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Integrations take a list of devices from NMIS and a list of devices from Open-AudIT, matches the devices based on selected attributes, combines their attributes according to which system (NMIS or Open-AudIT) should be the point of truth and updates both systems based on any changes.

The list of devices may actually be empty on either side. We can restrict the devices list on either side based on device attributes. We can select attributes to be stored - even if they don't exist in Open-AudIT. And NMIS and Open-AudIT don't even need to be on the same server. There is so much flexibility!

But with great flexibility, comes (potentially) great complexity. This is an area we are particularly proud of. We have kept the creation of an Integration as simple easy as we can make it. At it's most simple level, if NMIS and Open-AudIT are installed on the same server, you can simply click a 'create' button and everything is done for you. You don't need to supply any information at all. We have chosen sensible defaults and everything the Integration "just works".

On the other end of the scale, you might have NMIS running on Debian and Open-AudIT running on Windows. You might wish to only integrate devices that are routers. And you might have some fields in NMIS that don't exist in Open-AudIT that you wish to track and be able to edit in Open-AudIT which updates NMIS. That is completely achievable with just a few clicks. More than the simple integration above, obviously - but still very easy to accomplish. No code to write, just a simple to use web interface. Oh - and there is also the JSON RESTful based Open-AudIT API as well (smile)


Now let's back up a little bit and set the scene. You've been using Open-AudIT for a while and have discovered some devices on your network. You have working credentials for these devices and can see their configuration. You may have computers, switches, printers, routers, firewalls, etc, etc.


What if I'm an NMIS user, have just installed Open-AudIT and don't have any devices in it? Again, just run the default Integration and your NMIS devices will be sent to Open-AudIT and discovered automatically. Open-AudIT stores more information about the make-up of a device, as opposed to NMIS's performance data. So when you run an Integration Open-AudIT has the device's IP and the device's credentials - so we run a discovery and retrieve everything Open-AudIT can. Again - this is configurable. You might not wish to run a discovery on the device - that's up to you! To enable or disable a discovery is a single attribute. Click, done!

Making it Happen

As usual, the Open-AudIT wiki has all the technical details that you should need. Just check the Integrations page here - Integrations and if there's something you don't see or questions you might have, please do ask in the Community Forums.