Versions Compared


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So you want to integrate the devices discovered in Open-AudIT with NMIS for network monitoring. But you don't want every device, and you don't want to have to manually flag devices for monitoring - you know you want every Juniper switch in NMIS Open-AudIT being monitored by NMIS. How can we do that without the painful effort of flagging individual devices with nmis_manage = y (even using Bulk Edit)?


Details of the below fields can be found on the page linked above. Obviously you will need to use your own host, password and user values. You'll need to use one of the query IDs from your newly created queries, above (replace 60 with it).

%hash = (

'integration_rules_path' => 'conf/integration_rules.nmis',
  'log_path' => 'log/nmisintegration.log',
  'node_admin_path' => '/usr/local/nmis9/admin/',
  'node_file_path' => '/usr/local/nmis9/conf/Nodes.nmis',
  'open_audit_details' => {
    'host' => 'http://YOUR_SERVER',
    'log_path' => 'log/openauditapi.log',
    'password' => 'YOUR_OA_PASSWORD',
    'user' => 'YOUR_OA_USER'
  'open_audit_lookup_path' => 'conf/oa_nmis_lookup.nmis',
  'open_audit_query_ids' => [60]

Integration Rules

The default integration rules can be left as is, and are below. These should be placed in the file conf/integration_rules.nmis.

%hash = (
  'nmis' => {
    'create' => {
      'active' => ['true'],
      'authkey' => [],
      'authpassword' => ['$DEVICE.credentials.snmp_v3.authentication_passphrase'],
      'authprotocol' => ['$DEVICE.credentials.snmp_v3.authentication_protocol'],
      'businessService' => ['$DEVICE.system.nmis_business_service'],
      'collect' => ['$DEVICE.system.collect'],
      'collect_snmp' => ['$DEVICE.system.collect_snmp'],
      'collect_wmi' => ['$DEVICE.system.collect_wmi'],
      'community' => ['$'],
      'customer' => ['$DEVICE.system.nmis_customer'],
      'display_name' => ['$'],
      'group' => ['$DEVICE.system.nmis_group','Open-AudIT'],
      'host' => ['$DEVICE.system.ip','$DEVICE.system.dns_fqdn'],
      'location' => ['$'],
      'model' => ['automatic'],
      'name' => ['$'],
      'netType' => ['wan'],
      'notes' => [],
      'ping' => ['true'],
      'port' => [161],
      'privkey' => [],
      'privpassword' => ['$DEVICE.credentials.snmp_v3.privacy_passphrase'],
      'privprotocol' => ['$DEVICE.credentials.snmp_v3.privacy_protocol'],
      'roleType' => ['$DEVICE.system.nmis_role','core'],
      'threshold' => [],
      'username' => ['$DEVICE.credentials.snmp_v3.security_name'],
      'uuid' => ['$DEVICE.system.omk_uuid'],
      'version' => ['$DEVICE.system.snmp_version'],
      'wmipassword' => ['$'],
      'wmiusername' => ['$']
    'update' => {
      'active' => ['true'],
      'authpassword' => ['$DEVICE.credentials.snmp_v3.authentication_passphrase'],
      'authprotocol' => ['$DEVICE.credentials.snmp_v3.authentication_protocol'],
      'businessService' => ['$DEVICE.system.nmis_business_service'],
      'collect' => ['$DEVICE.system.collect'],
      'collect_snmp' => ['$DEVICE.system.collect_snmp'],
      'collect_wmi' => ['$DEVICE.system.collect_wmi'],
      'community' => ['$'],
      'customer' => ['$DEVICE.system.nmis_customer'],
      'display_name' => ['$'],
      'group' => ['$DEVICE.system.nmis_group','Open-AudIT'],
      'host' => ['$DEVICE.system.ip','$DEVICE.system.dns_fqdn'],
      'location' => ['$'],
      'model' => ['automatic'],
      'name' => ['$'],
      'netType' => ['wan'],
      'ping' => ['true'],
      'port' => [161],
      'privpassword' => ['$DEVICE.credentials.snmp_v3.privacy_passphrase'],
      'privprotocol' => ['$DEVICE.credentials.snmp_v3.privacy_protocol'],
      'roleType' => ['$DEVICE.system.nmis_role','core'],
      'username' => ['$DEVICE.credentials.snmp_v3.security_name'],
      'version' => ['$DEVICE.system.snmp_version'],
      'wmipassword' => ['$'],
      'wmiusername' => ['$']


To run the integration, simply invoke the executable and pass it a configuration file as described in the previous section. You can also invoke the tool by itself, which will look for a configuration file at conf/nmisIntegration.nmis by default.

While most of the integration is driven by the options set in the configuration file, additional options can be passed at runtime. These options can be seen in the usage instructions for the integration script.

# Calling the tool with a custom-named configuration file
./bin/ conf=conf/my_custom_config.nmis
# Calling the tool by itself (uses conf/nmisIntegration.nmis)
# Show additional options
./bin/ -h

And that's it!

No, not really - one more step. You'll need to create a cron job for these to run on your poller(s) at the time of your choosing.
