Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The node dashboard widgets and graph drill-ins now load substantially faster,
    and graph files are now cached for up to 60 seconds (configurable via graph_file_maxage config item).
  • SNMP Uptime counter wrapping (at 497 days) is now handled more robustly.
  • The logic for group display/exclusion in the GUI widgets was repaired,
    and now only nodes belonging to the configured groups (in group_list) are displayed.
    (Like before, all active nodes are handled by the polling and event engine, regardless of group membership.)
  • The handling of node resets and long-term unpollable nodes is now more robust and reliable.
  • The Polling Failover feature was extended to provide more fine-grained events and node states.
  • NMIS now provides a configurable rule for acceptable node names (using the config item node_name_rule) which is consistely applied everywhere;
    the shipped default rule was also relaxed and now allows letters, numbers, space, underscore, hyphen and dot.
  • NMIS now supports WMI polling in windows domains more robustly and username and domain can be provided in multiple formats.
  • Various modelling improvements, e.g. the nocollect directive is now supported in systemHealth model sections.
  • New and improved devices support for Nexus 7k, Adtran, Cisco, Arista, Mikrotik, Netvanta, PulseSecure, Juniper.
  • admin/ now supports bulk export and import..
  • Various robustness improvements, e.g. in, more fine-grained logging, more flexible and precise polling candidate timing decisions.

NMIS 8.6.7G Erratta

If you are installing NMIS 8.6.7G and you have a busy server, then it is important that you modify the cron entry for NMIS and change it.

The setting is found in /etc/cron.d/nmis and the default is this:

Code Block
* * * * * root /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=collect mthread=true ; /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=services mthread=true

This should be changed to:

Code Block
*/1 * * * * root /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=collect mthread=true
*/2 * * * * root /usr/local/nmis8/bin/ type=services mthread=true

It is important to note that the NMIS polling engine had an overhaul in NMIS 8.6.6 and NMIS 8.6.7 to improve how parallel threads were handled and that polling was kept up to date.

So when NMIS starts a poll every 1 minute, not all nodes will be polled, it will poll as many as it can in that time and then leave the others for the next poll cycle, this has the result of spreading the polling (and load on the server) out over 5 minutes. If you are not getting all nodes polled in 5 minutes, you will need more threads (and enough memory).

If you are polling many nodes every 1 minute, then you will need to size the server accordingly.

NMIS 8.6.6G

This maintenance release of NMIS was published on 1 Jun 2018.


  • The handling of nodes with large numbers of interfaces was substantially improved, and a number of optimisations to reduce the collect times for such devices were implemented.
  • The event subsystem was reworked for improved performance, and a number of related bugs were identified and fixed.
  • NMIS now uses locks for per-node operations to ensure correct sequencing even if an update or collect operation takes a very long time.
    Time-exceeded events now also include better diagnostic info, i.e. the node name in question.
  • Improved Threshold Alerts for some measurements, e.g. CPU.
  • New and improved models for Checkpoint, APC, ACME, Furukawa, Alcatel devices, Ubquiti, Microtek, Frogfoot, Cisco; better modelling of OSPF.
  • A number of models have been reworked for greater modularity and ease of use. Many were adjusted to handle corner cases better.
  • Updates of the Cisco product mibs.
  • For newly added nodes a type=update operation is now run automatically if and when required.
  • NMIS now detects problems with sending events via syslog better and logs them.
  • Node Configuration overrides are now presented better in the GUI, and the nodeconf subsystem was reworked for better performance.


NMIS 8.5.8G

Friday 24 April 2015


Enhancements and Changes in 8.3.9G General Release 

New and Improved Device Support

Added ESXi 5 SNMP support for host collection.

Added basic Nexus Support.

Added IP graphs in the models for certain devices

Removed Cisco specific content from the Generic and Default models.

Improved Threshold Granularity

Added more granularity to the default Threshold Model for a few policies, and added properties for control, to include group and roleType properties for even more granularity.

