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Comment: -Added Screenshots and response examples.


To make another network go to menu -> Admin -> Connections -> Create Connection.  

Image Added

View Connection Details

Go to menu -> Admin -> Connections -> List Connections.

 Image Added

You will see a list of connections. You can view a connection by clicking on the it's ID (in green). You can also edit or delete the network.

 Image Added

Connections are stored in the database in the "oa_connection" table. A typical entry will look as below. 


Request Method
Resulting Function
URL Example
Example Response
GETn collection/connectionsReturns a list of connections.connections_collection.json
GETy read/connections/{id}Returns a connection's details.connections_read.json
PATCHy update/connections/{id}Update an attribute of a connections entry.connections_patch.json
POSTn create/connectionsInsert a new connections entry.connections_create.json
DELETEy delete/connections/{id}Delete a connections entry.connections_delete.json

Web Application Routes

Request Method
Resulting Function
URL Example
GETncreatecreate_form/connections/createDisplays a standard web form for submission to POST /connections.
GETyupdateupdate_form/connections/{id}/updateShow the connection's details with the option to update attributes using PATCH to /connections/{id}
