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Not every Windows computer will be a simple domain connected machine. Sometimes you may have a server in a DMZ with no network connectivity to the internal network, a machine not on a domain, a standalone machine not networked at all, etc. There are options to overcome these. 

All variables can be passed via the command line at run time. You don't need to create one audit script for each different (say) set of remote user credentials. A couple of examples -

  • cscript audit_windows.vbs REMOTE_PC strUser=REMOTE_USER strPass=PASSWORD - will audit a remote machine with credentials other than those of the local user running the script.
  • cscript audit_windows.vbs . submit_online=n create_file=y - will run the audit on the local PC and output to a file (in the current directory). The "." can be used in place of the local machine name.

The command line arguments are as follows, variable [default] (valid options):

create_file [n] (y|n) - create a text file names COMPUTERNAME_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.xml in the directory the audit script is run.

debugging [0] (0-3) - Output debugging information to the command window.

ldap [] (string) - This value is passed in when running the audit_domain script. Only set this value if your audit host is on a different domain than audit targets and you are not using audit_domain.vbs - IE, you are running "cscript audit_windows.vbs COMPUTER" where COMPUTER is on a seperate domain than the PC you are running the command on. This would then apply to ALL systems audited like this. This would be the exception rather than the rule.

org_id [] (org_id) - If set the PC will be automatically assigned to the organisation. Get the organisation id by using the web interface.

ping_target [n] (y|n) - Attempt to ping the target PC before attempting to audit it.

self_delete [n] (y|n) - Delete the audit script itself upon completion.

skip_printer [n] (y|n) - Do not attempt to retrieve any printer details.

skip_software [n] (y|n) - Do not attempt to retrieve any installed software details.

skip_dns [n] (y|n) - Do not attempt to retrieve any DNS details.

skip_mount_point [n] (y|n) - Do not attempt to retrieve mount point details.

strcomputer [.] (string) - The name of the target PC. "." means the local PC on which the script is running.

struser [] (string) - Shoudl be of the format DOMAIN/USERNAME. Runs the script against the target PC using these credentials.

strpass [] (string) - Runs the script against the target PC using these credentials.

submit_online [y] (y|n) - Submit the audit result to the webserver upon completion.

url [http://localhost/index.php/system] (string) - The URL of the Open-AudIT server to submit the audit to. The variable submit_online must be set to "y".

use_proxy [n] (y|n) - Unused at present.

windows_user_work_1 [physicalDeliveryOfficeName] (string) - The Active Directory attribute to use as a first preference to determining the target PCs user work unit.

windows_user_work_2 [company] (string) - The Active Directory attribute to use as a second preference to determining the target PCs user work unit.

details_to_lower [y] (y|n) = Details like domain, hostname, username, etc are usually set to lower case for consistency. If you would like these kept as retrieved, set to "n".


In the case of a computer with no network connectivity to the Open-AudIT server.
