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This is a brief overview of the major changes between opCharts releases.

Please see opCharts Product Compatibility to see which Linux Distributions and MongoDB we support.

Download opCharts here -

Product Compatibility

Refer to product compatibility to determine supported Operating Systems and Database Versions.

opCharts 4.3.4

29th March 2022

opCharts 4.3.3

RELEASED 17th Feb 2022

  • Improvements

    • Admin can now set passwords for users, requires auth_method_1 to be htpasswd

    Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue when exporting inventory to CSV would result in blank fields
  • Fixed case sensitive search in admin
  • Fixed issue with auto refresh not refreshing all items

opCharts 4.3.2

RELEASED  12 Jan 2022 

  • Fixed sort order in business service table
  • Removed charts from search type in inventory view
  • Show just icons in buttons navigation if configuration item show_just_toolbar_icons is set
  • Added support bot to support tool
  • Fixed tooltip status in menu
  • Fixed monitored services view
  • Fixed inventory search by ifSpeed

opCharts 4.3.1

 RELEASED  16 Dec 2021

  • Fix issue in topology maps where the placeholder entity would not show links or links to other maps.
  • Fixed issue in Safari where the custom group entity form would have everything selected.
  • Edit nodes now allow clone and rename.
  • Fixed issue where viewing node topology would cause a server error.
  • When editing a map a message will show if you close the page without saving.
  • When editing a node a dialog will show if you close the modal without saving.
  • opcharts-cli will not require a license if importing items.
  • Maps now have pan and zoom controls to help navigate large maps

opCharts 4.3.0

RELEASED 1 Dec 2021

  • Fixed issue where primary servers pulling data from a poller could have gaps when showing nmis datasets.
  • Updated core dependencies
  • Cookies now support samesite strict, see Security Configurations
  • Fixed issue in with stopping mongodb

opCharts 4.2.7

RELEASED 9 Nov 2021


  • Spanish Language translation  improvements
  • Inventory chart icon will only display if we have graph data for the inventory dateset.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue in Node Admin where Classic Auth was not restricting group level access.
  • Fixed issue where the user role "Operator" could system the system menu.
  • Fixed issue where Rbac users with no groups assigned could see menu options for items which displayed no data.
  • Fixed issue with template rendering and undefined inputs.
  • Fixed issue with service graphs not loading correctly.
  • Fixed issue where a corrupted Locations.nmis file would stop map subnets from loading.
  • Fixed issue where inventory node links did not contain the group context for RBAC.
  • Upgraded JQuery to 3.6.0.

opCharts 4.2.6

RELEASED 29 Sep 2021

This release includes:

  • Chart Color selection Dropdown.
  • Location editor,  provide an easy way to convert the geocode into the LAT/LONG.
  • Link inventory data to the node objects with graphs.
  • Added more permissions to operator user, to see the "Show" graphs buttons and "view in Geographical Map"

This release includes the following bug fixes:

  • Baseline tool updated interface elements to use the ifDescription. 
  • opAdmin: Fix where extra override information was saved with the node. 
  • opAdmin: sysDescription not saved as part of node configuration. 

opCharts 4.2.5

RELEASED 29 Jul 2021

This release includes:

opCharts 4.2.4

RELEASED 10 Jun 2021

This release includes an important new feature:

opCharts 4.2.3

RELEASED 9th March 2021

We recommend NMIS9.2 and greater for this release.


  • Improved query performance for nodes panels when showed as a resource.
  • New action in opcharts-cli setup-db, this updates opCharts indexes in MongoDB on install and can be manually run from the cli.
  • Node topology now supports ipv6
  • opcharts-cli act=import-subnets has improved debug logging, set debug=1 to see how its calculating subnets
  • opcharts-cli act=clear-subnets removes all cached subnets in the database.
  • Two new configuration items items to help change sizing of components
    • "opcharts_gui_default_component_size" this sets the components sizes across the application, excludes node detail view

      • Default is 210

    • Before this release the component size was hard coded as 280 and would cause certain components to render larger than desired
      • "opcharts_gui_nodes_detail_component_size" this changes the size of the components in the node detail view.
      • Default is 280
  • Inventory view for concept interfaces shows enabled and disabled interfaces for collect.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue in opCharts where a large amount MongoDB connections were created and retained.
  • Fixed issue with node resources not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed issue in node resources title bar where the resource would show interface or no resource name at all.
  • Fixed issue where imported network maps were not auto fitting to the current screen size on load.
  • Fixed issue where resizing the screen would cause the inventory view buttons to disappear.
  • Fixed issue when editing dashboards and "Dashboard Component Height" input would not represent the true value.
  • Fixed issue where the inventory view "enabled" and "historic" buttons would have not honor show and hide both being un-selected.

