Versions Compared


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NOTE - Page under revision for v2.0.

How Does it Work?

Summaries are designed to group items by a particular matching column and then to provide a link to individual devices. In the preV2 days, this was previous versions of Open-AudIT, this would have been two different items - a report and subreport. We have now separated bundled these into what we call a Summary.

How Does it Work?

Summaries are a single query against the database with a 'group by' command. Using this simple method we can easily create a summary for virtually any attribute.

We no longer require a separate report for each 'type' of a device. We now simply have a summary that groups by 'system.type' and shows the result. You can then click on a given type from the list and see the matching devices. In this case, one Summary replaces (potentially) 78 reports (there are 78 device types).

A summary is different to a query in that a summary is designed to groups items then provide a 'click through' link to the actual devices. A query is simply a list of items with no further links. As above - this of a Summary as a combined "report + subreport", whereas a query is simply a single Report.

Summaries have a different 'collection' template to the other resources within Open-AudIT. This template shows the Summary as you would expect and also shows buttons with counts of other resources. This page is designed to be the HomePage of Open-AudIT.


No Format
           id: 6
         name: Manufacturers
       org_id: 1
        table: system
       column: manufacturer
extra_columns: system.model
    edited_by: system
  edited_date: 2000-01-01 00:00:00

API / Web Access

You can access the /summaries collection using the normal Open-AudIT JSON based API. Just like any other collection. Please see the API documentation for further details.

Access is provided as part of a roles permissions. Summaries is a standard resource and can have create, read, update and delete permissions.

The API routes below are usable from both a JSON Restful API and the web interface. The Web application routes are specifically designed to be called from the web interface (a browser).

API Routes

Request Method
Resulting Function
Permission Required
URL Example
Example Response
POSTn createsummaries::create/summariesInsert a new summaries entry. 
GETy readsummaries::read/summaries/{id}Returns a summaries details. 
PATCHy updatesummaries::update/summaries/{id}Update an attribute of a summaries entry. 
DELETEy deletesummaries::delete/summaries/{id}Delete a summaries entry. 
GETn collectionsummaries::read/summariesReturns a list of summaries. 
POSTnimportimportsummaries::create/summaries/importImport multiple connections using a CSV. 
GETyexecuteexecutesummaries::read/summaries/2/executeExecute (run) a summary and show the result. 

Web Application Routes

Request Method
Resulting Function
Permission Required
URL Example
GETncreatecreate_formsummaries::create/summaries/createDisplays a standard web form for submission to POST /summaries.
GETyupdateupdate_formsummaries::update/summaries/{id}/updateShow the summaries details with the option to update attributes using PATCH to /summaries/{id}
GETnimportimport_formsummaries::create/summaries/importDisplays a standard web form for submission to POST /summaries/import.