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API / Web Access

You can access the /summaries collection database collection using the normal Open-AudIT JSON based API. Just like any other collection. Please see the API documentation for further details.

Access is provided as part of a roles permissions. Summaries Database is a standard resource and can have create, read , update and delete permissions only.The



API Routes

Insert a new summaries entry.
Request Method
Resulting Function
Permission Required
URL Example
Example Response
POSTn createsummaries::create/summaries
GETy readsummariesdatabase::read/summariesdatabase/{idname}Returns a summaries details. 
PATCHy updatesummaries::update/summaries/{id}Update an attribute of a summaries entry. 
DELETEy deletesummaries::delete/summaries/{id}Delete a summaries entry. 
table details.database_read.json
GETn collectionsummariesdatabase::read/summariesReturns a list of summaries. 
POSTnimportimportsummaries::create/summaries/importImport multiple connections using a CSV. 
GETyexecuteexecutesummaries::read/summaries/2/executeExecute (run) a summary and show the result. 

Web Application Routes

Request Method
Resulting Function
Permission Required
URL Example
GETncreatecreate_formsummaries::create/summaries/createDisplays a standard web form for submission to POST /summaries.
GETyupdateupdate_formsummaries::update/summaries/{id}/updateShow the summaries details with the option to update attributes using PATCH to /summaries/{id}
GETnimportimport_formsummaries::create/summaries/importDisplays a standard web form for submission to POST /summaries/import.



databaseReturns the tables of the database.database_collection.json