Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Adding and Removing Columns

To remove a column simply remove the associated section from the applicable json file.  To add a column add a new section in the json file.  The column placement will be relative to the order it is put in the json file.

The example below is the opEventsthe opCharts_actionnode-loglist.json file.  The version on the left is the default version.  The version on the right adds an Event ID the Country column between the data Node Status and event Group columns, it also removes the comment Links column.

Code Block
// VERSION=01.48.0                                 // VERSION=01.48.0
[                                   [
  { "name": "node_name",         [
  {   { "name": "node_name",
    "label": "Name",                    "label": "Name",
    "cell": "NodeLinkCell",            {
    "namecell": "dateNodeLinkCell",
    "renderable": 1,                    "renderable": 1,
    "comment": "must be present "name": "date",
for     "labelcomment": "Date",must be present for
  },                            "label": "Date",
    "search },
  { "name": false"",     { "name": "",
      "label": "Host",                    "searchlabel": false"Host",
    "cell": "stringString",                    "cell": "String"
  },          "cell": "string",
    "direction": "descending",                       "direction": "descending"},
    { "editable": false                               { "editablename": false"node_summary.nodestatu
  },  "name": "",                         "label": "Node Status",
    "label": "Links",            },
  {     "cell": "NodeStatusCell"
    "cell": "UriButtonGroup",         },
    "links": [                        {
    "name": "",
      { "name": "remote_connection_     "label": "Country",
      {        "name": "custom_context_det     "namecell": "eventidString",
    ],   "label": "Event",                            },
    "labelsort": "Event ID"false,
    "cell": "string",               { "name": "",
          "button_group_class": "btn-grou     "celllabel": "stringGroup",
  },   "search": false,                                 "searchcell": false,"String"
  {  "editablename": false,"node_summary.nodestatu   },
    "label": "Node Status",                     { "editablename": false"node_summary.nodeType"
    "cell": "LookupUrlNodeStatusCell",            "label": "Node Type",
    "replace_name": "id",                    "cell": "String"
  { "name": "",    },
    "base_url_stash_keylabel": "event_base_url"         {
  }Group",                 { "name": "configuration.roleType
        "cell": "String"                      "namelabel": "eventRole",
  {},                                    "cell": "String"
  { "name": "node_summary.nodeType"   },
      "label": "EventNode Type",
     "name": "node",       { "name": "node_summary.nodeVendo
    "cell": "String"                    "celllabel": "stringVendor",
  },  "label": "Node",                                  "searchcell": false,"String"
   { "searchname": false,"configuration.roleType   },
    "label": "Role",                        { "editablename": false,"node_summary.sysLocati
    "editablecell": false,    "String"                           "cell"label": "LookupUrlLocation",
  },      "cell": "LookupUrl",                             "replace_namecell": "idString",
  {  "base_url_stash_key"name": "node_base_url"summary.nodeVendo        },
    "base_url_stash_keylabel": "event_base_url"
  }Vendor",                { "name": "",
    "cell": "String"                    "label": "Health",
  {                                  "cell": "ColouredByLevelCell",
  { "name": "node_summary.sysLocati     "levels": [ "green", 100, {"yell
    "namelabel": "actionLocation",              },
    "cell": "String"                  { "name": "node",
  },    "label": "Action",                               "label": "NodeLast Update",
   { "cellname": "",     "cell": "String",
        "label": "Health",                  "searchformatter": false,"UnixTimeFormatter
    "searchcell": false"ColouredByLevelCell",                                 "editable": false,}
    "editable": false                                "cell": "LookupUrl",
  },                                                 "base_url_stash_key": "node_base_url"
  {                                                },
    "name": "details",                             {
    "label": "Details",                              "name": "action",
    "cell": "string",                                "label": "Action",
    "search": false,                                 "cell": "string",
    "editable": false                                "search": false,
  },                                                 "editable": false
  {                                                },
    "name": "comment",                             {
    "label": "Comment",                              "name": "details",
    "cell": "string",                                "label": "Details",
    "search": false,                                 "cell": "string",
    "editable": false                                "search": false,
  }                                                  "editable": false
]                                                  }
                                                  levels": [ "green", 100, "yell ]
  { "name": "node_summary.lastUpdat
    "label": "Last Update",
    "cell": "String",
    "formatter": "UnixTimeFormatter



It is not necessary to restart any daemons.  After editing the associated json file simply load (or reload) the view in question. 


These will be offered in future releases.e