Versions Compared


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Cisco SpreadsheetOpen-AudIT
Install Site Address 1address
Install Site Citycity
Install Site Countrycountry
Install Site IDexternal_ident
Install Site Namename
1 (the default Org)org_id
Install Site Postal Codepostcode
Install Site Statestate

New Database Columns

As at Open-AudIT 3.4.0 we need three extra columns to populate. You can add these columns as below by running these commands on the command line of your Open-AudIT server.

Code Block
mysql -u openaudit -popenauditpassword openaudit -e "ALTER TABLE system ADD end_of_production date NOT NULL DEFAULT '2000-01-01' AFTER end_of_service;"

mysql -u openaudit -popenauditpassword openaudit -e "ALTER TABLE system ADD maintenance_expires date NOT NULL DEFAULT '2000-01-01' AFTER warranty_type;"

mysql -u openaudit -popenauditpassword openaudit -e "ALTER TABLE system ADD warranty_status VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER warranty_type;"

NOTE - As at Open-AudIT 3.4.0, these attributes will not appear in the GUI. The template to enable this will ship in a future release.

Discovery and your Imported Devices

So you may already have some of these devices in Open-AudIT, you may not. How does Open-AudIT know what to do here? It all depends on the serial number. The spreadsheet doesn't contain the usual items we need to match devices (think hostname, ip, type, UUID, etc), but it does contain the device serial number. So you'll need to ensure your configuration item named 'match_serial' is set to 'y' (which is the default). As long as that is set, you can import and run discoveries in whichever order you like. Obviously discovery must be working and able to retrieve the serial from the device to perform the match. If you don't have working discovery (usually SNMP based for Cisco network equipment), you'll likely end up with duplicate devices - you have been warned! Just remember, Bulk Edit is your friend.