Looking for opEvents-3.x Release Notes?

This is a brief overview of the major changes between opEvents releases.

opEvents 2.6.1

Rleased 22nd December 2020

New feature which shows Programmable Action Buttons on events which operators to execute EventsActions scripts from the event context screen.

opEvents 2.6.0

Upgrade Notes

(warning) This release of opEvents 2.6 will work on Opmantek's latest and fastest platform, however, the currently installed products are incompatible with this upgrade. 
To find out more about this upgrade please read: Upgrading Opmantek Applications

opEvents 2.5.0

Released 15 July 2020

This is a maintenance release.

(warning) This release requires updated licenses, please contact Opmantek Support to organise new licenses.

opEvents 2.4.5

published 23 January 2020


opEvents 2.4.4

published 11 April 2019

Bug Fixes


opEvents 2.4.3

published 3 April 2019


Bug Fixes

opEvents 2.4.2

This major release of opEvents introduces several new features and bugfixes, published 1 November 2018

(warning) opEvents 2.4.2 minimum MongoDB version is 3.2

opEvents 2.4.1

This maintenance release of opEvents was published on 2 Nov 2017.

This version fixes a number of scalability and robustness bugs, and improves some GUI screens. No new features were introduced.

opEvents 2.4.0

This major release of opEvents was released on 27 Jun 2017.

Please note that the licensing system has been updated, and existing licenses will not work for opEvents 2.4.0: You will have to obtain an updated license for this version of opEvents.
You can check your licenses by visiting the My Licenses page; If unsure about your options, please email contact@opmantek.com.


 Processing Backend

Other Changes

opEvents 2.2.1

This maintenance release was published on 30 Jan 2017.

opEvents 2.2.0

This major release of opEvents was published on 13 Dec 2016.

opEvents 2.0.6

This is a maintenance release of opEvents which was published on 10 Aug 2016.

opEvents 2.0.5

This maintenance release of opEvents was released on 22 Mar 2016.

opEvents 2.0.4

This version of opEvents was released on 12 Feb 2016. It introduces numerous new capabilities and fixes for various bugs and minor problems.
The  major changes are new and improved timezone handling, more flexibility for event storm control and correlation and better event action policy processing.

opEvents 2.0.3

This maintenance release was released on 7 Dec 2015.

    1. opevents_gui_dashboard_pagination controls the two dashboard pages
    2. opevents_gui_events_pagination is for the Event List page,
    3. and opevents_gui_console_pagination has two values that control the Current and Recent Event panels, respectively.

opEvents 2.0.2

This maintenance version of opEvents was released on 30 Nov 2015.

opEvents 2.0.0

This new major version was released on 13 Oct 2015.

opEvents 1.2.6

This version was released on 9 Sep 2015.

opEvents 1.2.4

opEvents 1.2.4 was released on 2 Mar 2015.

opEvents 1.2.3

opEvents 1.2.3 was released on 24 Nov 2014.

opEvents 1.2.2

This is a maintenance release incorporating bug fixes and some new features:

opEvents 1.2.1

This is a maintenance release which primarily incorporates bug fixes.

opEvents 1.2.0

This is a general  release with various improvements and bug  fixes.

opEvents 1.1.2

This is a maintenance release incorporating primarily bug fixes. The two noteworthy changes:

opEvents 1.1.1

opEvents 1.1.0

opEvents 1.0.6

opEvents 1.0.5

opEvents 1.0.4

Changes between releases 1.0.0 and 1.0.3: