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Instructions applicable to any distro will remain in BLACK.

Also, this document will use the <oadir> tag to refer to Open-AudIT's installation directory. The default place The default installation directory is /usr/local/open-audit.


If you're running CentOS or any other Red Hat-derived distribution, be sure that SELinux is turned off, Permissive mode was tested and it worked well, just very nagging. So disabling SELinux is a lot easier that way.Also, I like to turn off the default Red Hat firewall. It is assumed that the reader knows how to do both of these; if not, there are plenty of resources on the Web describing how.

General Settings

Before you start you should determine the following:


CentOS requires the EPEL repository to be enabled in order to install php-mcrypt. The installation script will take care of this.

Debian / Ubuntu Additional Packages

All required packages are in the existing repositories already. No additional repositories are required.

Open-AudIT Installation


The easiest way to get Open-AudIT installed and running is to download the source package to the server. From the server console extract the .zip file and cd into the open-audit directory. 

To install on CentOS / RedHat, make sure you are root then run


To install on Debian / Ubuntu run




The script should complete and you should be able to open a browser and go to http://SERVERNAME/index.php and be presented with a logon screen. Change the Admin user password by going to Admin -> List Users -> Edit User. Enable some Reports by going to Admin -> Reports -> Activate Report. Enable some Groups by going to Admin -> Groups -> Activate Group.

If you wish to change the MySQL user and password, the application config file is at /usr/local/open-audit/code_igniter/application/config/database.php

You can tune php.ini to your liking. You may not wish to show errors, but they are useful for debugging and bug reporting.