
We've just released version 8.6.4G of NMIS, which is a maintenance release fixing some regressions. NMIS 8.6.4G can be downloaded here.

We've just released a new Opmantek Virtual Appliance, with upgraded versions of almost all applications and various other improvements (which are described in more detail in the VM Appliance release notes).

The new appliance can be downloaded here.

We've just released version 8.6.3G of NMIS today, which is a maintenance release with a few new features - most notably SSO between NMIS and Opmantek applications.

An updated release of the Opmantek VM appliance is planned for the next few days.

NMIS 8.6.3G can be downloaded here.

We've released version 8.6.2G of NMIS today; it is ready for download here.
This is a major release with a variety of new features which are described in more detail on the NMIS release notes page.

An updated Opmantek VM Appliance is planned for sometime during the next few weeks.

We've just released an updated version of the Opmantek Virtual Appliance; it's ready for download here. The updates to the Virtual Appliance are described here.

A completely updated version of the Opmantek Virtual Appliance has been released today; it's ready for download here.

The updates to the Virtual Appliance are described here.

NMIS 8.6.1G released

NMIS version NMIS 8.6.1G was released today and is ready for download here. This is primarily a maintenance release, but nevertheless includes some new capabilities and features which are described on the NMIS release notes page.

A completely updated version of the Opmantek Virtual Appliance has been released today; it's ready for download here.

The updates to the Virtual Appliance are described here.

NMIS 8.6.0G released

NMIS version NMIS 8.6.0G was released today and is ready for download here.

This version introduces numerous new features and improvements which are described on the NMIS release notes page.

Upgrading to version 8.6.0G is very simple, and recommended for all NMIS users.

NMIS 8.5.12G was released today, as well as a completely updated version of the Opmantek Virtual Appliance. Both are ready for download here.

Have a look at the NMIS release notes for an overview of the changes; upgrading to version 8.5.12G is very simple.

The updates to the Virtual Appliance are described here.

NMIS is now downloadable as self-extracting installer. This makes installation (and upgrades) simpler and easier.

The Virtual Appliance Bundle has been updated with the newest Opmantek applications - see the release notes for details, or download it here.

We've just released an automatic model upgrade tool for NMIS 8.5.10G. Merry Xmas from Opmantek!

NMIS 8.5.10G released.

 NMIS 8.5.10G is available for download now; instructions for upgrading to this version are here.

nmis8.3.9g some doubts


Sorry, but I have some doubts, first of all, it´s necessary to tell you that it´s my first time in install and admin nmis.

I have installed 8.3.9g and I don´t know how to:

  • If you are logged, where can I logout, and finish de session?
  • It´s possible to change interface graph description, by deffault in top of the grapbh we can see : <node> <interface> <graph-period> , and I wold like to see interface description.
  • And the last it´s, why can I see graph of port-channels for 4500, but not for 3750


Thank you.


PD: I hope you can understand my english