opCharts 4.2.2

RELEASED  29th Jan 2021


  • Business Services Interfaces table can now be configured by the schema file "opCharts_business_services_interfaces.json"
  • Inventory search improvements
    • is now searchable in the GUI with iregex
    • is now searchable as a string match
  • LLDP Improvements
    • If NMIS9 has LLDP neighbor in its inventory opCharts will use its currently polled neighbors interface to show utilization and metadata
  • CDP Improvements
    • If NMIS9 has CDP neighbor in its inventory opCharts will use its currently polled neighbors interface to show utilization and metadata
  • Improved the panels in Business Services including a new Monitored Services Panel
  • If the Interface or Node Panel cannot find any performance or utilization data it will show "No Data" instead of rendering nothing
  • Business Services have improved rendering of panels into rows.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed update-subnet-dependancy throwing an error about not finding subnets.json, we have migrated this feature to use the internal cache database.

  • Fixed issue where the subnets cache would not expire old inventory.
  • Fixed issue with LLDP and CDP neighbors adding duplicates or not adding a neighbors at all.
  • Fixed a silent error in opCore with logging.
  • Various template enhancements.
  • Maps
    • Fixed issue in Maps when trying to use Cola Layout
    • Fixed issue with Maps not always obeying Zoom Lock.
    • Fixed issue when creating a map and it throwing an error about its preset layout.
    • Fixed issue with maps when the view would not center correctly once loaded.
    • Fixed issue with maps and the loading spinner not hiding.
    • Fixed issue with maps and the background image not stacking correctly.
    • Fixed issue with older imported maps from opCharts3 throwing warnings in the browsers console.
  • Panels
    • Node panels would not honor configuration item "opcharts_gui_display_node_ssh" on all views.
    • Fixed issue where node panels would not honor "opcharts_gui_node_panel_display".
    • Fixed issue with not panels when set as KPI and not using NMIS9 weights, this will fix the issue with colored by levels.
    • Fixed issue where the string would not be shortened on interface panels.
  • Fixed Potential DB connection leak.
  • Fixed issue with node resource api not using the UUID correctly.
  • Fixed issue with our api controller not honoring fields_hash when pagination params are not passed.
  • Fixed issue with stacking and the CBQOS chart

Changes with Configuration Defaults

  • In the shipped opCommon.json file "opcharts_gui_node_panel_display" has changed from KPI to Resource

  • New config item "opcharts_gui_node_performance_button" see more on MSP features

opCharts 4.2.1

RELEASED 8 Dec 2020.


  • opCharts installer has automation to help upgrade from opCharts-3.x to opCharts-4.2.1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where updating the nodes will have inconsistent NMIS activation with nodes imported from nmis8 and having the property
  • Fixed issue introduced from opCharts-4.1.3 where bulk updating multiple nodes would try and fail to create new nodes instead of updating the selected nodes
  • Patched external lib which caused opCharts_a_external_packed.js to throw errors on a small subset of browsers.

opCharts 4.2.0

RELEASED  30 Sept 2020.

Upgrade Notes

The new upcoming release of opCharts 4 will work on Opmantek's latest and fastest platform, however, the currently installed products are incompatible with this upgrade. 
To find out more about this upgrade please read: Upgrading Opmantek Applications

opCharts 4.1.3


Released 4th August

  • Fixed an issue where certain node resources will not show while viewing a node.
  • Added a warning on the nodes table view and default dashboard view if you have not set omkd_url_base or opcharts_url_base in opCommon.json
    • This only shows if the user has an admin role.

opCharts 4.1.2

Released 27th July 2020


  • Metrics and Health Component now works for RBAC users.
  • You can now create custom charts on the Primary with poller datasets
  • You can now search by regex in the node edit screen

Bug Fixes

  • Node resources now references the model as a source of truth in what to show, if you remove an item from the model it will not display in opCharts.
    • Removed the requirement with not using _raw in the model
  • Chart editor now supports negative number in the multiply field
  • SSH link in the nodes list view now correctly create the URI
  • Removed Topn link from the menu for RBAC users as this did not work

opCharts 4.1.1

Released 3rd July 2020

Bug Fixes

Fixed issue with inventory where the toolbar to change inventory never appeared.

opCharts 4.1.0

Released 25th June 2020 as General Release

(warning) This release requires updated licenses, please contact Opmantek Support to organise new licenses


All OMK configuration are now JSON, the processes to convert from NMIS configuration files to JSON is performed by the installer, click here for more details about JSON Configuration..

