer does not automatically configure this local Net-SNMP daemon; if you would like to collect the NMIS server's statistics follow the instructions below - otherwise you're done with the installation.

You will likely want to consult and use the example configuration for Net-SNMP's snmpd, which ships with NMIS in the file <nmisdir>/install/snmpd.conf.

Because the installer has installed Net-SNMP for you already, you only need to backup its default config and move in the NMIS example one. You should very much modify this config to secure the SNMP read access according to your organisation's security policy!


Code Block
cd /usr/local/nmis8
mv /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.orig
mv /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf.orig
cp install/snmpd.conf /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
cp install/snmptrapd.conf /etc/snmp
cp install/snmptrapd.options /etc/sysconfig/snmptrapd # for CentOS/Red Hat only 


 The last command in the list above will fail as there is no /etc/sysconfig directory on this platform.  Instead the snmptrap service is started by the snmpd service, and is enabled by updating the file /etc/default/snmpd with the following line:

Code Block


Auto Start SNMP Daemons

Ensure that you tell your system  to start snmpd and snmptrapd automatically on boot.

CentOS/RedHat 6

Code Block
# as root
/sbin/chkconfig snmpd on
/sbin/chkconfig snmptrapd on

CentOS/RedHat 7

Code Block
# as root
systemctl enable snmpd.service
systemctl enable snmptrapd.service


Code Block
# as root
update-rc.d snmpd defaults
update-rc.d snmptrapd defaults
service snmpd start  
service snmptrapd start


Run a Test Update

Once your local snmpd is running, you should run a test update operation:


Code Block
sudo /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=update node=localhost info=true


The output will look similar to this example:


Code Block
Copyright (C) Opmantek Limited (
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software licensed under GNU GPL, and you are welcome to
redistribute it under certain conditions; see or email

NMIS version 8.5.6G

14:42:47 runPing, INFO (localhost) PING min/avg/max = /0.01/ ms loss=0%
14:42:47 runPing, Finished with exit=1, nodedown=false
14:42:47 getNodeInfo, Starting
14:42:47 getNodeInfo, sysObjectId=, sysObjectName=_linux
14:42:47 Number of Data Points: 17, Sum of Bytes: 136, RRDs updated: 1, Nodes with Updates: 1
14:42:47 End of nmis-Config-update-localhost Processed 1 nodes ran for 1 seconds.

As the installer has already installed the default NMIS cron schedule NMIS will poll and collect all known nodes every 5 minutes. You can now either run a test collect or sit back and wait for NMIS to do the next one automatically:


Code Block
sudo /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=collect info=true

After that collect operation has concluded you should see the newest data for your NMIS server on the NMIS dashboard.


Setup NMIS and Start using

NMIS8 - A Quick Getting Started Guide

Advanced Installer Use

Access the source without installation

If you want to read the installer source, or access the distributed files without actual installation, then simply pass the arguments –-keep --noexec to the run file invocation, e.g.

Code Block
sh ./ --keep --noexec

This tells the self-extracting installer to just  unpack the archive (into the directory nmis<version>) and to not start the interactive installer component.

Install in a non-standard location

If you want the installer to install NMIS into a non-standard directory, change to invocation to include site=<somepath> (after a mandatory -- separator), e.g.

Code Block
sh ./ -- site=/opt/nmis

For more information regarding installing NMIS in a non default location please review NMIS8 - Installing NMIS in a Non Standard Location


Only check and install dependencies

If you don't want to perform the actual installation but only perform the software dependency resolution and check and install any prerequisites, use listdeps=true (after a -- separator), e.g.


Code Block
sh ./ -- listdeps=true

Non-interactive, automatic installation/upgrade

If your NMIS 8.5.12 was downloaded after 2016-07-11, then the installer also offers a non-interactive automatic mode, where all the normal questions are automatically answered with the default choice.
To use this mode, simply pass in -y (somewhere after the mandatory -- separator), e.g.

Code Block
sh ./ -- -y
# recommended for safety: wrapped in screen with output logging on
screen -L sh ./ -- -y


Please note that in non-interactive mode, all optional automatic model and database location migration operations are attempted.
In this mode there is a higher likelihood to miss error indications raised by certain operations (as not absolutely all screen output can be dumped into the installer log), and we recommend therefore that you capture the full installer outputs for scrutiny (using a tool like script or screen, like in the example above).

Installation Log

The installer creates a log of all the operations that it performs, which is saved in the main NMIS installation directory as install.log. Subsequent NMIS upgrades add extra information to that log file, but the installer always starts its work with an initial log message that indicates when an installation/upgrade was performed. It is safe to delete the installer log file if you don't want to keep old installation and upgrade info.

Historical Manual Installation Instructions

The old manual installation instructions are available for your perusal on this page. Please note that these old instructions are no longer updated and will definitely diverge more or less from current best practice! (which is to let the installer handle the installation intricacies on your behalf).