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Code Block
"schedule_id": "2",
"user_id": "OAE-Dashboard",
"report_id": "",
"report_name": "Daily Discovered Devices",
"report_filename": "DailyDiscoveredDevices.xml",
"group_id": "1",
"group_name": "All Devices",
"first_attribute": "<CURRENT_DATE>",
"format": "table_formatted",
"destination": "dashboard", 
"destination_address": "",
"schedule": "daily",
"schedule_hour": "11",
"schedule_from": "2013-06-05",
"last_run": "2013-06-10 09:00:01",
"last_run_status": "success",
"enabled": "y"

schedule_id: This should be a unique incrementing integer.

user_id: In the present code, this should always be set to the default value of OAE-Dashboard. The program will retrieve the access credentials from the opCommon.nmis file as described in the Open-AudIT Enterprise - Install Guide.

report_id: If running a report that is already in the Open-AudIT database, you can specify the report's id here. This will prevent the need to supply a report definition XML file as below.

report_name: The human readable name of the report. Will be used to title the report.

report_filename: If you are running a report that is not present in the Open-AudIT database, you can supply a report definition file in XML format. The format of these files are the same as 'normal' Open-AudIT reports. Creating reports using report definition XML files is detailed on the Defining Reports page.

group_id: If you wish to restrict a report to a certain group, use the group id from the Open-AudIT database here.

group_name: Used as a title in the filename or email subject. Typically for a filename or email subject it will be titled thus: $report_name . " for " . $group_name . " on " . $datefirst_attribute with the correct filename extension if being saved.

format: Valid values are excel, xml, json, html, html_formatted. The difference between html and html_formatted being the former is a straight dump of the columns into table format where-as html_formatted results in a table formatted as per the Open-AudIT web interface and is typically prettier to view.

destination: Valid values are file, email and dashboard.

destination_address: Only required if file or dashboard specified in the destination attribute. Should be a valid email address or file path on the local file system.

schedule: Permitted values are daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly.

schedule_hour: The hour of the day in zero padded 24hour format that you wish the report to run.

schedule_from: The first date the report should run from if it matches the schedule. This should be a zero padded date of the form YYYY-MM-DD. You may wish to use this to create scheduled reports and start them running at a date in the future.

last_run: Not used at present. Leave as default.

last_run_status: Not used at present. Leave as default.

enabled: This should be set to y to show that this report should be run if it matches the schedule. Set it to n to prevent the report from running.