opCharts 4.0.14

Released 19th May 2020

opCharts 4.0.14 Release Notes

opCharts 4.0.13

March 19th, 2020

opCharts 4.0.13 Release Notes

opCharts 4.0.12

February 20th, 2020

opCharts 4.0.12 Release Notes

opCharts 4.0.10

Released 10th December 2019

opCharts 4.0.10 release notes

opCharts 4.0.9

Released October 31st, 2019

  • New Remote Data component to get JSON data from other services and display on dashboards.
    • This can be used to show data from other Opmnatek Applications APIS using our token authentication on
    • Example widget showing weather from the Gold Coast included
    • Documentation on creating remote data widgets
  • Fixed issue where clicking Full screen on a dashboard would fail to render.
  • Event History, change in logic to show the event is displayed
  • Fixed the Node api and versioned it to v2

opCharts 4.0.8 Beta

Released October 10th, 2019
opCharts 4.0.8 requires NMIS 9.0.8

  • The Metrics and Health component has been extended to group by any node configuration property.
    • This is set in opCommon.nmis opcharts_metric_summarise_by, you need to define an array of hashes, with key and name
    •     {
            'key' => 'group',
            'name' => 'Group'

    • If more than one selector is defined on the top left of the Metrics and Health component a dropdown is shown to change which confiuration item the nodes are grouped by.
    • Metrics and Health gauges are now rendered in one row which are scroll-able to the right.
    • Metrics and Health links now correctly affect the nodes filter when clicked.
    • Metrics and Health is now searchable on the currently selected column.
  • New Event History component which utilizes the NMIS9 events DB
    • For this to work in opCharts you need to set keep_event_history => 'true' in NMIS9 Config.nmis
    • Consideration should be given to the volume of data on the pollers and Primary and how much event history will be kept, by default NMIS9 will keep 7 days of event history which is configured in Config.nmis/purge_event_after (7*86400), if having problems viewing event history, reduce the number of days and purge the data.
    • This component replaces the old tail log event viewer but if you want to use the old component change opcharts_db_event_history to 0 in opCommon.nmis
    • Currently websockets are not enabled, this component is set to refresh period
  • Revised Events screen to utilize the new Event History component
  • Fixed issue where adding a group to a map would cause the node selection modal to appear
  • Fixed issue where the nodes interfaces panel which shows interfaces with oper status down would fail to render
  • Fixed issue where the nodes interface component would incorrectly show certain interfaces
  • Fixed issue where the node selector on the nodes screen will fail to render if a group name is numeric
  • Fixed issue where the TopN table text would not correctly space the table contents
  • Fixed issue where a node info panel would cause a 500 if the node does not exist

opCharts 4.0.7A Beta

Released August 29th, 2019
opCharts 4.0.7A requires NMIS 9.0.6

  • Fixed issue in the TopN Query where it would show no data for an nmis user

  • Improved TopN Performance

    • If you do not have the latest NMIS9 add 'opcharts_optimized_topn_query' => 0 to opCommon

    • If you user has all groups you could be shown reduced topn results if a node was in the topN in the last 15 minutes and has since been removed.
  • Fixed issue where Metrics and Health component on a dashboard would not scroll

  • Fixed bug that was failing to check permissions for a subnet.

opCharts 4.0.7 Beta

Released August 22th, 2019
opCharts 4.0.7 requires NMIS 9.0.6

  • Fix TopN query error in Primary servers with lots of data from the poller servers. The error was a MongoDB::DatabaseError: operation exceeded time limit.
  • New Admin function to set many user's default dashboard:
    • ./ act=import-user-dashboard name=dashboard-name users='user1, user2, ...'

  • Fixed changing the default dashboard for a user in the GUI. 
  • NMIS button works for non local servers now: Redirects to the NMIS node poller view. 
  • GUI improvements:
    • Fixed size in NMIS button (Nodes View) and set visible as default.
    • Improve view for long group names in Metrics and Health view, not overflowing.
    • Improve the view for long names in TopN table.
  • Support for watching monitored services graphs from the poller servers in the Primary. 
  • Fixed bug that prevented hiding ssh button in node info panel where it was disabled using opcharts_gui_display_node_ssh.
  • Fixed bug that was failing to check permissions for a subnet.