Config comparing and updating tools

admin/ /usr/local/nmis8/install/Config.nmis /usr/local/nmis8/conf/Config.nmis

admin/ /usr/local/nmis8/install/Config.nmis /usr/local/nmis8/conf/Config.nmis

Display Company Logo on NMIS Dashboard

A "company_logo" option added to the Config.nmis, this can be any URL which will point to a logo to use, no bigger than 30px high is better.

Collect an interface based on description pattern

This overrides all other properties. This is added to the model in the interface section, looking something like this:

Code Block
'collect' => {
    'Description' => '(CNOC|Collection)',

The description is a regular expression which can contain complex patterns. Options

Added config option, 'fastping_node_poll' => '300' and 'fastping_sleep' => '60', these control how many nodes fpingd will ping at once will use DNS by default or use what the OS would like it to use, using Perl gethostbyname.

New IPSLA Configuration Options

IPSLA configuration options from the NMIS config.

Code Block
# collect interval time in seconds
my $collect_time = $C->{ipsla_collect_time} ? $C->{ipsla_collect_time} : 60;
# collect interval of buckets in seconds
my $bucket_interval = $C->{ipsla_bucket_interval} ? $C->{ipsla_bucket_interval} : 180;
# extra collect buckets for polling cycle
my $extra_buckets = $C->{ipsla_extra_buckets} ? $C->{ipsla_extra_buckets} : 5; 

Interface Persistance for Node Configuration

Node Configuration now uses the ifDescr to index manual changes to the interfaces, so that changes will be persisted even if the device changes the ifIndexes on reboot (as Cisco devices often do). Also fixed ifSpeed to be shortened.

Improved SNMP Connectivity Handling

Fixed problems with SNMP polling when SNMP is down, optionally can continue polling SNMP if fails, good for unreliable/congested links.
'snmp_stop_polling_on_error' => 'true'

Disable NMIS Polling

Disable polling temporarily by using the global_collect set to false in the config.

Polling Performance Log

Polling Log for see what is being polled and written to RRD, configure with polling_log.  To enable polling log a file must be configured in Config.nmis and the file must exist.

Many Other Enhancements

Added HostInfo to

Added NMIS::Modules to allow transparent integration with NMIS Extensions

New config option for handling wrapping of node names. wrap_node_names defaults to false

Added new host diagnostics, nmis_polling_summary

added config option, nmis_summary_poll_cycle, when set to false, you can run type=summary to improve polling performance.

Added config option for widget_refresh_time, default will be 180, this is for very busy dashboards which were constantly refreshing data.

Added view tables to the Access configuration for Authorisation, not allowed for anonymous and some allowed for guest. New Access.nmis template

Added a new log file, auth.log, all Auth logging will be sent to that log file.

Added missing items back into Config for various things, like PING options.

IPSLAD off by default, need to install SNMP_Session

Added SMTP Authentication and SMTP over SSL SUPPORT.

Changed network metrics selector to be a pull down instead of a clickable link.

Added NMIS::uselib as a package to better handle including RRDTool, fixed the things including use lib for rrdtool

Added more granular thresholds for Gigabit interfaces, others could be added to be speed dependant as well.

Bought SNMP handling options into configuration, snmp_stop_polling_on_error, snmp_timeout, snmp_retries

Fixes in 8.3.9G General Release

Fixed thresholding so that it processed the other items listed in the models, it was only processing the first item in the list.

Fixed a bug with SNMP polling where exceptions where not being handled causing SNMP session corruption. Only an issue in networks with very high latency and packet loss.

Fixed the left/right/centre in the Top10 report.

Fixed a bug with blank events in the event log.

Fixed Log Targets for viewing logs in Widgets

Fixed Javascript namespace where forms where conflicting

Fixed bug with customising locations, where on changing an update would use sysLocation from SNMP, but collect would use custom location.

Working with MTR

Sticky bit needs to be set on MTR to work, owned by root and sticky

Code Block
chown root /usr/sbin/mtr
chmod u+s /usr/sbin/mtr

NMIS 8.3.1G

Thursday 1 December 2011
