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Comment: no hyphen in prerequisites


The individual performing this installation has some Linux Windows experience.

Administrator level server access.

Pre-requisites Prerequisites are installed as per the Windows - pre-requisites guide- prerequisites guide.

Please install NMAP from

Please install the latest Visual C runtime from

Install on Widows Server only. Windows 10 is not supported.

NOTE - This guide is for a new install of Open-AudIT. If you wish to upgrade an existing installation, see the UPGRADE guide.

You should be able to determine the IP Address of your Open-AudIT server via the following command:

Code Block

This will be required later, so make a note of it now.

NOTE - AntiVirus Software. If you have AntiVirus software running, allowing the services of Opmantek (omkd), Apache (apache2.2) and MySQL (mysql) to auto start and run is essential. These services are used by Open-AudIT. You should only need to do this once. If your AntiVirus program keeps prompting you about Open-AudIT, please post to the forums or send an email to support with the name and version of your AntiVirus software.

Installation Steps

Download OpenAudit for Windows find the Windows Installer at our downloads page Opmantek Downloads Page

The downloaded package should be run as administrator (Right click the file and select "Run as administrator").

Image Modified

Accept the Windows UAC prompt.

Accept the license agreement by clicking "I Agree".Click , "Next" on the component install selection (leave "Open-AudIT Enterprise" selected).

Click "Next" on the install locations (leave "c:\omk\" as the entry).

Input the IP Address of the system the package is being installed on (example and click "Install".

When completed, click Install", "Next", "Close".

You will now have three new services installed - omkd, apache2.2 and mysql. The omkd service is used to run the Open-AudIT Enterprise service. Apache and MySQL are used by the XAMPPlite bundle.

You should now be able to broswe to httpbrowse to http://IPADDRESSlocalhost/ and receive an Open-AudIT logon page.

If you are an Open-AudIT Enterprise user, you may wish to click the link and enter your license details.

That's it - you're good to go. Open-AudIT is installed and working (smile)