opCharts 4.0.6 Beta

Released July 19th, 2019
opCharts 4.0.6 requires NMIS 9.0.4

  • Metrics and Health component has been rewritten to support Primary and Poller, this is done over the whole active nodes collection on the current server.
    • When you have nodes from different pollers Gauges are used to shows the current groups Reachability
    • If you want to change which metric the gauge can display copy omk/lib/json/opCharts/components.d/nmis_network_health.json into omk/conf/components.d
      • change "gaugeDataSource" to one of the desired values
        • avg_available or avg_16_available
        • avg_health or avg_16_health
        • avg_reachable or avg_16_reachable
        • metric or metric_16
        • status
      • Change "gaugeTitle" to a desired title
    • In poller mode where only the current polled nodes are on the server Metrics and Health will show the current NMIS Network Health chart
  • Added "websocket_proxy_port" to opCommon, this can be used to override which port the web client should connect its web-socket to.
  • Node searching has been rewritten, now much faster.
    • You can search over the nodes
      • Name
      • Host
      • Group
  • Fixed issue where the Node list could not be exported to csv. Use opcharts_node_list_exporttocsv to configure which fields to export
  • Fixed issue where some pages would not resize correctly when hiding the sidebar
  • Fixed node panels KPI colouring by level.
  • View node on local NMIS now correctly uses the nmis9 URL defined in opCommon
  • Added View Nodes on poller, more can be found Here

opCharts 4.0.5 Beta

Released July 5th, 2019
opCharts 4.0.5 requires NMIS 9.0.3

  • Fixed issue where a node name is numeric fails to display in a geo map
  • When you are shipping poller logs to the Primary these can be displayed for the node my changing the config option 'opcharts_event_log_type' => 'poller_event_log' 
    • These logs are expected to be in the default NMIS9 directory for logs <nmis_logs>/poller_event.log 
    • NOTE: refer to Config.nmis for your setting of <nmis_logs>, it defaults to /usr/local/nmis9/logs/
  • If you wish to hide the event log widget for nodes you can set 'opcharts_gui_node_eventlog_display' => 'false'
  • Fixed issue where 'auth_default_groups' => 'all' would not allow access to 'all' group
    • Set auth_default_groups & auth_default_privilege in opCommon to use this feature.
  • Monitored services: This view will show monitored services from the poller nodes. 
  • Bug fix to show IP address and mask on inventory and interface list. 
  • Node panels now correctly show Health Kpi and Response Time
  • In an MSP environment and wish to hide popup notification errors to users bar users with administrator privileged use 'omk_gui_show_user_errors' => 'false'

opCharts 4.0.4 Beta

Released June 25th, 2019
opCharts 4.0.4 requires NMIS 9.0.2

  • Retry requests after error trying to get rrd graphs from poller nodes. New parameters on the configuration file were added:
    •     'opCharts_num_retry' => 3, (By default 3 times)
    •     'opCharts_connection_delay' => 5 (By default 5 seconds waiting between retries)
  • Subnets are now cached in the background, this is done by a NMIS9 plugin on install/upgrade, or can be found under install as
    • opcharts_subnet_cache_expire_time is how long they will live for
    • opcharts_subnet_cache_update_time is the minimum period the cache will run, as it happens after NMIS updates this stops the cache being run too frequently which can cause high load.
  • Subnet cache can be manually run with the opCharts CLI, with act=import-subnets
    • Using force=true will ignore opcharts_subnet_cache_update_time
  • Fixes in timing for how charts request data form the sever

opCharts 4.0.3 Beta

Released June 7th, 2019
opCharts 4.0.3 requires NMIS 9.0.1

  • Fixed issue where the node panel would not show the nodes name or group
  • Fixed issue where your preferences page would not load
  • You can now search for an ifIndex under Inventory → Interfaces
  • Fixed issue where node resources not backed by an rrd graph would be displayed
  • Fixed issue where a user who has been given groups to view could not use the node filter

opCharts 4.0.3 Beta

Released June 7th, 2019
opCharts 4.0.3 requires NMIS 9.0.1

  • Fixed issue where the node panel would not show the nodes name or group
  • Fixed issue where your preferences page would not load
  • You can now search for an ifIndex under Inventory → Interfaces
  • Fixed issue where node resources not backed by an rrd graph would be displayed
  • Fixed issue where a user who has been given groups to view could not use the node filter

opCharts 4.0.2 Beta

Released May 23, 2019
opCharts 4.0.2 requires NMIS 9.0.1

  • Hidden node resources which are appended by _raw
    • (warning) Note you cannot use _raw when naming a node resource with NMIS9
  • Fixed issue where node resources would overflow its panel
  • Fixed issue where a split graph vertical label would be undef
  • Searching Interfaces under inventory now use iregex
  • Ported opCharts3 Features to 4
    • Metrics and Health chart component and view
    • Event Log component
    • Improved Node search
    • RBAC fixes
    • Map performance improvements
    • Other Various bug fixes
  • Remove add to dashboard button for TopN, these can be added through Dashboard Components
  • No labels